🪐Chapter Six🪐

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"A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person"


Chapter Six



Dewla'tanish - Wedding (lit. heart intertwining)

Rowuk - Bitch/bastard

Ejo - Mom/Mother

Gysk - Dad/Father

A ishsdu hew ol pesr - I missed you so much (informal greeting)

Na ip - Us too

Neod - A romantic term of endearment roughly translating to 'Honey'

Vaun'yuren - Pregnant (lit. baby carrying)

Wurn - Shit

Cligag moonex - Goodnight

Hewul uwepnus - Your majesties

Adieb - A sacred paint used in weddings. Permanently marks Otha skin 

Ika - Come/Approach

Ni fah esertyu. Ni fuyt ownsiz zawergab. Ni fuyt xanish i rufasl oyat zawergab. Zu vust'lume jaux ik hew. - We are equals. We will fight together. We will build a strong life together. My love is promised to your soul. (Othanian wedding vows. The most sacred part of the ceremony)

Zu vust'lume jaux ik hew - My love is promised to your soul (Romantic version of 'I love you' and a part of wedding vows - to be taken seriously)

Quin'jes - Literally "little Quin", 'jes can be added to many words to add 'little' to it. Can be affectionate or insulting based on the context.


"Are you sure there isn't a catch, Master?"

Obi-Wan sighed and sent you a long-suffering look. You chuckled and turned back to your comm where you were rapidly messaging your sister.

"No, my young Padawan. There is no catch. For the next week, you can spend every day with your mother, whether she visits Inrichi or you visit her in Nalov. I would like for you to keep up with your training and practice your katas in the mornings and meditate at night, but this time is truly yours."

Anakin beamed, and became so happy he couldn't contain his emotions. It didn't help that a lot of what you all felt leaked through the familial bond you shared unless you were focused on shielding it.

(5 years ago when the bond formed you researched what it meant. You came upon a Force technique used before the rule against attachment was put into place. A familial bond. As the name suggested, it often formed among Force-sensitive families as a way to remain close and make sure everyone was safe. It was more powerful than a training bond, and infinitely more useful.)

"What will you and (Y/n) be doing, Master?" Anakin asked - having become comfortable with the title 3 years ago when he was 11.

"(Y/n) will be visiting with her family and continuing her lessons. I will be meeting with many of the dignitaries and exploring the planet. This is as much of a vacation for you as it is for me."

"Master, you call it a vacation but you also said you're meeting dignitaries which sounds dreadfully boring," Anakin complained, as if he was the one going through with the - fake - plans.

Obi-Wan sent you another look, this one full of amusement you could feel through your bond as well.

(5 years ago you also formed a bond with Obi-Wan on the same night as the familial one. All research pointed to a soul bond of sorts, practically unheard of since the Sith Wars. Jedi back then used it to keep track of their partners on the battlefield. Since then, it had only been used either on accident between unknowing Force-sensitives or, before they became nearly extinct, by Gray Jedi who didn't live by the Code. You and Obi-Wan were constantly doing the impossible, it seemed)

"Well you won't have to worry about that, will you? You'll be catching up with your mother," you mused.

That quickly stopped Anakin's whining and he smiled once again. He was so well-rounded now that he had worked through so many things with his Mind Healer. He was down to seeing them once every other month unless a mission was particularly difficult.

Ejo is going crazy with all the preparations. It's been worse than my dewla'tanish and mine was publicized

Perhaps it's because I'm the favorite child


Smirking, you enlarged your comm screen and showed it to Obi-Wan, who smiled slightly in response. He'd only met your family once before when he came to your sister's wedding with you, but he connected with them quickly. It was probably because they'd already been so certain you'd end up together. The smugness rolled off your sister in waves, confusing her poor spouse who was an absolute blessing for putting up with her antics.

"Uncivilized for a princess," he mused quietly, "Perhaps you should send something similar back."

"You say it's uncivilized and yet you're still encouraging it," you murmured, still sending a similar insult back. Obi-Wan's Othanian was improving, which was good because your vows would be spoken in it.

