introduction HCMC

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It's lies in the monsoon tropical and devide into 2 seasons : the rainy season from Nov to April and the dry season from May to Sept of the following year . So , the climate of city has warm around the year and visitor will feel confortable when they go there for relax or travel

Tre second reason , u u can come here by more transportation , ex : railway , airport , habor , bus .. The transport sector development fast and advantages . Current , The Government has upgraded a few highways . There're Trung Luong highway , Daihan highway , trans Asia road . It helps people come there easy . In the future , Thu Thiem tunnel under Saigon river will be complete soon .

The trend to diversify and satisfy of guest staying at luxury hotels increase . therefore , HCMC is one of the place develop its . U can find some hotels 5 stars famous , such as : Sheraron hotel , Rex Hotel , Legend hotel of Majectic hotel ( located opposite Bach Dang river ) . For MICE group tourist , this's a place to make travel with a reasonable program and cambining tourist and enjoy cuisine or special food in HCMC

When u talk about cuisine of HCMC , I would like to introduce about it . The cuisine of HCMC has convergence and combination of Eastern-Western culture with ancient and modern . When the tourist go there , thay said : " HCMC look like a city without night " Because , from the early morning to late night , it always have voice of seller and buyer . Moost of people from the world , even Vietnamese can find best food for urself ., ex : sausage German , barbecue Czecholavavakia , curry Indian and so on . you can see the man American holding chopsticks used " Pho " at Ben Thanh market . Just a joke , I think u can't feel hungry when u come to HCMC , I'm sure

HCMC have more attraction . The destinations of city vey diverse , including 11 museums , where the most museums of VN and introduce subject history . There're : the History Museum VN has 30 thousands exhibits on display or the War remants Museum always attracted foreign visitor . In addition , there're an Opera Hourse ( located in city center ) , DucBa Church was built in 19th centery with Romain architecture , Independent palace , Nha Rong habor , Cu Chi tunnel ... HCMC is one of shopping center , entertainment , bar , theater , disco theques and park ....

The last , the human in HCMC very hospitable and sympathy . If you go down on the street with summer sun , u can see the bright smile of girl SG and feel cold . They lead a simple life and liberal in disposition , so they really make acquainted friend easy

I like HCMC 'caz it's very dynamic , friendly ... so , I really proud of HCMC , 'caz I'm a local people . I believe , u can feel its when u come there . Anyway , why do u waver ? do u feel worry ? do not think anything . 'caz HCMC really a beautiful place and interesting place

Welcome everyone go to there and I would likve to introduce more to u .

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