Chapter 5: Defending Mandalore part II

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"Execute order 66."

Once those words left Horus's lips, the Imperial Purge troopers pupils dilated, they then turned to their superiors and aimed their blasters toward Darth Vader and the Inquisitors and opened fired. Quickly activating their blood red lightsabers, the servants of the Dark Side roared out in outrage as they fought for their lives while the clones hammered them with heavy blaster fire, giving Horus and his Mandalorian brethren time to fall back. Horus then placed his index finger to his ear com and contacted Ashara. "We're heading to the back landing pad of the estate, meet us there."

::You got it! En route to you now::

Eric and three of the Mando super commandos laid detonators behind them which could be detonated by their wrist controls, after spreading out detonators, the Mando's regrouped with Horus and the rest of their brothers and sisters before finally reaching the estates back landing pad. Whilst the super commandos awaited Ashara's gauntlet fighter— Stormfly, Eric approached Horus and pointed back towards the estate. "What was that? You turned those clones against them." Horus looked into his companions eyes and nodded. "Its how the Jedi Order was purged. All clones have inhibitor chips built into their genetic code, and they're ordered to kill Jedi if so commanded." Before Eric could form a reply, the roaring of a gauntlet fighter was heard and the group of Mando's turned around to see Astrids, white, blue and yellow fighter.

"Move it people! Lets go!" Horus barked out as the Mandalorians all entered the fighter and flew off into the skies to aid their brothers and sisters fending off Darth Vader's forces. Once reaching the bridge of Ashara's gauntlet fighter, the woman herself turned her head and smiled warmly at Horus, which he immediately returned, the two warriors then could see Imperial walkers advancing on the wastelands while battalions of the Imperial 501st advancing towards the capital but were held back by heavy Mandalorian firepower. Ashara then looked towards the holo projector on the dash of her fighter, the holo projected the image of Countess Melody, she blew back long strands of her pixie blond hair out of her face and spoke.

::We're beginning our attack in the Mandalorian warships now Horus::

Looking out the window, Horus smiled at the sight of Wraith-Class Mandalorian warships slipping behind the Imperial Star Destroyers and opened fired. Ashara too smiled at the sight and chuckled lightly. "Our warships are tearing the enemy to pieces." She stated, Horus hummed in agreement and contacted Countess Melody. "I can see the fire works from down here Melody, you and Allmea destroy as many as their cruisers as possible while the rest of us deal with their ground forces."

::Acknowledged, stay safe down there::

Nodding, I then place a hand on Ashara's shoulder and squeeze it gently. "Its time we join or brothers and sisters in open battle." Looking up at me, Ashara hums in agreement. "I couldn't agree more." She said before we then arrived at the front lines were our people were holding off the Empire's advances. Turning her gauntlet fighter on auto pilot, Ashara got up out of her seat and retrieved her spiky helmet and nudged me playfully. "C'mon, lets go." She then raced towards the back of the fighter and opened a lower compartment that's used to deploy Mando's into battle, once the compartment was opened, Ashara led the way with Horus, Eric and the super commandos right behind her. Imperial AT-DP walkers were advancing on House Stormhearts warriors, Horus and Ashara shared a look and nodded at each other before turning back to Eric and the super commandos. "Lets take out those walkers with our rockets." Nodding in acknowledgment, Eric and the commandos fired their jet pack rockets at the nearest AT-DP.

Once the walkers were destroyed, the Imperial 501st had to fall back from this area or their battalion would be wiped out, they tried calling in air support to cover them, but they laid eyes on the Star Destroyers being destroyed and descending on the planet in a fire ball. The sight of the enemy ships being destroyed caused the Mandalorians to give out war cries and chants while also taunting their fleeing enemies.

House Stormheart forces pushed the Imperial ground forces back further with Basilisk war droids, using the droids almost as mounts, the war machines front mini guns were inflicting significant damage to the Imperial 501st and without cover? They were being torn to pieces. With this section being clear, Horus approached House Stormhearts two leaders— Nya and Eve Stormheart. Both sisters led one of the fiercest clans on Mandalore and they had ancient Mandalorian weapons, such as the Basilisk war droids; passed down by their ancestors during the Old Republic.

"Nice of you lot to join the party, too bad you came too late." Eve said while crossing her arms, Horus removed his helmet and ran a hand through his auburn locks and nodded. "Yes, well now that we have this area cleared, it won't be long now before the Imperial forces pull back or leave the Mandalorian system entirely." Ashara too removed her helmet and turned to Horus. "Will the Empire do that?" Horus turned to Ashara and nodded. "I'm positive. The Imperial 501st is the only Imperial army that still consists of Jango Fett clones, if the Empire doesn't want to lose one of their best legions? They'll no doubt pull back or at least make a tactical retreat."

Before anyone could speak another word, Horus's holo projector was beeping, causing the Force Sentinel to grab his projector and pull it out, when he opened the projector, the hologram revealed Darth Vader and all six of his Inquisitors still alive and well, while the Sith Lord himself revealed hostages, many of them were friends he made over the months— Stef Jorgenson who was also his cousin, Fredadan Ingerman, Ty and Rain Thorston and finally, Horus's very own mother— Val Haddock.

