Chapter 2

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Sapstar- A dark ginger-brown she-cat with amber  eyes

Littlewing- A silver tom with white tabby markings and green eyes

Medicine Cat:
Fernvine- A gray tom with a white strip down spine and dark green eyes


Gorsefoot- A pale orange tom with white feet and yellow eyes

Treescar- A dark brown she-cat with green eyes and a long scratch on shoulder after falling out of tree as an apprentice

Wadetide- blue-gray tom with lighter stripes and green eyes

Reedfoot- An orange-red tom with tan chest and underbelly and yellow eyes

Bayshore- pale yellow tom with ocean-blue eyes, formally of RiverClan

Badgerwish- Black she-cat with white badger-like markings and northern light colored eyes

Appletree- tan tom with green eyes
Gingerfur- ginger she-cat with white paws and brown eyes
FATHER: Littlewing KITS:
Silverkit- silver tabby she-cat with brown eyes and Garlickit- ginger tom with white paws and green eyes

Birchfur- light brown she-cat with life green eyes
FATHER: Foxtuft KITS: Shrewkit- a light brown-orange tom with green eyes, Dewkit- very light brown she-cat with a black chest and mask with yellow eyes, Thrushkit- light brown tom with yellow eyes, Rainkit- pale gray she-cat with green eyes, Gorsekit- a pale orange-red tom with green eyes, and Willowkit- light brown she-cat with black fox markings and green eyes

Featherstorm- A silver she-cat with white splotches and sky blue eyes

Breezeface- A black she-cat with a white mask marking on face and green eyes

Duskstar- dark brown tom with brown eyes

Toadfang- dark gray-green tom with lighter speckles, toad-green eyes.

Medicine Cat:
Rockwing- dark gray tom with green eyes
APPRENTICE: Tinypetal- small tan she-cat with brown spots and amber eyes

Troutstar- tan tom with white splotches and yellow eyes

Hollowstream- light brown she-cat with dale blue-gray markings and pale blue eyes


Dewclaw- Silver she-cat with misty blue eyes

Addersnap- orange-red tom with amber eyes and golden stripes

Medicine Cat:
Minnowheart- Pale tan She-cat with green eyes
APPRENTICE: Bankpaw- light brown tom with pale sand-yellow spots and brown

Runningstar- Light tan She-cat with brown-red stripes and amber eyes

Swiftclaw- White tom with black stripes and yellow eyes

Medicine Cat:
Hollowleaf- pale brown she-cat with green eyes
APPRENTICE: Marshpaw- dale gray tom with lighter flecks and marsh-green eyes

Badgerwish padded through a densely undergrowthed path in a densely leafed forest.
  "Welcome, Badger," Badgerwish looked at the orange tom in front of her.
  "Flare!" She mewed.
The tom nodded. "Are you ready for your second trial?"
Badgerwish nodded and took a deep breath.
"Then enter my memories," Flare mewed.
Remembering what Flint taught her, and placed her muzzle in Flares shoulder and sniffed. "Rabbit," she murmured.
'M-mom, d-dad?' Badgerwish looked at the two limp bodies in front of her.
The scene changed.
She gulped. In front of her was Flint and Smoke.
'We should kill him! His parents killed our parents!' Smoke yowled.
'If we kill him we'd only sink as low as his parents!' Flint growled.
The scene changed.
Badgerwish chases a squirrel. A bark sounded near. She jerked her head up.
A dog!
A strange she-cat Badgerwish recognized as Milk ran just out of its reach. She sprang after her. As she reached she leapt onto the dog's back and bit down.
'Leave her alone!' Badgerwish growled in Flare's voice.
The dog twisted and she leapt, but too slow. The dog bit down on her hind leg and she yowled in pain. She turned and slashed the dog's nose, it dropped her. She tried to stand, but her leg faltered. The dog was going down to bite down on her spine. Suddenly Milk streaked in front of her and slashed the dog's muzzle, giving Badgerwish time to stand, keeping her weight off her injured leg.
It changed.
Badgerwish laid as Flint tended to his and Milk's wounds.
Badgerwishwas back in the forest. A growl sounded to the side. She turned her head to see a fox chasing after a stranger she-cat. Badgerwish hurried forward to help.
The fox yowled in pain as Badgerwish gripped its leg in her teeth. The fox spin around, quick as a snake, and bit down on her tail. The other she-cat streaked forward and bit onto the fox's back. The fox let go and disappeared along with the she-cat, replaced with Flare.
"Congratulations, you have passed the second trial," He mewed.

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