🪐Chapter Sixteen🪐

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"Families are the compass that guides us"


Chapter Sixteen


Othanian Translations

Vautej - Affectionate term from a parent referring to their child

Ursbi - Affectionate term from a parent referring to their child


Sending 4 Jedi to investigate lost contact with a medical station seemed like overkill, but you weren't going to complain when it got you close with your family. You were also glad that all of you had been able to convince Anakin to take an Order ship rather than the Twilight. He was strangely attached to the hunk of junk he stole from the monastery on Teth.

"That's Felucia, dead ahead," Anakin pointed out the colorful planet.

"But where's the medical station? I don't see anything on my scanners," Ahsoka's brows furrowed in confusion, "Wait, there's something. Vulture droids."

"Hang on!"

Grimacing, your heart dropped at the realization of what happened to the medical station, "Now we know what happened to the station. All of those injured clones..."

As soon as you got the chance you'd be bringing this up to the Council with a request for more security around the stations. They, of course, would wish to bring it in front of the Senate for approval - despite the fact that the Order retained full ownership of the Clones (though that also only happened at your insistence). If the Senate put up a fuss about not sending as many people to their deaths in this pointless war in favor of conserving lives, you'd have to team up with Padme and Bail again and create a speech.

"Perhaps now isn't the best time to be drafting more protections for the Vode," Obi-Wan commented. You sent him a confused look. You hadn't felt his presence probing the bond, how would he know? "You always get this look on your face when you're thinking about fighting the Kaminoans and the Senate."

"I wouldn't have to fight them if they took care of the Vode," you grumbled, yelping when Anakin sharply dived to the right and nearly threw you from your seat.

A lucky shot from one of the droids hit the back of the ship and sent you careening toward the atmosphere.

"That's not good!" Obi-Wan commented.

"They took out the plasma conduit!"

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Anakin called back.

"Almost certainly not!"

Reaching for the oxygen mask, you strapped it over your face and doublechecked that you were tightly buckled into your seat. This had happened the third time you and Obi-Wan allowed Anakin to pilot on a joint mission, and then the eleventh, and then the twenty-seventh... it'd happened a lot.

"Looks like we're doing this the hard way. Starting ejection sequence."

"How come every time you fly, we crash?" Ahsoka asked sarcastically.

"It's not my fault, it's the ship!"

You and Obi-Wan shared a look, well-aware that no matter the ship Anakin always managed to damage or crash it in some way.

Ahsoka was just as skeptical, "Ready to eject."

"Wait... now!"

Pulling the ejection switch, you winced as your seat was flung from the ship and jerked as protective material surrounded you. It got even worse as you hit the local flora on the way down, as the bubble around you was protected but didn't keep your seat stationary. Obi-Wan, who got motion-sick but valiantly tried to hide that fact, would be absolutely miserable.

When you finally hit the ground and stayed there your bubble popped open. Undoing your straps and pulling the oxygen mask from your face, you stood still for a moment to make sure you weren't going to fall over before exiting. The first thing you heard was Anakin's laughter, and you sent him the equivalent of a mental pinch to make him stop.

"You all right there, Masters?" Anakin called over, rubbing his head not because of the crash, but because of your retaliation against his laughter.

"I'm fine, Anakin."

"Couldn't be better," you answered sarcastically, "What about you, Ahsoka? Are you okay?"

"I'm alright, thanks for asking" Ahsoka sent Anakin an accusatory glare, "Where on Felucia do you think we are?"

"I'm not sure."

Some sort of animal growled in the distance. Ahsoka grimaced, and you heard a small returning rumble from her chest. Togruta were predators first and foremost, and although Ahsoka wouldn't be able to let out a full-fledged growl until she was fully mature at 17, she still managed a few smaller ones here and there, "I don't like the sound of that."

Anakin's eyes widened and he pointed up, "I don't like the look of that."

What could only be described as two giants slowly meandered through the flora around you. All of you fell silent, not wishing to face their ire if they weren't friendly. When they were finished passing through, Obi-Wan spoke.

"We can't just wander aimlessly. We need a plan."

"You always taught me to go on instinct, and my instincts tell me to go that way," Anakin pointed in a random direction.

"Well, that doesn't seem right. I think we should go this way."

"Why do you even ask for my opinion? You never do things my way."

