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( Avni and Ali are shocked to see Neil at the cabin doorstep......)

AVNI: (angrily) : Darwaza knock karke ana ..tammez kehlatha hai Neil....

NEIL: Badtameez sa dil hai.....maane na......kya kar sakthe hai......(moving towards Ali and putting hand on his shoulder) Ali dear brother....its a very big chance....please don't leave it.....(he smiles) ...You go and have a coffee and think about it with a clear mind.....ok na.....I am telling the truth....Think about what Avni is saying....She is never wrong....what ever she is doing na....she is doing for everyone's good.....(he patts Ali's shoulder and smiles...)  

ALI: (nervously): Par bhai....I still need some time yaar....

NEIl : So now you go ...have a coffee and think with a cool mind...go...and don't miss it...(Ali smiles and leaves...)

(Neil turns towards Avni ...both glare at each other....)

NEIL : (angrily) So ....the person who came to meet us yesterday...was not our college Avni....but she was a company's CEO....correct....(angrily) ..jaha talent dikha ...apne fayadhe ke liya utha liya.....Correct......Chahe uus ke liye do dosthon ko allag hei karna padhe........tum rahi na wahi ki wahi mathlabhi....khoodgarzz....lalchi........Correct....

AVNI:( in anger) Incorrect.....I just wanna bring Ali's talent in front of the don't give yourself so much importance......that you feel that all my decisions are connected to you....Whatever I did ....I did it for Ali......

NEIL : (in anger)...Ali.....(he laughs sarcastically) wanna do something for Ali right ....good.......But when the same Ali was roaming around after college for an year  ....Where were you that time........That time you couldn't see his talent ahhh.....but now ...when he is already working with me in my band.....and his talent is also seen by people.....and he is already a star.....But now suddenly you saw his talent ahhhh.......(he laughs )...Baby you are giving me importance.....not me .....(in anger)....I know you wanna finish  my band. naaaa......and you also wanna take the fates of all my closed ones in your hand naa......

AVNI :(in anger): I don't have the habit of playing with others fates Neil......but maybe that is only your hobby.....because you think that whenever you open your eyes na......that time only sun feel that you only made made this made Ali ....and me feel na that  I am also here only due to your dad's given 2 crore alimony right......You think you only made everything....You are tho god na......

NEIL :(laughs) Are you asking me or telling me.....

AVNI : (in anger): I am asking that God...who is making others  lives...didnt he  forget that who had made his life.......

NEIL:(confused): What you you wanna say....

AVNI :( in anger shouts): Sir Elton De Souza.....Do you remember the name.....or did you forget.......did you forget the person who made you hold a guitar.....did you forget the person who taught you music......did you forget the person...because of whom are what you are today ...and your standing here because of him....(Neil is stunned by what Avni is saying...he has a different emotion in his eyes..)

NEIL: (tensed and scared): What happened to Elton sir.......

AVNI :(with tears says sadly): Neil....Elton sir left this world forever last week......(Neil is shocked)...and do you know what was his last wish......Once...only once he wanted to meet you.....But guess what ....Us guru ko apne shishy ko milne ka appointment hi nahi mila......(Neil has tears in his eyes..)...(Avni shouts at him with tears in her eyes)...But no problem.....this god(implying Neil).....has so many followers.....what will happen if you forgot one.....(she leaves from there.......)

( Neil is shocked.....He is having tears in his eyes....)


( Neil comes to the cemetery...)

( He sees Elton Sir's tomb...with his name on it ....he also sees..." Music is to the soul what words are to the mind"......written on his tomb....He moves towards the tomb...Caresses it lovingly.....Suddenly he breaks down crying badly.......)


( Neil is seen talking to an elderly her home)

LADY : You were not here....But Elton would never feel  far from you.....He always used to be very proud of you.... Whenever he used to hear your name...or see you on TV.....he used to be very happy.....You know what...till now he didn't miss one episode of you show....even he saw your show the night he left us too......(Neil has tears in his eyes feeling guilty)...(the lady cries).....He always used to say that ...his name would always be alive after he is gone also......Neil will keep him alive......He would think about you a lot......only one thing is he wanted to meet you once......we tried a lot...but maybe your old number changed couldn't contact you......I even called in your office...but none cared.....One day Elton was not feeling we went to hospital.....there we met Avni...she had come along with her mom....for her mom's check up.....From that day onwards....she took lot of care of us.....every weekend she used to come to your house....she never let us feel the worry of money.....she was always with us....(neil feels guilty)...You don't be tensed....its ok...what happened if you didn't come....avni was there naaa.....both are one only naa.....You know what Elton used to say....he used to say that Neil has become a very big person now....what work I wasn't able to do....he did it...and made me proud....(Neil couldn't take the guilt anyone....he was having an emotional breakdown....)

NEIL:(stammering): Can I get of water please....(she goes to get water)

( Till she comes with a glass of water ...she doesn't find Neil there...she finds a letter with money on the table....she takes it and reads....)

IN LETTER :(Neil): Maam....I am feeling very guilty and ashamed on myself.....that is why I am leaving like this putting this money here......please don't misunderstand me......whatever I am today only because of sir......I am leaving my number on this letter.....And I also promise you that you don't need to only see me on TV....You will always find me with you.....because even after promising Sir ...I couldn't take care of him.....Yours.....Neil......( 9876546554)....(she cries reading the letter....)


