🪐Chapter Nine🪐

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"It is an unfortunate fact that we can secure peace only by preparing for war"


Chapter Nine


Othanian Translations

Rowuk - Bitch/bastard (gender-neutral insult)

Zu vust'lume jaux ik hew - My love is promised to your soul (Romantic version of 'I love you' and a part of wedding vows - to be taken seriously)

Mando'a Translations

Mand'alor - King/leader, sole ruler of Mandalore

Gar enteyor ba'slanar - You must leave

Ni mav nu, jettii hut'uun - I will not, Jedi coward (coward is one of the worst Mandalorian insults)

Di'kut! Gar adiik! Ba'slanar! - Idiot! Your child! Leave!

Vor entye - Thank you (lit. I accept a debt) [Context means Jango accepts a life debt, knowing he would have died in that arena]

Vod/Vode - Sibling/Siblings

A/n: Quick question! Would you like to see Cal Kestis as the Reader's Padawan? I love him and would love to include him, but it'd take some messing around with the storyline, so if you don't want him I won't do it


Of all the places someone like Jango Fett would have fled to, you would not have thought a backwater planet like Geonosis would be one of them. Trailing Fett to his destination took a day and a half, a much shorter journey than you and Obi-Wan were expecting.

"Asteroid field," Obi-Wan warned, eyes on the sensors while you were flying. It was only a few seconds before he again warned you, "Seismic charges!"

Cursing under your breath, you were quick to direct the ship under one of the larger asteroids, weaving through several others and watching them implode around you as you narrowly avoided the charge.

As soon as you tried to follow Fett again, another charge was released.

"That rowuk," you hissed, muttering another few phrases in Rhodian and Bocce that caused Obi-Wan to give you a chiding poke through your soul bond.

After narrowly dodging the second blast, you once again tried to get back on track to follow Fett planetside. Fett led you through a giant crater that had several tunnel-like formations inside. When you came through the other side, you paused when you realized Fett was no longer in your line of sight, the Force giving you a sharp warning before blaster fire came from behind.

"Blast, this is why I hate flying!"

"You aren't the one piloting! How are the weapons systems?"

"Only front-facing. We didn't exactly come on this trip expecting a space fight."

"We should have. Something always goes wrong on our missions," you grumbled, jerking when Fett got in a lucky shot and damaged the ship, "Kriff!"

"A missile has been released." Going through a few basic evasive maneuvers, you figured out quickly that it had tracking capabilities- which made things more difficult, "I'm going to release the spare parts canisters."

Hoping you wouldn't need any of the spare parts, you nodded in assent and kept your focus on flying. Moments later, Obi-Wan pressed the release. The large explosion behind you helped push the ship forward, and you were quick to attach it to the side of an asteroid facing away from Fett's ship.

The ship remained there for an hour. By that time you were certain that Fett would have made it into the atmosphere and would have landed somewhere on the planet. His tracking beacon cut out twenty minutes before, but you pinpointed his last location and would be going there.

Once you reached the planet's surface, the sun was rising and it was much easier to see the settlement around you.

"There's an unusual amount of federation ships down there," Obi-Wan pointed out.

"Yes... it makes Fett coming here even stranger."

After landing a safe distance away from the settlement near a large rock formation, you turned off the ship and let out a sigh.

"Bounty hunting is legal in the republic," you started, continuing after Obi-Wan hummed in acknowledgment, "And the cloning is too because Kamino isn't a part of the Republic. Fett claimed he had a proper contract for both. Why would he run and fight you if he knew both things were legal? Not only that but it's Jango Fett. Why would he help make an army for the Jedi of all people? He killed many of us and we killed many of his people as well."

"I'm afraid these are answers we can only get once we bring him in for questioning. Hopefully it will be less difficult with both of us there- and we'll have to handle his son as well."

Sighing tiredly, you stood from your seat and made your way to the back of the ship to open the ramp, "We better get started then, something tells me it's going to be a long day."

The two of you left the ship with the hoods of your robes pulled low over your faces, keen to avoid any beings in general but even more determined to not be recognized.


The two of you had been walking around an hour before you found anything of interest. Carved into one of the formations was an elaborate area, with an unknown purpose. The further you and Obi-Wan walked, the clearer noises of machinery became.

