First Date (BakuDeku Angst/Fluff)

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Midoriya's POV

Me and Kacchan have been together for about two years now. We haven't gone on any dates since class has been busy, but we do stay around each other when we can. It's been quite peaceful and since we're still training at U.A., we are usually always together. I found it strange when the League of Villains suddenly stopped surfacing. Kacchan suggested that they were probably too scared and decided to hide in the shadows to avoid being captured and brought in for interrogation.

I was rather reluctant to believe what Kacchan said, but after the first year without any disturbances from them that we know of, I decided to push away my gut feeling and decided to believe in Kacchan. However, I would later find out the mistake in ignoring my gut feeling.

Third Person POV

Midoriya and Bakugo were walking through a small park that was near U.A., they were holding each other's hands rather proudly as a bright smile was placed on Midoriya's face and a neutral look on Bakugo's. The two enjoyed the stroll through the little park where they used to play at as kids, or, more so of Bakugo beating Midoriya up with the other kids who hung out with him. But, Midoriya had forgiven Bakugo on most ends, saying that it made himself a better, stronger, and more determined person than who he was back then, even if they were just little kids. And it would prove essential in the events that would occur following their walking.

"Hey, Kacchan?" Midoriya looked up at the taller male, their heights weren't significantly different, just off by a few inches, but he still had to look up at the blond. Bakugo let out a small grunt, acknowledging him but keeping his red eyes forward.

"D-do you—" Suddenly, their peaceful moment was turned into one of chaos as a nearby building exploded into flames, cries of terror immediately followed. The two teen's eyes widened in horror and surprise before their minds clicked into action, they knew exactly what to do.

Without even a word, the two simply gave each other a small nod before they dashed off towards the flaming building, their minds and bodies ready to engage in whatever was thrown at the young heroes.

In a matter of only a few seconds, the two teens were at the scene, revealing the horrific sight; the seven-story building was ablaze and there were people fleeing as fast as they could from the front doors, but the two automatically knew that someone was trapped inside. However, this wasn't a natural fire that started out of an accident, it was set off on purpose. Bakugo now faced the villain who had set off the building.

Midoriya's eyes widened slightly as he looked at the villain. He didn't recognize or know him, but his quirk gave off a strange feeling to him; he felt as if he's seen it or felt this power before, but couldn't put his finger on it.

The villain was dressed in a dark robe, seemingly to hide his identity, and he seemed slender underneath the large robe. However, his quirk was oddly familiar to Midoriya, but completely new to Bakugo. The villain had black tendril-like protrusions coming out from what seemed like his back, they crackled, signaling that it had more power behind the simple look. There were only two, but it seemed like that's what started the fire. Midoriya analyzed the surroundings and found that the villain seemed to have grabbed a gasoline truck and thrown it at the building, spreading the flammable liquid and soon, setting off the fire by knocking down one of the many power lines near the building, sparking the flames.

Bakugo seemed to realize this a few seconds after Midoriya figured it out, but the blond wasn't the type of hero for rescuing much, he was more into combat, and right now was his chance to show the villain his place, or so he thought.

"I'll deal with Dark Shadow wannabe over here, you save the people. I'll be done with this moron by the time you get done. We'll meet at the police station to discuss this guy." Bakugo told Midoriya, smirking to him in confidence that Midoriya could do that, then he glared at the villain who just stood there in the middle of the street, seeming to be waiting for the first move which he guessed Bakugo would make.

Midoriya suddenly was hit with another gut feeling that he should return here to help once he was done rescuing the people trapped inside, but he wanted to trust Bakugo, so he nodded and activated One For All and bolted towards the burning building. "Good luck, Kacchan!" He called to Bakugo as he ran to save the people inside, Bakugo chuckled, mentally saying,

I don't need luck.

Midoriya propelled himself into the air, launching himself into the burning building, starting from top to bottom. By now, some heroes were starting to show up, but most couldn't do much since they didn't have the right quirk to counter or help aid, but Midoriya didn't need it right now, he had done this countless times and he was doing the same thing each time. Save the people, get everyone to safety, then help engage the enemy.

The green-haired hero immediately called out for anyone, he would inhale some smoke in the process of this rescue, but as long as he could save the people trapped inside, that's all that mattered, right? Well, to him, reaching Bakugo afterwards was what he wanted to do the most after saving the people. After some time, Midoriya eventually saved all the people who were trapped in the building, but it had taken about forty-five minutes for him to rescue the seven citizens. Once he was done, he quickly headed off to where he saw the fighting, most likely between Bakugo and the villain. However, when he would arrive at the scene, he would be horrified by what was presented in front of his widened eyes.

