Chapter 28: Battle of Coruscant part II

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(Horus's pov)

This was it.

Our galaxy's fate was in the balance and the steaks could not have been higher.

We needed to win.


We will win.

After the battle in Coruscant's orbit was won, we regrouped our forces and prepared for the second stage of our attack on the Imperial capital.

Currently, all Alliance capital ships were deploying all its soldiers in gunships while our fighters ensured troops landed on the ground. I gave my children, Ashara, Val and my friends an equally important mission— ensuring that the citizens of the Empire weren't harmed and kept out of harms way. My followers actually showed me footage of Imperial citizens on Coruscant being executed for speaking out against the Emperor and even for supporting our cause.

That was both horrifying and good news. Horrifying because Sidious would do such a thing to his people, obviously. And good because the citizens of the Empire are finally seeing what their "protectors" stand for.

I was within the Millennium Falcon alongside Ahsoka, Maul and Cori as well as a squad of Mandalorian commandos. Chewbacca growled and snarled as the Falcon shook, Han then turned back to me and barked out. "The Empire isn't going down without a fight, that's for sure!" Humming in agreement, I then speak out. "Get us as close to the Imperial Palace as you can Solo. Once we're dropped off? Assist our air forces." Han nodded firmly in understanding before turning his attention back to flying.

Horus then sensed a disturbance in the Force.

It was Sidious.

The Sith Lord was in the act of a ritual to... drain the Force out of everyone on Coruscant to further fuel his power and go to toe with the Force Sentinel himself.

"Han! I don't care what it takes! Get us to the Imperial Palace by any means necessary! We need to end this fast!"

The Alliance general barked out over the heavy fire that shook and rattled the Falcon. "Doing what I can here Haddock! Whats the rush?" Letting out a growl, Horus barked back. "The Emperor. He's going to drain the living Force out of everything living thing on Coruscant to further fuel his own power. I won't let that happen." Han merely grunted in acknowledgment as he and Chewbacca returned their attention back to flying the Corellian light freighter.

Approaching his fellow Mandalorians and Force users, the Alliance leader proceeded to give his followers a rallying speech before going into battle. "You all joined my Rebel Alliance to fight for freedom! To protect the galaxy from the tyranny and oppression of the Sith and the Empire. Today, we will show our enemies the power of our united strength!" Horus then pulled out a holo projector and activated it, revealing the holographic image of Emperor Palpatine. "Darth Sidious seeks to conquer our galaxy and move on into the Unknown Regions in search of something dark and sinister. It is now our duty to ensure the people of Coruscant see that we're fighting to free them from tyranny, tear down the evil Galactic Empire and vanquish Sith Order once and for all! Victory or death!"


The Mandalorian commandos roared out before proceeding to arm themselves and gear up, Horus turned to Maul and Cori and nodded at the red skinned tattooed beings. "Today? You will avenge your mother, brother and people. That I promise you." Horus said to the former Sith Lord, Maul nodded firmly and nodded. "I look forward to it." Was the Zabrak's response. Horus then turned to Ahsoka and caressed her cheek lovingly and spoke. "I have a task for you, Obi Wan, Luke and Leia." Cocking her head curiously, Ahsoka awaited her lovers next words. "You four will confront Vader and the Inquisitorious, if all else fails? You four must find a way to bring Anakin Skywalker back to the Light Side." Ahsoka inhaled sharply at her lovers words, she missed her old master and friend so much and to see what he has become? It kills her.

"I understand. If there is a way to bring Anakin back? I'll do it." Ahsoka said firmly, nodding at his lover, Horus then heard Han bark out. "Drop off incoming!! Get ready!!" Nodding at Solo's words, Horus and his followers made their way towards the ramp of the Falcon and prepared to drop. Opening the doors of the ramp, Horus jumped out of the Corellian freighter and touched down on a massive courtyard, following their leader, the three Force users and Mando commandos jumped out of the Falcon and joined Horus on the ground.

"For the Rebellion!!" Horus boomed out as he drew out both his lightsabers at the sight of Imperial troops advancing on them. Turning to Ahsoka, Maul and Cori, they all shared a nod as they sprinted towards the Imperial troopers who began to open fire, thanks to their prowess in the Force, the four Force users easily evaded the Stormtroopers fire and then proceeded to unleash a powerful Force push at the same time, sending the legions of Stormtroopers flying back.