Coming upon an opening, you and Obi-Wan peeked through. It looked as though an army of droids was being built.

"This is-" you cut yourself off, unable to find the right words. You knew hundreds of languages and were speechless. Your silver-tongued companion was in a similar state of shock.

"I sense lifeforms," Obi-Wan finally got out, ushering for you to move on.

So you continued exploring, going deeper and deeper into what had been revealed as a droid factory until you found the lifeforms Obi-Wan sensed. A familiar voice reached your ears, and your heart stopped.

"We must persuade the Commerce Guild and the Corporate Alliance to sign the treaty."

You had known Count Dooku was leading the Separatist movement ever since it began, but to see and hear it in person was another thing entirely. It was a struggle to reconcile the clever master you philosophize with, Obi-Wan's grandmaster, with the man causing so much grief for the Republic.

"What about the senator from Naboo? Is she dead yet?" Nute Gunray. Of course he was the one who put the hit on Padmé! It should have been obvious from the start, "I am not signing your treaty until I have her head on my desk."

"I am a man of my word, Viceroy."

A third voice chimed in, "With these new battle droids we've built you, you'll have the finest army in the galaxy."

You and Obi-Wan were quick to follow the voices while also staying out of sight, watching from above as they gathered around a large table.

"As I explained to you earlier, I am quite convinced that ten-thousand more systems will rally to our cause with your support, gentle beings."

One of the beings spoke in their native tongue, and you translated over the bond for Obi-Wan.

He's said that what Count Dooku is saying could be considered treason

Well he's not wrong

"The Techno Union army is at your disposal, Count."

"The Banking Clan will sign your treaty."

"Good, very good. Our friends from the Trade Federation have pledged their support, and when their battle droids are combined with yours, we shall have an army greater than any in the galaxy. The Jedi will be overwhelmed."

Both of you sucked in breaths at that. It sounded like Count Dooku was implying-

He's willing to kill us, Obi-Wan's dismay was heavy through your soul bond, and you struggled to comfort him when your own emotions were in turmoil.

"The Republic will agree to any demands we make."

We need to get back to the ship and report this to the Council. We need backup, at the very least for proper negotiations.

Giving you a silent nod, Obi-Wan sent one last glance at his wayward Grandmaster and led the way out the droid factory. It was a silent walk back to the ship, the two of you pondering too many things to be able to hold a proper conversation.

The sun was almost completely over the horizon by the time you made it to your ship, giving you a hint as to how long you'd been exploring the planet and the droid factory.

"The transmitter is working, but we're not receiving a return signal," Obi-Wan reported a few minutes into attempting to send a message to Coruscant.

"Long-range communication was likely knocked out when our ship got shot," you joined Obi-Wan in trying to get the transmitter up and running, "Somewhere closer might work, like Naboo. We can send the message to Anakin and have him pass it on."

"Good idea," Obi-Wan input Naboo's coordinates and waited for it to connect to Anakin's comm code before starting to record, "Anakin? Anakin do you copy? This is Obi-Wan Kenobi and (Y/n) Pavond. Our long-range transmission has been knocked out. Retransmit this message to Coruscant immediately."

"We have tracked the bounty hunter Jango Fett to the planet Geonosis. There is a droid army in the making, under the command of the Separatists. It has become clear that Viceroy Gunray is behind the assassination attempts on Senator Amidala. The majority of the Separatist leaders are here. If there is to be any chance for negotiation, it must be done now. We request more Jedi Masters join us, negotiators to-'' crying out when the Force screamed so suddenly of danger it cut through your brain, you turned away from the transmission and looked at the ship's window, "Obi-Wan-"

"I see them. This won't be a pleasant fight," Obi-Wan cut off the transmission and lit his saber, you did the same.

There were six droidekas waiting for you outside, and they immediately raised their shields and began shooting. Silently deciding that each of you would take three, the two of you stepped away from each other- only to have to move back to back when the droids circled.

"They have strategies programmed," you hissed, deflecting a ridiculous number of shots with your saber, "We're stuck."

"We'll just have to fight together then, shouldn't be too horrible," Obi-Wan's lips quirked.

Diving toward the droideka right in front of you, you turned off your lightsaber just before hitting the shield and turned it back on once inside. Slashing the droideka in half, you jumped off the broken piece of machinery and landed in another one's shield, doing the same to the second.

