Chapter 16: New home

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(Normal pov)

Maul was seated on the ground of his and Cori's chambers, the Zabrak had been delving in Nightsister magic in a attempt to replace the cybernetic lower half of his body back to flesh and blood for quiet some time now and during his time back on Dathomir, the former Sith Lord now had received the secret of regenerating lost limbs and dismembered body parts thanks to the souls of the Nightsisters and he now had the time to perform the spell needed to restore his body. Cori herself rose from bed and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, once sitting upright she clutched their beds sheets to her breasts as she watched her Zabrak lover and master chanting a spell while green mist surrounded the lower half of his body, soon enough Maul's cybernetic legs and waist dismantled and the cybernetic components soon vanished from sight.

Hearing her lover hiss and snarl in pain made her want to him in anyway, but she had no knowledge of Nightsister magic and could do nothing but watch as her lover continued the spell even as he now laid flat on his back and breathing heavily. Then the green mist formed around his lower half and Cori watched in both fascination and awe as her lovers lower body was being restored, Maul's eyes rolled in the back of his head as he completed the spell and he panted heavily and tried to regain his breath as he looked down at his lower body and let out a shuddering breath of... happiness.

"M-My... My legs." Maul said as he grasped his legs and flexed his toes and let out a relieved chuckled as he then wiggled his toes. Cori got out of bed and crouched besides her lover and laughed in disbelief that Maul was able to perform the spell needed to restore his body. "You've been fully restored." She said happily, causing Maul to close his eyes and a tear slid down his cheek as he let out a contented sigh. "A final gift from my mother, even from beyond the grave." Rising to his feet, Maul hissed as his bare feet stood on the cold floor beneath, turning to Cori, Maul smiled lightly. "I believe I'm going to need pants and boots." Cori laughed and nodded while looking down at her lovers flaccid manhood. "The next time we're alone? I can have you properly." Cori purred as she gestured to his restored appendage.

"Indeed." Was Maul's response as he smirked at his Glee Anselm lover before pecking her lips and retrieving a spare pair of sleek black pants and boots before strapping on his Kage warrior armor and clipping his double bladed lightsaber at his belt, Cori followed his example and once she was dressed as well, the two red skinned tattooed Dark Siders made their way towards the bridge to lay eyes on Horus and Ahsoka as well as Val Haddock and many of the warriors from House Haddock.

Turning around, Horus was about to address Maul when the Force Sentinel looked at his legs and had confusion etched on his face. "Your legs...?" Maul smirked at his ally and clarified. "I've fully restored myself thanks to the power of Nightsister magic." Horus hummed before a smirk crossed his face. "Guess this time you and Cori can dive even deeper into ecstasy." Cori nodded at Horus's words and smirked at the Zabrak. "Thats exactly what I said." Clearing his throat while trying to hide his embarrassment, Maul then gestured to Tython. "So, we've arrived at the ancient home world of the Jedi Order. Do you intend to establish the Rebel Alliance's base here?" Horus pursed his lips before nodding. "Senator Bail Organa and his contacts in the Imperial Senate said they'd meet us here along with their rebel cells. From here? Our fight with the Empire truly begins."

"I look forward to it." Was Maul's response.

Horus then ordered all ARK captains and Mandalorian warships to descend down to Tython and land all ships near the ruins of the ancient Jedi temple. As the ruins of the ancient temple came into view, Horus laid eyes on several Imperial shuttles, which no doubt belonged to the defected Imperial senators, that and their were several star fighters and massive ships that belonged to the Mon Cala. Once all Mandalorian ships landed a good distance from the temple, Horus, Ahsoka, Maul and Cori traveled in a gauntlet fighter together towards the Jedi temple ruins itself and landed right outside the temple entrance.

Once exiting their fighter, Horus laid eyes on handfuls of rebel commandos and laying eyes on Bail Organa, Mon Mothma and Bel Iblis as well as Mon Calamari veteran soldier— Ackbar. "Horus Haddock. A pleasure to finally meet you in person." Mon Mothma greeted before her face twisted with grief. "I offer my condolences to you and your peoples losses when Mandalore was destroyed by the Empire's super weapon." Horus nodded in thanks to the woman before turning to Bail. "Shall we?" He said gesturing to the temple, Bail nodded and the group of rebels made their way into the ancient temple before gathering around what Horus assumed to be the former chambers of the ancient Jedi Council.

