🪐Chapter Thirty-Five🪐

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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"


Chapter Thirty-Five




Vutojan - Platonic soulmate

Ursbi - affectionate term from parents to children


Vode - formal name for the clones

Mand'alor - one true ruler

Nor'cabur - Back piece of armor


"You're going to be spending the day with some of the Jedi younglings, they're all very kind and I promise you'll have fun with them. When I'm done with my meeting then I'll come to pick you up and we can go around Coruscant together, how does that sound?"

"Will the rest of the family be there?" Din asked quietly, munching on the snack that Barriss had just handed to him. Barriss smiled when she saw him eating and turned back to continue her conversation with Korkie.

"Yes, all of them just returned from a mission so they should be at the temple while you're there. All of us can go out for dinner tonight, too."

The Senate had finally summoned you to appear before them and explain what your intentions were as the new ruler of Mandalore. Padme's testimony on your behalf was apparently unsatisfactory. The Chancellor told you himself, sympathetic to your struggles as a new leader and offering his support before the meeting actually began. As uncomfortable as the offer made you, you accepted. The Chancellor's opinion held more power than even a senate vote, and although he had already taken a liking to you, for the wellbeing of your people you had to keep it that way.

Because Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka were going to be on-planet, you were taking the opportunity to bring your family together again. Tup and Fives were already planetside, hiding out in the clone barracks and keeping their presence under wraps from everyone but the Vode - not including the Coruscant Guard - and the Pavond-Kenobi family. Although the surgeries removing the chips in the clones were nearly complete, the progress with the guard was still slow-going and none of you wanted to risk the two of them being brought in against their will.

Along with your meeting with the Senate, you had another meeting with the Jedi Council. This would be a civilian petition to clarify the meaning of the Jedi Code to allow familial and romantic attachments so long as the Jedi does not put such persons above their duty to the Force and Universe. You'd already spoken to several High Council members about it, trying to use your political training from your family and your new role as Mand'alor, and they assured you that you had their vote. What mattered most was convincing Master Yoda and Master Windu, as their answers would sway the rest of the Council.

It was going to be a busy week on Coruscant, and immediately after that, you were scheduled to rejoin the front for another three weeks. You'd taken a short leave after ascending to power, but your vode missed you on the battlefield, and you refused to let them go on without you anymore. Admittedly, your time away from the front had been incredibly good for you. The Dark Side had been kept at bay by the business of your schedule and the constant support you had from your family and allies, and you no longer felt yourself slipping one way or the other - or potentially losing yourself trying to stay in between anyway. Still, war waited for no one, and you just had to hope that your time away would allow you to remain strong for the time being.

"We're entering the atmosphere, Mand'alor," Drifter, your ever-present second-in-command, Commander, and vutojan, called out from the front. He hadn't even hesitated to take leave with you, promoting Clik to temporarily take his place, so he could continue to protect you even off the battlefield. You adored that man and had offered more than once to adopt him into your clan. His true loyalties lay with the Vode, and the Vode clan as a result, and you couldn't fault him for that.

You were pulled out of your revelry when the ship shook unexpectedly, hurrying to the nearest viewport, your eyes widened at the sight before you. An all-out space battle was taking place, with several Separatist battle cruisers hovering over the planet and Vode forces desperately trying to hold them back.

What the kriff is going on? You asked desperately into the Familial Bond.

General Grievous has kidnapped the Chancellor, we're on a rescue mission to get him back- little help, Anakin, Obi-Wan answered back quickly, clearly distracted by the fight he was a part of. You spotted Obi-Wan and Anakin's ships flying by, Ahsoka's newly commissioned one following close behind.

I'll be right there, you assured, turning to Drifter, "I'm taking my ship and going out to help. Retreat out of the atmosphere and wait for my word. Keep the kids safe."

Nodding, Drifter was already preparing the ship for a hasty retreat. Your kids stood up, anxiously crowding around you when you approached. Giving each of them some sort of reassuring touch, you smiled confidently.

"Everything is going to be just fine. I'm going to go help the others rescue the Chancellor, and then meet all of you planet-side."

Although none of them seemed particularly reassured, they all stepped aside so you'd be able to leave. Although the ship you were in wasn't especially large, it was big enough to have a small fighter in storage. Boba and Bo-Katan both advised it as a subtle intimidation tactic. Although you were hesitant to listen to them for several different reasons, they were your advisors and so you went along with it. Now you were grateful for their shared paranoia and distaste for the Republic.

The ramp to your ship opened as you settled into your fighter, and you were quick to fly out so Drifter would be able to retreat and make sure your youngest children were safe during this mess.

"I'm joining the fight, send your locations," you said into the comm, tuning the frequency to the one most commonly used between Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka.

