Chapter 3: The Ambush

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The dream had come back to him. It only came when he was having a rough day, or when you had simply corrupted his mind. Whatever the reason, he was fucking sick of it.

It started when Bakugou was roaming the halls of UA. He was a second-year then, bored of whatever mess Kaminari and Kirishima tried to get him into. It wasn't until he passed by his classroom door that he heard you.

"Please don't..."  You cried.

His first instinct was to come to check on you. He peered through the crack door and saw you pressed into a wall, someone's hand pressing both your hands against the wall above your head.

Bakugou swung the door open. "Oi! What the fuck are you doing?"

A face with a sly grin turned around. Bakugou gritted his teeth.

It was Monoma. "Mind your business hot-headed freak. Everything's fine." Bakugou looked at your facial expression, tears fell down your face as you silently cried.

"Get away from her, now." He whispered.

Monoma laughed as if it were some sort of funny joke. "Get out of here before I tell Aizawa to ship your ass out of here. We wouldn't-" Monoma didn't get the chance to tell Aizawa anything.


Because Bakugou had practically leaped across desks and punch him over and over again in his face. The sound of bones breaking filled the room, along with blood all over his hands and the floor.

You ran up to Bakugou. "Katsuki, stop!" You yelled. "You're gonna kill him!" You tugged on his arms, and it wasn't until the fourth or fifth tug that he realized what he was doing. He let go of Monoma who ended up running out of the room.

Fuck that dream and fuck Monoma.


You stared at your reflection in the mirror. Your hands were placed on your hips while you breathe controlled breaths. Your high ponytail was messy, and your forehead had beads of sweat running down it.

"Nice," Kirishima said tossing you a bottle of water. You caught the bottle and started taking as many gulps as you could.

Kirishima had escorted you to your training gym across town. You refused to miss a day of exercise, even if you did have a stalker. So, under Bakugou's request, Kirishima had to come along with you while he watched his agents install proper security into your home. You didn't mind, Kirishima made great company.

You have been slowly training your quirk to get better. You figured it would be smarter to start with the small stuff like teleportation and telekinesis before you move on to project your quirk onto others.

You successfully managed to teleport from the front door to the mirror you had now been at.

"So, what are you planning on doing with this place?" Kirishima asked.

"Well, after I bought this place, I intended on just using it as a gym for myself." You sit in a chair to catch your breath. "But thinking about it now, this place is a little too big for just one person, don't you think?"

Kirishima sits across from you. "I don't know what you're getting at, but if you want to make this a gym for two then I'm all in. The community training gym is horrible."

"You know you can visit anytime, Eijiro." You laugh. "But I think I wanna start training kids."

A/N: ole girl trynna teach kids to get their ass beat. IM KIDDING AHAHAHAH
no im not.

He tilts his head with a look of doubt. "I mean..."

You pull the spare ponytail holder off your wrist and flick it in his direction. "You know I'm kidding Y/n. I know you can do it."

"Nothing's official though, I still gotta pay off the lease for this place and make sure I can perfect my quirk to the point." You teleport across the room and back. "I'm getting better."

"But the doctor—"

"Her dumb ass could be wrong. If I'm making this much progress, imagine how much better I could be if I kept working on it. That's why I refuse to skip a day of training. The more practice the better I can get. Plus, I've been working on my hand-to-hand combat skills too."

Kirishima walks over and lightly punches your stomach. "Those abs speak for themselves."

"Start from the top?" You ask. Kirishima nods and starts swinging at you to test your reflexes.

The two of you spend hours training on various parts of your body. Before you know it, the sun is setting and you're practically out of breath.

"Nice job today," Kirishima says giving you a fist bump. "I'm going to go pull the car around while you close up." You nod and he jogs out the building.

You pick up your water bottle and take a few sips out of it. You grab your jacket, phone, and charger. You figure it'll take Kirishima a while before he gets the car considering he parked blocks away.

After a few minutes of sitting and sipping on fluids, you hear clicking, and one by one each row of lights in your gym shut off. You hop out of your seat and walk towards the door.

"Eijirou?" You shout. There's no response in return. You hear a creak come from the other side of the room, there's only one weak spot on the floor which means you weren't alone. "Kirishi-" You hear footsteps walk towards you.

You instantly start tugging on the door to let you out. Locked. You begin to panic. "Y/n.." You hear a raspy voice call. He's here.

You can't see due to it being dark outside, so you run in the opposite direction.

Big mistake.

You feel two large hands wrap around your waist and shove you against the mirror across the wall. You grunt in pain as glass shatters behind you. They run their hands along your waist and whisper in your ear, "I will be the one."

"HELP!" You shout continuously. The person puts their hand over your mouth. The memory. You attempt to kick them in their groin, but as soon as you lift your knee he's gone. You hear the creak in the floor, a click, and all the lights are suddenly back on.

You fall to the floor in shock, gasping and trying to recall everything that just happened. You hear a different set of footsteps run towards you. "Y/n!" He was here. He was right fucking here inside my fucking gym.

You're lifted off the shards of glass surrounding you. "Holy shit." You mutter.

"Y/n, what the fuck just happened!?" Bakugou shouts.

"He was here." You murmur.

Bakugou makes a quick lap around the building. "That bastard— He disappeared." He comes over to you and brings you away from the broken glass. "Are you hurt?" He sees all the cuts over your stomach and hands, but most importantly, he notices the streak of blood streaking down your neck.

He raises your ponytail and looks at the damaged spot. "Shit. We need to get you to a hospital."

After that, all your senses come back to life. "No." You say. "I'm not going to another hospital."

He runs his hands through his hair. "You could have a fucking concussion, it's not even an option at this point."

You begin to feel dizzy, suddenly black spots begin to appear in your view. You feel yourself begin to fall. Bakugou allows you to lean on him as support.

Kirishima walks back into the room with a grin that quickly begins to fade. "What happened to her?"

"She was fucking attacked dumb ass. And where the fuck were you? I told you to watch her."

"I had to bring the car around, I thought she'd be fine for at least three minutes."

The two of them bicker back and forth while your head begins to feel like it's throbbing. You place your palm on it trying to relieve the pain. All of their talking is making it worse. You tell them to shut up.

"Kirishima, stay and get another team here asap. Inspect this place up and down. I want that son of a bitch found." Kirishima nods and pulls out a walkie-talkie from his waistband, you didn't even know he had that on him.

Bakugou picks you up bridal style ad carries you to his car. He places you in the backseat and runs to the driver's seat. The last thing you remember hearing was the engine of the car starting up and taking off.

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