🪐Chapter Twenty-Three🪐

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"The place where light and dark begin to touch is where miracles arise"


Chapter Twenty-Three


You were starting to become annoyed with the Council constantly sending you on undesirable missions. Of course you were always thankful for the chance to spend time with your family, but you'd rather do so in the Temple, not in the middle of space chasing an ancient call for help.

"Rex. Rex, do you read me? We're at the rendezvous point awaiting your arrival. Where are you?"

"Ser, we're at the rendezvous point and there's no sign of you on our scanners."

"Oh, come on. That's impossible. Something's wrong. We're at the exact coordinates where the distress signal originated, but there's nothing here. Rex is at the exact same coordinates, and he's not here."

"This is getting interesting," Obi-Wan mused.

"... unable to find you... where are you?"

"Something's blocking the signal," Ahsoka reported, and immediately after the ship shut down.

"Well nersh," you swore, wondering if the Council truly had it out for you at this point. No mission could ever just be easy when you were with the others.

"Everything's dead. Even the life support."

"This is really strange."

The ship slowly powered back on, "There. See? Nothing to be concerned about after all."

Sighing in frustration, you smacked Obi-Wan on the back of the head, "You just cursed us, Obi-Wan. You should know better than that. Look, there's a mysterious floating thing in space."

The "mysterious floating thing" was the size of a moon and all sharp angles. It was most certainly not a planet, either.

"It's pulling us towards it," Ahsoka pointed out the obvious.

The object seemed to open, and a blindingly bright light emanated from inside. Pushing Ahsoka into her seat, you strapped her in before doing the same to yourself. Bracing yourself for a rough landing, the light grew brighter and brighter-

It felt like you were hit by a speeder. Groaning, you slowly opened your eyes and winced as sunlight streamed through the viewport. Despite the fact that the object in space wasn't a planet, your surroundings suggested otherwise.

"I must have blacked out," Anakin groaned as he woke up.

"Then who landed the shuttle?"

"Not me."

"Where are we?" Anakin asked, surveying your surroundings.

"Some kind of organic mass. All of our readings indicate that it's bigger than an asteroid. But at least the atmosphere is breathable, "Ahsoka reported.

"Well, this is getting more unusual by the minute. I can't even lock down where in the galaxy we are, or if we are even in our own galaxy."

"We couldn't have been transported into unknown space," you shook your head, "That's simply impossible. There has to be another explanation."

"Well, the ship's systems seem fine, but for whatever reason, nothing's working."

Ahsoka opened the ramp and stepped out of the ship with the rest of you following close behind. Immediately you felt the strange swell of the Force, and from the way Anakin shifted anxiously next to you he felt it too. Whatever this place was, it was full of Light and Dark Force energy.

"Hey! I saw something. A reflection, up on the hill."

"I don't see anything," Obi-Wan squinted, then let out a shocked breath when he followed Ahsoka's gaze, "That's not a reflection..."

"Did you hear that?" Anakin asked suddenly.

"No, we didn't hear anything."

"Are you the one?"

Spinning to face the voice, you were faced with an ethereal being, who seemed to glow from within. Everything about her was so perfect it seemed unnatural.

Obi-Wan raised a brow, "Hello."

"Who are you?"

"I am Daughter. Are you the one?" The being - Daughter - asked Anakin, who seemed to have no idea what she was talking about.

"Uh, the one what?"

Daughter seemed to make up her mind, "I will take you to him."

"Him, who?"

"Did you bring us here?"

"Only he can help you. There is little time. Follow me. We must have shelter by nightfall."

"And we thought the planet was strange. How about this one?" Anakin whispered, nodding his head toward Daughter as she walked away.

"We'll be fine as long as we stay together," Obi-Wan soothed, though when Anakin and Ahsoka turned away he sent you a nervous look.

Everything about this feels a bit off, Obi-Wan sent through the bond

There is endless light on this planet, but there is also endless darkness, you added, Something drew us here on purpose, Anakin specifically.

More Chosen One business as always

Time passed strangely. What you were certain was only an hour seemed to be several based on the lowering of the sun and the withering of the plant life around you.

"Have you noticed the seasons seem to change with the time of day?"

"Yeah. And there are no animals."

"And you sense it?"

"Mmm-hmm. Since we arrived. The Force is very strong."

"An intersection unlike anything I've ever felt before."

"It's equal but it's not balanced. Something is wrong, the Light and Dark are at war with each other here, but it's unlike the Jedi and the Sith. This is much... larger."

At the height of the High Republic there were nearly an equal number of Jedi and Darksiders, and the amount of Force presence here was equal to what that time was rumored to be- and yet you had met only one person.

"Excuse me. Who are you taking us to?"

"The Father, of course."

Ahsoka rolled her eyes, "Of course!"

"And what exactly are you?"

"We are the ones who guard the power. We are the middle, the beginning and the end."