A warning from the Force flared, and you let out a harsh breath through gritted teeth when you felt Obi-Wan's pain through your bond. A quick glance showed him unconscious in the sand, the four remaining droidekas had ganged up on him as soon as you focused in on one. You weren't expecting that and Obi-Wan paid the price.

Darting over to Obi-Wan's unconscious body, a cursory check revealed him to be relatively unharmed aside from some basic flesh wounds that weren't life-threatening. Though any potential internal damage was concerning.

Facing an enemy was not as easy when you were trying to protect someone at the same time. Considering the fact that you were outnumbered and outgunned as well, it wasn't looking good.

All for of the droids shot at the same time. You were lucky to block three of the shots and angle yourself so the fourth hit the shoulder belonging to your non-dominant side. Still, a weakness was a weakness and when the droids did the same thing again, you were hit near your hip. The droids did so a third time, but this time aimed at the ground. The force of their combined blast created enough of an impact to send you flying.

Hitting your temple on a large enough rock to cause black spots in your vision, you had enough wherewithal to curse Geonosis for it's geography before falling unconscious.


You woke up an undetermined amount of time later. Immediately reaching out for Obi-Wan, you were relieved to feel a weak pulse in return. His Force presence felt dulled, as your connection to the Force did. The two of you were under Force suppressors, but not strong enough ones to cut off your connection completely - a blessing.

Now that you knew Obi-Wan was at the very least alive and in custody like you, you took stock of your injuries. They felt better than they should have, especially considering how your arms were stretched above your head - a position that should have irritated your shoulder to no end. It only took a few more seconds to realize that your wounds were bandages, all three of them. They were halfway healed based on the tenderness, which should have been a good indicator for how long you'd been there but if bacta had been used then it was anyone's guess.

So you were stuck in the Separatist's den, a potential prisoner of war. Though they likely wouldn't treat a prison of war's wounds. It would defeat the purpose of holding you in the first place. So you were being held for an unknown purpose.

Closing your eyes, you fell into a light mediation, difficult with less Force access but not impossible.

When you felt another presence enter your cell you opened your eyes, unsurprised to see Count Dooku.

"This wasn't how I imagined I'd see you again," you quipped, "At the very least I would have liked for it to be during proper negotiations. Have your memories been lost with age or do you just not care about our friendship anymore?"

"Friendship is a dangerous thing for a Jedi," Dooku responded, unbothered by your taunts.

"You aren't a Jedi anymore, Count, so we hardly have to worry" you hissed out the title like it was poison on your tongue. You had no issues with Dooku leaving the Order aside from a sadness you could accept and move on from. Now, however, you were angry and bitter about what he called himself instead of Master.

Dooku stepped over to the controls for your binds, and you were pleasantly surprised when they loosened slightly - just enough to allow some slack for your tender shoulder.

"I'm afraid I won't get away with the same speech I gave Obi-Wan," Dooku informed casually, as if this was a situation you'd been in together before, "I know much more about your mind than I do his."

"Perhaps if you were willing to stay then you'd have more than lineage dinners to reminisce on," you deadpanned, "Have you come to give me a grand speech about how the Separatists are completely in the right? Or about how you had 'no knowledge' of our capture? Oh! Perhaps you have come to discuss my impending enslavement."

That last one had Dooku sputtering in offense, "Your enslavement? (Y/n) of all things, that would be the last I'd subject you to."

"I don't see why you wouldn't. You'd allow your brothers and sisters to die facing a droid army, why wouldn't you wish to sell me? You're aware of how much Othas are worth. More than that, you know how terrified I am of it."

"That which you confided in me I hold dear, (Y/n). I would not use that against you."

"I wish I never told you any of those things," you whispered. Dooku had many things to use against you, things you had confided in him with the understanding that he could do the same.

"Ah, but we both confided in each other, didn't we? Isn't that how some of our best conversations came about? I remember many about the state of the Order and the Republic. Do you still doubt the Separatist cause when you were a part of so many of the discussions that formed my own opinions?"

"I do not doubt your opinions, nor do I doubt the Separatists. What I do doubt is who is truly behind all this and the lengths of which both sides are willing to do."

"You have doubts of my leadership."