Moving over to stand next to Ahsoka, the two of you exchanged amused looks at Anakin and Obi-Wan's good-natured bickering. It wasn't a true mission between the three of you without it.

"We crashed the ship your way."

"Very funny. I see your sense of humor survived the landing."

"It's about the only thing."

"There's smoke on the horizon," Ahsoka told you, pointing out the thin line trailing above Felucia's native trees, "For two high-level generals and Jedi I'm surprised they haven't noticed it yet."

"They're too busy being childish," you sighed, raising your voice, "Boys, if you're done arguing with each other Ahsoka spotted smoke above the treeline."

The two turned to where Ahsoka was pointing, falling silent at the proof of what she claimed, "Oh."

Rolling your eyes, you set a hand on Ahsoka's shoulder and guided her in the direction of the smoke. Anakin and Obi-Wan would catch up once they stopped pouting about your interruption.

"The smoke was a very good find, Ahsoka. Your observational skills are developing well," you complimented.

"Thank you, Master," Ahsoka's lekku darkened as she blushed.

The four of you walked in the direction of the smoke, soon coming upon a well-maintained path that seemed to lead directly to the origin of the smoke.

"Look. There's a village."

"Maybe they have a ship we can borrow."

Based on the land around the village it was obviously agricultural-based, the plants they were growing looked vaguely familiar as well.

"Hmm, they're growing healing herbs."

"Nysillim, I believe. One of the most valuable crops in the galaxy. I read a holonovel on their medicinal value just the other day. It was really quite fascinating."

"And how long did you talk to Cody about if after?" You asked with a small smirk, knowing your husband well enough to know he wouldn't be able to resist talking to someone about what he read.

"Cody quite enjoyed discussing it, thank you," Obi-Wan sniffed indignantly.

"This place looks deserted," Anakin pointed out when no one came out to greet you.

"I don't believe it is. The crops are ready to be harvested. Tools are lying about. And there are Force signatures in this area. No, something's amiss."

Surveying the area, Anakin quickly made his way toward the largest building in the village, "Well, there's one thing I learned where I grew up. If you want to know what a farmer's up to, look in their barn."

Pressing the barn door button, all of you peeked inside as it slid open. Along with boxes of nysillim that must have finished growing early was a heavily armed ship.

"No farmer would own this kind of ship," you noted the weapons on the front first, then the small size. Whilst it could carry a few boxes of the crop and several people, it wasn't made to transport the sheer amount that this village was growing.

"Perhaps someone's here to pick up the sillim," Obi-Wan suggested, though by his tone he didn't fully believe it.

"I still don't get it. Where is everyone?"

"Let's go check some of the houses," you suggested, "Maybe that'll give us some more clues."

The four of you split into groups of two, with Anakin and Ahsoka paired together and you with Obi-Wan. The houses themselves seemed to be made for a smaller species, which would make it easier for them to hide like you assumed they were doing. You and Obi-Wan had just entered a house near the center of the village when a nudge from the Force made you pause.

"Something's not right," you jumped down the stairs and spotted four heavily armed figures entering a house you assumed Anakin and Ahsoka had gone into, "That might explain why the people are hiding."

Running toward the house, you drew your saber and caught the tail-end of what one of the people was saying, "We don't count you, knee-high."

"Do you count us?" You questioned, brandishing your saber threateningly with Obi-Wan just behind you. The criminals raised their weapons. Ahsoka and Anakin lit their sabers, ready for a fight.

"Stop! Don't harm them!" What you assumed to be a local rushed into the house, "Can't you see these are Jedi? We are saved!"


"Need I remind you, Cassis," the Zabrak female spoke, "you already made a deal with us?"

"But with the Jedis' help-"

"Excuse me, but help you with what?"

"Pirates," the native looked all of you over, "Come, let me reassure my people and prepare you food. You look tired and hungry from your journey."

You weren't going to argue against that, even if it meant waiting a bit longer for the answers you were seeking. The villager had helped his people and welcomed you into his home by the time the sun had set.

"Simply stated, if we don't give the pirates a portion of our crop, they will destroy our homes with us in them."

"Hmm, I see your dilemma," Obi-Wan sympathized.

"Sillim farming is a meager trade. Without our herbs to sell, we will have no money for food, fuel, or equipment."