They dutifully sent their positions and you flew through the chaos to them, taking down as many Separatist ships as you could. This entire attack was a strange move from them. It reeked of desperation, but there had been no major developments in the war that would cause them to make such a move.

Count Dooku, no matter how lost to the Dark Side he had become, would never take a risk like this. When he was a Jedi he was well known for his extensive planning on missions, especially when compared to Qui-Gon. Even after killing his best friend after turning to the Dark Side, he had gone to desperate lengths to make sure such a thing would never be traced back to him. The same could be said about the creation of the clones as well. This entire war consisted of extremely careful planning, but this...

Darth Sidious wanted this war to end, and somehow this battle was supposed to lead to that.

Catching sight of your family's ships, one of which was on fire, you pulled up beside them. When you got a closer look at the pilots, you were unsurprised to see that it was Obi-Wan's ship smoking up a storm. It was just his look to be targeted by demolition droids.

"The Chancellor is being held on that ship," Ahsoka said, obviously referring to the battleship that all of you were currently flying toward.

"Head for the hangar."

"Anakin, have you noticed the shields are still up?"

"Sorry, Master!" The shields were shot out mere moments later. The four of you narrowly avoided getting crushed between the blast doors and landed harshly on the ground of the hangar.

Sucking in a deep breath, you opened the top of your ship and leaped out, saber lit. The Darksaber hummed at your side, but you ignored the urge to draw it. Such a weapon was for Mandalorian duties only. This was Republic business, so you'd only be using your original saber.

Obi-Wan and Ahsoka were at your side as you cut down the droids attempting to surround you. Anakin took his time leaving his ship, but once he entered the fray all of the droids were destroyed easily.

"Artoo, locate the Chancellor. Tap into the ship's computers."

Artoo plugged into a wall socket and projected a map of the ship, highlighting the very top where the Chancellor was being held.

"The Chancellor's signal is coming from right there. The observation platform at the top of that spire," Obi-Wan motioned to the hologram.

"I sense Count Dooku . . ." Anakin frowned.

"I sense a trap," Obi-Wan added.

Crossing her arms over her chest, Ahsoka asked, "What's our next move, then?"

Smirking, Obi-Wan responded, "Spring the trap."

Before Artoo could follow you to the elevator, Anakin held up a hand, "Go back, I need you to stay with the ship."

"Here, take this, and wait for orders," Obi-Wan handed Artoo his comm.

"We'll be back soon," Ahsoka called back as the four of you stepped inside the elevator and pressed the button for the highest floor it would allow.

Once the doors opened the four of you stepped off and rushed over to the next nearest elevator, cursing the design of the ship along the way.

"Destroyers!" Anakin called out a warning as the three of them rolled down the hallway. Ahsoka and Anakin lit their sabers and blocked their blaster shots while you and Obi-Wan waited for the elevator doors to open.

"Inside, quickly," you ushered, brandishing your saber and quickly cutting the droids inside in half. None of them were even able to react before they were destroyed.

"Should have saved some for us, Master," Ahsoka complained as the doors closed and you began to move.

"Sorry, ursbi, it's been a while since I've been in a good fight," you sparred against Mandalorians regularly, but it was very different from cutting down droids in battle.

The elevator jolted and then came to an abrupt stop. Sharing confused looks, as you were in between floors so there'd be no reason for a manual stop, Anakin activated his saber and began to cut a hole in the ceiling for all of you to escape from.

"Always in a hurry," Obi-Wan sighed, "Artoo, activate elevator 31174. Artoo? Do you copy? Active elevator 31174."

"Maybe he's mad at you," Ahsoka suggested helpfully, stepping aside when part of the elevator roof fell, rolling her eyes when Anakin fell through, "Skyguy if you'd wait two seconds- woah!"

The elevator rapidly descended, nearly sending you to the ground with the sudden force of the movement.

"Stop. Stop. Artoo, we need to be going up. Artoo do you copy? We need to be going up, not down."

The elevator jolted once again and then began to rise up the shaft once again. Anakin dropped back down through the hole he cut in the roof, looking sheepish at his apparent impatience.

"What was that all about?"


"No loose wire jokes," Anakin interrupted.

"Did I say anything?" Obi-Wan looked to you and Ahsoka for support, but you were too busy trying to hide your laughter, "I didn't say anything!"

Eventually, the elevator came to a slow stop at the observation deck, the doors opening to reveal the Chancellor shackled to a chair at the center of it all. Seeing no droids in the area, all of you descended the steps and made your way over to him.

"Chancellor," Obi-Wan bowed shallowly, but respectfully.

"Are you alright?" Anakin asked.

In response, the Chancellor tilted his head in the direction of the door, "Count Dooku."

