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NEIL:(Still recording.) So friends....This show was a journey for me...The journey for me to reach your houses and hearts from this studio...But let the journey be how much ever beautiful.....but one day all this ends....(all are confused what Neil is saying)...Sometimes we reach our dreams but sometimes we are halfway..And sometimes situations tend to make you give up....So this is my last song on this show..... ...(All are shocked......) ....So I am leaving this job..this channel and this company ....(He says smiling...)...But we will meet soon....We will surely continue this journey through another medium....we will meet for sure and be together for sure.....till then goodbye.....Love you all.....

(All are shocked and dumbstuck ......while Neil and Avni are glaring each other....)

(Satish starts coughing in tension and starts going towards to the recording studio....)

(Satish enters the studio...)

SATISH: (in anger..): Stop this recording right now....(he shouts and moves towards Neil...) What's the problem Neil...What happened....That's why you were calling me Satish sir right....Neil see if you have any problem please tell me...Arey what are you doing.....are you taking drugs or what....(Neil stays silent and keeps smiling...)

LOVLENE: (comes to the studio ) Guys!! Switch off the camera....All of you go out...(she tells to the technicians) (All leave except Neil, Lovelene, Avni  and Satish..)

LOVLENE : (goes towards Neil and Satish) Mr Sahini you please come with me ....I want to talk to you....(She pulls Satish and takes him to one side).....I think that you have to talk to Neil privately ....Please Mr Sahini .....(Neil keeps smirking at Avni ....)...Now go....(lovlene leaves)

SATISH:(Goes towards Neil)... See Neil...My dear Jaan ....Please try to understand...I don't get that much blast of TRP from all my other shows than you made this blast right now....Arey Yaar we are family....we are like brothers yaar....Arey You wont talk to your elder brother ahh....If something happens in a family they talk and sort it out...So you please say....

NEIL: This is the only problem Satish sir, that I am not a family type of guy....

SATISH: Just shut up...Dont talk all nonsense...And please stop calling me Satish Sir....arey I am your Satthu yaar...What is this Satish sir...And listen to me carefully....Your not supposed to go anywhere....(he starts leaving ...when Neil pulls him and wraps his hands around his neck..)

NEIL: Satish Sir ....In this world na there is an expiry date for everything.....But the only difference is that it's written on few things and not on a few (says seeing Avni)  ....

SATISH : But you know relations don't have any expiry date...

NEIL: Relations...those are things that first break Satish Sir...(says looking at Avni...)....You might have listened to this old Bollywood song na..."Zindigi ka safar hai suhana , kab kiski laga dhe kis ne jana "....(Neil moves towards Avni)....So Sir enough.... I told you na my journey is over....(Neil and Avni keep glaring each other)

SATISH: (moving towards Neil) See yaar ....I don't know about this journey and all.....I am a simple businessman and I love  you yaar.....

NEIL: (turning towards satish) This the problem na Satish Sir is none of my business....and there is a lot of business going on here(says looking at Avni)..(To Avni ).Let it be....Best wishes to you ma'am ....I know you will easily find many Neil's....and I think good luck to me as well ....because I think I would find a small job quite easily...(smiles..)...The journey keeps going on...So Neil resigns...(he smirks...Avni keeps glaring...Satish is shocked...)

SATISH: Avniji see what is he saying....Why are you silent...Why aren't you saying anything...Please make him understand....

AVNI: Is this your final decision Neil.....(glaring at him)

NEIL: Yes it is(he smiles)

AVNI: Ok Mr Neil Khanna resignation accepted....(says with attitude..)....It was a pleasure having you at Groove....I will make your papers ready...(Both keep glaring at each other....while satish is shocked..)...

SATISH: Avniji you please go to your cabin....I will come there....You please go Avniji....(Avni leaves and goes to her cabin..)

NEIL: Can I take few empty cartons from your office .......Actually, I have to do packing na Satish Sir....

SATISH: You go and see from can't go anywhere....(Satish leaves and goes out where all employees are eagerly waiting to see what is happening...)

SATISH:Riya...Riya...(to all) What is happening here ...why all are standing here...go and do your works...(all leave). (satish goes to Lovlene and Riya)....lovlene riya ...what is happening here...This person should not leave from here....listen to me carefully....He is asking for some boxes and cartons.....Dont give him anything  ....I will be back....(He goes)....