Midoriya stood in the center of the now dead battlefield. There was smoke everywhere and many nearby buildings or objects were destroyed. The green-haired male turned his head to the left to see the villain, unconscious but alive in a pile of rubble, he had been knocked out. He smiled gently in relief but when he turned to his right, his eyes widened in pure horror and shock.

He was right about his dreadful gut feeling.


Midoriya wailed at the top of his lungs as his smile immediately fell and he rushed forward in Bakugo's direction. There was Bakugo, laying limply on the destroyed earth, his upper body just barely propped up on a crumbling wall that looked like it belonged to a house, but that part of it was long gone. Midoriya felt thick streams of heavy tears fall down his face as he ran at full sprint to the spiky blond who didn't move or respond to his call. Once near him, he skidded to a halt and quickly but carefully brought Bakugo into his arms, collapsing to his knees.

Bakugo's hero costume was torn, he had multiple cuts and bruises throughout his body where the costume gave way, probably from the pressure of the fighting earlier. Midoriya was horrified to see his beloved in such a state despite knowing this would come one day due to their dreams and what kind of job they actually chased after together, but seeing Bakugo like this still broke his heart.

"K-Kacchan! Wake up! P-please!" The green-haired hero pleaded as he clenched his teeth, his chest lurched and his heart throbbed in pain seeing this. He didn't realize that he was clutching Bakugo tightly in his arms while he stared at his wounds. The cuts, the bruises, then the blood across Bakugo's face and his closed eyes and relaxed muscles. But what scared him the most was that Bakugo was still, not having moved ever since his boyfriend arrived to the horrific scene. Midoriya immediately pressed his right ear to Bakugo's chest, trying to hear his pulse while two of his fingers pressed against the other's neck, trying to feel his pulse.


Midoriya held tighter to Bakugo, more tears gushed out of his eyes while he clenched his teeth harder, he was sure that he would break some of his actual teeth if he kept clenching them this hard. He finally let Bakugo go and quickly set him on the floor, making sure that it was smooth and flat, setting his back on the ground. The moment he confirmed Bakugo was in the right position, Midoriya started performing CPR on him. With each chest compression, Midoriya's fear grew; he remembered his CPR training very vividly now. Thirty chest compressions, then pinch the nose, tilt the chin up slightly to open the airway, then press your mouth onto the other's, breathing in so that their chest lifts, then pull back and repeat one more time. Return to another thirty chest compressions.

Midoriya repeated this for what felt like hours, which in turn was actually twenty minutes; he was not about to lose his boyfriend to some villain who he should've taken down with Bakugo and leave the rescuing to the other heroes. As selfish as that may sound, towards the end of rescuing those people, more heroes showed up. He would never admit this to anyone, maybe not even Bakugo, but to him, his life meant more than others. It's not like he didn't want to save the citizens who needed help, but it's more like a situation where you have to choose to either save your brother or sister, or save some random person you've never met in your entire life. It's human instinct to save the person you are close to or know more, and in Midoriya's case, Bakugo's life was even above them.

The green-haired teen felt his arms begin to cramp up after hitting the fifteen minute mark, but he refused to give up, pure adrenaline pumped through his blood, allowing him to go on longer. Then, another ten minutes pass. As thirty minutes approached, other heroes began to approach him, telling him that Bakugo was gone after watching him do this repeatedly, non-stop. However, Midoriya was having none of it right now.

"He's gone, Deku......" One of the heroes told the desperate boy as he continued performing CPR, but Midoriya continued despite Bakugo remaining still and lifeless. "Deku, Ground Zero is dead. Leave him to rest--" The hero was suddenly interrupted by shouting, which surprised everyone.

"SHUT THE HELL UP! Kacchan isn't dead! He's strong! He'll make it through, he always does! He wouldn't let me die, so I'm not going to give up on him ever! It should've been me who faced the villain! Kacchan shouldn't have to die because this shit villain decided to attack! Kacchan is a great hero that the world needs, not some crybaby who is scared to lose someone close to them!!" Midoriya almost never yelled, let alone swore, so when the other heroes heard this for the first time, they were in utter shock, however, they could hear the pure intensity and seriousness in the young hero's words.

The other heroes and some civilians started to gather around, both in hope that Bakugo would make it through and Midoriya's efforts were useful, but also in sadness that a great, young hero was lost in the field of battle and his death would scar the other more than anyone else. Soon, thirty minutes turned into an hour, the heroes and civilians remained and more had gathered, it was as if they were responding to Midoriya's stress and felt grief for him. Midoriya had ignored them for now and tried his hardest to bring Bakugo back to him.