"We've all agreed that diplomacy or dealing with the Empire is over and pointless. They represent terror and oppression to the beings of our galaxy, Mandalore was only the first of many planets I fear." Bail said as he then before looking at everyone gathered. "No more. Horus and the Mandalorian people were the first people to truly fight the Empire and to show the galaxy that they aren't invincible. And despite the tragic loss of Mandalore itself? That tragedy will be a spark that will the light the fires of many star systems who wish to ensure their peoples survival and well being." Organa then placed a hand on his chest before continuing. "My wealth will help fund the Rebel Alliance, while Garm provides our fleet and Mon Mothma provides us with our soldiers." Then turning to Horus, Ahsoka, Maul and Cori, Bail adds. "And with you and all the surviving Jedi that we've sheltered from the Empire? We have the power of the Force on our side." Everyone hummed and nodded in agreement with Bail's words, the senator from Alderaan then pounded his fist into the table and concluded. "Therefore, let this be an official declaration of rebellion! Today, we vow to liberate the galaxy from the Empire's tyranny and evil. And one day? The galaxy will indeed be free."

"Couldn't have said it better myself." Horus said while his arms were crossed across his chest, he then turned to the rebel leaders and spoke. "The rebels all under your cells need more training, which my Mandalorian warriors can provide. Not only that but we'll need to work on interplanetary defenses as well as ensuring the Empire never locates this planet."

"As leader of Crimson Dawn, I will order my followers to provide us with basic supplies: food, medicine, weaponry and everything we need to arm our new followers." Maul said before adding. "Not only that, but those under my syndicate can provide us with experienced pilots to train new ones as well as ships." The senators all nodded in acknowledgment before bringing up the topic on the surviving Jedi. "What role would have the surviving Jedi play in our rebellion?" Garm asked Horus, the Force Sentinel sighed heavily before answering. "The Jedi made the mistake of involving itself in a pointless war three years ago. Now? With the Sith gaining power by the day? The Jedi have the right to go to war. Since their duty is to ensure peace throughout the galaxy and strip power from the Sith." Turning to Bail, Horus cocked his head curiosity. "What Jedi have you and your allies sheltered from the Empire?"

Pulling out a data pad, Bail skimmed through it before reading some names. "Jedi Master K'Kruhk, Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus, Quinlan Vos, Master Shaaki Ti as well as her Padawan Mariss Brood, Masters Yoda and Obi Wan Kenobi..." Maul visibly tensed at the mentioning of Kenobi's name, Horus noticed immediately and grasped the Zabrak's right bicep. "Maul. I understand Obi Wan took your legs and you have a heated grudge with him. But I need you to set aside that grudge and look at the bigger picture— defeating the Sith once and for all. Sidious is the true enemy, right?" Maul huffed and puffed with rage as he closed his eyes and remembered his former master butcher his brother Savage on Mandalore in front of him, he also remembered how his mother sacrificed her life to save his life; once more unable to prevent the late General Grievous from killing his mother, that and the droid armies wiped out both the Nightsisters and Nightbrothers of Dathomir, leaving Maul the only Dathomiran survivor.

Letting out a heavy exhale, Maul turned to Horus and nodded. "You're right. Kenobi may have taken my legs which led me to years of isolation and resulted in me losing my sanity, but Sidious has taken so much more away from me." Clenching his right hand into a tight fist, Maul bore his teeth and nodded slowly. "Sidious will pay for casting me aside, he is the architect of my suffering." The Zabrak then excused himself to get some air while Cori followed him. Turning back to Bail, Horus gave him an apologetic look in behalf of Maul and stated. "Maul and Obi Wan have... a tense history, I think its best to keep them apart for the time being. Is Kenobi here?" Bail shook his head. "The last time I saw and spoke to the man, he was on Tatooine protecting Luke Skywalker." Nodding in acknowledgment, Horus then nodded and concluded their meeting. "One more thing, we'll need a symbol for our people to rally behind; a symbol of freedom and hope." Horus presented the rebel leaders with the Phoenix Starbird. "So? What do you think? Shall this Starbird be what gives the galaxy hope in these dark times?"

