My hero

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bakugo and midoriya have been childhood friends,  all that has happened are that they don't get along, bakugo bullies his childhood friend that he calls deku. after they graduate from UA they go their separate ways. but something bakugo has never told deku is that he loves him.

he has always felt like that but never told him cause he didn't want to believe that he was gay, and not for deku of all people. time flyes and they are all living their lives. they are all pro heroes now.

[Katsuki's P.O.V] 

"your gonna wish that you never were born when I'm done with you!" I gave the fuking villain a sinister smirk.

I started to use my quirk and jumped at him. he dodged it. he then disappeared I stayed still. waiting for him to come to me. then I felt it. the villain will come from behind. I gave him a big blast, but then I got blinded. cause of the damn smoke I made. I looked around trying to find the stupid villain. then I felt it a sharp pain in my back. my vision went blurry. but I was still standing.

'no, I-I need to stay a-awake.' where is the backup. if they don't show up, I'm screwed. then I saw the villain right in front of me some meters away, he had this annoying smirk on his face. I gritted my teeth. still standing. I can't lose consciousness or I will be a dead man. then the villain started running straight to me. I don't have the strength to fight, I don't know what his quirk is but it's making my head spin. then I saw it. a green flash. it was so fast that I couldn't see who it was. the green flash came in front of me and started barging right to the villain. he kicked the villain and kept on fighting the villain. I fell to the ground. and the last thing I saw was a green form with bunny ears.

katsuki: "D-deku" my vison got black.



I started oping my eyes. to see someone in front of me, first I couldn't tell who it was. but then I saw it ....


Kirishima: "hey, man you ok?" he helped me up, and I started rubbing my eyes

katsuki: "what happened?"

Kirishima: "well you went and started fighting the villain we were chasing, but he used his quirk on you so you went unconscious, but lucky for you, there was someone there that saved you." then I remembered, He was there.

I looked around. I saw him talking to someone in the corner. he had his back to me so I couldn't see his face. but that costume is unforgettable. I was pissed but I'm a little happy to see him since this is the first time I saw him in months, maybe since the UA graduation.

what the hell am I thinking. his just a nerd. just...deku.

katsuki: "oi." deku turned around. when he saw me his eyes widened. he said something to the man he was talking to, then he walked to me.

deku: "hey kacchan. long time no see." he smiled to me with the same cute smile he smiled in high school and middle school. I felt my face becoming red.

katsuki: "what the hell are you doing here?" keep your cool katsuki.

deku: "kacchan I saw you standing there. he was gonna kill you. I couldn't stand there and watch you die. you're important to me. so if you think I would just stand still and watch you die, then your wrong." he looked so serious. and what did I do you ask? well I blushed, yea I blushed like the teenager girl that get compliments from her crush.

katsuki: "yea well, you suck.... and thanks nerd" I whispered the last part. but I guess the fucking nerd heard me.

deku: "oh, kacchan I didn't hear you can you say that again, the last part." he smirked at me. that made me blush of embarrassment.

katsuki: "s-shut up ya damn nerd." I heard deku chuckle, his laugh was so damn attractive. then I heard someone call deku. he looked at the direction and then back at me.

deku: "sorry kacchan but I have to go. it was nice to see you again." No, his leaving. I can't let him leave. what if it takes like months before I get to see him again. I can't let that happened, not this time. I won't be a coward.

I saw him started running away, but right before I grabbed his wrist. he stopped and looked at me. he looked confused.

ok so I stopped him, w-what do I do now?

katsuki: "um, hey deku would you like t-to hang out or whatever?" my heart was racing like crazy. my hands were sweating like crazy more than usual. My throat was dry. am I sick or something?

why isn't he responding?

deku: "sure kacchan, are you free tomorrow?" I can't believe, he actually agreed. 

katsuki: "y-yea I'm free tomorrow."

deku: "can you give me your phone?" huh, why does he want my phone. I took my phone out and gave it to him. he was typing something on my phone. then he gave me it back and started running away. but before he was all gone. he turned around and made the signs with his hands: "call me." and disappeared.

huh. I looked at my phone. and saw someones number, it was deku's. my eyes widen. I mentally high five me. 'Yass.' I got deku's phone number and were gonna hang out. am I the man or am I the man. I smirked and looked so proud of myself. I walked home after writing my report for today's mission. I took a shower. and was just laying down on my bed. I looked around and something caught my attention. it was my dear phone.

my phone that has my crush's phone number on it. I stood up and went to my desk in my room and started looking for deku's number and then I thought of texting him.

I texted:
katsuki💥: "hey nerd, what's up?" it didn't take long before deku answered

deku💚: "hey kacchan😁, nothing much just finished taking a shower, what are you doing?" so cute.

katsuki💥: "nothing much, so I was wondering when you wanted to meet tomorrow."

deku💚: "what about 6.PM."

katsuki💥: "sure fine by me, have you any special places you wanna visit."

deku💚: "surprise me😁" that made me smirk.

katsuki💥: "fine by me😏"

deku💚: "well see you tomorrow kacchan😉😊."

katsuki💥: "yea, see'ya <3"

I turned off my phone thinking about were to take deku out. then I came up with the idea.