(Satish goes to Avni's cabin)

SATISH: Avniji.....What is happening can you accept Neil's resignation....(he laughs) can you do that....See please try to understand....many times in business we have to call a donkey as our uncle....but Neil is a horse that too a top quality horse....See Avniji in how much time you fire him that much time other companies will hire him...Please try to understand...

AVNI: Sahini Sir....I did not fire Neil...He wants to go by his own will....

SATISH: Thats what Avniji...I am trying to make you understand....See you changed the show time na....I think he felt bad because of it....Avniji you don't know about his popularity....He is very popular...people go crazy for him....Avniji we will do one thing we will change back the show timings....See I know that he is a little bit crack ...but crack people are the only genius....Avniji change back the show timings...(Avni gets irritated by his talks...)

AVNI: Sir the whole channel cant be run by one person.... Tomorrow that crack genius person will tell you to do belly dance on the show or else he will leave...Will you do that...(she start leaving)

SATISH: (thinking) belly dance....(he goes behind Avni)

SATISH: Avniji ...please wait...Once listen to me.....See try to understand ...Why will he do that...He very smart and intelligent, he knows that I have a belly but I don't have dance.....simple....

AVNI: Sir that was just an example, Sir....Sir, we took few decisions for the benefit of the country ....If we change those for Neil...It would give a wrong message....

SATISH :See Avniji...thats what I am trying to make you understand that...If Neil is there then only company is there..If there is no Neil...The advertisers will break their deals ....Arey he is the company's Jaan ...So when there is no channel only ..what strategies will we make...

AVNI : Sir I think that you are not my boss but it's Neil's craziness.....Sir if you don't have faith in my decisions then....

SATISH: Then.....

AVNI : I have to resign....(satish laughs)

SATISH :(laughing) Resign....hahah. you resign ..he resigns...I resign...We will do one thing I will open a CD factory...Should I open a CD factory...(Jawahar the punne comes inside with coffee in his hands)

JAWAHAR: Sirrrrrr......

SATISH: what is it...

JAWAHAR : Green tea......Lovlene madam has sent it for you....

SATISH :So go and tell Lovlene madam to jump in that green tea and drink it....Go from here...I don't want anything...(jawahar was  about to leave when he hears Satish...)

SATISH : Avniji I am talking about a solution ....and you are talking about resignation ...(Jawahar hears this smiles and leaves....)

AVNI : Sir I believe in one thing...

SATISH: say say go on...

AVNI : That it's very important for my boss to trust in my decisions...And where there is no trust I am not there....Whatever you want to decide you can..... but remember one thing that I will not stop Neil nor I will change my decision....(poor soul Satish is shocked)


( In the Office hall)

JAWAHAR : (shouting to everyone) Breaking News!..... Breaking News.... Breaking News!!!.....(he acts like talking on mike)..Namaskar...This is Groove channel news...I am Jawahar and I am about to upload breaking news....Avni Madam has spoken about her resignation in anger.....

(Riya is shocked....)

RIYA : Resign....What is happening in this office....


(In Neil's cabin)

(Neil is packing all his things in a box and Ali is sitting there silently...)

NEIL : Yaar I don't understand one thing....What are you stressed on....I already showed you a live demo on who and what we are.....But still if you don't believe me na....See I am switching off my mobile....See how many calls I will get in 15 minutes.....And till you reach home na all the news channels will give confirmation about my offers from new music channels......(Ali ignores and sits like that only).....Are you showing me attitude...

ALI : Yaar Neil why do you take everything to the extreme yaar....

NEIL : Extreme ahh...Extreme...What do you think I should bow down in front of her....(Avni enters the cabin)...(Both keep glaring)....

NEIL : 15 minutes before....If you have come to this cabin like this only na ...I would have caught your hand and thrown you out.....Because I don't allow anyone into my cabin....and now I am leaving ...So it's all yours baby..... (he smirks..)

AVNI:(with attitude): If I would have come 15 minutes back...I would have knocked and entered...because going into anyone's cabin like that is not my habit...But well ... you're leaving sooooo.....Anyway...(she looks at Ali..)

ALI : I will go get a coffee...See you guys...(he leaves leaving them alone..)

AVNI : (Moves towards Neil with some papers in her hand)...: These are Gratitude and PF forms and some other documents....When you join a new place they will be helpful....(she throws them on the table) .(both keep glaring each other...)..