Bail, Mothma and Iblis smiled at the symbol before looking at Horus and nodding in confirmation. "This symbol will be a light in the surrounding darkness." Garm said, Mothma hummed in agreement before adding. "A light that will one day vanquish the darkness." Finally, Bail added. "We represent that Starbird and be the light that rallies the galaxy together to dethrone the Sith and the Empire from power." Horus turned to Ahsoka and the two shared a warm smile before the Force Sentinel turned to his allies and nodded.

"That being said, lets get to work freeing the galaxy from tyranny."

(Coruscant, Imperial capital)

Darth Vader was inside a massive bacta tank within his flagship and was regathering his strength, he had been hard at work constructing new armor that'll make him stronger, more flexible, comfortable and prevent Force lightning from inflicting critical damage to respiratory systems. Not only that but the Sith Lord had been deep in meditation, more specifically looking for a potential apprentice to help him destroy Darth Sidious, but so far there were no worthy beings of note. The majority of Force sensitive children are captured by the Inquisitorious to swell their ranks as a Dark Side army that'll serve both himself and Sidious, but the Inquisitors are nothing compared to the Lords of the Sith.

However, Vader's lust for power was gaining the attention of Sidious and Vader knew that if he was to further his plans to usurp his treacherous master, he'd need his own world to govern and to further scheme and plot.

And he had the perfect planet in mind.


The place of his greatest defeat will soon serve to be his power base and where he would further his knowledge in the Dark Side of the Force to end Sidious's life and take his place as emperor of the galaxy and Lord of the Sith. Opening his fiery yellow eyes, the Sith Lord used the Force to drain the bacta tank and then used the Force to retrieve his cybernetic limbs and reattach them on his stumps, as the cybernetic limbs infused into his skin, Vader relished in the pain as he then lowered himself down to the ground and placed on his newly modified suit which was inspired off the ancient Sith Warrior Darth Malgus. Once his mask was back over his head and cape strapped to his shoulders, the Sith Lord exited his bacta chambers and made his over to the hangar to revisit his master at the Imperial palace.

Once boarding his fighter and making his way towards the surface of Coruscant, Vader laid eyes on hundreds of Star Destroyers and the Death Star itself blockading the Imperial capital, the celebration over the rebels defeat lasted for days, though Vader had no interests in celebrating, rather he had used his time more productively to further his powers and improve his suit. Once entering the plants atmosphere, Vader flew straight for the Imperial palace and landed outside the palace air field and exited his fighter as he was then greeted by Imperial royal guard and armed with Force pikes.

"Lord Vader, Emperor Palpatine requests your presence." One of the guards said, Vader merely nodded and walked by the guards and continued towards the palace. Once entering the palace, Sidious himself appeared to be concluding dealings with an Imperial Officer before the old man turned to his apprentice. "Ah, Lord Vader. Welcome home my apprentice." Vader bowed down before his master and lowered his head. "Master." Sidious approached his apprentice and immediately noticed his improved armor. "I see you have improved you armor."

"Yes master, the one you provided for me only served to... slow me down and make me more vulnerable to Force lighting." Was Vader's response, Sidious merely hummed in acknowledgment before ordering his apprentice to rise, once the two Sith Lords walked side by side, Sidious continued to speak. "Now that the rebellion is over, I have a new task for you. And that is for you and the Inquisitors to continue the hunt for the remaining Jedi. We can never allow our mortal enemies to return to power, ever again."