Huffing, you resisted the urge to continue pushing for answers, "I hate constantly getting vague answers from beings of power."

"Hey! Look out!"

Several giant boulders dropped from the mountain. You pulled Ahsoka back and into your arms to protect her, and Obi-Wan did the same to you. Anakin had pushed Daughter out of the way and subsequently ended up on the other side of the newly created wall.

"Anakin, are you there?" Obi-Wan called through the comm, as the rock wall was too thick to talk through or begin to move with the Force, "Are you all right?"

"Yeah. But our friend here has run off! Go back to the ship and try sending another distress call. I'll follow her and find out how to get off this rock."

"And if this is a trap?"

"Then I'm not gonna wait around to find out."

Turning on your own comm, you ordered; "Anakin, stop! We don't know anything about this planet... Anakin? Anakin? Obi-Wan, he gets his recklessness from you."

Bristling at the accusation, Obi-Wan tersely replied, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"He'll find her," Ahsoka said in between giggles.

"Yes, and what else?"

Thunder rumbled in the distance. A storm was coming, and based on the color of the clouds it was going to be a bad one. With avoiding rain and lightning as a motivator, the three of you made quick time back to the clearing where your ship had landed, only, when you got back, the clearing was empty.

"The ship's gone!"

"Yes, I see that."

"It was here, no question. And look, everything's dying."

Night had fallen in mere minutes, and the once flourishing plants were shriveling up into dust as if they had never existed in the first place.

"Did you lose something?" Darkness. DARKNESSDANGERRUN, "You didn't do as you were asked."

Ahsoka had drawn her lightsaber. Obi-Wan was refraining from doing so. You were trying to stop yourself from jumping out of your own skin in order to get away. The Darkness was terrifying, but also terribly intoxicating. If there was Daughter and Father, you assumed the being in front of you was Son.

"And what was that?" Obi-Wan grit out. His hands were shaking. Being around such a dark being was painful for someone as light as him.

"My sister said to wait!" Son repeated.

"Did she, now? Well, we were unfortunately separated. We'd like our ship back, if you don't mind."

"Not yet. Is it true that he is the Chosen One?"

Obi-Wan drew his lightsaber then as Ahsoka ignited her second. You were afraid if you released yours then the Kyber would bleed, corrupt under the dark thoughts assaulting your mind, swirling so quickly that you couldn't make sense of them. The Son was terrifying but his Darkness was intoxicating.

"What do you know of such things?" Obi-Wan growled out.

"What is about to happen shall occur, whether you like it or not," Son waved his hand and their lightsabers went out.

"You are Sith!" Obi-Wan accused.

"No," you whispered, throat begging for water as if you hadn't drank in months, "He is not Sith. He is their beginning and their end. Their creator and their doom. The whisper in their ear luring them to the Dark Side. Isn't that right?"

Son regarded you curiously, and reached out to touch your face. You jerked away before he could make contact, well-aware of the poison he could infect you with if you allowed such a thing, "Interesting, and so familiar... the storms here are quite lethal. If you want to live, I suggest you find shelter."

Son was gone with a flap of his wings- when had he gained wings? You slumped down against Obi-Wan, who automatically adjusted to support your weight.

"Gyjo?" Ahsoka set a hand on your shoulder, concern written clearly on her face.

"We need shelter," was all you said, "There's a cave over there."

Obi-Wan gently set you down and went off to find firewood. Ahsoka tucked herself against your side, concern leaching into the bond due to her exhaustion. You wrapped an arm around her and shut your eyes, trusting the Force to alert you if something was wrong.

"Come here, my child."


"Come here."

All you saw was darkness. It was within that darkness that for mere moments at a time you caught sight of skin so white it was nearly translucent, and the shifting of what looked like a tentacle or two.

"Who are you?"


The beast revealed itself. What could have once been a beautiful human woman was now a horrifying, twisted beast, with tentacles made of skin and a gaping maw full of teeth made for tearing into flesh.

"Who are you?" You asked, voice shaking with poorly restrained terror. This wasn't a natural creature, she was warped beyond what they once were- by darkness, by desire.

The creature shifted within the dark, and she was once again out of sight, "I am Abeloth, and you are with my children in what was once my home."

"Your children?"

"Yesss, Son and Daughter. Not mine by blood, no, but they are mine. They trapped me here as punishment for my love, and I'm so lonely."

"I am not the companion you are seeking."

Abeloth brushed against your back and you instinctively reached for your lightsaber, only to find it gone from your belt. You were not in control here, she was.

"You could be. You could stay here with me and we could become one. We are so similar, you and I. It would not be difficult."

"We are nothing alike."

"No? I tried to ascend to Godhood and became a monster. But you, you believe yourself to be a God already. You changed fate by simply being born and do not realize the consequences your actions reap."