"This time we will do it together," Obi-Wan sent Anakin a chiding look, reminding him of Geonosis.

"I was about to say that. Ahsoka, get the droids."


"Do it, Ahsoka," you insisted on Anakin's behalf, feeling guilty as her face fell, but bolstered by the knowledge that she'd be safe if she avoided Dooku.

"Get help, you're no match for him, he's a Sith lord," the Chancellor urged, his voice steady and calm despite the situation.

Pulling his lightsaber from his belt, Obi-Wan sent you an amused look before responding, "Chancellor Palpatine, Sith lords are our specialty."

"Your swords, please. We don't want to make a mess in front of the Chancellor," Dooku called out as he approached, confidence oozing out of every step he took.

The pain and disappointment that normally plagued Obi-Wan when faced with his grandmaster clouded his expression. Ahsoka slipped away from your side to go face the two droids that Dooku had brought with him, leaving the three of you to battle the former Jedi.

Even with three of you, Dooku still held his own. Every strike was countered with ease, none of you able to find an opening in his stance.

"I've been looking forward to this," Dooku stared Anakin down.

"My powers have doubled since the last time we met, Count."

'Good. Twice the pride, double the fall."

And the battle began again. Dooku used the Force to shove Obi-Wan into a far wall, temporarily stunning him. You pushed aside your concern and followed Dooku up the stairs to the upper level, supporting Anakin along the way.

Glancing off for just a moment, you were relieved to see Obi-Wan assisting Ahsoka in destroying the final battle droid. It was then that the Force brushed against you, and sent you flying across the room. Letting out a wheeze when you landed, the breath knocked out of your lungs, you rolled to your side and pushed yourself to your feet, furious you had allowed yourself to get distracted.

From behind, Anakin, you warned, running up behind Dooku with your saber raised. Dooku spun around just in time to avoid your blow, blocking your saber with his own.

"You and the boy are so similar, the darkness festering inside you, and your willing blindness to the truth."

Coming up from the side, Anakin cut off Dooku's saber hand, the blade automatically shutting off as it hit the ground. Dooku dropped to his knees in shock. Out of instinct, you and Anakin both held your sabers up to Dooku's neck. You didn't have to be able to share your thoughts to know what the others were thinking.

Death would be a proper crime for Dooku, penance for the terrible things he had done throughout the war. Then again, you could say much the same about yourself. All of you had done terrible things to survive and win, so what made the two of you different? What condemned him and gave you the right to live?

"Good, good," Chancellor Palpatine chuckled from his seat, eying the two of you with clear glee, "Kill him. Kill him now."

"I shouldn't," Anakin grit out, eyes darting to you for reassurance you couldn't provide.

Kill him, the Dark Side whispered, ageless and genderless voice like honey in your mind, sweet and oh so tempting, kill him, and all of this could be over. No more war. No more pain. You could all be free.

"Do it," Chancellor Palpatine sounded so much like the voice of the Dark Side then, you weren't entirely sure that it was actually him speaking.

"Masters?" Ahsoka's soft voice rang out from behind you, pulling you from whatever trance you fell into. Her light beat against the darkness clouding your mind and leaching into the entire room. Obi-Wan came up behind her, setting a reassuring hand on her shoulder. His face was carefully blank as he watched the two of you, prepared for either outcome.

"No," you finally decided, shutting off your saber. Anakin did the same at nearly the exact same time, having come to the same conclusion that killing Dooku wasn't right.

"He deserves to die, it's well within your rights," Chancellor Palpatine sounded more desperate now, and you tried to ignore how you just felt dirty. Not only because of his words but because of what you'd nearly done as a whole. It was not the Jedi way, or the Mandalorian way - well, mostly not the Mandalorian way - to kill someone before they had a chance to explain their actions.

"Not today, Chancellor Palpatine," Anakin waved his hand over the cuffs keeping the Chancellor in place, leaving Count Dooku to you.

"Thank you, (Y/n)," there was genuine relief in Count Dooku's voice. He too must have realized how close the two of you were to beheading him.

"Obi-Wan," you motioned for your husband to come and take over, not trusting yourself to keep a proper watch of Dooku.

Chancellor Palpatine seemed displeased with the way his rescue had played out, but he said nothing more than: "We must leave before more security droids arrive."

Chancellor Palpatine and Anakin led the group, you Obi-Wan, and Count Dooku in the middle and you and Ahsoka heading the rear. It was easy to see that your daughter was still shaken by what had just happened, but you couldn't find the right words to comfort her, so you remained silent for the time being. After this battle, when Dooku was in custody, then you would speak to her about what happened.

"The elevator isn't working," Anakin called back, pulling his comm from his tabard pocket, "Artoo active elevator 3324."