( Neil is seen driving his car......He is crying and driving.....)

( Neil recollects his encounters with Elton sir......He remembers the first time he met him.....)


( In a musical instruments shop...Elton is showing the demo of a guitar to a customer by playing it.....Suddenly he sees a cute boy around 10 years playing the drums in his shop sinking with the instrument he is playing.....He keeps playing the guitar.....while the boys keeps playing drums sinking with his tunes.....As the song is over ...All the people in the shop clap...)

(Elton moves toward the young boy )

ELTON: That was brilliant young boy....What is your name....

( Swetha comes from back and says)

SWETHA: Neil.....

ELTON: Let me tell you maam....your son is really very talented.....If he is properly trained...I am sure that he will reach great heights in music field........(Swetha feels happy)

SWETHA : Actually that is why I brought him saw him just now na....he quickly caught your beat while you were playing......(Elton smiles)...Sir please...will you please teach him playing guitar.....(he is confused..)...sir what ever fees is there ...we will pay it sir ....

ELTON: I am really sorry maam...but music is just my passion not business....

SWETHA : Sir please...he is a small kid...and he really has so much interest with all his heart to learn Music.....

ELTON : I am really sorry maam.....

(Elton starts to leave ...when a cute Neil catches his hand and says...)

NEIL : Please sir......( Elton smiles at him)

( Then its seen Elton teaching a 10 year old Neil music....he teaches him playing different type of instruments and Neil learns them with all his heart and soul....)

( One day Prakash sees Neil's report card....He gets very angry seeing his very less marks...he confronts Elton on this.....)

PRAKASH :(to Elton ..showing Neil's report card angrily says): See this....See your student has passed only by grace marks......( swetha and Neil keep seeing him scared)....After few years when he doesnt get admission in college....that time will principal ask him saying beta once play guitar.....( To swetha)...and had so much passion to teach your son  music see his  report card......see it....if this is the case na.....very soon our son will be seen with his guruji on the streets.....playing instruments.....

ELTON: Excuse me sir.....I am really sorry sir...but you have to encourage your son's talent sir ....who knows one day ...he might have guitar in one hand and a pen in sign autographs for others....

PRAKASH:(laughs sarcastically): tell many autographs do you sign in one day Mr genius.....(Neil keeps crying seeing prakash in anger...)

ELTON: sir I don't do that....but you will do na....Sir believe me sir.....Neil will also become a genius like you....the only difference will be that you will be seen in office and he in some studio.......

PRAKASH: This.... only time will tell.....Right now you please leave this house.....and even from my son's life tooo......did you understand....

ELTON: (he laughs sadly) Yes sir...thank you....But before I leave I just wanna say that you can remove a teacher from a student's life....but not his talent......Ek not only in stories..but they are also in real life Mr Prakash Khanna.....

PRAKASH: Is it over....Now you can leave ...(parkash goes from there...)

(a Young  Neil keeps crying.....)



( Neil is again in the cemetery....he is in front of Elton's tomb....and he is crying vigorously....joining his hands.......he hugs his tomb and cries remembering him......)


( Its night....Neil enters the office....Nobody is there in the office...he has a tear stricken face....his eyes are blood red.....He is still broken .....He goes towards the studio room......he takes his guitar....He starts playing it with a different emotion...He keeps crying....He remembers Elton he used to teach him music secretly with the help of Swetha  even after Prakash told him to get out......He remember all his teachings......He remembers his sayings...." Neil...we should hold the guitar like this....dil ke karreb....dil se music nikaltha hai.....Music sirf instrument mein nahi zindigi ke har lamha....har cheez mein hotha hai....."....He recollects that....He puts his guitar close to himself and starts playing it .....He plays it with full passion......Tears keeps rolling from his eyes......)

( It is shown that Avni is still in office.....she sees Neil playing guitar and crying......she also has tears in her eyes....she feel bad seeing him like that......she just keeps staring at him with tears in her eyes......)


 ( Neil stops playing ....he sees someone fowarding him a coffee cup......He sees the person....It is Avni....)

AVNI : (caring) take this......( he sees her and keeps crying)....You will feel better....

( He takes the cup from her hand silently....places it on the table beside....)

( Avni also has tears seeing him....Suddenly Avni feels weight on her shoulder......She sees Neil hugging her and crying like a baby...he completely breaks down........She also cries seeing him like that....She doesnt understand what to do......She hugs him and consoles him.......)

( Neil realises what he is doing and breaks the hug......he turns his back to her not wanting to face her........Avni sees him and she also realises what just happened ...She leaves the studio with tears......)

( Avni goes to her cabin.....She sits on her chair.....closes her eyes thinking about Neil....and the way he broke down......Suddenly she hears her cabin door opening.....She sees Neil there....)

NEIL:(politely and sadly..with guilt .): I am sorry...I again came without knocking.....Can I please sit....(Avni nods).....(Neil sits in front of her...).....

NEIL: (politely and sadly..with guilt .): I have committed a grave and big  mistake.......I couldn't take care of the person who gave me a life in the form of music......But whatever you did for Elton sir.... its a big favour on me......Thank you so much......Even you know that you are the last person I would want to take any favour from......That much I don't like you......But whatever you have done for Elton sir......thats nothing less than a favour for me......which I cant even repay you ever.......But I will try......Thanks again for everything.....(tears keep rolling from his eyes....he gets up and leaves....)

( Avni just looks on.....having tears.....)





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