"And yet you can afford to pay mercenaries?"

"These bounty hunters drive a far more reasonable bargain than the pirates."

"Why not just fight them yourselves?" Anakin asked.

"Easy for you, perhaps. But look at us. We are farmers, not warriors. Even with the bounty hunters' help, I had feared the worst. But now, there are seven of you."

"What do you want, Jedi?" The female Zabrak, who introduced herself as Sugi, interrogated.

"We need a way off this planet," you explained simply, "Our ship was destroyed and we were hoping to find help here."

"The one in the barn, that'll do."

"That's our ride. It doesn't go anywhere without us. And right now, we're busy."

"Busy extorting farmers?" Obi-Wan snarked.

"I don't hear you offering to help."

"Unfortunately, we couldn't help even if we wanted to."


Sensing the rising tension, you stood suddenly and drew the attention of the room to yourself, "I believe my companions and I need to have a discussion in private. We'll be back inside in a few moments."

Motioning for the others to follow you outside, it didn't take long for Ahsoka to voice her objections to Obi-Wan's refusal to help.

"Master, these farmers are in trouble. Why can't we help them?"

"Believe me, Ahsoka, I would like nothing more. However, we need to report that the medical station has been destroyed. If we stay too long, the Separatists will show up looking for us here."

Closing your eyes, you reached out to the Force in search of answers. It was clear that the people of Felucia needed help, and you were meant to do so. You would not go against the Force, even for the sake of your duty.

"I will stay behind at the very least," you stated abruptly, drawing everyone's attention, "And I will help the villagers. The rest of you can take the bounty hunters' ship and I'll act as insurance."

"(Y/n) we don't know if these bounty hunters will actually accept-"

"Pirates! Pirates, pirates!" A villager called out frantically, running through the village, "The pirates are back!"

That drew the bounty hunters and villagers out of their homes. Sugi stepped up to the front, holding up her hand in the universal signal to stop. The pirates were Weequay, scarily reminding you of someone you hoped you'd never see again.

"That's far enough. I speak for the people of this village. State your name and business."

"My name is my own business. And my business is taking what's ours."

"There is nothing here that's yours. Unless you're here to buy it."

"Buy it?" A painfully familiar voice rang throughout the village, causing you to close your eyes and let out an irritated sigh, "Kenobi, Skywalker, Pavond! I can't believe you came all this way to see me."



"I loathe this day."

Sugi turned toward the three of you with a suspicious glint in her eyes, "You know each other?"

Hondo let out a joyous laugh, "Of course we do! Tell them how far we go back, Kenobi. Pavond here even managed to sneak past my men when we kidnapped them! Such good times."

"Yes, we go too far back I'm afraid," Obi-Wan grimaced as Hondo slung an arm around his shoulders.

"And here I thought we were friends."

Scowling at the memory of being held for ransom, you snapped, "If you're truly interested in friendship, Hondo, might I suggest you stop threatening these farmers?"

Gasping in indignation, Hondo gestured wildly, "Threatening them? Oh, please tell me you have not been listening to this bounty-hunting scum."

"Scum? We're just here to help them protect what's theirs," Sugi growled.

"Oh, come, come, my dear. How much are they paying you?" Hondo didn't let Sugi speak, "Bububub! Does not matter. Whatever it is, I will double it. And all you have to do to earn it is, uh, step aside."

"We. Don't. Break. Deals." Sugi pushed Hondo back when he grew too close, causing the pirate to draw their weapons and the bounty hunters to draw theirs in response.

"Steady, everyone," Obi-Wan urged.

"What is your stake, anyway, Kenobi?"

"All we want is a ride to the nearest Republic outpost. And I'm willing to pay you handsomely for it. Twice what you could make selling this crop," Obi-Wan offered, clearly trying to tempt Hondo away from harming the villagers.

"Well, um, how do you plan to pay me?"

"A funds transfer when we arrive."

"Republic credit?" Hondo clicked his tongue, "We've been over this before, Kenobi. My associates don't accept that currency."

You scoffed, "Don't let your greed blind you, Hondo. This offer would work for all parties. Republic credits can be traded for the currency you wish in the proper places."

"You know, I like you, Pavond, but no one leaves this planet until I get my sillim."

"Then I hope you enjoy it here because you'll be staying a long time, parasite."