"This is Inrichi sky control. Please identify yourself or face arrest."

Standing and moving to the front of the ship, you turned on the holocom and matched it to sky control's frequency.

"This is Jedi Knight (Y/n) Pavond, requesting permission to land in the royal hangar."

"Request approved," sky control answered immediately.

"Can I land?"

"No," you and Obi-Wan answered in unison.

"Come on!"

"I'd rather not incite a diplomatic incident because you blew up another palace," Obi-Wan added, causing Anakin to pout.

Gently guiding the ship into the atmosphere, you easily landed it in the palace hangar. All of you quickly gathered your things- excitement ringing in the air to simply get off the ship. All of you loved each other - and it took a lot of work for all of you to be willing to admit it - but two days in such close quarters was too much.

With your bags in your hands, all of you stepped off the ship and were greeted by your respective families.

"Ejo, Gysk!" You set your suitcases on the ground and hugged your parents. It had been a year since you'd seen them in person due to a sudden influx of diplomatic missions, "A ishsdu hew ol pesr!"

"Na ip," your mother smiled.

"Preparations for your dewla'tanish will be complete in two days."

"So Zhellday, then?"

"Yes. The rest of your time here will be spent in isolation together as is traditional."

"A peculiar tradition," Obi-Wan commented.

Your sister joined the conversation, "Surely you understand the importance of being alone after being married?"

"Zena," Karime, Zena's spouse, chided.

"I'm being honest, neod!"

Sensing Anakin and Shmi coming closer, you nudged Obi-Wan who nodded and quickly changed the subject, "Princess, a rumor spread throughout the Republic about you recently. Perhaps you'd like to confirm or deny."

Zena laughed just as Anakin and Shmi joined the group, both of them glowing with happiness at simply being reunited.

"Since when did you listen to rumors, Master?" Anakin asked, a teasing lilt to his voice.

Since it involves my sister-in-law, the thought came clearly into your head from Obi-Wan's, and you turned away to hide your smirk.

"It is a mere curiosity, Anakin- polite conversation."

Zena smiled brightly, seemingly instinctively reaching out for Karime's hand, "The rumors are true. I'm vaun'yuren."

"Pregnant," Shmi whispered to Anakin since he knew little to no Othanian.

"Zena that's wonderful!" You beamed, pulling your sister into a hug, "I was wondering which one of you would end up carrying."

"It would be an easier journey for Zena as a full-female rather than I," Karime explained shortly.

On Othan, gender was a much looser concept than it was on other planets. There were several biological ones and many more in terms of personal preference. As such, more than just full-females were able to carry children. Because of that, you were unsure who'd actually carry between Zena and Karime when they got married. Now you had your answer.

Scoffing, Zena rolled her eyes, "Nothing about it is going to be easier, trust me. I just get a free pass to complain more."

The joke drew laughs from all of you, and you walked into the palace together. Anakin and Shmi had dinner with all of you - as a family, your mind kept telling you - before taking a speeder to Nalov where Shmi decided to stay permanently. After they were gone, you were able to discuss the details of your dewla'tanish.

"Those attending are in this room along with Othan's spiritual Elder, who every Othanian would trust with their darkest secrets. Are you certain you don't want Anakin and Shmi to attend?"

Both you and Obi-Wan shook your heads, "It's not that we don't want him there. We would love to have him attend, but..."

"We're afraid he's a bit too young and immature to understand the severity and implications of our marriage- the reasons it must be kept a secret and why we're breaking the Code to do so."

"And the two of you are sure you want to do this?" Your father asked, purely concerned and nothing else.


"Without a doubt," Obi-Wan's voice took on the honeyed tone that usually appeared when he was convincing someone. Now you knew he was using it to reassure your family, "In the wake of a soul bond and the relationship we've had for the past five years, getting married is a formality both of us are willing to go through. We've both discussed how the Code applies to our relationship at length in the past and agree that being together doesn't and won't affect us being Jedi."