The darkness was becoming suffocating. There was none of the seductive allure of the Darkside, it was simply an all-encompassing power- so overwhelmingly evil that you felt as though it was tearing you apart.

"Everything I do is for the good of the galaxy."

"THIS GALAXY WAS CREATED TO SUFFER." For that to have hurt as much as it would have before your hearing was damaged was a feat, "WAR, GENOCIDE, BETRAYAL- THIS GALAXY WAS BORN FOR IT, AND YOU'RE STOPPING THAT DESTINY."

"I don't care about destiny! I just want to protect my family!"

The darkness fell silent, and somehow that was much, much worse.

"And that is why we are alike. I defied the universe for my family, and look at the monster I've become. We've spoken long enough, I'm lonely!"

Abeloth unhinged her jaw, her tentacles reaching out to wrap around you and bring you closer-


Shooting up, you desperately gasped for air, struggling to calm your shot nerves in order to release some of your emotions to the Force. Obi-Wan and Ahsoka were asleep still, and the glow of the fire allowed much more light than the darkness you were previously in.

It was a dream, or a vision perhaps. You were getting quite sick of receiving those. It felt like the Force enjoyed toying with you- giving you guidance without truly telling you what you needed to do. It was maddening to say the least. The Force told you that you were meant to change the fate of the galaxy, but then beings like Mother Talzin and Abeloth created a different story. You placed your faith in the Force above all else, but perhaps there were lessons to be had from the Darksiders you'd encountered...

The storm seemed to be over, and you were craving fresh air and a moment to yourself. Silently getting up, you walked to the mouth of the cave and leaned against the wall. You wouldn't risk exposing yourself to the elements, but you were as close as you could get to fresh air all the same.

"You spoke to my mother," Son appeared next to you without warning, comfortable as if he had been there the whole time, "I can sense it."

"She told me that you and Daughter locked her away. Is it true?"

Son stared at you with crimson eyes before seemingly coming to a decision to share his story, "Before my family became representations of the Force, we were what could be considered demi-gods. Abeloth was mortal, and despised it. She wished to be immortal and attempted to follow the same methods we used- but her body and soul could not handle it. She was disfigured and driven mad, and we had no choice but to lock her away. We did not have the strength to kill her, not alone."

"She said she attempted to become immortal because of her love for you. Do you believe that to be true?"

"Yes and no. I believe at one point she loved us, but she allowed envy and greed to overcome such emotions. That is why she attempted to become immortal." You let out a sigh of relief. The two of you were not as alike as she made it seem, then. Son caught on to such emotions and continued, "You must have intrigued her as you intrigued me. You are similar to Father in your presence- neither Light nor Dark. I never thought I would see the day."

"Do you truly believe that convincing Anakin to turn to the Dark Side will allow you to defeat your sister?" You asked, and knew your guess was right when, for a split second, Son allowed his surprise to show, "The Force demands balance in all things- even your new power would be temporary. Besides, would you truly kill your sister in pursuit of power? Just as your mother did?"

"I am nothing like my mother," Son growled, "She was weak and selfish."

"And you are not? You do not have to live amicably with your sister, but even you must understand what would happen if her light were to be snuffed out? It would not give you unlimited power, it would leave you unbalanced and destroy you."

"The Dark Side grows stronger within me, and the temptation grows too hard to resist. It is not I controlling this urge, but someone I cannot see- just beyond my vision is a Sith whose reach goes to the far edges of the galaxy. Until they are dead, the power and darkness inside me shall only grow."

It was a call for help if you'd ever heard one. Son was correct when he said he was not a Sith. Pure darkness yes, but darkness could not exist without light and Son was smart enough to realize that. To tip the balance too far one way or the other would lead to ruin for everyone- god or mortal alike. Son and Daughter were controlled and sustained by the Force itself, when the balance tipped within the Force it tipped within them. Meaning you had to find the source of the imbalance to solve the problem here.

"You must allow us to leave so I may fix this."

"Not yet."

You blinked and Son was gone. So there was more to be done in this place than a simple chat with all of them, and if Son couldn't let all of you go that meant he wasn't the one to summon you in the first place. Something else was clearly going on.

"Gyjo? Gysk?"

Spinning around, you rushed back into the cave when Ahsoka called for you and Obi-Wan. She knew that familial terms were reserved for leave or complete privacy. For her to call out in the middle of a mission meant she had to be in distress.

"Ahsoka?" You dropped to your knees next to her and looked her over to make sure she wasn't hurt, "What happened?"

"I had a vision. I think Anakin may be in trouble."

Reaching out for Anakin in the bond, you found yourself facing a strong block. Confused, you tried to push against it and were rewarded with a short burst of blinding plain. Grimacing, you placed a hand against your head and shielded against the bond to prevent it from happening again.

"We should get moving," Obi-Wan suggested, "We know the direction Daughter tried to bring us, we should head that way and see what we find."