"I understand master." Vader said, Palpatine also added. "Meanwhile, I am on the verge of locating a rather... ancient artifact that may in fact allow me to reach heights of power that will immortalize my place in the history of the Sith Order." Cocking his head in curiosity, Vader asked. "May I ask what this artifact is?" Turning to his apprentice, Sidious smiled, showing off his yellow stained teeth at Vader before answering. "On the planet of Lothal lies a Jedi temple and that temple holds a portal that allows one to enter the world between worlds— which contains other portals that could be accessed across the space time continuum. Unfortunately, only the Jedi are able to access this great power and therefore, we will need a Jedi's help to gain access into this portal."

"Such power at your disposal would make you unstoppable my master." Vader stated, causing Sidious to chuckle darkly and nod. "Yes, my apprentice. Such power will soon belong in my possession and I can alter the fate of the universe in my own image! But we must move swiftly." Turning to Vader, Sidious made a 'shooing' motion with his deformed hand. "Go now Lord Vader, assemble your Inquisitors, find the last of the Jedi and bring me one alive so that we may travel to Lothal and gain this power."

"As you wish master." Vader said with a bow of his head as made his way back to his TIE advanced fighter and contacted the Grand Inquisitor, the Pau'an Dark Siders image appeared on the holo projector.

::Ah, Lord Vader. How may the Inquisitorious serve you and Lord Sidious?::

"We are to continue our hunt for any surviving Jedi, not only that but we are to capture at least one so that our master could use this Jedi to enter a portal within a Jedi temple on the planet Lothal to access the world between worlds."

::Accessing universal power::

"Correct. Assemble the best among the Inquisitorious and meet me on board the Executor. We leave at the earliest opportunity."

::It shall be done Lord Vader::

Once the Grand Inquisitor's figure fazed out, Vader entered his TIE fighter and took off back to his flagship while at the same time, jealousy raged inside of him. With the power the portal on Lothal presents, Vader couldn't help but wonder if he could alter the events of Padmé's death, the prospect of bringing his wife back to the world of the living made his mission even more important.

He would bring his wife back and save his unborn children as well, even if it cost him his very own life.

(Horus's pov)

It had been six days later since arriving at Tython and since then? We've been hard at work establishing a new base of operations. My people built nomadic huts to settle in for the time being while we got to work on rebuilding the temples and constructing new structures for rebel command to dwell in. This planet was already rich vegetation for us to farm, native animal for us to hunt and the waterfalls and rivers were all fresh water which gave us an abundant water supply, not only that but the Force was very strong here which allowed myself, Ahsoka, Maul, Cori and the surviving Jedi here to meditate, grow stronger, seek answers and guidance from the Force.

Currently, I was meditating on a cliff that overlooked our main camp and the ancient Jedi temple, as I was seeking answers from the Force, a whisper entered my ear. Thinking it nothing but wind for a moment, I ignored it, that was until the whisper was more clearer and crisp.

"Horus Haddock."

Opening my eyes and turning towards the voice, I found nobody there, cocking my head curiously, I then close my eyes once more and ask. "Who is it that tries to contact me?" There was no voice that answered me, but then the wind picked slightly, causing me to open my eyes and turn back around, only to lay eyes on a Force ghost. Quickly getting up to my feet, I inspect the Force ghost in front of me and I'm speechless at what I see, this ghost looks... like a younger version of my father.

"Horus Haddock. My name is Denlee Haddock, your ancestor."

Nodding slowly in understanding, I then ask out. "Why is it that you appear before me?"

"The Sith that you face? Both master and apprentice have dark ambitions that can spell doom for the galaxy." Denlee's spirit paced back and forth before continuing. "I have learned that the Sith who calls himself Sidious desires a portal inside a Jedi temple on the planet Lothal. This portal is the gateway between dimensions; a world between worlds."

I inhaled sharply, already knowing where this was going. "If Sidious gains that kind of power? He could be nearly unstoppable." Nodding to myself, I then turn back to my ancestors spirit. "What of Vader? What are his ambitions?" Denlee cast his gaze on the ground before answering.

"He envy's the power Sidious seeks, but Lothal is not the only place where a portal residesMustafar. Vader plans on establishing a power base on that planet, but what he doesn't know yet is that his eventual base rests on top of a portal that too can be a world between worlds and can even hold the power to bring back lost souls."

