Chapter 26: Infiltration

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(Normal pov)

Six hijacked Imperial shuttles dropped out of hyperspace and within the shuttles were rebel Changelings who took on the shape of Imperial officers and Stormtroopers, the disguised rebels flying the shuttle laid eyes on the Imperial Death Star orbiting the vacuum of space and was accompanied by three Star Destroyers, no doubt as an escort. The enemy battle station then made contact with the lead rebel shuttle.

::Shuttle 617, this is a restricted area::

One of the disguised rebels who took the form of an Imperial officer and replied back. "Copy that sir, boy are we glad to see you! We were prisoners from those rebel scum and managed to slip away from their grasp and commandeered a stolen Imperial shuttle. Requesting an immediate landing within the Death Star." There was about a minute long pause before the Empire requested landing codes.

::Shuttle 617, please transmit landing codes so that you and all passengers within the shuttles may dock with the battle station::

"Copy that sir, stand by." The disguised Changeling said as he then began transmitting the proper landing codes to the Death Star, one of the rebel pilots looked back to see a full squad of Mandalorian commandos, the lead shuttle carried both Theron and Lira, the original plan was for the Changelings to board first, lower the deflector shields and then send in the Mandalorian commandos, but Horus instead had Theron and Lira take the commandos and join the Changelings, and luckily for the elite Mando warriors, they all were equipped with cloaking tech that made them invisible; no shimmering or anything else that would give them away. Soon enough, the Imperial battle station contacted the lead hijacked shuttle.

::Shuttle 617, your landing code checks out. You and your escort are clear for landing in hangar bay 6::

"Acknowledged sir. Thanks." The disguised rebel said, the other Changeling within the cockpit turned to Theron and Lira. "As soon as we land? Cloak." The head of the Mando super commandos nodded and he then put on his sleek black helmet and green visor helmet. "Everybody get ready, lets make sure we hit all the Death Star's key areas— the prison blocks so we can free any of our captured allies or those who wish to fight the Empire, the reactor core, the bridge and where they're holding the controls for tractor beams." All Mando commandos nodded in acknowledgment and placed their helmets on and steeled their nerves for the infiltration.

As soon as the rebels stolen Imperial shuttles docked with the Death Star, the Changelings disguised as Imperial personnel left the cockpit and made it to the back of the shuttle, where the Mandalorian commandos activated their cloaking tech and were completely invisible just as their Changeling allies opened the shuttles ramp doors and were greeted by Imperial Stormtroopers and officers. The disguised Imperial soldiers and officers exited their shuttles and followed the Imperial welcoming committee while the Mando commandos made their way towards their destinations without their enemies knowledge. The Changelings informed their Imperial "allies" that they were familiar with the battle station and they could report to a commanding officer to receive new orders, acknowledging the disguised rebels words, the Imperial personnel dismissed their disguised enemies and went their separate ways.

Still within the Death Star's hangar, the Changelings made it towards the upper section of the hangar where they entered a chamber that overlooked the hangar they were in and with controls, one of the rebels made their way towards the control board and chuckled lightly before turning to the other rebels. "We're in business! These controls should allow us to deactivate the Death Star's deflector shields." Nodding in acknowledgment, the head Changeling of this infiltration ordered his tech whiz to get to work while they'd guard the door.

(Within the Death Star's prison blocks)

A squad of Mando commandos successfully made their way into the Death Star's prison blocks while still cloaked, they laid eyes on the warden of the prison blocks and other Imperial officers at the computers running their prison manifests and making sure all prisoners were accounted for. The group of cloaked commandos were able to assassinate the Imperial officers and then proceeded to de-cloak themselves as they approached the prison cells and began opening them, revealing all kinds of slaves, captured rebels and sympathizers who supported the Rebel Alliance. Once all freed, the squad leader contacted Theron. "Toothless, the prison blocks are secure. We're moving on to the next prison block."

::Copy that. Leave at least two of your men with the prisoners and make sure you arm them. Once the alarms go off? Be ready for a fight::

"Acknowledged." The commando squad leader said as he then left two men with the prisoners from this section of the prison, they then moved on to the next one, while making sure to remain cloaked until they absolutely needed to reveal themselves.

(Within the Death Star's core reactor)

Imperial engineers were at going about their shifts in the core reactor while four Stormtroopers were just standing guard of the core reactors interior exits, the doors suddenly opened and the troopers standing guard were confused to see that nobody was there, they was until their necks were broken and they dropped dead. The Imperial engineers panicked and were about to sound the alarm, that was until the cloaked commandos hit them with poisonous darts that killed them in seconds.