"The Sith have returned and I sense the growing darkness in you Dooku, even with the suppressors. There is still time to stop your descent. At this rate, you could be a-"

"Gray Jedi? Yes, you would know of Gray Jedi, wouldn't you?" Dooku interrupted, and you tensed at the (accurate) implication. From the folds of his robes, Dooku produced your lightsaber and lit it, "Purple is a unique color for a Jedi, especially considering it is a Kyber crystal. A mix of Jedi blue and Sith red, is it not?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"No?" Dooku turned off your lightsaber and returned the hilt to his robes. You wanted it back, you could practically feel your Kyber crying out for you, "For a time, I considered taking you on as a Padawan. I was very impressed with your progress, you see, and I watched you closely because of it. I was very interested to see hints of what could only be described as darkness escaping every so often. It is quite hard for children to maintain proper shields, after all."

"I was an emotional child."

"No, Obi-Wan was an emotional child. You were struggling to find your proper place in the Force. Then you were chosen by Master Koon, and I moved on. Until I saw you again, and this time curiosity got the best of me and I invited you on a walk. There are many interesting things you said during those times, but do you remember what you said when discussing life outside of the Order?"

Biting your cheek, you didn't want to say it, but Dooku's eyes were sharp and you knew he would wait as long as it took for you to give in, "I said that you could be independent, or a Gray Jedi."

Humming, Dooku walked circles around your capsule, "It was such an interesting thing for you to say."

"Everyone knows of the existence of Gray Jedi. They may be almost entirely extinct now but they existed once," you excused your past words, which were definitely said because of your own experiences.

"Yes, though I suppose there is one more thing you can't dispute," Dooku stopped in front of you now, his lips curling into a smirk, "Darkness can sense darkness, and I sense it within you. You have immaculate shields, and the shifting of your Force signature is brilliant, but I am no Jedi- not anymore. I sense the darkness in you as you do in me."

There was no point in denying it anymore, not if Dooku could sense your true Force signature. It'd be something to work on in the future, masking yourself from all Force users, "Then you can also sense the light as well. I will not join you, Dooku. The path you are on is one I cannot follow."

"I at least ask you to consider leaving the Order."

Tilting your head and acting as though you were truly thinking about it, you replied, "Considered. Sadly, I care more about the Order than you. It is not my time to leave, and even if it was I would not do so to join your cause."

Dooku sighed, but seemed to understand that he'd be getting nowhere with you, "I will see what I can do in favor of your release, in remembrance of our friendship."

With that, he left. You closed your eyes and fell into mediation again- having a lot to think about. It was then that you realized he never responded to your statement about there being another person behind this. It wasn't an agreement, but it wasn't a denial either.


You were unsure how much time had passed when your mediation was interrupted again. You'd spent your time in a haze, reaching out to the Force for guidance and trying to put together the puzzle pieces of this mission.

It was not Count Dooku coming to see you this time, but a cluster of Geonosian guards. One of them went over to the control panel and released your binds while the other four stood ready with their weapons raised.

Falling to your knees, you let out a gasp as the Force returned to you entirely. Whatever suppressor they had was in the actual cell and not your binds which was fortunate. It'd be easier to escape that way - assuming you weren't being released, which you doubted.

The fifth Geonosian picked up his weapon and hovered behind you, poking the end into the small of your back and prompting you to move along. As they ushered you along, you reached out to Obi-Wan and found that his Force presence was entirely returned as well.

Do you know where you are? You asked, eager to track him down and escape together.

I'm in a carriage.

You paused, and it took the Geonosian behind you nudging you to get you to move again, A carriage?

Yes, I believe it leads into a large coliseum. I can hear Geonosians cheering. Where are you?

Your group took another turn, and the nearly overwhelming heat of Geonosis hit you. This hallway would lead outside, and you had a hunch where outside you'd be going.

Right behind you, I believe.

Sure enough, in the distance was a carriage. Obi-Wan's hair shone like fire in the bright sunlight, alerting you to his presence before anything else. You'd admire it if the two of you were under different circumstances.

"Hello beloved," Obi-Wan greeted lightly as you were pushed into the carriage, your hands chained to the bar in front of you just as Obi-Wan's were, "It is good to see you again."

"And you as well, though I wish we were reuniting in a better way."