Hondo sent a frown in Sugi's direction, "You know, this crop has not been harvested. You better hurry, old man, before things start to die on you."

Hondo returned to his speeder and the pirates were quick to leave, but they'd be back.

We're staying and helping this village, your tone gave no room to argue.

Yes, the Force has been quite insistent on that, Obi-Wan agreed.

Listen to it a little more often, why don't you? You asked sarcastically.

Make this a Soul Bond conversation, not a Familial Bond one, you could see Anakin roll his eyes from where he was standing.

"We'll stay to help you," you informed Sugi, "We'll need to see a map of the village in order to formulate a plan."

The villagers were actually able to provide an overhead view of both the village and the area surrounding it, allowing all of you to begin strategizing much more efficiently.

"When the attack comes, it will come from two fronts. The forest to the south, and the ridge to the north. Both sides must stay defended if the villagers are to be protected."

"But there are only seven of you. How are seven supposed to protect against so many?"

While you were sure you could manage with the seven of you, you weren't willing to take that chance with so many innocent lives on the line.

"We'll be training all of you as well," Anakin jumped in, "That way you can help defend the village and yourselves both now and in the future."

"But we are just simple farmers. Why are we paying bounty hunters to defend us if we are just going to end up doing it ourselves?"

"Hush, Dilanni."

"If people have something to protect and they have faith in themselves, then there is no limit to their strength," you smiled encouragingly, "We start at dawn tomorrow, let's get some rest."


With Ahsoka and Anakin training the villagers, and Obi-Wan working with Sugi to dictate where the sillim was placed, you were put in charge of the children- children! You were a Jedi Master, Major General of the 7th Systems Army and you were meant to watch over the group of seven children who were too young to be left alone.

"You did say you wanted to help," Obi-Wan quipped after you received your assignment from Casiss himself.

"Don't get smart with me," you smacked his shoulder and dutifully followed Casiss to where the children were gathered.

"Children, this is Jedi Master Pavond. They will be watching over you today."

"Hello," you greeted them with a smile and a wave, and they all eagerly waved back.

As soon as Casiss left, the younglings surrounded you and bombarded you with questions. Doing your best to answer each one they asked, you tried to figure out what you were going to do with them.

"Why don't we go explore for a little bit, yeah?" As long as you stayed near the village it shouldn't be much of a problem.


A child took each of your hands, with the others not straying from around you. Ahsoka was training a group near the woods, so that seemed like the safest area to walk near. You led the children through the trees, watching them climb over them with the hope that they'd be tired enough to sleep through the oncoming conflict.

Ahsoka was a natural teacher, showing off simple skills with slingshots. Serapis was nearby, cutting down one of the trees to be strategically placed as a barrier. However, the tree was too large and even with the added help of armor.

"Serapis, it's too heavy!" Ahsoka warned. When the bounty hunter made no motion to move out of the way then she sprinted and tackled him to the ground. The children around you gasped in horror and rushed around the bounty hunter.

The metal armor hissed, and the helmet popped open to reveal a male Ssori who was obviously panicked due to his exposure.

"Don't look! I'm having a suit malfunction," Serapis moved the armor to sit up, and sighed, "Not very intimidating, am I?"

"You don't have to look tough to be tough," Ahsoka assured confidently.

With a small smile and a nod, Serapis moved the suit to stand up and placed the helmet back on, "I thank you for your assistance."

"That was wizard!" One of the children gushed.

"Yeah, if you're small and protecting us then that means that we could protect ourselves!"

While the children crowded around the suit of armor, you stepped up next to Ahsoka and ran an affectionate hand down her montrals to her lekku. She melted into the motion, as she had done since she was a youngling in the crèche.

"That was some good advice you gave Serapis, it seemed to be exactly what he needed to hear."

"I was just telling the truth. I'm small but I can still fight," Ahsoka shrugged, and you chuckled.

"Yes, I've seen you in the Padawan tournaments and I'm well aware how... scrappy you can be."

"Anakin says I'm resourceful," Ahsoka replied indignantly.

"High praise from a man who went through a biting phase when he was twelve," you smirked at the memories of Obi-Wan swatting Anakin over the head every time he chose to bite over using his saber. Looking over at Serapis, you figured that it was time to get the children to give him some space, "Younglings, let's head back toward the village. The sun is about to set."