At the same time, rebel and Mandalorian gunships landed on the courtyard and deployed troops to aid the four Force users. Among these troops was Luke, Leia and Obi Wan, the three Jedi approached Horus and nodded at him. "You what you must do?" Horus asked, Obi Wan nodded at the Force Sentinel. "We do. If there is a way to redeem Anakin? I must try." Luke and Leia stepped up and spoke as well. "As will we. Our father was manipulated by Sidious, when we confront our father? We will show him that we are his and our mothers offspring. That in itself will be a turning point for him."

"Yes. Luke and Leia are a living embodiment of Padmé and that in itself will convert Anakin back to the Light Side." Ahsoka said in agreement, Horus nodded and then kissed the beautiful Togruta and gestured her to go with the three Jedi. "Be safe." He murmured, Ahsoka nodded and the four proceeded to apply the Force into their sprinting and followed Vader's Force signature.

Horus looked up to the sky and could see his Alliance command ships descending into the atmosphere and offloading gunships and fighters to mop up the Imperial air forces and to give the Alliance troops on the ground a fighting chance. Turning back to Maul and Cori, Horus nodded at them. "Lets go." The two nodded at Horus and followed him into the battle.

(Elsewhere on Coruscant)

Darth Vader and the Inquisitorious were leading the Imperial 501st into battle, the Sith Lord spearheading his forces as rebel forces pressed forward and opened fired. The fallen Chosen One deflected the enemy blaster fire back at them and unleashed a torrent of Force lighting at the rabble before him, vaporizing the rebels and reducing them to dust. Over the years, Vader had practiced in Sith Alchemy and magic and managed to regenerate his lost limbs and therefore? There was nothing holding him back from unleashing his rage against his enemies. Because of the rebels advantage of surprise, they were easily overpowering Imperial garrisons across the planet, as well as the Imperial 501st.

Vader however would not tolerate his troops cowering in the face of such filth, the Sith Lord could smell fear in the hearts of many of the Inquisitors as well, due to many of them never actually being in a real battle before.

There would be no fear, not if Vader could help it.

"You dare display fear in the face our enemies?! You will destroy these vermin! You will teach them the meaning of the Empire!!" Vader roared out to the Inquisitors and Imperial soldiers, the Sith Lord then spoke once more before leaping into the air. "Follow me and I will show you how!" As the rebel soldiers fire at the still airborne Vader, the Sith Lord deflects all the rebel blaster fire and then proceeds to lands on top of the rebels and unleashes a shockwave of Force lightning, sending the rebels back and vaporizing them. Turning back to his fellow Imperials, Vader roared out. "FIGHT!! Or die as cowards who fled when this Empire needs you the most!!" As the Sith Lord continued carving through rebel soldiers, his words lit a fire in the troopers hearts.

"For Vader!!"

"For the Emperor!!"


The Imperial troops roared out; finding their courage and following their Dark Side superiors into battle, as the rebels continue their attack, Vader extends his hand out and crushes the rebels blasters in their hands, leaving them completely defenseless. Barriss and the Inquisitors then hurled their double bladed lightsabers at the disarmed rebels and cut them down to size, forcing the remaining rebels in the area to fall back while Stormtroopers continued to pursue.

A lone surviving rebel tried crawling away from Vader and the advancing Inquisitors, however that rebel was then strangled by their throat and lifted up into the air by the Force. The Rebel then found themselves face to face with Vader. "Where is Horus Haddock?" The Sith Lord seethed out, the rebel spat on Vader's face mask. Growling in irritation, Vader then ripped that rebels wind pipe out and dropped the now deceased rebel.

Vader then deactivated his blood red lightsaber and then felt... very familiar Force signatures nearby. Barriss and the Inquisitorious approach their Sith master and and look at each other in confusion as Vader just stands there. "Lord Vader? What do you command?" Barriss asked, the Sith Lord looked down at the Mirialan Grand Inquisitor and spoke. "The apprentice and master of Anakin Skywalker are nearby."

"Ahsoka and Master Kenobi are here?" Barriss asked, Vader merely grunted in confirmation, turning to her fellow Inquisitors, Barriss addresses them. "Prepare yourselves. We will hunt down and kill these two enemies of the Empire."