Obi-Wan chuckled, "Yes, this lacks the romantic nature of lovers reuniting. I'm afraid we'll be fighting for our lives quite soon. The only reason for a coliseum would be to put on a show before our inevitable deaths."

"I would rather die with dignity than live the rest of my life in shame and misery," you responded, your words ringing true in the Force.

A strange expression flashed over Obi-Wan's face, and you looked over curiously, "If it came down to it, beloved, I would take your life myself if it kept you away from slavery. I'd rather live knowing I killed the love of my life than watch you be carted away to what you've always feared."

Letting out a shocked breath, you leaned up and kissed Obi-Wan deeply, "Both of us may die today, Obi-Wan, and that is much preferable to either of us living without the other. Zu vust'lume jaux ik hew."

"Zu vust'lume jaux ik hew."

The carriage jerked, and the two of you were carted out into the colosseum. The sun beat down on you, the Genosian crowd roaring in delight now that their entertainment had been revealed.

Stopping toward the center of the arena, where four large pillars were waiting, you and Obi-Wan were guided off and toward two of the pillars. Your hands were lifted above your heads and the chain was attached to the top.

"There are four pillars," you noted absently, "You don't think we'll have company, do you?"

Obi-Wan's gaze suddenly shot to the other side of the arena, "Oh, I believe we will. I'm afraid we were a bit distracted and missed their arrival."

Following Obi-Wan's gaze, you bit back a frustrated groan at the sight of Anakin and Padmé being carted out in a carriage identical to the one you and Obi-Wan just got off of.

"We truly shouldn't be surprised at this point."

The pair was taken down the same path you and Obi-Wan were, then led off and chained to the remaining two pillars.

"I was beginning to wonder if you had gotten my message," Obi-Wan snarked.

"I retransmitted it as you requested, Master. Then we decided to come and rescue you."

Looking up at his binds, then yours, then Anakin's, Obi-Wan raised a brow, "Good job."

The crowd silenced as Jango Fett, Count Dooku, and Lord Poggle stepped out onto a viewing platform. Poggle spoke, and you translated through the family bond since Anakin was now present.

We have been convicted of espionage. As such, we're to be executed.

Wizard, Anakin sarcastically cheered.

Yes, well, it would have been only (Y/n) and I worrying about this if you didn't feel the need to come with only Senator Amidala as backup, Obi-Wan chided.

Before their bickering could further, the loud rumbling of chains grinding echoed throughout the arena. Four cages were being opened. One released a Reek, the next a Nexu, the one after that an Acklay, and the last released a Rancor.

All of the monsters tossed their heads around, either roaring or shrieking as if announcing their presence. The Nexu even attacked and killed their handler when they stepped out.

"I've got a bad feeling about this," Anakin sighed.

"Of all the habits you could have picked up from Obi-Wan," you huffed.

The handlers periodically shocked the beasts to move them closer to all of you. Based on their trajectory, you were lucky enough to get the Rancor - arguably the smartest of them.

"Each of us can take one. Remain calm and trust the Force," Obi-Wan instructed.

"What about Padmé?"

All of you looked down at the end. Padmé had unlocked one of her cuffs and was scaling her pillar. Within moments she was standing firmly on top, in a much better place than the rest of you.

"She's fine," you mused, slightly surprised by how well she reacted in dangerous situations.

The Rancor charged at you, and you could no longer keep your focus on the others. Wrapping the chains around your wrists, you Force jumped just high enough to get above the Rancor and dropped the chains you gathered down so they wrapped around the beast's throat. Predictably, the rancor began thrashing in an attempt to escape. The force of it pulled on the binds around your wrists and likely left bruises, but it also broke the chain off of the loop at the top of the pillar.

With a minor use of the Force, you pulled the now broken end of the chain into your hands. Dropping that end to the left side of the Rancor, you jumped off the right - creating another loop around the Rancors throat. Before the Rancor could charge again, you picked up the end of the chain across from you and retreated behind your pillar. Pulling a picklock from one of the seams in your robes, because not having one on hand would be ludicrous, you freed your hands while avoiding swipes from the Rancor at the same time, mentally thanking Quinlan for being so good at picking locks.

With your hands free you tied the two ends of the chain together, using the Force to twist them together tightly. The Rancor was trapped as you were moments before.