They all made sounds of protest but moved away from Serapis and toward you all the same.

"That's enough practice for today, all of you did well," Ahsoka dismissed the older villagers as well.

Your larger group made their way back to the main village, where Anakin was just finishing up with the other group. Casiss approached you as the children slowly found their parents and went off with them.

"Thank you for watching over the children, they are more valuable than any crop and need to be protected," the elder thanked profusely.

"Is that why you assigned me to them?"

Casiss nodded, "Many years ago, members of your kind visited this planet in an effort to hide from the slavers pursuing them, the stories passed down through generations have proven that they take care of children."

"Because we're very good at having them?" You asked, attempting to keep the bitterness out of your voice. You were well-aware of how much of the universe, slaver or not, viewed the reproductive capabilities of your kind. You had hoped Casiss hadn't asked you to watch over the children because of this same view.

Casiss seemed scandalized at the implication, "The ability to have children does not decide whether or not you can take care of them. During their time on our planet, your kind proved that they were caring and willing to protect those who deserved it. Those who have suffered often are the kindest."

"Oh," you weren't expecting that, but you were pleased with his answer, "I'm glad my people were able to have such an impact on yours."

Casiss nodded and left you alone with your thoughts. While the assumption was still made that you were good with kids because of a group of Othas who appeared here generations ago, you weren't nearly as upset with that as being told to watch over them because Othas were thought to be "prime breeders".

"Have fun with the children?" Obi-Wan asked, stepping up next to you.

"I don't know if 'fun' is the word I'd use to describe it. They're an excitable group," you chuckled, eyes trailing over the village children to Ahsoka and Anakin, who were laughing together, "I think this village might have a chance."

"I should hope so, I'd hate to see more death and destruction than we already have to in this war," Obi-Wan sighed, his shoulder brushing against yours. With so many people around it was the closest thing to physical affection that you could give each other.

"Scout!" Sugi suddenly called out, breaking you out of your contemplation, "Embo!"

Embo sprinted ahead while the rest of you quickly realized what was happening and followed after him. By the time you caught up, Embo had already snapped the scout's neck.

"Quick work," Anakin stated.

"Yes, but when this scout fails to report to Hondo, he'll be coming, soon," Obi-Wan sighed, brushing a hand over his beard.

Frowning down at the dead body, you glanced back at the village, "Training is over. It's time to prepare for the fight."

When all of you returned to the village and reported what happened, things became frantic almost immediately. Preparations had to be made for your main plan and potential backup plan, all of the village children and those not able to fight had to be taken from the village somewhere safe, and through it all it was a constant struggle to keep the farmers confident in their abilities.

"The farmers are in position. Well, the ones who stuck around, anyway."

"Very well, Anakin. Turn on the fence."

The fence normally meant to protect the crop from livestock, now served as a protective barrier for the inner village and barn in which the sillim was being kept. Engines rumbled in the distance, signaling the pirates' approach.

"Battle positions, everyone!" Sugi ordered.

You, Anakin, and Obi-Wan served as the main defense for the barn along with most of the bounty hunters. Serapis and Ahsoka were in the woods, ready to pick off any pirates if they crossed paths. You pushed down your anxiety concerning Ahsoka's isolation, knowing she could take care of herself.

From a ridge a good distance above and away from the village, canon shots rained down- decimating everything that it hit. One shot nearly hit Embo, and although he jumped away in time to avoid the worst of the damage, it was clear that he was still injured.

"Embo!" Sugi cried, rushing to her fallen comrade, "Embo, can you hear me? You'll be alright. We'll get you inside."

"Everyone, fall back to the barn!" Obi-Wan ordered.

"That tank is going to tear the village apart."

Another shot came and hit several villagers, sending them to the ground. While Anakin, on a warpath, made his way to the ridge holding the cannon, you and Obi-Wan checked over the villagers. Two out of the three were dead, while the last was injured but not severely.

"I'll take them to the barn," you told Obi-Wan, gingerly picking the villager up and carrying them to the barn before the door could close. You slipped through just as the door shut for good.

A shot hit the roof of the barn, not penetrating it but causing obvious damage. Cursing under your breath, you reached out to Obi-Wan through the Soul Bond.

Remember that time on Kutorra where the villagers had those modified blasters?

