Break Up

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Victoire's POV:

I frowned. Where is Teddy? And Kimberly? I turned to James. "Hey do you know where Kimberly and Teddy are?" I asked concerned. James shrugged. "No but I can help you look for them." James replied.

I didn't know at the time. But that day is the day my life changed. Me and James walked around asking anyone if they saw Teddy and Kimberly.

I walked over to Ally Hutchins, the bad girl of the school. James pulled me back. "Are you kidding Victiore? Ask Ally Hutchins? Are you crazy?" James asked. "They've been missing for an hour. I'm desperate." I snapped back.

James sighed. "Fine." He said. I tapped Ally's shoulder. "What do you want Weasley, Potter?" Ally snapped with a death glare. James whimpered under her fierce glare. 

"I was wondering if you had seen Teddy Lupin or Kimberly Chang?" I asked hopefully. Ally rolled her eyes. "There. Now leave me alone." Ally snapped pointing her finger in the direction of the Room Of Requirement.

I stepped inside. I heard moaning. "Mmm Teddy oh yes. Harder." Kimberly moaned. "Something you guys want to tell me?" I asked crossing my arms.

They jumped apart. "No babe. It isn't what it looks like." Teddy begged. "Oh really. I saw you two fucking. Am I wrong?" I asked. I was begging this was just some misunderstanding. That I had it all wrong.

Teddy looked down. Pathetic. He didn't even deny it. I slapped him as hard as I could across the face. "WE'RE OVER YOU ASSHOLE!" I yelled storming out.

I ran outside to the Shrieking Shack. I sobbed hard. How could Teddy do this to me? How could Kimberley do this to me? I thought we were friends. I guess I was too naive to see what was going on in front of me.

I felt so stupid. How didn't I notice? That was the start to this shitty year. My 6th year of Hogwarts. What a fucking wonderful start, hey?   

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