Author's Note

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Hello, everyone! I'm back in business, and I'm writing about dead people. Again!

(Dear god, why does this always happen to me? Why?)

It's ONC season once more, my favourite season of all! After winning fourth place last year, I'm making it my mission to do even better this time. I must eclipse my own achievement. I must work even harder. I must aim even higher.

This year, I must win third place!

(Just kidding. I'm just going to write a fun story and we'll see where this ship strands. But I'm going down with it, that's a promise).

Fine, cut the bullshit, time for my prompt. 'Tis number #5 I chose: "Horror is in the eye of the beholder." I'm using it to write what's... Well, part travel adventure, part paranormal comedy? Wow, I'm not even using the horror prompt for horror. Damn!

Moving on.

'Baguette Rhymes with Dead' is, in all honesty, the stupidest title I've come up with in the history of ever. I love it! Here's a couple things you can expect from this story:

- A lot of people who are really very dead, and some who are very much not.

- The Paris that travel blogs are hiding from you.

- Spirit shenanigans.

- Queer business. In quite a few ways.

- An unholy amount of bad jokes. Because I'm the life of every party. See? It's starting already!

Instead of a passport check, we'll have a blurb check before we embark on this journey. Have you read it? Yes? Good! Thank you, consider the page stamped, we're good to go!

Buckle the hell up, y'all. We're headed for Paris!

(Oh, and if you're doing ONC as well, let me know here!)


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