I imagine what we did then will be a bit more difficult now, but I'm more than willing to try

Deactivating and sheathing your lightsaber, you kept your eyes on the canon. The next time a shot fired, you jerked up your hands in an attempt to stop it. Obi-Wan's light-pure-determined Force signature wrapped around yours. Together, the two of you successfully stopped the canon shot in mid-air. Without needing to communicate what to aim for, the two of you redirected the shot at a group of the pirates, likely killing them all as their hoverbikes exploded from the impact.

Wiping sweat from your brow, you drew your saber and blocked a round of blaster shots coming from another pair of pirates driving by. The effort it took to stop normal blaster shots was great, but stopping a cannon shot was exhausting - even with Obi-Wan's help.

"The captain!" One of the pirates cried, drawing your attention to the ridge where Anakin and Hondo were fighting, "Let's go!"

The pirates fled the village without hesitation, no attempts made to cause further damage as they left. The villagers cheered at the realization that they had won, and you exchanged relieved and slightly surprised looks with the bounty hunters.

An explosion sounded from the ridge, and from it came Anakin landed gracefully on the ground just in front of you. Hondo stepped out of the dust and smoke, a looming figure despite the fact that he had lost.

"This effort is no longer profitable!" He declared and retreated to his ship which had emerged above the treeline. A few moments later the ship flew out of the atmosphere, lost to the stars.

"Somehow, I think this is the easiest thing I've done for nearly a year," you stated, earning agreeing hums from Obi-Wan and Anakin.

Force, all of you desperately needed some leave time.


"There are crops to harvest, fields to till, huts to rebuild. Now, let's get to work," Casiss sent the farmers on their way, then turned to your group and the bounty hunters, "How can I ever thank you for saving our village?"

"We didn't save your village, Casiss. Your people did," Anakin smiled, and you wondered if he felt the same pride now as he always did when hearing of successful slave uprisings. There were certainly many similarities between the two situations.

"For the first time in my memory, my people don't have to be afraid. We will never forget you."

Casiss bowed to you in thanks, and all of you mirrored the action as a mutual sign of your respect. Just then, the children came through. A flurry of hugs and thanks, they didn't stay long but made sure to press cards of flimsi into everyone's hands proclaiming your status as their new heroes. You smiled and tucked the flimsi into one of the inner pockets of your tunic.

"I'm afraid we would not have reached this outcome with your help," Sugi admitted, "Still need that right to the Republic outpost?"

"If it wouldn't be any inconvenience."

"On the contrary, it would be my pleasure."

Without further ado, the four of you followed Sugi and the other bounty hunters onto the ship. It seemed that there was enough space for the four hunters in the cockpit, and after asking for the location of the nearest outpost they all gathered there. None of you took offense to it, aware that they simply wished to rest and find reassurance in each other- all of you were about to do the same thing in the extra seating area.

Trusting that Sugi wouldn't pull an Anakin and crash the ship, you sat on the floor rather than in one of the seats in order to properly stretch your sore muscles. Obi-Wan settled next to you and began to do the same.

"The two of you are getting old if you need to do that so soon after a mission," Anakin teased with a good-natured roll of his eyes.

"On the contrary, my former Padawan, you'll find that actions like this keep you young," your husband, who had endless patience when it came to Anakin, advised with a smile.

Shrugging, Anakin sat down on the floor next to you but made no motion to begin stretching. Ahsoka made a move to approach but hesitated for a moment. In unison, you and Obi-Wan each scooted over so the young Togruta could settle between the two of you. Your stretches complete, you wrapped an arm around both Anakin and Ahsoka's shoulders, basking in the contentment present in their Force signatures.

"You did very well on this mission, young one," Obi-Wan complimented, taking Ahsoka's hand in an affectionate gesture you knew he'd be terrified to carry out ten years ago. Both of you had certainly come a long way, "Anakin, I believe we have every right to be proud of our Padawan."

"Our Padawan?" Anakin questioned with a knowing glint in his eye.

"Don't act as though we don't train her as much as you do," you removed your arms from around his shoulders so you could nudge him in the ribs with your elbow, "She's as much our vautej as you are."