Once deactivating their cloaking, the commando squad leader contacted Lira while ordering the other commandos to secure the core reactor and set up a defensive perimeter. Once Lira's image displayed itself on the commando squad leaders holo projector, the squad leader gave their report. "Core reactor room is secure."

::Excellent. Prepare for Imperial retaliation. Once our reinforcements arrive? They Imps are gonna send several squads of troopers to secure this stations primary chambers::

"Acknowledged ma'am."

(Within the Death Star's bridge)

Grand Moff Tarkin and Director Krennic were on board the battle station and had just destroyed another rebellious world that the Emperor wished to dispose of, being the servants they were, Tarkin and Krennic followed through with their orders and destroyed the planet that was being defiant to the Empire.

An entire fleet of ships that bore the emblem of Crimson Dawn dropped out of hyperspace, and then something very big joined the syndicate fleet. A massive pyramid that was gold, sleek black and was glowing blood red, this ancient station was easily six times larger than the Death Star itself, not only that but it was armed to the teeth and was in fact the ancient Sith battle station from Malachor.

Tarkin turned to the gum crews and barked out orders. "Open fire!!" The Death Star fired its super laser at the massive pyramid ship, but to the hands on the bridges surprise and utter shock, the battle stations laser had absolutely no effect on the unknown vessel. "How the blazes did the Rebellion acquire such a vessel?" Tarkin murmured to himself, Krennic however then barked out his own orders. "Fire turbo lasers!" But before the gun crews could commence firing, the alarms went off.

::Moff Tarkin! Director Krennic!::

"What is it?" Tarkin snarled out.

::R-Rebels!! They've infiltrated the prison blocks and freed all the prisoners, the reactor core is under their control and they've deactivated our shield generators!::

"Call for reinforcements!" Krennic demanded, the bridge crew acknowledged the military directors orders; sounding the alarm and alerting all Imperial troopers at the security breaches at the prison blocks, core reactor and shield generators. Tarkin turned to Krennic and growled out. "I want this matter handled quickly Krennic. The Emperor will notice our absence sooner or later."

(Death Star's prison blocks)

Heavy blaster fire was exchanged between the Mando commandos and Stormtroopers, the prisoners that were freed grabbed any blaster off the Stormtroopers and aided the commandos in pushing the incompetent Imperial soldiers out of the prison blocks. As more Stormtroopers were being gunned down, they called in reinforcements in the form of carbonite war droids, the droids then plugged themselves into the prisons ventilation system and began distributing carbonite through the vents.

"Fall back!! MOVE!!" The Mando commando squad leader barked out to both his fellow Mandalorians and the freed prisoners, those who couldn't get away in time were unfortunately frozen solid and the Stormtroopers proceeded to bash their frozen enemies with the butts of their blasters; shattering prisoners and Mandalorians into thousands of pieces. The commando squad leader then contacted Theron. "Toothless! Imperial forces have us on the run, how're things with you and Lira?" The sounds of heavy blaster fire was heard on Theron's side of the comms before he answered.

::Could be better! Horus just contacted me before you called, he and the Alliance are on their way as we speak!::

"Welcomed news! Every Imperial soldier in this battle station will overwhelm us unless we bring out our own super weapon to deal with them."

::Agreed. Thankfully our super weapon only takes out Imperials and not us, which means when its fired? We'll be safe. ARGH!! I'll talk later! Busy in a firefight!::

As Theron ended his communication, the group from the prison blocks made it out, only to enter a massive chamber and they realized that they were boxed in. As if on cue, enemy blaster fire struck down handfuls of prisoners, causing the Mando commandos to activate their wrist shields and return the Stormtroopers fire while desperately trying not to be cut off from an exit. Once of the blast doors of the chamber opened revealing more carbonite war droids as well as Imperial Riot troopers.

"ARGH!! We're being overwhelmed!!" One of the commandos barked out over the heavy blaster fire, the squad leader, then raised his wrist up at one of the carbonite war droids and fired a wrist rocket, hitting the hulking droid directly in the chest and causing it to implode; sending both debris and the Riot troopers flying in a burning crisp. With that obstacle out of the way? The path to blast doors was clear.

"MOVE!!!" The commando squad leader cried out, while the prisoners ran towards the exit of the chamber, the commandos laid down covering fire and fired their own wrist rockets at the platforms that held the Stormtroopers shooting at them. Once the blast doors closed, the commandos caught up with their squad leader and the prisoners while continuing to fight their way through an entire station of Imperial forces.