"Your assistance is not wanted Offee." Vader snarled out, causing the Mirialan Inquisitor to back away slightly from the Sith Lord. "You and the Inquisitorious will aid the 501st and our armies in driving the enemy off of Coruscant entirely. I will deal with Tano and Kenobi myself." Vader then turned around sharply, causing his cape to nearly whip the Mirialan Grand Inquisitor in the face. Barriss then turned to her fellow Inquisitors and gestured them to aid the nearest Imperial garrisons, while Barriss herself would aid the Imperial 501st.

Being the obedient servants that they were.

(Horus's pov)


Turning to Maul, I could see him hacking down Stormtroopers with raw fury, he then hurled his lightsaber at incoming Jump-troopers, successfully cutting them all down and then summoning his lightsaber back into his hand. Cori too delivered gruesome blows to the enemy troops, those that remained? She crushed their windpipes in with the Force.

"Incompetent little men." Cori stated as she deactivated her curved double bladed lightsaber, humming in agreement with his lover, Maul then closed his eyes and snarled out. "There are more on the way. Being led by an Inquisitor."

"They pose no threat." I stated as I as lay eyes on the Imperial Palace which was not far now, about a couple more miles and we'd be at Sidious's doorstep. Maul and Cori stood by my side as we walked through the streets of Coruscant which were now like a ghost town, several civilians who have yet to find cover came out of the alley way and laid eyes on us, they looked terrified at the. sight of us, but I held both my hands out towards them. "Its alright, we're friends. Find your inside and lock yourselves in." The civilians nodded and took cover.

As we continued walking, the sounds of explosions, blaster fire and orbital fire could be heard everywhere, yet in this secluded part of the city, I dwelled on what life would be like once we end Sidious's reign.


Snapping out of my thoughts, I turn to Maul, he cocks his head ever so slightly. "I urge you to regain your focus my friend, do not let up now." Nodding furiously at the Zabrak, I was about to speak when sniper fire came out of nowhere and one of the bolts came right at my head, but thanks to my reflects, I deflected the bolt elsewhere. The three of us activated the rest of our lightsabers and deflected the enemy sniper fire either back at the source or to harmless areas around us.

"Incoming!" Cori snarled out, looking behind us, I laid eyes on a Imperial AT-ST and Jump-troopers heading right for us. The enemy walker began firing its cannons at us, I extended my cybernetic hand and halted the cannon fire while still deflecting enemy sniper fire, while I was occupied with this, Maul and Cori focused on dealing with the Jump-troopers.

Seizing one of the airborne troopers by the throat with the Force, Cori was about to finish that trooper off, only for her to be hurled back by a rocket, since one of the Jump-troopers wielded a rocket launcher. Cori flew back and rolled around violently on the ground, the sight of his lover being sent back caused Maul to bare his teeth I'm rage and hurl his double bladed lightsaber at the trooper with the rocket launcher, successfully cutting that trooper down to size.

As that deceased troopers severed corpse fell to the ground, they fired a second rocket right at Maul, but the Zabrak quickly caught it and hurled the incoming rocket at the AT-ST still shooting at me, the enemy walker tanked the rocket directly to the head, causing the walker to implode and I then hurled the now downed walkers cannon fire back at the remaining Jump-troopers, killing them instantly.

"Horus Haddock."

Looking up, I snarled at the sight of three very familiar Inquisitors-- the red skinned tattooed Asari known as Third Sister, the Quarian or Sixth Sister and the Turian or Eighth Sister, all of whom were on Mandalore so many years ago. The three servants of the Dark Side activated their double bladed lightsabers and approached us. Pointing my yellow lightsaber at the three Jedi hunters, I boomed out. "Turn away now! You are no match for the three of us." The Third Sister snickered at me and turned to the Eighth Sister. "Do your work." The Turian nodded and extended her hand out, freezing both Maul and Cori, causing the two to groan and snarl while desperately trying to move, but to no avail.

"Now you're the one who's outnumbered." Third Sister purred out, smirking at the red skinned Asari, I shake my head at her. "Fools. You still cannot defeat even though you now hold the advantage of numbers." Sixth Sister snarled at me and hurled her lightsaber at me, I simply sliced it clean in half and seized the Quarian by the throat and brought before me and impaled her through the heart with my black saber, once the Inquisitor was dead, I chucked her body aside and invited the remaining Inquisitors to make a move.

Shaking off their fear, the Third and Eighth Sister both sprinted towards me and unleashed a powerful Force push my way, but I held my ground and watched as both Inquisitors then leaped in the air while their double bladed lightsabers whirled around like saw blades and tried bringing their blood red sabers down on me, summersaulting backwards, I then notice a black Imperial gunship land and offload Imperial Death Troopers.

