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    The country is cheaper than the city.

    The country is safer than the city.

    The city is noisier than the country.

    The country is healthier than the city.

    The city is more expensive than the country.

    The city is more interesting than the country.

    The city is better than the country.

A    The country is quieter than the city.

B    Yes, that's true. The city is much noisier.

A    New York is safer than Lodon.

B    No, it isn't. New York is much more dangerous.

A    The streets of New York are cleaner than the streets of Paris.

B    No, they aren't. They're much dirtier.

A    Paris is bigger than Madrid.

B    No, it isn't. It's much smaller.

A    Madrid is more expensive than Rome.

B    No, it isn't. Madrid is much cheaper.

A    The buildings in Rome are more modern than the buildings in New York.

B    No, they aren't. They're much older.

A    The Underground in London is better than the Metro in Paris.

B    No, it isn't! The Underground is much worse.

Fran    Why did you leave? You had a good job in London.

Amy    Yes, but I've got a better job here.

Fran    And you had a beautiful flat in London.

Amy    Well, I've got a house here.

Fran    Really? How many bedrooms has it got?

Amy    Three. And it's got a garden. It's nicer than my flat and it's cheaper. Everything is much cheaper here.

Fran    But you haven't got any friends!

Amy    I've got a lot of friends here. Everybody is very friendly. People are much friendlier than in London.

Fran    But the country's so boring!

Amy    No it isn't. It's much more interesting than London. Seaton has got shops, cinemas, theatres, and parks. And the air is cleaner and the streets are safer.

Fran    OK. OK. Everything is wonderful! So when can I visit you?

a    Seaview is the most expensive house.

b    Park House is the most modern house.

c    Seaview is the biggest house.

d    Seaview has got the biggest garden.

e    Park House is the nearest to the town centre.

f    Park House is the farthest from the sea.

A    The Ritz is a very expensive hotel.

B    Yes, it's the most expensive hotel in London.

A    Hambledon is a very pretty village.

B    Yes, it's the prettiest village in England.

A    Everest is a very high mountain.

B    Yes, it's the highest mountain in the world.

A    Meryl Streep is a very popular actress.

B    Yes, she's the most popular actress in America.

A    Mr Clark is a very funny teacher.

B    Yes, he's the funniest teacher in our school.

A    Maria is a very intelligent student.

B    Yes, she's the most intelligent student in our class.

A    This is a very easy exercise.

B    Yes, it's the easiest exercise in the book.

a    The Ritz is a very expensive hotel.

b    Hambledon is a very pretty village.

c    Everest is a very high mountain.

d    Meryl Streep is a very popular actress.

e    Mr Clark is a very funny teacher.

f    Maria is a very intelligent student.

g    This is a very easy exercise.

Pronounce the words

farm        factory    traffic       

bridge        car park    theatre   

Underground    tram    concert   


lake    mountains        buildings   

statue    village        cottage

Robert talks about his driving lesson

Oh, it was terrible! At first it was fine. I drove out of the garage, along the road, and under the bridge. Then I drove past the pub, up the hill, and down the hill. Everything was still OK. But then I drove over the river ? and ? and ? I turned left not right and I went through the hedge, and into the lake! Oh, it was terrible!

Directions to Louisa's house

Go out of the school and turn left. Walk along Station Road past the railway station and the bank. Turn left again at the traffic lights and walk over the bridge and up the hill. Turn right into Park Avenue. My house is the first on the left. It's number fifty. It takes ten minutes.

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