(Death Star's bridge)

Whilst Theron, Lira and all the Mandalorian commandos were up to their necks fight Imperial forces on the Death Star, a forced holo call appeared on the hud in front of Tarkin and Krennic on the bridge, the caller was the former Sith Lord, Maul. The Zabrak smiled deviously at the sight of his enemies and introduced himself to the Imperial personnel.

::Greetings. I am Maul, leader of the Crimson Dawn syndicate and commander of this powerful battle station— Crimson Star::

"What is it that you want Zabrak filth?" Krennic growled out, Maul however grinned at the Imperial military director and gestured to his new pyramidical battle station which was the Crimson Star.

::I want absolutely nothing from you fool. I speak on behalf of the Rebel Alliance, we are going to relieve you of the Death Star::

Suddenly, the entire Alliance fleet came out of hyperspace and opened fired on the Star Destroyers escorting the Death Star, the overwhelming fire power from the rebel fleet destroyed the Destroyers in a matter of seconds, after that, the Alliance fleet stopped firing.

Krennic then turned to Tarkin and seethed out. "This is coordinated. These scum planned this for quite some time." Humming in agreement, Tarkin then spoke to Maul over the holo. "It appears you have us at your mercy. What will you do?" The Zabrak gave Tarkin a bloodthirsty smile before answering.

::Not me. But Horus Haddock III::

Maul ended his call and Horus's face appeared before to two high ranking Imperials. "What exactly do you plan to do boy? Even if your rabble take this battle station, you and your pathetic rebellion stands no chance against the Empire." Tarkin declared, Horus snorted in humor before shaking his head at the Imperial Grand Moff.

::If I had a credit for every time I heard that speech. You and Palpatine's arrogance will be the end of you. Starting now::

The Crimson Star then glowed and pulsed, a series of crimson pulses emitted off the pyramid and sent ripples towards the Death Star. These ripples creeped their way into the battle station and soon enough? All Imperial personnel were being ripped apart molecule by molecule, causing extreme agony and once there was nothing left? What were once Imperial officers, pilots and troopers were now reduced to ashes.

Tarkin and Krennic gasped in horror as their fellow companions were being ripped apart but the crimson ripples and soon enough? They were as well. Their veins brightened and burned beneath their skin and soon their skin began to dissolve, causing unimaginable amounts of agony. As he fell to his knees, Tarkin turned to Krennic who was now a pile of ash on the floor, the Imperial Grand Moff turned to Horus's image still displayed on the holo and groaned out. "L-Lo-Long... live... th-the... Empire." Then Tarkin too was reduced to ash.

(Horus's pov)

I was standing on the bridge of the Dauntless with my family, I heard my holo projector beeping, taking it off my belt, Theron's image appeared before me and he grinned at me.

::Thanks for the save. It was getting really dicy::

Returning my friends grin, I nodded at him and gave him new orders. "Secure the bridge. We're deploying extra fighters to dock within the enemy battle station, now that its ours? We're gonna take this fight right to Coruscant." Theron nodded and his image fazed out, turning to Ashara and Ahsoka, I smiled at my lovers and nod at them. "This is it. All or nothing." Ashara grasped my hand and squeezed it. "Whatever happens? I'm honored to be apart of your rebellion." Ahsoka grasped my cybernetic hand and and nodded in agreement with Ashara. "As am I. Lets end this war." I then turned to Zoey and Novak and smiled at them both. "Even though you both have proven to me that you can fight, lead and command armies? It'd make me feel better knowing you were out of harms way."

Zoey and Novak nodded in understanding. "Yes father." They said in unison, causing me to nod in thanks at them and I then kissed both their foreheads, I then turned to my mother, she smiled at me and nodded. "Your father would be so proud of you son." I nod in thanks at my mothers words. "I'm glad you're here mother." She caressed my cheek and cooed. "And here I'll stay." That being said, I then start giving orders to land all our extra star fighters into the Death Star's hangar and prepare to make the jump to hyperspace.

This fight ends today.

A/N: Alrighty! The next two chapters are gonna be the battle of Coruscant and its gonna get crazy! I'll get to work on those chapters as soon as possible. Also, I just want to thank y'all for you patience, now that I'm working again? I have almost no time to write, nor do I have the energy to write, so again, I wanna thank you for you patience and stay tuned for more!

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