Sighing wistfully, your mother looked at Obi-Wan with approval, "You would have made such a wonderful royal advisor."

"I'm afraid politics are a bit too much for me, Venna."

Scoffing, you resisted the urge to roll your eyes. Obi-Wan would have been damn good at politics if he wasn't a Jedi and he knew it. He was just too humble to admit it and had a tainted view of politics thanks to the senate. Once he spent more time around Othan's governors his opinions would change.

"Politics scare a Jedi of all things," your mother shook her head in mock disappointment, then quickly got back on track, "We have the clothing both of you wished for ready, but tomorrow we'll have you both try the outfits on and make any changes we need to. Karime will do that."

"I was the royal tailor before marrying Zena," zey explained shortly.

"Tonight or tomorrow you'll also want to look over the menu for dinner after and the designs for the decorations. You still want the dewla'tanish to be in the gardens, correct?"


"Good. Beyond that, everything is handled. Any servants who will be involved have been sworn to secrecy already and you have my word there won't be a whisper about this."

It was nice to hear that. You and Obi-Wan had always been careful about your relationship, though not much had to change publicly. The two of you had always been close and it was common knowledge around the Temple that Anakin was a Padawan to both of you. Behind closed doors had been a bit more difficult with Anakin there, but as he made friends in the Temple and wanted to spend time with them things got easier.

Even your fellow Jedi Knights and Masters didn't-

"Oh, wurn!" You swore suddenly, startling your family and Obi-Wan, "Sorry. I just remembered something. Obi-Wan and I will look over the menu and decorations. Cligag moonex."

"Cligag moonex," your family was still a bit confused as you grabbed the sleeve of Obi-Wan's robe and dragged him out of the room.

"Is everything alright, (Y/n)?" Obi-Wan asked, and you didn't even know how to answer that question, "Darling, you're sending a lot of conflicting emotions through the soul bond."

"The family bond?"

"Both of us are tightly shielded, just as we'll be for the rest of the week. What's going on?"

The two of you were in front of your room door now, and you threw it open and shut it tightly behind you. Letting out a slow breath you turned around to meet Obi-Wan's confused gaze.

"We should sit down," the two of you did just that in front of the fireplace, "I want you to know that I always intended to tell you before I forgot about it- and I've never let it directly affect anything relating to our relationship-"

"(Y/n), what are you talking about?"

"Five years ago, before you left for Naboo the second time, Master Yoda gave me a form," Obi-Wan nodded but was obviously still confused, "It was a Special Circumstances Relationship form under the pretence of securing heirs for the Othanian throne."


"Both of our names were already filled in. Everything was already filled in and Yoda already approved it. It just needed to be sent in."

Reeling back as if slapped, Obi-Wan's eyes were wide with shock. Reaching out for the bond, you were relieved when you found no anger or resentment there. There was annoyance, but it didn't seem to be directed at you.

"He just can't leave my life alone, can he?" Obi-Wan finally got out, "First Master Qui-Gon and now this."

"He didn't push us together at least, just gave us the form. I hid it in my closet and didn't want to think about it. That worked a little too well and I forgot about it. But with our wedding coming up I remembered it again. I didn't mean to keep this from you."

"I know you didn't. It's something I'd want to forget if I were in your shoes. It'd feel like a lot of pressure."

You nodded, "I wanted things to happen naturally. The form was... distracting for a while until I forgot about it."

"Will you submit it when we return to Coruscant?"

"I don't see why not. I can file it myself and no one will ever know unless they look for it. It will take some of the pressure off hiding our relationship off as well."

"Yes, but if it does get out then people will wonder why there haven't been heirs," Obi-Wan pointed out. Neither of you had ever outright discussed having children, but with the nature of your relationship being secretive it seemed obvious that you wouldn't have any. Anakin had been raised by both of you, and the two of you could take on Padawans in the future. That would be enough.

"If that's the case then I'm sure they'd love a lengthy lesson in my people's biology and fertility rates," you chuckled, "Children are unnecessary until something happens to Zena, Karime, or their child."