Backing away to a safe distance, you watched as the Rancor struggled to break away from the pillar, not only choking itself but destabilizing the pillar as well. Eventually, the pillar snapped and fell forward onto the Rancor. It was too weak from choking itself to move and therefore was crushed.

"I do something new every week," you wiped the sweat off your brow and checked on the others to see how they were doing.

Anakin had tamed the Reek, Obi-Wan was battling the Acklay with one of the handlers weapons, and the Nexu was lying dead on the ground - you were unsure how it died but were glad it was dead all the same.

"Obi-Wan!" You called out, running to him just as the Acklay took the weapon from his hands and snapped it in half with his teeth.

"Masters!" Anakin called out at the same time, riding past on the Reek with Padmé just behind him.

What a strange double-date, you quipped, jumping onto the creature just behind Obi-Wan and wrapping his arms around his waist.

Now isn't really the time, Master, Anakin snapped, and you just knew he had an annoyed look on his face.

It's your fault for falling in love with your charge, Obi-Wan sniped back.

From the entrance to the arena came a pack of droidekas who quickly rolled out and surrounded the Reek. That wasn't good, and any hope that you had of escape quickly dwindled.

Then, Force signatures, hundreds of them suddenly popping up like they were masking and now ready to reveal themselves. All around the arena, the tell-tale low of lightsabers appeared. Jedi, hundreds of them, had arrived and were ready for a fight.

With the arrival of the Jedi came the introduction of the droid army. Three Jedi in the crowd, who you knew to be practitioners of Jar'Kai, tossed you, Anakin, and Obi-Wan their spare lightsabers.

"Anakin, keep close to the Senator!" You ordered, carefully cutting the binds off Obi-Wan's wrists.


The Reek bucked, and the four of you jumped off before you could fall. The arena was a mess of a battlefield, and you felt lights in the Force either dimming or going out all around you. It was horrible. You'd never experienced a massacre of this size when it came to fellow Jedi.

With your backs to each other, you and Obi-Wan consistently circled- either blocking shots or attacking any droids that got too close. Whatever one of you lacked the other made up for. There was a reason the Younglings whispered stories of your missions together.

There were more and more lights either dimming or dying out, and you felt a stab of pain for each one. So many Jedi were sacrificing their lives, and for what? For the lives of a Padawan, a Knight, a Master, and a Senator?

They are here for more than that, darling, Obi-Wan soothed, sensing your guilt through the bond, though his own guilt was slipping through as well.

Suddenly, in the Force was a warning. Not for you, but for someone just as important to the universe. Eyes searching the arena for who could fit the bill, they landed on Mace and Jango Fett locked in a fierce battle.

Cover me, you ordered Obi-Wan before taking off.

Sprinting toward the pair, you stretched out your hand and pushed. The two flew away from each other, Mace recovering quickly and diverting his attention to the squad of droids that surrounded him. He didn't have time to question what happened or look back to Jango.

"Mand'alor," you hissed, ducking under a blaster shot and deflecting another one with your lightsaber, "Gar enteyor ba'slanar."

"Ni mav nu, jettii hut'uun!" Jango shouted back, practically spitting venom.

Growling, you pulled on the Force and wrapped it around his body, trapping him. He spit and cursed like a cornered animal, but you simply forced his body to face where you sensed Boba's young Force present. The son of the Mand'alor was staring at the scene with wide, fear filled eyes.

"Di'kut! Gar adiik!" You yelled, "Ba'slanar!"

Releasing the hold of Jango, you took a cautious step back as he stepped forward, expecting him to initiate another fight. Instead, he held out his arm. It took you a moment to realize it was for a handshake.

"Vor entye." He grumbled out.

Gripping his forearm, you shook in traditional Mandalorian fashion. He had just accepted a debt, a life debt. He activated his jetpack and took off, first stopping to pick up Boba then leaving the arena.

"He was more trouble than he's worth," Obi-Wan approached, deflecting several blaster bolts on his way.

"I wasn't going to leave a boy without his father, much less make him watch his father die. Now come on, there's still a battle going on."

The droids far out-numbered the Jedi, and everyone instinctively gathered together in a loose circle. You were surrounded, but at least you were covering each other.

Obi-Wan knelt to check the pulse of a fallen Jedi Master, and shook his head. Tightening your grip on your saber, you glared up at Count Dooku. Oh how far he'd fallen.

