1. lights out☽

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book jacket credit: imsoextra-

When the moon is full, it begins to wane.

Japanese saying


I was out of it. Completely out of it.

I didn't know if it had to do with it being the last day of school, or maybe I overworked myself last night at Cy's (a burger place I worked at after school). But one thing I did know for sure, was that something didn't feel right.

For instance, my mom had to wake me up this morning. No one ever had to wake me up in the morning; I'm somewhat punctual.

Another thing, I didn't go for my morning run--I'd missed it. And you know, I was a runner, a person who loved to run. I even did track. So...what gives?

My sister Samantha, who was into reading things such as the stars and moons and all that mumbo jumbo, told me that my zodiac sign might've been in some house, or going over Saturn...? I really didn't know what she was talking about during breakfast. If all, I kinda blocked her out while eating my toast—and already running late, I didn't want to actually be late for school listening to her ramble about stars and signs; basically just stupid stuff.

Oh, and my girlfriend broke up with me, via text.

I should've seen it coming, considering we had a really bad argument last week, and she told me I had been acting weird. But she'd been acting pretty "lunar" herself, as well.

A couple days ago...

"Bree," I said, "Just answer my question. Please?"

"Why are you acting so weird?" She responded, "Is it because of what I said the other day?"

I looked at her quizzically.

"What did you say the other day?"

"Nothing..." She didn't make eye contact with me. "Besides, I forgot what I even said."

Whatever, I thought.

It'd been like that for awhile. My relationship with Bree had.

I didn't know why things had become awkward between us, but my guess was she thought I was going crazy.

Why she thought so, I didn't know why exactly.

Well, maybe I did.

2 weeks before that conversation took place...

Bree and I were at her locker.

She was telling me all about how her older brother's fiancee's wedding dress was "hideous looking".

"Bade, you should've seen it," she stressed, "the dress was red, and---I can't even."

"Why didn't she go for normal white?"

"Kelsi isn't normal."

She then continued on about what kind of wedding dress she wanted, and this time I didn't even try to pay attention; I was only half-listening.

That's when I saw her, again.

We never spoke.

I never thought to say anything to her, even though I'm positive we had Chemistry together.

I hadn't told anybody this, but for some reason I found myself staring at her, and I never thought about the reason of what made me stare at her.

She must've felt my eyes, cuz she looked up and our eyes met.

I was familiar with making awkward eye contact with people.

And so I knew.

I knew that I just wasn't making awkward eye contact with this girl. Perhaps there was something between us I couldn't comprehend at all or know.

"Bade, are you listening?"

The moment was gone.

Bree looked super-annoyed and her arms were crossed.

"I was listening," I answered dumbly. "What makes you think I wasn't listening?"

Bree was speaking again, but I didn't hear her answer. Honestly, it was because at that moment she walked by, and I glanced at her again.

Although our eyes hadn't met, I had a feeling she still looked my way after walking past me.

"Ugh, I'm done!"

I snapped out of the trance and realized Bree was walking away from me.

Sad enough, I didn't go after her.


Back to a couple days ago... 

That was only one instant I had remembered.

I'm sure there was more, but I didn't have the energy to recall more of the moments.

"Bree, have I been acting weird?" I still had to ask my girl friend that.

She was an honest person.

Bree shook her head. "I'm not answering that. Give me a break."

So, the answer was yes.

"I have been acting weird."

"I didn't say that." She looked at me, with a little concern in her eye. "Bade, you just aren't you anymore."



Maybe, I wasn't me anymore.

Slowly, my stability was slipping. But I hadn't known that.

After I parked my car, I ran to the school entrance. Today was the last day of school, so, Principal Benjamin could cut me some slack, like any teacher or anyone part of the school staff would do.

"So, I'm saying to Sally, honey we aren't going to be experiencing  a power outage. But she keeps on with 'Ben we gotta get ready for it! We gotta get ready for it!"

Principal Benjamin had been talking on the phone when I entered his office.

He motioned for me to sit down.

"Hey, Greg, I gotta go. Yeah, yeah, me and Sally will come to you and Chey's anniversary party. Wouldn't miss it!"

Once he got off the phone, he looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "What are you doing here Mr Sommers, you're never late."

I sighed and smiled weakly. "My alarm didn't wake me up like it usually does, or should."

He then nodded as though he understood. But he kind of frowned a little bit after. "Bade, whatever it is, I hope being tardy won't start being normal, especially next year. When you're a senior."

"What makes you think I'll start exhibiting this behavior next year...my alarm clock didn't wake me is all."

"Don't get cross with me boy!" He pointed his finger at me in an accusatory way. "You may be one of our school's track stars, and perhaps even one of our star students! But don't speak that way to me!"

I could only stare at Warner High School's principal blankly. How could the principal go from cool conversationalist on the phone to wack ass-suddenly-angry guy?

He continued. "You're getting detention today, for your mouth!"

"But I didn't do anything..." I said assertively. "I don't mean any disrespect."

Principal Benjamin handed me a pink slip, and shooed me out the room.


"He seriously chose to act like an asshat?" My best friend Lars asked me in fifth period Calculus. "I swear Benjamin is some lunatic in disguise. Maybe even bipolar."

I shrugged. "He thought I was talking back to him. And I wasn't."

Lars laughed, and punched me on the arm. "He's a total bastard. That's all I can say."

He then asked me. "So, why the breakup between you and Bree?"

I thought to change the subject, and that was the very thing I was going to do. But then the lights turned off.

:: :: ::


Yes, I'm talking to YOU silent readers.

I reply to feedback.

5 Questions:

Why do you think Bade has been feeling weird, lately?

Besides Bade's shift mood, do think Bree broke up with him for another reason?

Was there an any "significance" to the look shared between Bade and Solaris?

Do you think that principal Benjamin was overreacting? Or was doing more than overreacting?

Will school let-out early, due to the power going off?

A/N: Dont forget to check out our two COMPLETED stories:

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