The elite Imperial troopers then began shooting at me, causing me to deflect their blaster bolts either back at them or towards the remaining two Inquisitors. While I was distracted, the Third Sister used the Force to grab a nearby speeder and chuck it my way, the speeder bike collided into my back, causing me to cry out in pain and fall to the ground. The Asari then pressed her attack and pounced at me, but I then hammered her with a fatal torrent of Force judgment, causing her to scream out in agony as the yellow Force lightning crawled up her body like spiders and sent excruciating jolts of pain into her body.

Shaking the speeder bike off of me, I turn to the Eighth Sister who dashes towards me and we lock blades with each other, the Quarian female gives me a murderous glare while I simply give her a neutral glare. "You don't have to go down with the Sith and the Empire!" I say, gesturing to the heavy battle around us, I continue. "Save yourselves and abandon the Dark Side." The Quarian snorted and gave her reply. "Thanks. But no thanks. When Third Sister and I present your head to the Emperor? We will be rewarded." Eighth Sister broke our blade lock and slashed me across the chest with her blade, causing me to hiss in pain and growl out at her. "You and the rest of the Inquisitorious are nothing but expendable tools! Once you've served your purpose? You'll be disposed of!"

"Sh-Shut... UP!!!" Third Sister cried out as she then strangled me by the throat with the Force, as I was lifted off the ground, the Death Troopers subdued Maul and Cori while a handful aimed their blasters at me. "Dispatch this fool." Eighth Sister ordered, the troopers nodded at their superior and were about to pull the trigger when blaster fire shot them down, looking towards the enemies attackers, I smirked at the sight of my fellow Mandalorians who made quick work of the Death Troopers, leaving just us and the Inquisitors.

Breaking the Third Sister's hold over me, I then return the favor and choke both Inquisitors through the Force and lift them off their feet. Maul and Cori managed to regain movement after having it temporarily suspended by the Eighth Sister, the Zabrak and Glee Anselm activated their respective lightsabers and struck down the two Inquisitors and watched in satisfaction as their dismembered bodies hit the ground with a thud.

Turning to my fellow Mandalorians, I nod at them in thanks. "Thanks for the assist brothers." I say, my people bow their heads and the squad leader responds. "Of course Mandalore." I then see seizable Alliance forces gathering at our current position and helping Imperial citizens nearby, turning back to the Mando squad leader, I give them orders. "Ensure that the citizens are not to be harmed and if they are in need of food, supplies or medicine? Give it to them. We will show the Empire that we're not monsters." The Mando squad leader bowed their head in acknowledgement and went to assist the Alliance forces.

Turning to Maul and Cori, we nod at each other and apply the Force to our sprinting as we race towards the Imperial Palace.

(Ashara's pov)

Myself, as well as Zoey, Novak, Val and the gang and three squads of Mandalorian commandos and rebel soldiers were ensuring the citizens of Coruscant stayed out of harms way of the fighting and if they needed medical supplies or food? We were more than willing to provide it to them. We were all shocked to learn that Palpatine brutalized his own people, the ones who spoke out boldly against his rule.

I smiled at the sight of Zoey and Novak applying bandages to wounded citizens and giving them anti bionics to prevent their wounds from infecting, they're wonderful young adults that I'm proud to call my children.

"They're kind, compassionate and strong. Just like their parents."

Turning to Val, I smiled at the matriarch of House Haddock and nod at her. "They certainly are. I couldn't be more proud of them." Val hummed in agreement and patted my back. "They're destined for great things in the future. Both of them will one day become Mandalore of our people and keep our people strong and feared." Turning to Val, I smirk at her and respond. "Of that I have no doubt." Before I could speak further, I noticed blood red double bladed lightsaber heading directly at us, I then grabbed Val's arms and shove her down and I ducked as well.

Changing its trajectory, the double bladed lightsaber returned to its owner and the double bladed weapon returned in the hand of an Imperial Inquisitor. "Well well well, look at what we have here. The rabble aiding the weak. Pathetic." Two more Inquisitors landed beside the one who hurled their lightsaber at myself and Val and they too activated their blood red lightsabers.