After that, the two of you went over the decoration plans and the menu. There was little you wanted to change concerning the decorations and it was easy to pick the dishes you wanted. With the final bits of planning done the two of you were quick to wash up and collapse into bed- tired from a day of travel.


It was the day of your wedding and despite there being no reason for nervousness, your nerves were shot. You, Obi-Wan, and your family had breakfast together and then went your separate ways to prepare for the big day.

Just as you were about to get into your wedding ensemble, a flustered servant burst into your room.

"Hewul uwepnus, a ship just landed in the hangar. Sky control reported it was three Jedi Knights with proof of their identification. They claimed they were here for Knight (Y/n) and Knight Obi-Wan."

Shooting up and sharing a confused look with your mother and sister - who were supposed to help you get ready - all of you quickly hurried out of your temporary changing room and to the main hangar. Halfway there you nearly ran into Karime, Obi-Wan, and your father.

"We have no reason to worry. This was allowed by Grandmaster Yoda," you whispered to Obi-Wan, knowing he was probably fearing the same thing you were.

Together the six of you entered the hangar. You and Obi-Wan swore loudly at what you saw. Bant, Quinlan, and Garen were animatedly talking to one of the palace guards. About what you weren't sure, but Quinlan was taking the lead and that made you uneasy.

"What are you three doing here?" You hissed as you approached.

"There they are!" Quin shocked you by pulling you into a hug, "The happy couple!"

"Wha- ah, Bant!" Obi-Wan wheezed when Bant pulled him into a much tighter hug, "What is going on?"

"Quin went snooping-"

"I wasn't snooping, Garen! How dare you accuse me of such a thing!"

Letting out a tired sight, Garen continued, "Quin went snooping in (Y/n)'s apartment for that Alderaanian booze you picked up on your last mission and touched a datapad in there. He got pulled into a memory of the two of you talking about your wedding. Quin then thought it would be a good idea to rope us into it- knowing I wasn't on any missions and Bant was on leave."

"You two haven't tied the knot yet, right? Please don't tell me we stole a Jedi cruiser for nothing," Quin whined.

"Stolen- you stole a Jedi ship? Quinlan Voss!" Obi-Wan's face was turning an amusing shade of red, "What were you thinking!"

"That I wanted to see two of my best friends get married! I mean, come on! You're twenty-seven! You've been in love with each other since you were sixteen!"

It was then that the trio noticed your family. A quick glance at their clothes had them scrambling to bow and apologize for their former behavior. At the sudden shift in tone, your family let out small laughs.

"It's quite alright. It's nice to meet some of (Y/n)'s friends," your father smiled reassuringly, "We've heard stories."

"All good things I hope," Bant smiled back easily.

"About Bant and Garen, yes. Quinlan was more of a mixed bunch. I recall a very rowdy night at the 79s?" Unlike your kind and reassuring father, your mother had no problems with teasing your friends.

"Yeah, that sounds about right," Quin sighed, not even surprised.

After official introductions were exchanged, a hangar officer approached hesitantly, whispering something to your mother that made her smile.

"What is it, Ejo?" Zena asked curiously, sensing chaos.

"It seems another Jedi has entered the atmosphere."

Your head snapped to your three friends, who held up their hands innocently, "We didn't tell anyone! We're all supposed to be in different places for different reasons."

"Venna, did the Jedi identify themself?" Obi-Wan asked the logical question.

"Yes. He identified himself as Jedi Master Plo Koon."

Swearing in multiple languages, you sent Obi-Wan a nervous look, "He's going to be so disappointed I didn't invite him."


"This paint kind of burns, is that normal?" You tugged at the blindfold around your eyes, flinching when someone - your bet was on your mother - slapped your hand away.

"Yes. The adieb acts as a tattooing agent. It creates a reaction with chemicals in our skin that makes the result permanent."

"What? No one told me this was going to be permanent! I can't show up at the Temple with new tattoos on my face!"

