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Ahsoka's small fleet were orbiting a planet in the outer rim called Lothal. "Comanded Tano, we will be landing im the planet's suface in five minutes" Sato told her.

"That's good to hear. When we land, I am going to have a quick look in the Capital City of this planet" Ahsoka told him. He nodded and walked away.

Not long after, they all landded on the planet's surface. The ramp opened and Ahsoka begain her journey to the Cpital.

As shs walked through the Capital City of Lothal, Ahsoka seen some imperial officers walk around with their trooper squeds, arresting people for the most stupid reasons.

Like not having a permit or talking back at them. So Ahsoka just sighed and continued walking.

"THIS IS THE LAST TIME YOU STEAL FROM ME YOU LITTLE LOTH RAT". Ahsoka looked around for who was the one yelling.

Ahsoka then landed her gaze on a man at a stand, holding a knife at a young boy's throat. Ahsoka ran over.

"Whao what's the problem" Ahsoka asked the angry man. "This little thife tried to steal some of my food but I got him this time" he replied as he held the knife thight.

"I'll pay for the food. How much is it" Ahsoka asked him, wanting to prevent a fight and someone getting hurt. "10" he told her.

Ahsoka sighed and have the man the money and he walked back to his stand. Ahsoka turned to speak with the boy but he was gone.

She scaned the area for the young boy and spotted him running into an ally. Wanting to know what he was doing, Ahsoka followed him.

She followed him for about 2 minutes until he stopped in a small allyway and sat down. Ahsoka watched from the entrance at the boy as he took out a yougon and started eating it.

Ahsoka then decided to walk up to the boy to ask him some questions.  As soon as he seen her though, he took off running, dropping his bag.

"Hey wait" Ahsoka called but he was already gone. Ahsoka sighed and walked over to the bag and picked it up.

She was tempted to look inside and see what was in it but she didn't want to, thinking she would be being noisy. Ahsoka thought for a momont and begain opening the bag.

"Pleas, don't open it". Ahsoka looked up to see the same boy, standing at the end off the allyway. "Ok I won't. Can you pleas come over" Ahsoka asked the young boy.

"Why should I. You might be a member of one of those gang's around here, or be with the Empire" the boy said frightened. "I promise young one that I am not with any gang or work for the Empire" Ahsoka explained.

"You swear" the boy asked. "I swear" Ahsoka said with a smile on her face. "I belive this is yours" Ahsoka said as she held up the bag. He nodded and walked over slowly and when he was close enough, he snatched the bag.

"So what is your name" Ahsoka asked him. "Its Ezra" he replied. "How old are you?". "Nearly 8" he told her.

"Where are your parent's" Ahsoka asked concerned. The boy, now known as Ezra, lowered his head saddly.

"They are gone" she said saddly. "What do you mean?" Ahsoka asked, still a little confused.

"They were...taken..and now..I live..on the street' The streets rat.... I am" the boy said as he started to cry.

Ahsoka felt sad for the young boy. He is only 7 years old and he lives on the street's because the Empire took his parent's away.

Ahsoka then hugged the small boy to comfort him and he didn't mind at all. They stayed like that for about 5 minutes untill Ezra pulled away. "Thank you" he said as he wiped his tears.

"It's no problem. So what are you going to do now?" Ahsoka asked Ezra, wondering what he will do next. He shrugged.

"I will have to find somewhere to sleep for the night. Somewhere that is safe and is out of sight" he said saddly. Ahsoka heart broke by this new news.

Ahsoka thought for a momont befor standing up and having a determined look on her face.

"How about you come with me" she asked. Ezra looked up at her with wide eyes. "Are you serious" he asked in disbelief.

Ahsoka smiled and nodded. "I mean it. You can join the small rebel fleet I am building" she told him.

He thought for a momont. "Ok I'll go" he said with a smile. "Nice of you to join" Ahsoka said with a smile as she and Ezra started walking.

Sorry this is crap but im writing this at 1:20am

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