I was starting to get tired. so I brushed my teeth and went to bed. I couldn't stop thinking about the nerd. my nerd.

[Next day 1 hour before the "hang out":]

shit only one hour. I got to get ready.

I started throwing out everything in my closet and trying to pick out a good looking outfit. I ended up with a white t-shirt and a black letter jacket with some black pants and some white shoes with a cap on. I looked one last time in the mirror and smirked:

"you look as handsome as always katsuki." I walked out feeling great, bu1t then when I got closer and closer to deku's house I felt so nervous. then when I was in front of his house I breathe in and out and knocked on door.


I heard footsteps coming closer. then the door opened and a green-haired boy stood there. he had a white shirt that stood plus ultra and green blazer with his nerdy red shoes. this damn nerd never changes. but I'm glad. he smiled.

katsuki: "you ready nerd?"

deku: "yea let's go."

he locked his door and we started walking off. we talked about hero stuff we had been doing for the last months. we laugh and had a fun talk until we arrived. I didn't know were to bring him so I brought him to a bar. I want to talk to him, and there are games here.

we went up to the bartender and asked for our drinks I asked fo a bear and deku asked for a tequila. we started talking and having fun. we played billiard and darts. we drank some more, and a little more, maybe two or three glasses...flask.

the last thing I can remember is we both went to deku's house. we were both pretty drunk. I remember laying in the bed. next to deku, I looked at him. and he looked at me. I leaned in and kissed him. he kissed back to my surprise but what the heck we were both drunk as hell.

we kissed and kissed, then our tongue got to get in the game. I took off my t-shirt and deku took off his shirt. I started kissing his chest and nipples. I could hear deku's moans.

I can't remember everything, but something  I remember was his grunt and moans, and me being naked. the rest is all blurry.

~~next morning~~

"ugh, my head." I looked around, and this wasn't my house. where the hell was I. I remember being at a bar with deku and drinking a lot. but the rest is a little blurry. then I heard someone else groaning and moving around in the bed. I looked down and saw that I was naked, I looked to my side and I can't believe what I saw.

"d-deku?" he looked up at me, his eyes half-open. when his vision got normal he looked shocked, he looked at me than himself. and he was naked too. we looked at each other, and then our eyes meet and I quickly turned around.

katsuki: "I-I guess we got pretty drunk last night, hehe."

deku: "hehe yea your right, I don't know what came over me, I'm so sorry kacchan, this is really embarrassing to say."

katsuki: "N-no I'm sorry this was all my fault." I stood up and looked at him.

but then again I forgot I'm naked.

deku's face becomes red, wait redder than it already was.

he quickly turned around.

deku: "kacchan, you're naked, and I mean I can see everything." 

katsuki: "shit." I quickly took the blanket and covered my down region.

katsuki: "sorry about that."

deku: "hehe it's ok." oh god it's so awkward.

katsuki: "so do you remember anything from last night since with me its a little blurry."

deku: "I remember something but not all."

we both took a shower and took on some clothes and then made breakfast. ok, so I made breakfast and cleaning after deku' burned food. this damn nerd can't even make breakfast without ruining it.

I made pancakes. since I know deku like it. we talked and I asked if he liked someone. he blushed a little at that question. so it's true he likes someone.

katsuki: "may I ask who it is?"

deku: "it's embarrassing."

katsuki: "come on I won't snitch."

deku: "I can give you a hint. his a pro hero."

katsuki: "is it Kirishima?"

deku: "what no, of course not."

deku: "his smart and a talented."

katsuki: "it is Icy-hot bastard." please god, please don't let it be half N half bastard.

deku: "no, not him."

katsuki: "oh is it that brainwasher dude, with purple hair?"

deku: "do you mean shinsou?"

katsuki: "yea, him."

deku: "no not him."

katsuki: "I don't know"

deku: "he has crimson red eyes, that hypnotise anyone. his really passionate, he has blond hair and a sexy body. and he's my hero."

katsuki: "who the hell is it?" deku rolled his eyes.

deku: "I have known him since kinder garden."

katsuki: "is a pro hero, is smart, talented, has red eyes, blond hair, sexy body, and you have known him since kinder garden." he nodded.

katsuki: "but deku we didn't know any other in the kinder garden that is like that?"

deku: "wow kacchan, I will give you some time."

I started thinking, blond hair, red eyes, known since kinder garden.

katsuki: "ME." deku started laughing.

deku: "yes, kacchan, I like you. I always have."

am I dreaming, please no one, don't wake me. let me keep this dream.

I can't believe this, all I wanted was to hear deku say those word.

I stood up. and walked to him on the other side of the table. he was confused. then without any warning. I kissed him. he was shocked at first but after some seconds, he started kissing me back. I pulled him closer to me. my hands were on his hips and his hands were around my neck. I pulled away.

katsuki: "I love you too, nerd." I kissed him again.

hey😁, thanks for reading this shit, I know is bad and all. and if you have a suggestion on a short story to bakudeku. please yell it out. thanks for reading. 😘☺️😉😉

oh and love you all.

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