You felt like someone was rolling their eyes at you, but because of the blindfold, all you could do was sense your mother and father's amusement.

"It's cultural, (Y/n), you know that. Your father and I both got designs when we were married. Same with Zena and Karime. Obi-Wan's is only temporary because he's human. If anyone asks you can say it's a royal tradition."

Sighing, you resisted the urge to reach up and scratch at where your new facial markings were. There were three dots, staring at the outer corner of your eye and ending at the inner on your cheekbone. The first on the outside was the size of your middle finger, then your ring finger, then your pinky.

"What do yours mean?"

"Two lines going vertically down each eye. To show we'll always see our people and our love. Zena's and Karime's are meant to show Karime's rise in station- hence why it looks a bit like an arrow up their nose."

"And mine?"

Your father ran his thumb just under the adieb, you could tell it was him from the larger hand, "The largest dot represents the Force. It is the driving force in your lives. The second dot represents your love for each other, still important but not put above your duty. The last is for your family. Present and future."

It was a strangely deep and symbolic meaning for such a simple design, but you loved it and could put aside your discomfort at the new permanent white dots on your face in favor of appreciating your planet's custom.

"It is time, (Y/n). You remember what you must do?"

You nodded. You and Obi-Wan would walk to the altar from opposite sides of the room blindfolded. When you both got there you'd take your blindfolds off. The first things you'd see before your new life together would be each other- to remind yourselves of the person you were giving your heart to.

"Good. I'm very proud of you, (Y/n)," your mother kissed the fabric of the blindfold where your temple was. Your father did the same and murmured words of good luck in your ear.

Pivoting slightly to the right, you allowed the Force to guide your feet as you walked down the garden path to the altar. It was a straight-shot, and when you felt a fragile hand on your arm you knew you made it.

"Blindfolds off," an aged voice said in heavily accented basic. Most of the ceremony would be in basic for Obi-Wan's and your friends' sake since they weren't fluent in Othanian.

Reaching up, you gingerly pulled the strip of fabric off your head - careful not to ruin the servant's hard work on your face and hair. Blinking to adjust to the bright sunlight beaming down on the garden, you gazed up at your soon to be husband.

Whilst you had gone the traditional route with your dewla'tanish outfit, Obi-Wan had seen no need to imitate a culture he wasn't born into. So he was dressed in custom-made Jedi robes. The inner tunics were white to represent the new beginning his life would have. The outer tunics were a dark blue, however, as it was a traditional dewla'tanish color on Othan. He didn't need to wear an Othanian outfit to represent what he was marrying into. His hair and beard had been trimmed and he spotted adieb paint identical to yours beneath his eyes. A golden cuff rested on his left ear. He looked every bit the man you fell in love with if only a little fancier than normal.

Compared to his humble clothes, you felt overdressed, but you were representing your Othanian culture. Zena had wrestled you into a white jumpsuit with purple stitching to show your royal status. Draped over your shoulders was a deep blue cloak embroidered with your family's crest at the edge. Aside from a golden stripe going up the middle, the center of the cloak was plain. Stars clustered around your neck and shoulders at the top. The front of the cloak was open rather than clasped shut. This was done so the family heirloom gifted to you by your mother was visible. Aside from the adieb on your face, the only other notable items you were wearing were one family-crest ear-cuff on your right ear and a circlet with an olwi crystal at the center.

What a sight the two of you surely made.


At the elder's order, everyone attending your wedding stepped forward with a candle in their hand. There were several different colors, each one with a different rune carved into it. Originally, you would have only had the four most important runes: Loyalty, love, family, and devotion. Now that your wedding had been crashed twice, however, you were able to fit in other desires for your marriage. The candles were set in a half-circle around you and Obi-Wan.

"Under the eyes of our Gods, within the heart of our lands, and surrounded by the love of friends and family, comes the union of (Y/n) Pavond of the Othan Royal Line and Obi-Wan Kenobi of the Jedi Order. Marriage is a commitment of respect, effort, and love. A marriage thrives when the members value each other for what they are and what they are not. Their Majesty and Knight Kenobi have both vowed to put their duty to their beliefs and the people of this galaxy above their union. I found the Gods smiling down upon this decision. Your love will not blind you, and that is proof of its purity."