There was still silence.

"......D-Deku..?......" Midoriya's eyes widened as he stopped and looked down at Bakugo, only to be met with the familiar crimson-red eyes he fell in love with. Bakugo weakly opened his eyes and let a small smile appear on his face, something that the public never saw, but it was something that Midoriya saw on a regular basis. The ash blond male was now breathing and was looking up at the green-haired male above him, flinching slightly when he felt the cold droplets of Midoriya's tears hit his face.

"Kacchan!!!" Midoriya cheered loudly as he embraced Bakugo tightly, almost crushing him if it weren't for the exhaustion and fatigue in his arms from overexerting the muscles from performing CPR for so long. The smaller male clung to Bakugo as if his life depended on it, and his tears only thickened as pure relief and joy now entered through his system, allowing his own exhausted body to lean on Bakugo for support. Bakugo hugged the now trembling and sobbing mess of curly green hair in his arms while the crowd around them cheered, he looked on in surprise. Despite his rough edges and his insults thrown at people, friends or strangers, the public cared for him just as much as they would with Midoriya. The blond now looked down at the mess of green hair that buried itself into his chest, arms shakily wrapped around him in a tight hold. He gently caressed Midoriya with his right hand, letting his body finally relax while Midoriya ended up passing out with him close.

It has been three days since that incident, and Midoriya and Bakugo were discharged after the second day. Today was the fourth day after that fateful day. The two were seated in their shared dorm rooms, sitting next to each other on the couch, reading some news reports of the events that took place with them in the center of everything, other than the villain.

"That's one way to improve your popularity." Bakugo remarked amusingly while Midoriya pouted and glared playfully at him, looking away from his own phone to do so. Midoriya roughly nudged Bakugo's shoulder, earning him a chuckle while he pouted more.

"You know, being a hero is not about popularity, Kacchan." Midoriya pointed out, but Bakugo had heard this many times before, they would even get into arguments back then about this.

"I know, I'm just messing with you." Bakugo winked playfully at Midoriya before he placed a gentle kiss to the freckled male's forehead, receiving a blush and a squeak in response. Midoriya looked away immediately, causing Bakugo to raise an eyebrow. The green-haired teen's red face burned brighter and hotter as he whipped back around to face Bakugo then kissed him against his lips. They stayed there for a few seconds before Midoriya pulled back, looking back at his phone.

"You're sneaky, Kacchan." The poor boy's voice cracked which fanned more of the flame of embarrassment to bloom across his face. Bakugo just chuckled with a light smirk, then he looked back at his own phone.

"Hey, Kacchan?" Midoriya addressed Bakugo after a few minutes of silence, his face calming down. He looked up at the blond with curious, emerald-green eyes. Bakugo looked at him with his red eyes, meeting the other's. Bakugo grunted as a response that he acknowledged him.

"I was thinking, since we haven't gone on one and it's been two years into our relationship, do you think we could go out on our first date tomorrow?" Midoriya asked awkwardly, surprised that he didn't stutter, but his voice did continue to crack here and there, Bakugo looked on in surprise that Midoriya would ask him this. He thought it'd take him to make the first move, but he guessed wrong. However, Bakugo simply smiled and pet Midoriya's green curls.

"Sure thing." Bakugo said simply, making Midoriya's face light up. God, he loved it when the little nerd did that, especially to him. Midoriya beamed brightly as joy and delight made his heart flutter again as if he were hearing Bakugo ask him to by his boyfriend those two years ago. He smiled brighter than the sun, putting it to shame while he had to close his eyes in order to allow his smile to blossom more. A small blush entering his freckled cheeks.

"I love you so much, Kacchan!" Midoriya purred loudly, his brightness made Bakugo want to shine alongside him.

"I love you too, Deku." Bakugo returned with genuine honesty and love for the green-haired teen he had once bullied long ago. It's kinda weird but funny to remember those times, then see them how they are. Bakugo guessed that Midoriya had already stolen his heart way before he realized it, while he had only recently discovered his love for the nerd. He couldn't believe that he was unraveled by this awkward, clumsy, muttering nerd, but Midoriya also couldn't believe that he was brought together by this hot-tempered, sympathetic, devoted jerk. But Bakugo had no problem with Midoriya and Midoriya had no problem with Bakugo.

Though, there was an issue that we could all agree on: they needed to stop throwing themselves into danger head-on without collecting together a plan, or at least half of a plan.

A/N: Woo! I had a lot of fun doing this one! Sorry that it took so long, I'll try to be quicker in the future. Anyway, I hope you like this one and the ones that are to come in the future! Thank you for reading! Go Beyond! Plus Ultra!

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