Ahsoka sucked in a breath, and something snapped into place in your mind. Hesitation-pride-love-admiration flooded the Familial Bond, and it took you a moment to realize that it wasn't coming from Obi-Wan or Anakin, but rather a new strand in the bond shining just as brightly as the others. All eyes went to Ahsoka, who seemed just as surprised as the rest of you.

"What- what was that?" Ahsoka asked, voice a mere whisper as she valiantly tried not to panic.

"You just joined our Familial Bond. I didn't realize that was possible," Obi-Wan mused, keeping his voice low and soothing so as to not upset Ahsoka more.

"Training Bonds aren't the only ones that exist," Anakin explained at Ahsoka's confused look, "I was just as confused when it first happened for me too, around ten years ago."

Stroking a soothing hand of Ahsoka's montrals down to her lekku, you explained, "There are many different types of bonds, though they haven't appeared within the Order for many years due to how strict they've become concerning attachment. Up until a few moments ago, only Anakin, Obi-Wan, and I had a Family Bond. It seems the Force saw fit to add you."

"Vautej means child," Ahsoka mumbled, leaning her head against your shoulder. You blinked in surprise, unaware that Ahsoka knew that Othanian term. Your assumption of her ignorance was why you'd felt comfortable using it in the first place, "Parents use it to refer to their kids the same way they use ursbi."

"Wonderful, smart, Soka'jes," you smiled, sensing that Ahsoka was calming down, "How did you learn those words?"

"I tried to learn a lot of Othanian when I was young because I looked up to you. It wasn't until Skyguy got me as his Padawan that I started to see you as a parent, and Master Obi-Wan too. I knew all of you were close but I just didn't want to... intrude on what was already there."

"Ahsoka, you're a part of this family. Nothing you ever do could be considered an intrusion," Obi-Wan assured, eyes alight with the same determination he got when negotiating, "There are many things we need to tell you now that you're a part of this, to help you understand, but you're tired, young one. For now, just sleep."

The light suggestion in Obi-Wan's words was enough to put Ahsoka asleep in mere moments, her head falling against your shoulder entirely as her breathing evened out and her eyes slipped closed.

"It's about time," Anakin beamed, his good mood hardly ruined by the looks you and Obi-Wan gave him, "It is! She's... she's like a little sister to me, and you guys treat her the same way you treated me so I hoped... well I guess I don't have to hope anymore. We'll have to introduce her to Mom."

"And my parents as well," you added, then smirked, "It's amazing how widespread our little 'secrets' actually are."

"It's just proof that we've surrounded ourselves with people we can trust," Obi-Wan leaned over and pressed a kiss to your temple, "Though I believe discretion is something we should start thinking of more. Concerning all our relationships."

"You don't need to give me that look to let me know you're talking about me, Master," Anakin grumbled, leaning his head back and closing his eyes, "I thought we were being sneaky..."

Anakin drifted off quickly as well, a fast and heavy sleep as he'd always been. You watched him for a few moments before returning your gaze to Ahsoka, probing her new place in the Familial Bond to send her feelings of love and reassurance. Your shared Padawans with Obi-Wan, the causes of a great deal of your stress and the recipients of an even greater deal of your love.

"I think I want more children."

"You do?" Obi-Wan's Force signature clouded with hints of pleasure at your statement.

"Yes. Anakin is all grown up, and Ahsoka is our child too but we get to see her so little because of the war. By the time this is over I fear we'll have lost too much time with her. I want more kids, ones we can raise together without the threat of this war taking them away from us."

"Then when the Force allows, we'll bring another child into the family," Obi-Wan assured with a bright smile, "I'm still owed a Padawan and you have yet to train your first. We have time and opportunities."


You weren't sure what brought on your sudden realization that you wanted to raise more children with Obi-Wan. Perhaps it was the village children, or Cassis' words, or seeing how Ahsoka had grown up. Either way, all you knew was that - despite how stressful handling Ahsoka and Anakin could be - nurturing and teaching the next generation was an honor, and loving such unique souls was a privilege you'd always be grateful for. Especially when your lineage and Obi-Wan's could provide the support that other Jedi were afraid to due to attachment.

Hugging Ahsoka close, and reaching out to take Obi-Wan's hand, you rolled your eyes as Anakin let out a snore. There was much you had to discuss with Ahsoka about what this new bond meant, about what being a part of this complicated family meant, but all of that could wait.

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