From the pedestal behind xem, a brown strip of fabric was retrieved - brown representing home, what you and Obi-Wan were supposed to make with each other - and draped over your hands. Silently, the Otha Elder configured the fabric into a complicated knot- binding your hands together. You found your free hand being taken and held tightly by Obi-Wan when the process was complete.

"These are the hands of your closest companion, that are holding yours on this day, as you promise to love each other. These are the hands that will work alongside yours, as together you build your future. These are the hands that will love you and cherish you, and with the slightest touch, will comfort you like no other. These are the hands that will hold you when fear or grief fills your mind. These are the hands that will give you strength when you need it. These are the hands that, even when wrinkled and aged, will still be reaching for yours, still giving you the same unspoken tenderness with just a touch."

Obi-Wan gave both your hands a squeeze, and you squeezed gently back. His eyes seemed misty, but you were on the verge of tears yourself so there was no room for judgment or teasing there.

"You have chosen to exchange items to keep the spirit of each other close." The two of you couldn't get much closer considering your Soul Bond, but physical reminders were nice when the two of you were sent on long missions.

You pulled the necklace off your neck at the same time Obi-Wan pulled off the ear cuff. Moving closer together, you slipped the chain over his head while he fastened the jewelry to your free ear.

"Olwi crystals already hold the spirit of Othan within them, but after meditating with it for a couple of days I discovered they are also receptive to Force signatures. I give you this not only as a welcome to my family but as a reminder that I am always with you."

"You have had your ear cuffs since you were a child, holding onto them as a connection to where you came from. I give this to you not only as a symbol of our future together, but to remind you that I am always with you."

The olwi crystal would eventually pick up on Obi-Wan's force signature as well and mix the two together. The ear cuff held both your and Obi-Wan's initials.

"The vows."

This part of the ceremony would be entirely in Othanian. The words the Elder spoke were more for show than an actual binding. The hand binding and your vows were the necessary portions, truly signifying your union.

As the one with the higher status, you went first, "Ni fah esertyu. Ni fuyt ownsiz zawergab. Ni fuyt xanish i rufasl oyat zawergab. Zu vust'lume jaux ik hew."

Obi-Wan went next, his voice confident and loving, "Ni fah esertyu. Ni fuyt ownsiz zawergab. Ni fuyt xanish i rufasl oyat zawergab. Zu vust'lume jaux ik hew."

Whilst it was unnecessary, the two of you still kissed anyway. It felt right, familiar, and completely new. The two of you pulled apart and - with a careful grip on your cloak to keep in out of the flame - you stepped over the candles surrounding you.

There was no final blessing or conclusion. The two of you had stated your love and devotion for one another. It was good enough for you, and it was good enough for everyone else as well. What more could you do?

"The great hall is ready," your father announced, "There will be food, music, and good company. I am unsure when you must return to the Jedi Temple, but you are more than welcome to stay."

"All of us aren't expected for at least two days. If we leave tonight we'll be fine," Bant accepted the offer while pulling a tissue out of her pocket to give to a crying Quin.

"I believe I will stay as well. Thank you for your generous hospitality," Master Plo accepted as well.

Stepping up to Quin, who was collecting himself, you wrapped your free arm around him and hugged him tightly, "Oh, Quin'jes. Who knew you'd be so emotional at weddings?"

Zena snorted from somewhere behind you, muttering "Quin'jes," under her breath.

On the way to the great hall, you and Obi-Wan slowly untied the brown fabric from around your hands. When you were free, you took the fabric and draped it over Obi-Wan's shoulders.

"We should keep this somehow. Maybe I can convince Quartermaster Sina to put this into a pair of your tunics."

"With how many robes I lose, I doubt she'll be very eager to allow a special request."