Snorting to myself, I nod before murmuring. "And of course he'd use that power to bring back his beloved wife." I then look my ancestors spirit in the eyes and ask. "These portals that open the gateway to dimensions hold the prospect of great power, is it possible to for a Force Sentinel to access its power?" Denlee pursed his lips before nodding in confirmation.

"It is possible yes. But I warn you, tampering with certain events can bring catastrophe to the galaxy. The Sith cannot enter the portal on Lothal, they require a living Jedi to access its power, you must beat the Sith there first and whatever you decide to do with that power is up to you."

Sighing heavily, I nod in understanding before I ask my ancestor one last question. "Does this Rebel Alliance have a chance to defeat the Sith once and for all? Or all we doomed to fail and live the rest of our days in eternal darkness and tyranny?" Denlee smiled lightly and simply answered.

"You'll find the answer to your question soon enough."

I then heard a gauntlet fighter approaching me and lowered its hatch, turning around, I was about to say farewell to my ancestor, but he vanished from sight. Turning back to the gauntlet fighter, I laid eyes on Ahsoka, Maul and Cori, the three of them jumped out of the fighter and approached me while the fighter returned back to the air strip that we had completed.

"Horus? What is it?" Ahsoka asked, looking into my lovers eyes, I answered her. "I... I just spoke with an ancestor of mine and he told me that the Sith plan on entering a Jedi temple on Lothal to access a portal that leads to worlds beyond worlds." Maul growled before nodding understanding. "If Sidious and his pet are successful in entering this portal, than the Sith will be unstoppable and all our efforts and sacrifices would been all for nothing."

"So whats the plan? Go to Lothal and ensure the Sith don't access that portal first?" Cori asked, turning to Glee Anselm, I hum in confirmation before turning to Ahsoka. "Neither of us can access the portal without a Jedi. Select a Jedi to come with us so we can go to Lothal at the earliest opportunity." She nodded at me before walking away to contact a Jedi in mind, meanwhile, Maul approached me and spoke. "What power does this... portal hold?" Shaking my head slightly, I answered the Zabrak. "You can bring back fallen loved ones, allies or friends or hold the ability to alter a timeline of your choosing to benefit you."

Placing a hand on my shoulder, Maul spoke firmly. "We must destroy it. Sidious will become even more powerful if we leave this power to be claimed." Nodding in agreement, I also add. "I agree with you, but we also have the chance to—"

"No. We cannot bring back those we've lost. Although the prospect is tempting, those who laid down their lives did so for a reason." Maul said through gritted teeth before his hard tone and demeanor softened and he gave me a pleading look. "As my friend, ally and... brother, I'm asking you to destroy this portal to prevent Sidious from increasing his already vast power."

Looking into the Zabrak's eyes, I nod. "Alright. I'll destroy it when I'm able." Pursing his lips, Maul nodded and thanked me. "This is for the best Horus. We must strip as much power away from the Sith if we are to destroy them entirely." Nodding in agreement, I then add. "You've been to Malachor before haven't you?" Maul's eyes widened as he caught on what I was saying. "Of course, the temple beneath the surface is not just a temple but a battle station. Perhaps one that'll serve us."

"Like you said, if we can strip as much power away from the Sith, the easier it'll be for us. So I suggest Maul and I go to Malachor and retrieve this ancient Sith battle station." Cori said, I nodded before giving them permission. "Go. The Alliance will need a super weapon of its own, and the Sith battle station on Malachor may prove a useful asset among our arsenal." Both red skinned tattooed Dark Siders nodded before descending down the cliff where I was meditating and making their way to the air field.

Ahsoka then approached me again and buried her right hand into my hair and gently ran her fingers through my scalp, causing me to groan contently at her ministrations before she spoke. "I'm bringing Jedi Master K'Kruhk with us, he should have knowledge about such mysteries of the Force and Jedi Order." Turning to my Togrutan lover, I smile lightly at her and kiss her forehead before sighing out. "Very well." Ahsoka then removes her hand out of my hair and wraps her arm around my waist and asks. "When do we leave?" I then turn to her and look into those gorgeous azure eyes before answering her.


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