::Horus Haddock, I applaud your clever ploy, activating Order 66, that may have bought you time to escape our wrath, but now? Your actions bear dire consequences::

Vader activated his blood red lightsaber and pointed it at Val, causing Horus to snarl out. "Vader, I swear to you, if you harm my mother--"

::If you wish to see your friends and mother alive, then you will come to these coordinates and face me. Attempt to try anything, and mother will die::

The hologram fazed out and Horus received the coordinates where he was supposed to meet the Dark Siders, growling to himself, Horus was about to put his helmet back on but Ashara grabbed his left bicep and gave him a worried look. "You don't have to face them alone Horus, let us come with you. We can take them together." Shaking his head, Horus turned around and placed a hand on Ashara's shoulder. "I can't risk that Ashara. My mothers life as well as the lives of our companions depends on it." Ashara then looked away, but Horus quickly and gently cupped her cheek and smiled lightly. "I'll be safe. I promise." The Force Sentinel then leaned in and kissed Ashara's lips lightly, causing the blond haired females eyes to widen in shock, but the kiss ended as soon as it began, he then placed his helmet back over his head and flew off back into the capital.

While Nya, Eve, Eric and the other Mando's discussed what to do, Ashara could help but feel her heart racing beneath her breasts, fireworks exploded as soon as Horus's lips pressed against her own and butterflies swarmed inside her belly. Lifting her right hand, she gently grazed her lips with her fingers and smiled lightly at herself. Did... Did Horus house feelings for her? They've been friends since childhood and... well they've grown so much closer over the months, it seemed only natural that the two of them would grow closer together. Never the less, Ashara continued to watch as Horus flew into the capital until he disappeared from her sight, she then murmured to herself.

"Take him down."

(Horus's pov)

The coordinates Vader had sent me led right back to my ancestral home, upon landing on the grounds of House Haddock, I cringed at the sight of Imperial Purge troopers splayed out on the ground, blood pooling beneath their bodies, their limbs dismembered off their bodies and some of the bodies were without their heads. I then laid eyes on the front doors of the estate opened, revealing Vader and his Inquisitors towing my friends and mother, breathing steadily, I controlled my fear and anger so that Vader wouldn't use that against me and I approached the Dark Siders.

Once I was several feet away from the servants of darkness, Vader spoke. "Surrender, your companions and mothers blood will soak the ground." Turning to my mother and friends, the Inquisitors all activated their blood red sabers and held their blades at their hostages throats, causing me to inhale sharply and having no choice but to disarm and stand down. Removing my blasters out of my holsters, I threw aside, removing my wrist gauntlets, I too cast them aside and then I reached for my lightsaber, I held it tightly before throwing my weapon towards Vader, the Sith Lord reached out with the Force to pull my lightsaber into his grasp. Inspecting my weapon in his hands, Vader spoke out. "If you wish for your mother and companions to see another sunrise, you will come with us to Corusaunt and submit to the Emperor." Casting my gaze to the ground, I let out a shuddering breath, looking towards my mother, I could see fear and tears in her ocean blue eyes, giving her a sad smile, I turn back to Vader and fall to my knees and speak.

"I... I surrender. Just let them go."

Vader turned to his Inquisitors and nodded, the fallen Jedi deactivated their lightsabers while the Sith Lord approached me. "You've made the right choice Horus Haddock. Rise." Standing up, I then laid eyes on a Imperial shuttle landing on the estate grounds, Vader then pulled out a holo projector and contacted one of his admirals. "Admiral Monk, withdrawn the 501st and all Imperial personnel on Mandalore and then proceed to bombard Sendari and broadcast it for the galaxy to witness."

::Yes Lord Vader::

Suspecting the Sith's trickery, I use the Force to rip my lightsaber out of Vader's grasp and then proceed to hammer the Inquisitors with fatal torrents of Force Judgement, the yellow lightning came at blinding speeds and crashed down on Vader's bloodhounds, baring my teeth, I took great pleasure in seeing those scum suffer at my hand. Vader then activated his own lightsaber and lashed out at me, ceasing my lightning attack on the Inquisitors, I lock in a vicious blade lock with the fallen Chosen One.

"Your peoples extermination is the Emperor's will, when the galaxy bears witness to Mandalore's destruction? It will serve as warning to any future rebels or insurgents that they will be squashed under the boot of the Sith and Empire."

I snarled at Vader's words and then push him back with the Force, causing Vader to backflip in the air and then land back on the ground with grace. Quickly pressing my index finger to my ear, I speak to all my people. "My brothers and sisters, the Empire plans to bombard the capital with the Super Star Destroyer, I need all Wraith warships and gauntlet fighters to try and delay the bombardment for as long as you can!"

::Understood Horus, Allmea and I are already on it::

Melody said, nodding in acknowledgment, I advanced on Vader while twirling my lightsaber in hand. "After I deliver you head to Sidious, your master is next." I snarled out before pouncing the Sith Lord, Vader too pounced me and we both exchanged bone rattling blows, one of Vader's strike broke through my defense and lightly cut my arm, causing the me to cry out in pain and back off. Before Vader could press his attack, several grappling lines wrapped around the Sith Lord, turning towards the source, I smiled and the sight of my mother and friends were up and then activating a button on their wrist gauntlets, the grapple lines sent fatal jolts of electricity; shocking Vader and causing the Sith Lord to cry out in agony.

