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1. Describe the place where you live and say whether you like it or not.

I’ve lived in Khemisset city all my life and it has never lost its unique charm in my eyes. Although it is small and lacks a lot of facilities and infrastructure I prefer it to other places.

One reason I prefer it is climate. In Khémisset the weather is often mild and temperate. It is not very cold in winter and not very hot in the summer. It is a salubrious weather and protects me from allergies and some other illnesses that I may catch in coastal or big cities.

Another reason to prefer Khémisset is its size. It is a small city with less stressful traffic jam. This means also fewer fumes and less car noise. There are almost no factories either. This makes the city cleaner than the big metropolitan ones. Living in a small city, as well, allows me to know most people here and be known. However, in big cities people suffer from loneliness and solitude.

The third reason why I like this city is its rural feel. Most people here are simple peasants. I like their condor, innocence, and simplicity as well as their straightforward character. The peasant nature of the city, too, allows me to be in contact with nature and live the four seasons and missing none.

My last, but not least, reason for preferring Khémisset over other cities is language. People speak Berber, a language I speak poorly. I understand it well and try my best to master it because it’s part of Moroccan culture and we do not have to neglect it.

My final opinion, though, is that I like Khémisset because of all the reasons stated earlier but one day I’ll have to experience life in other bigger cities, here or abroad. Then I’ll be in a better position to compare and judge.

2. Is it necessary to learn English?

Why Learn English: 10 Reasons to Learn English

There are many reasons to learn English, but because it is one of the most difficult languages to learn it is important to focus on exactly why it is you want to learn English. Here we will look at ten great reasons why English is so important. Post this list somewhere you can see it and it will montivate you to keep going even when you are tired of trying to figure out which witch is which!

2.1 English is the most commonly used language among foreign language speakers. Throughout the world, when people with different languages come together they commonly use English to communicate.

2.2 Why learn English when it is so difficult? Well, knowing English will make you bilingual and more employable in every country in the world.

2.3 Despite China, the United States is still a leader in technical innovation and economic development. English is used in the United States and in each of these fields.

2.4 English is commonly spoken throughout much of the world due to Great Britian’s expansion during the colonial age. People in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, parts of Africa, India, and many smaller island nations speak English. English is the commonly adopted second language in Germany, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands. Speaking English opens these countries and cultures up to you.

2.5 Another reason why English is so important is that it is the language of science. To excel in science you need to know English.

2.6 English is based on an alphabet  and, compared to Chinese, it can be learned fairly quickly.

2.7 English is also the language of the Film Industry and English means you no longer have to rely on subtitles.

2.8 In the United States, speaking English immediately opens up opportunities regardless of your ethnicity, color, or background.

2.9 Learn English and you can then teach your children English -- or if they are already learning, you can now communicate with them in English.

2.10         English speakers in the United States earn more money than non-English speakers. Learning English will open your job prospects and increase your standard of living.

3.      What are the advantages and drawbacks of cell phones?

Cell phones are something that people have with them all the time nowadays. It’s a very personal communication media. The proliferation of mobile phones and the popularity of text massaging is a double-edged sword.

On the positive side, it allows people to get in touch with one another. It gives them a way of checking in with each other or summoning help in an emergency.

Besides, cell phones have made far away places closer. You can talk to anyone on this planet from your mobile phone as if they are a few meters away.

Also, cell phones provide us with an opportunity to communicate cheaply with SMS text messages. One can chat or send and important messages via SMS service without being charged a big sum.

In addition, voice mail service allows us to always stay in contact. You can always get your message through to the other person by recording it in the voice mail. This way you save time since you don’t have to retry again and again.

Moreover, cell phones have a lot of other uses. They can be used as an address book, as a memo, as a calculator, as a stopwatch, as a tape recorder as a camera etc. It is this multi-use and practicality that make its popularity, plus the fact that it is easy and handy.

On the negative side, cell phones may be used badly. They can contribute to risks the way they contribute to safety. Cell phones may be used to disturb people by ringing them up at night, at work, in holy places such as mosques. They can be used to track down people and threaten them. Also, people may receive unwanted calls as well as bullying messages and immoral pictures (sex). In addition, people complain they have no privacy: anyone can easily find you whenever they want.

So, cell phones are a necessary evil in modern times. We should regulate their use and learn how, where, and when to use them. They have to serve us and not enslave us.

4.      Would you like to live in the country or in the city? Why?

Some people think the country is better than the city and others take the city for granted. However, both the country and the city have advantages and drawbacks.

In the country, the air is clean, the water is pure and the environment is beautiful while most cities choke in their own filth and pollution. Also, people there are friendly. A friendly smile while passing is standard in the country and it’s sincere; whereas, in the city few people smile at you. In fact, they are likely to regard you with suspicion if you smile at them. Besides, people in the country enjoy more tranquillity than those in big cities. There is less noise and life is calm and relaxed. Once on foot in the city, you find yourself in an ant colony, or a cage with too many rats. As for food, it is fresher in the country. Farmers sell fresh produce, which they bring straight from the fields, at their stand just around the corner. Moreover, the city is rife with violence and crimes: Many thefts and murders often take place in the city.

On the other hand, the city has its own benefits. City residents have greater access to health care. When a person falls ill there are good government and private hospital in the city to get treatment. Also, children living in the city can get a good education, because there are better schools in the city than in the village as well as libraries. Besides, people in the city can lead a comfortable and enjoyable life and have access to more social and cultural events. There are a lot of facilities and necessary infrastructure: movie theatres, hotels, clubs, electricity, running water, means of transport etc. Moreover, city dwellers have more job opportunities and possibilities for making money as well as opportunities to progress in their life.

Both the country and the city have special qualities. Our choice –whether to live in a rural or urban area - will depend on factors such as personality, mood, background, habits etc. We should also try to create a world having advantages of both lives.

5.      Why people shouldn’t watch too much TV?

Watching television is an experience shared by most adults and children. It is cheap, appealing, and within the reach of the general public. In this way, TV has become an important mass media around the world. Sadly, this resource isn’t used in a way that people could get the best possible benefits from it. The purpose of this essay is to persuade the reader that people shouldn’t watch too much television because the content of many TV programs is not educational; it makes people waste time that could be used in more beneficial activities; and it negatively affects people’s mental development.

The first reason why people shouldn’t watch too much television is because the content of many TV programs is not educational. Nowadays, we can see movies, series, and shows that present scenes of violence, sex, and drugs. This has established wrong concepts among the audience that influence them into having a negative behavior. Moreover, the impact this tendency has on children is worse because they grow up with the idea of a world where women must be slender and blonde to stand out, where problems can only be solved with money and violence, and where wars are inevitable.

The second reason why people shouldn’t watch too much television is because it makes people waste time that could be used in more beneficial activities. The time we spend watching TV could be applied to useful activities like exercise, reading, interacting with friends and family, activities that are a crucial for a healthy lifestyle.

The third reason why people shouldn’t watch too much television is because it negatively affects people’s mental development. According to several scientific studies, watching TV for prolonged periods of time has a negative effect over the intellectual development of children and leads to deterioration of the mental capacity in older people by causing both attention and memory problems in the long term.

In conclusion, people shouldn’t watch too much television because the content of many TV programs is not educational; it makes people waste time that could be used in more beneficial activities; and it affects people’s mental development. However, this doesn’t mean that we should ban TV, but if we are going to watch it, we should do it with moderation. Television is a resource that we should learn to use through the right selection of programs by taking an active and critical attitude towards it.

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