Before the droid could do so, the ship gave a great groan and began to tip. All of you stumbled and struggled to find something to hold onto. Reaching out, you forced the elevator doors to open with the Force and helped everyone crawl inside. Because the ship had tipped so greatly, you were able to run like normal down the shaft for a while. Then, the ship turned in the correct direction again and all of you struggled to find some sort of footing.

Anakin managed to grab onto a wire, and the Chancellor held tightly to his legs while you, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka dug your sabers into the side of the ship. Looking up, you grimaced at the sight of an elevator heading down your way.

"Let go!" Obi-Wan yelled, and all of you fell for a brief moment before a joint effort of the Force between you and Obi-Wan pushed you through the next open door.

"Let's see if we can find something in the hangar bay that's still flyable."

You barely made it twenty feet down the hall before ray shields popped up, trapping all of you inside. Groaning frustratedly, you slammed your hands against the blasted things. All you received in return was a nice jolt of electricity up your spine.

"I say patience," Anakin encouraged, much to the disbelief of the rest of you.


"Yes, Artoo will be back in a few moments and can lower the shields."

As if hearing his name, Artoo came screeching through a door and slammed right into the opposite wall, spinning a few times before eventually recovering. From that same door came what felt like an entire battalion of droids.

"Do you have a plan b, Master?" Ahsoka asked dryly as the shields were lowered and all of you were directed toward the bridge, droids confiscating your lightsabers along the way.

The Darksaber was, luckily, hidden between your belt and nor'cabur. You thanked the Force that you had chosen to wear your recently finished armor on this trip - unpainted and painfully shiny, but clearly useful.

"I'm thinking about one, Snips," Anakin hissed back.

General Grievous was waiting for you on the bridge, hunched over and hacking up a lung he no longer had.

"General Kenobi, the Negotiator. And of course, the newly crowned Mand'alor followed by a whelp of a Padawan."

Ahsoka hissed at the insult, bearing her blunt fangs in Grievous' direction, though all it did was draw a laugh from the droid.

"And Anakin Skywalker. I was expecting someone with your reputation to be a little older."

Bemusedly, you realized that throughout the three-year war, Anakin and Grievous had never met in person.

"General Grievous, you're shorter than I expected."

"Jedi scum," Grievous brandished your lightsabers, "Your lightsabers will make a fine addition to my collection."

"Not this time. And this time you won't escape."


R2 set off all his panic systems, causing enough of a distraction that the four of you could use the Force to pull back your lightsabers and use them to cut through your binds. Assassin droids were immediately on you, but they were easy to cut through with your combined skills.

"You lose!" Grievous threw one of the assassin droid's staffs through the viewport window, sucking all the air from the room. Grabbing a tight hold of Ahsoka, since she was next to you, you shot a grappling hook out of your vambrace and tried to avoid getting sucked into space until the emergency shutters closed.

"All the escape pods have been launched, "Anakin reported.

"Can you fly a cruiser like this?" Obi-Wan asked as all of you sat down and strapped yourselves in, Dooku seated next to you so he could be kept under watch. His lost hand certainly wasn't looking good, but you couldn't bring yourself to feel particularly bad about it, given that he'd done the same thing to Anakin at the start of the war.

"I think my ability to pilot a ship like this is irrelevant, given it's falling apart," Anakin began messing with the control in front of him, "Open all hatches, extend all flaps, and drag fins."

As you fell into Coruscant, the ship shuddered and then gained a small amount of air, as if it had lost a great amount of weight. That certainly wasn't good, and as you looked at the screens surrounding you, you could confirm that the ship had broken in half.

"We're still flying half the ship," Obi-Wan announced brightly, sarcasm lacing his tone and tainting his optimism.

"Now we're really picking up speed," the viewport was overcome by fire as the hull began to burn upon reentry.

"We're in the atmosphere."

"Grab that, keep us level."

R2 beeped worriedly.

"Easy, Artoo. Hang on, this may get a little rough. We lost our heat shields."

"Fireships on the left and the right"

"We'll take you in."

"Copy that. Landing strip's straight ahead."

"We're coming in too hot."

The ship hit the ground, screeching to a long halt and taking out several observation towers along the way. Eventually, however, it stopped entirely and you breathed a sigh of relief.

"Another happy landing," Obi-Wan grinned, unbuckling his seatbelt and standing, "And another crash landing on your record, Anakin."

"Wouldn't be a proper fight without one, now let's get the Chancellor back to the Senate and deal with Dooku."

Leaning your head back against the headrest, you activated the comm attached to your vambrace, "It's over, Drifter, you can bring the ship in. I'll meet you at the Temple."

"See you there, Mand'alor."

This battle was most certainly going to set the tone for the rest of your time on Coruscant.

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