"Lets gut them." One of the male Inquisitors hissed out and was in fact a Trandoshan, the filthy lizard bared its teeth at me and snarled, but the one who hurled their lightsaber at me and Val held the lizard back. "Not yet." This Inquisitor was a male Prothean, and the final Inquisitor was a female Twi'lek. The three Dark Side wielders then slowly approached, I pulled out my blasters and aimed them at the hostiles, as did Val and the rest of the gang, commandos and rebel soldiers.

"Stand down. You are no match for our power." The Prothean Inquisitor boomed out, however, Zoey activated her yellow bladed lightsaber and pointed it at the three Inquisitors. "No. You three are no match for me." The Twi'lek scoffed at my daughter and taunted. "So confident. Are you sure you're up for the challenge sweetie?" Zoey's response was a simple smile and then her left hand crackled with Force judgement, she then extended her hand and hammered the Twi'lek Inquisitor with yellow Force lightning and that Inquisitor was no match for my daughters power.

While Zoey continued shocking the enemy combatant, the Trandoshan roared and snarled out. "I'll skin you alive you welp!!" Leaping into the air, the lizards double bladed lightsaber whirled at lightning speeds and he raised his lightsaber high above his head; eager to strike my daughter down. I then aimed my right arm at the Trandoshan and fired a sonic blast out of my wrist gauntlets and sending the Trandoshan flying back.

Deciding he wanted some of the action, Novak took out his staff and whirled it around expertly and charged the Prothean Inquisitor while also hammering him with blaster fire, causing the Inquisitor to deflect several of my sons shots. Novak then leaped into the air and brought his staff down on the Prothean's lightsaber, the enemy combatant looked shocked that my sons staff was able to withstand contact from a lightsaber.

Blaster fire from behind struck down two of the rebel soldiers accompanying us, turning around, we laid eyes on an Imperial Occupier tank as well as several Stormtroopers closing in on us. Quickly activating our jetpacks, we also activate our wrist shields while returning fire to the enemy. I was about to take out the enemy tanks gunner but was then kicked from behind, grunting at the contact, I snarled at the sight of Imperial Jump-troopers joining the party as well.

"We've got Jumper-troopers people! Stay sharp!" I barked out as I shot down the enemy Jump-trooper who kicked me in the back, turning back to the rest of the enemy flyers, I dodge enemy blaster fire with grace as I spin around and then fire a wrist rocket at one of the flyers, successfully hitting them square in the chest and blowing them up into pieces.

Looking back down to Zoey and Novak, I could see them handling themselves just fine against the Inquisitors, most of those enemy combatants must be new to battle and have never fought anyone besides Vader or each other, so that give us an advantage,

"Say goodbye to your tank Imperial scumbags!!" Ty barked out as he and Rain together fired their jetpack rockets and the two projectiles made contact with the enemy tank and caused it to explode, sending sharp debris flying everywhere and even impaling some of the enemy troopers. "Such beautiful destruction." Rain said blissfully, Ty hummed in agreement with his sister and added. "We'll be seeing a lot of that today dear sister."

"Hey! Hate to burst your bubble here, but will you two stay focused, please?" Stef growled out, the stocky Jorgenson torpedoed himself into a Jump-trooper and slammed the enemy flyer into a nearby building, Fredadan was being dog piled on by handfuls of enemy flyers, but those flyers were then blown back by a sonic blast. While the enemy flyers were recovering, they were all quickly gunned down by myself and Val.

Looking back down to Zoey and Novak, I could see the lifeless corpses of the Twi'lek and Trandoshan Inquisitors while the Prothean still stood his ground against the kids. However that didn't last very long, while the Prothean was engaged in a heated fight with Zoey, Novak took one of his blasters out and shot the final Inquisitor in the leg, causing him to cry out in pain and leave himself vulnerable for a killing blow. Zoey proceeded to slice open the Prothean's chest open and then plunge her lightsaber in the Inquisitors chest, killing him instantly.

Once the Mando commandos and rebel soldiers mopped up the last of the Stormtroopers in the area, we regrouped. "There's bound to be more Imperial forces in the area. We should get moving." Val recommended, humming in agreement, I was about to speak that was until I noticed shimmering behind Zoey, quickly drawing out my blaster, I open fire and struck and Imperial Shadow trooper in the head, dropping him instantly.

