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Full name :

Class :

Time :

Mark :

1.Complete the sentences by using the simple past of the given verbs. Use the verb only one time. All of the verbs have irregular past forms.

Break dig teach

Bring freeze think

Buy ring wake

Catch rise wear

Come sleep write


For example: : Sue __drank_________ a cup of coffee before class this morning

I dropped my favorite vase. It fell on the floor and ___ Break __ into a hundred pieces.

When I went shopping yesterday, I __buy___ some light bulbs and a cooking pot.

Alex __ Bring___ his book to class with him. He didn't forget it.

My brother and his wife ___come__ to our apartment for dinner last night.

Last night around midnight, when I was sound asleep, The telephone ___ring____. It __wake____ me up.

The sun __rise__________ at 6:04 this morning.

I ___write____ a letter to my folks after I finished studying yesterday evening.

Ms. Manning ___teach____ chemistry at the local high school last year.

The police ____dig___________ the bank robbers. They are in jail now.

Last night I had a good night's sleep. I ___sleep___ nine hours.

Today Paul has on slacks and a sports jacket, but yesterday he ___wear________ jeans and a sweatshirt to class.

It was really cold yesterday. The temperature was three below zero. I nearly ___freeze_____ to death when I walked home.

I ___think______________ about going to Florida for my vacation, but I finally decided to go to Puerto Rico.

My dog __catch______ a hole in the yard and buried his bone.

Complete the following dialogues. Use the words in parentheses. Give short answers to questions where necessary.

1. A: (you,go) __Did you go________________ to class yesterday?

B: No, ____I didn't_________. I (stay) _stayed_______ at home because I ( feel, not) didn't feel____________ good.

2. A : ( you/ sleep) __did you sleep______________ well last night?

B: Yes, __i did______________. I ( sleep) ____sleeping___ very well.

A : ( Tom's plane, arrive) ___did tom's plane arrive__ on time yesterday ?

B: Yes, _i did_________. It ( get in) ___go in___________ at 6:05 on the dot.

A: ( you, stay) ___did you stay___ home and (study) ____studying___ last night?

B : No, __didn't____________. I (go) ____goes____________ to a new movie, the Valley of Empires.

A: ( you, like) ___do you like___ it?

B: It was okay, I guess, but I don't really like horror movies.

A: ( Mary, study) __do mary study_______ last night?

B : No,I don't____. She ( watch) ___watch_______TV.

6. A: ( Mark Twain, write) __do mark twain write_____ Tom Sawyer?

B: Yes,I ____do____. He also ( write) __writed____ Huckleberry Finn.

7. A: ( The children, go) __the children go____ to the zoo yesterday?

B : Yes, I__go___. And they (have) __have____ a wonderful time.

8. A: (you, eat) __do you eat____ breakfast this morning?

B: No,I don't_____. I (have, not) __have not______ enough time. I was late for class because my alarm clock (ring, not) __ring not____.

3. Complete the sentences with the correct comparatives form( more/ -er) of the given adjectives and adverbs.( Dung so sanh hon)

Comfortable expensive softly

Dangerous friendly sweet

Dark slowly wet

For example:

Lemons aren't __sweeter_____________ than oranges. Lemons are sour.

Refrigerators cost a lot. They are much __ expensive _____ than microwave ovens.

Children seem tobe able to appear out of nowhere. When I'm near a school, I always drive ___danggerous________________ than I have to.

In my experience, old shoes are usually a lot __slowly__________ than new shoes.

People in villages seem to be ___ friendly ________ than people in large cities. They seem to enjoy talking to strangers.

Babies don't loke loud noises. Most people speak __wet__________ tha usual when they're talking to a baby.

Many more people die in car accidents than in plane accidents. Statistics show that driving your own car is ___ softly ____ than flying in an airplane.

A : Why does wet sand look ___ Dark___ than dry sand?

B: Because wet sand reflects less light.

9. If a cat and a duck are out in the rain, the cat will get much Comfortable__ than the duck. The water will simply roll off of the duck's feathers but will soak into the cat's fur.

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