"Master Windu!" Count Dooku called out, drawing the Master of the Order's attention, "You have fought gallantly. Worthy of recognition in the history archives of the Jedi Order. Now it is finished... Surrender - and your lives will be spared."

"We will not be hostages for you to barter with Dooku."

"Then, I'm sorry, old friend. You will have to be destroyed."

The B-2s and standard battle droids all lifted their guns.

I love you, you sent through the family bond.

Thank you for everything, Anakin returned.

You two are unbelievably dear to me, Obi-Wan concluded.

"Look!" Padmé called.

From the sky came several transport ships, each one holding a squad of clone soldiers. Clone soldiers you hoped would never actually see battle.

Without prompting the Jedi flooded onto the ships. Spotting Master Yoda in the central ship, you assumed as the Grandmaster of the Order he'd be going to central command.

"I'm going with Master Yoda," you called out to Obi-Wan as the two of you ran toward the ships.

"Wait," Obi-Wan grabbed your wrist.

"I need to get to central command. There could be Jedi alive and injured here, they need medics," you pulled your wrist away, "We'll be okay. Trust in the Force."

Nodding once, Obi-Wan jumped onto a ship with Anakin and Padmé and you moved over to the ship with Master Yoda.

"Going to central command?" You asked the old master as the ship lifted off.

"I am. Have orders to give, you do?"

"I'd like to gather as many available medics as possible and go back to the arena. There could be survivors that need medical attention."

"Think of things others do not, you do."

The ride was bumpy, and you tried to ignore the two transport ships around you that were blown up with no chance of survivors.

When you landed at central command, a large setup behind the frontlines of an impending battlefield, you were quick to jump off the ship and approach the clone in charge.

"Cody!" You exclaimed in surprise.

"Vod," Cody greeted, much less surprised than you, "I'm glad to see you made it."

"I wish we were seeing each other again under different circumstances. I need all the medics you can spare to come with me back to the arena. There are probably people who are still alive but injured and I don't want to leave them."

"Understood, I'll have a group ready in a few moments. They'll meet you at the nearest transport." Cody turned and began speaking rapidly into a comm.

Leaving Cody to work, you gave a nod to Master Yoda and hurried over to the nearest transport. Soon, six clones joined you at the transport, and the pilot who'd been waiting took off as you loaded on.

"Wolffe, welcome to a real battlefield," you greeted, recognizing the clone's signature.

"Can't say I enjoy it more than the simulations," Wolffe snarked back, turning to face the rest of the clones when they all simultaneously tensed up at Wolffe's words, "Vode, this is Jedi Master (Y/n) Pavond. Cody announced them as vod after their visit to Kamino, remember?"

All of the clones nodded, quickly relaxing when they realized who you were. You wanted to ask about both Cody's authority (if he had the power to announce you as family and all the clones accepted it, he had to be high up) and what exactly qualified you as vod except for showing them basic decency, but you had to keep your mind on the mission.

"What are your names?" You asked the clones.

"They mean chosen names, not numbers," Wolffe added.

"Kix, medic for the 212th Attack Battalion."

"Helix, medic for the 501st Legion."

"Sparrow, medic for 377th Battalion."

"Bones, medic for the 104th Battalion."

"Burner, Ser, I was sent as backup."

"I was too, and as the temporary Commander for this group," Wolffe concluded.

Opening your mouth to respond, you snapped it shut at a sudden flash of pain through your soul bond with Obi-Wan. The first flash was immediately followed by another that caused you to stumble.


"I'm fine," you gritted out, taking comfort from the fact that you could still feel Obi-Wan through the bond. He was alive, just injured, "It's nothing." Before any of the clones could argue you were landing in the arena. All the battle droids that were previously there were gone, likely sent out to the main battle, "I want all of you to go around checking for signs of life. Anyone you believed yourself to be capable of saving must be stabilized and put aboard the transport ship. That includes any clones you come across."

"Ser, our first priority is meant to be-"

"You will look at and treat Jedi and clones, that is an order," you snapped, unwilling to argue.

The clones saluted and got to work. Sighing, you reached out with the Force to search for any flickering signature - struggling to keep your mind off of Obi-Wan's pain. He was fine. He'd be fine.

You couldn't fight in this impending war without him.

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