However, blasters are jammed in the back of our heads and one of the Shadow troopers snarls out. "Drop your weapons. All of you." Having no other choice but to comply, we drop our weapons while the Shadow troopers check us from communication devices and additional weapons we haven't given up. Before the Shadow troopers can do anything else though? They were all gunned down with precise accuracy, I was about to compliment on whoever it was who fired, but I was shocked to see it was actually some of the citizens of Coruscant who saved us.

One of the citizens approached us and spoke for the rest of the group. "Not all of us agree with Emperor Palpatine and his brutal ways. He's a monster that needs to be stopped. Let us help you in overthrowing him." Turning to Val, the matriarch of House Haddock nods at me and I turn back to the citizens. "Alright, you can help. Ensure that as many citizens are out of the crossfire. Our fight is with all Imperial personnel, not the citizens of Coruscant." The armed citizens nodded at me and moved to the next city block to round up any citizens outside.

"Alright general, whats our next move?" Stef asked me, turning to the stocky Jorgenson, I answer him. "We call for reinforcements and set up a command post. Ensure that we establish as many command posts on the planet and hold them. Thank the Force that the Imperials don't have that many garrisons stationed in the lower depths, that leaves us focused on dealing them in the upper levels." Turning to Zoey and Novak, I place hands on both their shoulders and smile at them. "I need you two to aid the gang in establishing a command post here and ensuring no more Imperial forces try taking this sector. Can you do that for me?"

"Of course."

Yes mother."

Both Zoey and Novak said, I smiled at them and kissed their foreheads and we all got to work on our tasks in taking the sector for the Alliance and would soon look for the next sector to capture for our forces. I then contact Horus to see how he's doing. "Horus? How's it going?" On his end of the comms, I could hear Maul's snarls, Cori's angry cries, the horrified screams of Stormtroopers, blaster fire and lightsaber cuts.

::We're inside the Imperial Palace now. You and the Alliance will need to ensure they don't drive us out of the palace. If Sidious escapes? This would've all been for nothing::

"I understand. We'll hold off the enemy for as long as we can. Oh, and Horus?"

::Yes Milady?::

"Take him down babe." I say with a smile.

::Count on it::

I could hear the smile in Horus's tone, he then disconnects the comms and I contact all Alliance forces on the planet. "This is General Hofferson. Horus is inside the Imperial Palace and is on his way to deal with the Emperor. We need to ensure that the Imperials do not interfere in anyway. Hit them hard and fast; ensure they don't recover or regroup for a counterattack."

::Understood General Hofferson::

::Copy that::


::Rodger that, we'll ensure the Empire won't interfere with Horus's mission in defeating the Emperor::

Nodding, Ashara then notices Mandalorian gunships landing, once the doors opened, revealing Countess Melody, Lady Allmea and Bo Katan, the three Mandalorian women and their personal bodyguards approached me. "Ladies, how goes your progress?" I asked, Countess Melody spoke first. "My Defenders and I have just obliterated an entire Imperial garrison with the help of rebel soldiers and the Stormheart sisters."

"My Maidens and I have ensured that Imperial air support is all but destroyed, we're still trying to locate the Emperor's flagship— Eclipse, if Horus does fail in his mission in ending the Sith Lord, we can't afford the Emperor to escape Coruscant."

I hum in agreement with Lady Allmea and then turn to Bo Katan, the leader of the Nite Owls bowed her head at me and spoke. "Our Alliance have destroyed the remainder of the Empire's navy and are now focusing on destroying their ground troops. Currently, all rebel and Mandalorian forces are engaged with the Imperial 501st and all remaining enemy garrisons."

"The majority of the Imperial 501st are still Jango Fett clones and are quite a threat. But if we all join up in a final push? We can easily overwhelm our enemy." I state, Bo nodded in agreement but added. "Won't be easy though. The remaining enemy forces have Inquisitors leading them, as Dryden Bludvist and his warlords, who are all military tacticians and geniuses. They're giving our troops a run for their credits here." Nodding in understanding, I sigh heavily before contacting the Stormheart sisters. "Eve, Nya, this is Ashara. Do you copy?"

::Affirmative general. How can we help?::

"We're going to ensure that this battle is ours for the taking. And we're going to need your armies and Basilisk war droids to help us. Where are you?"

::We're not far from your location. We're just now finishing up a squad of enemy troopers and ensuring civilians are out of the crossfire::

"Understood. Regroup with us and we'll join the rest of our armies in finishing off the Empire."


Turning back to the Mandalorian women before me, I nod firmly at them.

"Lets finish this."

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