AVNI : (seeing the way he is packing). Offo ran away so many times...But I thought by running away always, you would have learnt packing easily ....Actually no ....packing is done by those who plan and go right ...(he glares at avni)...(she laughs)...But you are a coward ....You run away with your stubbornness and always open your mouth with fear and run away right.....(he stares at her angrily..)...If I am not wrong few years back also you ran away like this only right....(she was wantedly raising his male ego)

NEIL : (angrily) Hey hello.....What ...what do you wanna prove to me haaaa.....Whatever MBA degree knowledge and experience  you have by working in small companies na...All tour attitude will go to hell...Where ever your standing right now na I am the driver and engine....alright...3 days....3 days run this channel without me and show me......challenge...(Avni laughs)

AVNI : 3 days....I have lived without you for 3 years Neil.....What is this company in front of that....(he glares at her)..(she laughs)..I have been proved wrong once again in my life Neil....The first time was when I married you...and the second time is now.....when I came back thinking that maybe Neil has changed ....Maybe Neil has become a little mature...But no...You said right Neil..... some memories and habits never leave easily.....specially those which a bad....running away in bad times is your habit na Neil.....You never were able to leave it right....Keep running away your  whole life....(Neil is hell angry...)

NEIL : (angrily ,pointing finger to her.) Just shut up ok......(he shouts)

AVNI :(says softly): Don't scream.....We can see a person's weakness when they scream....(both keep glaring at each other)

AVNI :(with attitude.) Anyway these are few documents....Please sign on them...It was a pleasure working with you Mr Neil Khanna......(he is angry)....Good luck....(she goes away leaving an angry neil..He breaks a frame as she leaves.....)


(In the Office Hall)

JAWAHAR :(He puts two pens on the table)....Meharbhan. ....kadhardhan...Let's start our this is Neil Sir...and this is Avni madam...(showing those pens).....Come lets all bet on who will leave this office first...Neil sir or Avni madam.....Tell me and bet come on.....

EMPLOYEE 1 : I bet rupees 10 ....First Neil will go....

EMPLOYEE 2 : I bet rupees 20 ...First Avni will go.....

EMPLOYEE 3 : I bet rupees 30 ....Neil will go....

EMPLOYEE 4 : I bet rupees 50....Neil will go...

JAWAHAR: come on come on......keep more....

RIYA :(angrily) : What is happening here...(all see riya) ....What are you guys doing...

JAWAHAR : Arey nothing madam ...we are betting ...Do you also wanna will also enjoy...So come on say who will leave this office first Neil sir or Avni ma'am.....come on tell

RIYA : (angrily): Shut up....And Jawaharji none of them will leave this office and go....Did you hear what I said....Avni ma'am is very smart and intelligent she will come up with a solution easily....So you all stop this nonsense....


( At beachside Neil is sitting alone playing guitar and recollecting what Avni told and insulted  him ......)

( He plays the guitar so fast that one of the string breaks and he comes out of his thoughts...)


(In Avni's home , Avni , Neela ,Ayesha and Aman are having dinner.....Suddenly Avni's phone rings)

AVNI : Yes Mr Sahini....

SATISH : (happily): Avniji....switch on your Tv and watch our channel....

AVNI : Why what happened.....

SATISH : Arey Neil's show is coming.....

AVNI : But Sir....we already saw it in our recording studio today na....

SATISH : No Avniji....All that is cancelled....Neil went to the office again....he did his recording again....You once see that...Once switch on our channel ... a big bomb is gonna blast....Switch it on right now...... 

(Avni switches on the TV and sees Neil's show where he is talking)

NEIL :(in the show) : all heard it absolutely right....Bye....( Neela , Ayesha and Aman also come and see the TV)....This was my last performance on this show....(he smiles)....(he laughs)....Chill guys...I said bye not goodbye....I am going ....but only from this time slot....From now we all will meet at a new time.....We all met a lot at 9:00pm .....Now let all do a favour for 11:00pm also.....(he laughs )...Ok Guys...So a new slot and a new show.....New and special...we all will meet with a very much special show from now....But this time in this show you will not only see my songs but a story also will be there....A love story .....which started 8 years back.....(Neil who is standing  at Avni's house door  says..-->.)...a romantic and beautiful love story..........(Avni and others hear his voice and see him and are shocked.....)

(Neil smirks...and winks leaving Avni and family in shock....Avni is shocked listening to love story and 8 years back.....)




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