That caused you to laugh and roll your eyes. Obi-Wan was famous for losing his robes, and Sina had taken to complaining about it whenever you visited as if you could kick one of his worst habits.

Dinner was a mix of your and Obi-Wan's favorite dishes from across the galaxy. You didn't dare ask how hard it was to get some of the ingredients, knowing your parents would deny any effort they put in. The music was nice to hear as well, a mix of Othan's melodic tones and Stewjon's upbeat shanties. It shouldn't have mixed as well as it did, but they combined very well.

After the celebrations, you and Obi-Wan walked your friends and former Master to their ships to say goodbye.

"I am glad you took my advice to heart, (Y/n)," Master Plo said as you hugged, "You are glowing with happiness, and Obi-Wan is doing the same. I am aware Master Yoda permitted you Special Circumstances papers, but I assume this will be kept private?"

"We are trying not to worry too hard about being found out, but to avoid judgment and questioning, we'll be keeping this quiet. It seems strange, having to share this with everyone anyway."

"A wise sentiment, my Padawan," Master Plo's voice was full of love and affection, and it seeped into his Force presence as well. It made you feel warm and fuzzy the same way you felt around your family- only amplified because they were barely Force sensitive.

"You've always been like a father to me, Master. I'm glad you came."

"And you are like my child, (Y/n). Enjoy your time with Obi-Wan, I will see you back at the Temple."

With that your Master walked onto his ship and you went over to your friends.

"Thank you all for crashing our wedding," you hugged Bant first, then Garen, then Quin, "And thank you for crying, Quin. I won't try to get you back because of it."

"I'm glad my overwhelming love for your relationship saves me from your wrath," Quin chuckled, blushing in embarrassment.

"All of us left little wedding presents in your apartments before we left. Are you guys gonna share, now?" Garen asked.

"On the nights Anakin is in the Padawan dorms. He's been making more friends so he'll likely be going there more."

Quin smirked, "Happy to get rid of the kid, eh?"

Smacking him upside the head, Bant grabbed his arm and dragged him onto the ship. He complained loudly but was smart enough to not try to get away.

"Just wait till he finds out Anakin and Ayla are friends, he'll never stop whining about it," Garen chuckled.

"We'll see who corrupts who," Obi-Wan agreed, "Thank you for coming."

Your friends left as well, and it was just you and Obi-Wan now. While the wedding had been going, a speeder had been loaded up with what you'd need for the next two and a half days. Your family had already gone to bed, allowing you two to simply track down your driver and set off.


On a small lake in the countryside was a cottage that'd been in your family for generations. It was cozy, big enough for a large family but without any of the opulence of the royal palace. It would be where you and Obi-Wan would stay until the day you'd leave with Anakin.

"I still can't believe our wedding got crashed twice," Obi-Wan muttered, pulling off his outer robes and tunics.

"We shouldn't have put it past our friends," you slipped the cloak off your shoulders and carefully hung it in the closet, "And apparently Master Yoda hinted at Master Plo soon after we left."

"We can always count on Master Yoda to interfere with our lives," Obi-Wan chuckled.

The tension in the air was palpable, charged with the knowledge of what you'd be doing that night. But before that, the two of you were eager to be clean. The warm sun of the garden and the celebrations after left both of you in need of a shower.

Obi-Wan showered first while you pulled the pins out of your hair and used a cloth to wipe your face. The adieb stayed, stark white against your blue skin. Tracing your fingers over the new marking, you remembered the meaning. The Force, each other, your family. You'd never look at yourself again without remembering the most important things in your life.

"The water feels heavier here," Obi-Wan commented when he stepped out of the shower, a towel around his waist, "I don't think it's just the water pressure."

"Our water tends to have extra minerals in it. It's good for the skin and our immune systems," running a hand along Obi-Wan's jaw, you kissed him lightly, "I'll be there in a minute."

After what simultaneously felt like the longest and shortest shower of your life, you stepped out of the shower with a towel around yourself and rushed back to the bedroom.

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