8. why do you run ?☼

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"Do you ever think of me when you look up at the moon and the stars? When you look into the horizon as the sun sets? We're looking at the same sun, and the stars may burn brighter where you are, but I can't see them, and they're still there. I spend nights trying to see the stars that you see, but I end up seeing you in the stars instead."

Karen Quan


I wasn't expecting to be in Bade's arms when I woke up to bright early sunlight.

I was for certain nothing happened between us, and I trusted Bade. Besides, I remembered some things that went on last night, such as taking my first hit, drinking a can of beer, and the first kiss Bade and I shared.

I blushed a little at the thought of our kiss.

Music played from upstairs.

The artist didn't sound very familiar.

Whose house were we in again?

I turned my head to look at Bade, and couldn't help get this warm and fuzzy feeling inside.

Bade Sommers was a guy that would always pass me by at school, and because of that, it never seemed possible we would cross paths.

He wasn't really a negative guy, nor was he anybody you wanted to hate. He was very nice, and very forgiving. And for that, I hoped we could still be friends. I wasn't pushing for an actual relationship. We simply hung out all day yesterday, and shared a kiss.

I laughed a little and sat up on the floor. Maybe, I could bring back breakfast, and perhaps even check to see if the power was back on. None of the lights were turned on down here, nor did I feel any A/C.

I walked up the steps and opened the door. I found myself in a living area, and a guy sat on the couch with a girl who wore a graphic tee, checkered skinny jeans, and Doc Martens. She smiled when she saw me.

"Lars, you didn't tell me about her coming over."

The guy whose hair was a blonde, looked at me quizzically. "I've never seen that girl in my life." He then cringed slightly, and pressed his hand to his forehead. "I'm never drinking again."

"I'm Solaris," I said, "I came here with Bade."

Lars face then immediately lit up in realization. "Oh, yeah. I know who she is. You're Bade's girlfriend." He turned to the girl sitting beside him. "Zinny, that's who she is. Bade's girlfriend."

Zinny chuckled, and then waved at me. "Oh, okay Lars. Well, it's nice to meet you Solaris. I'm Zinny by the way."

I waved back. "Hi. Um, I'm not Bade's girlfriend. I'm just a friend."

Zinny and Lars nodded. "Okay," he said with a shrug. "I just thought..."

I looked around the living room and saw that the TV was on. The show that was playing on the TV was Reba. "So, the power's back on?" I asked cooly.

Zinny nodded. "At exactly 7:30 am the power came back on. I was eating breakfast, when my mother got the message on her phone."

I tried to not look disappointed.

The question is, why did I think to feel so dejected? The power was back on, and I could finally use my phone to call Mom, and I could go back to the normalcy of my life.

Yet, just as I was told the power had come back on. I didn't feel the need to go back down to the the basement to tell Bade I was leaving. I mean, all we did yesterday was hang out together. The kiss didn't mean anything, nor did our day together.

I was going back to my house. To face whatever my stepdad had in store for me today, and the lectures I would receive from Mom and my step dad both.

"You don't want to stay and hang out with us?" Lars asked me. "We were going to go this one Pancake house in Andersville. I'm sure Bade would be happy to see you too."

Zinny nodded, agreeing with the guy beside her. "Yeah. I mean, it'd be cool if you came along."

"It's okay." I rubbed my arm, and stared at the floor awkwardly. "Thanks for the offer. Um, I'll be going."

I opened the front door, and walked out the house feeling like I forgot something.

I couldn't believe what Mom was telling me. Of course it was something I'd been wanting to hear for aeons, but it was a big surprise now. Especially when I thought I'd never hear what she was telling me now.

"So, we're leaving?" I asked. "What about packing, and saying goodbye to friends and neighbors?"

Mom gave me an apologetic look. She then closed her eyes and let out a faint sigh. "Solaris, I'm sorry. But the best time to go would be now. He's at work right now."

I looked at my phone. I wish I had Bade's phone number.

"Can I go and visit a friend, and tell them bye?"

Mom didn't say anything at first. When she did finally say something she told me, "Solaris, if you don't have any thing you care to take with you or anything to pack, yeah, sure."

She sounded irritated.

I immediately got to packing, and didn't really think of anything. I was only focused on what I was putting in my suitcase.

"So, before deciding to quit track. Why did you join before ever wanting to make this decision?" I asked Bade.

He set his can of beer down, and looked to be thinking.

I studied his face. Trying to figure out whether or not he was uncomfortable because of my question.

He didn't seem to be so.

"I love to run. Forget about track. Because running is what I love to do."

"Then why give up track?"

He looked at me. "Cause that's where the passion ends."

"Why do you run then?"

He smiled. "Why do you look at the moon and stars?"

"Because it's something I love to do."

He winked at me. "See."


Yes, I'm talking to YOU silent readers.

I reply to feedback.

5 Questions:

☼ How do you feel about the power burning back on?

☼ Do you think Solaris should've left?

☼ How do you think Bade will feel when he wakes up?

☼ Why do you think Lars thought Solaris and Bade were dating?

☼ Will Bade and Solaris ever see each other again?


A/N: Don't forget to check out our two COMPLETED stories:

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