Vader's breathing become very raspy as he fell to his knees and his lightsaber deactivated and rolled out of his grasp. Once he had enough, my mother and friends detached their grapple lines off Vader and I approached the smoky Sith Lord. "I should kill you right here Skywalker and end your pathetic existence." I seethed out, reaching out with the Force I strangle Vader and lift him off the ground, causing the Sith Lord to choke and clutch his throat. "But I'm not like you. I'm not a murderer." I stated firmly approaching the Sith Lord, I continue speaking. "I have a message for Sidious. Tell him... that his apprentice and bloodhounds have failed in their mission to capture me and to butcher the Mandalorian people. Tell him that our people will crush the Imperial armies under foot and tell him if he wants me? He'll have to come for me himself." I then release Vader and he falls to the ground, coughing violently and his breathing his very labored.

The Sith Lord then reaches out to his Super Star Destroyers admiral. "A-Admiral Mo-Monk... send a shuttle to my location and... call off the bombardment."

::My Lord? But the Emperor commanded us to::

"I am aware of what the Emperor commanded us to do! But... we've been outmatched. When the Inquisitors and return to the Executor? We return to Corusaunt. Am I understood?"

:Yes, Lord Vader::

Finally recovering from their exposure to Force Judgement, the Inquisitors slowly made it back on their feet and got up slowly, they laid eyes on us and activated their weapons, but Vader called them off. "No! Stand down." He boomed out, but the Inquisitors looked at the Sith Lord with disbelief.

"Lord Vader—"

"Stand. Down. NOW!" He roared out, the Inquisitors submitted to their Sith superior and deactivated their lightsabers, at the same time, an Imperial shuttle arrived and landed on the estate grounds and came to retrieve Vader and his Jedi hunters. Rising slowly to his feet Vader turned to me and seethed out. "Let me assure you Haddock, this isn't over." I curl my lip at the Sith and spat back. "Far from it." The Dark Siders left without any more words, once entering the shuttle, the Imperial forces withdrew from the Mandalorian system and our first major victory against the Empire caused the average citizen from the warriors to let out cheers of celebration.

I then approach my cousin and pat his beefy arm. "You alright cousin?" Removing his helmet, Stef ran a hand through his ebony hair and nodded. "We are now. Appreciate arriving when you did, I really thought we were goners there."

"I know! My adrenaline is through the roof!" Ty exclaimed, causing Rain to grin at her brother and nod in agreement. "Who knew facing death in the face could be such a rush!" While the twins were getting off their adrenaline rush, my mother approached me and embraced, I returned it and inhaled her scent. "I thought I lost you." I murmured into her ear, my mother nodded into my neck and murmured back. "I'm not dead yet my son." Breaking off our embrace, Val kissed my forehead and caressed my cheek with a warm smile. "Your father would be so proud of you." I smile and nod at her in thanks. "Thank you." Turning around, we laid eyes on several gauntlet fighters hovering above House Haddock and all the leading members of the Mandalorian houses and clans descended to congratulate us.

"A hard fought battle! But in the end? Mandalore stands stronger than ever!"

"Future generations will sing songs of our brothers and sisters courage against an ocean of our enemies!"

"This calls for celebration!"

Roars of agreement reached my ears at the prospect of drink black ale and celebrating our triumph against the Sith and the Empire. I then laid eyes on Ashara landing on the ground, smiling at the sight of her, I watched as she landed right in front of me while removing her helmet and grabbing the back of my neck and pressed her lips against mine. By the Force, her lips tasted divine, I melted into her kiss and grabbed her by her curvy hips and lifted her up, dropping her helmet, she wrapped her legs around my waist and arms around my neck as we kissed ever more deeply and passionately.

Ignoring the wolf whistles, chuckles and teasing from my companions and people, kissing me like this? Ashara was telling me that she wanted to be with me and I wanted to be with her too.

Once breaking the kiss, Ashara and I shared a warm smile and shared one last peck on the lips before I set her down and smirked at her. "You sure know how to kiss a guy." Grinning at me, she playfully punched my arm and nodded. "And I could say the same to you, even though you've never been with a woman." Chuckling lightly, I caress her cheek lovingly and shrug. "The only woman I want is you Ashara. If you'll have me." She leaned up and kissed my lips again before replying back. "Of course I'll have you."

"Right, well thats touchy and all, but I think its time we celebrate, eh?" Eric stated, causing many of our people to hum in agreement, we then headed into the heart of the Sendari to commence the celebrations already taking place. Turning to my mother, she smiled widely at me and silently congratulated me for finding a strong Mandalorian woman to settle with.

Although our future will be hard, full of battle and sacrifices? I could see hope to restoring balance and order to a galaxy governed by tyranny and evil. This victory will be spread across the galaxy and other planets will follow our lead and rebel against the Empire. But for now? Celebrations were in order.

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