You and Ahsoka agreed and the three of you left the cave together. Instead of going up the cliffside the three of you walked around the small mountain instead. It would inevitably take longer, but your path wouldn't be blocked.

As night turned back into day and the sun rose, the dead plants were renewed and returned to their former state as if nothing had happened.

"The longer we stay here, the stranger this place gets."

"It appears the planet is renewing itself."

"What about Anakin? Something is wrong," Ahsoka asked, still troubled from her vision.

"Anakin will not be easy to deceive," Obi-Wan assured her.

"Yes, he can handle himself, Ahsoka. Of that, I am sure."

DANGER, the Force screamed, and you listened, rolling to the side as Son and Daughter swooped down in their winged forms. Ahsoka and Obi-Wan were not so lucky, and reacted too late. The two of them were swooped up in their talons and taken away.

"No!" You screamed, immediately sprinting after the pair. You didn't care if they flew to the other side of the planet, you would not lose them.

Using the Force to bolster your speed and stamina, you kept a steady pace behind the two Force beings while also making sure no harm came to Obi-Wan or Ahsoka.

High in the mountains there was a grand temple, and it was there that Son and Daughter began to circle. You were exhausted from the trip and climb up, but your determination allowed you to continue. You followed the faint sense of Anakin's blinding presence through the temple until you reached what appeared to be a small arena.

"Anakin!" You called when you spotted him, drawing your saber when you noticed the aged man next to him- Father, you assumed, "It's a trap!"

Your saber went out and a great Force fell upon you, sending you to the ground. It felt like a Force push but much more powerful. Groaning, you struggled to push yourself to your feet with no avail.

"What are you doing?" Anakin screamed at Father, who appeared to be under no strain as he kept you under control.

" It is time to face your guilt and know the truth."

Son and Daughter landed, each with a member of your family in their talons.

"Whatever he wants, don't do it, Master!" Ahsoka yelled from son's arms.

"Let them go! I will not play your games!"

" Oh, but I think you will. I have ordered my children to kill your friends. The question is, which one will you choose to save?" You were no longer on the floor of the arena, but rather you found yourself on a viewing ledge next to Father, "Your master? Or your apprentice? You must now release the guilt and free yourself by choosing. And the spare? They shall die either way, for no matter your power there will always be situations out of your control."

Well that certainly didn't seem very fair. You weren't a part of Yoda's lineage, but that didn't make you a "spare"- this was something that you didn't need to focus on at the moment.


"Their powers are too strong for us, Anakin! Save Ahsoka!" Obi-Wan pleaded.

"Let them go!"

"Only you can make my children release them."

Anakin desperately needed guidance, a push, and you were more than happy to give it to him, "Anakin! You have the strength within you, find it! The Force is within you, it is you!"

Nodding once in acknowledgment, Anakin closed his eyes and held out a hand to Son and Daughter. You could feel the Force swirling in delight as Anakin finally tapped into his true power. In hushed tones late at night, you and Obi-Wan would sometimes discuss Anakin's potential. He had shifted the tides of battles through sheer will, his men survived situations with immeasurable odds because he needed them too, he was born through the Force. He was the Chosen One, and the rest of you were simply there to assist him with the burden.

"You will let them go!" Son and Daughter had no choice but to put Obi-Wan and Ahsoka down, and when they attempted to attack them again, Anakin immediately reacted, "Down! On your knees!"

Son and Daughter returned to the humanoid forms under the force of Anakin's power. The weight was released off your body, and you belatedly realized that Anakin had merely wished you to be free and you were. You stumbled to your feet and over to Obi-Wan, latching onto his arm before dragging him over to Ahsoka to do the same.

"And now you see who you truly are. Only the Chosen One could tame both my children."

"I've taken your test. Now fulfill your promise and let us go."

"Do not trust him," Ahsoka whispered.

"You think."

You patted Anakin's arm, "You are more than your destiny, Anakin. Never forget that."

"I said, leave us!"

Sending Father a glare, you followed his orders and vacated the arena in favor of the temple. It was clearly ancient, perhaps made at the beginning of time, and there were several murals on the wall marking different momentous occasions. A familiar gaping maw caught your attention and you shuddered at the memory of your vision.

"Did you receive a vision in the cave, Obi-Wan?" You couldn't help but ask.

Obi-Wan nodded, "Yes, of Qui-Gon. He spoke of Anakin, of his place as the Chosen One."

"The same in death as he was in life," you responded sarcastically under your breath.

"We can go," Anakin announced, tracking the three of you down.

Ahsoka raised a skeptical brow, "Really? It's that easy?"

Anakin nodded, "That's easy. Our ship should be returned. Now let's go before anything else happens."

All of you blinked and you were in the clearing. You would never be over the instantaneous travel that Father was capable of. A perk of being a representative of the Force, you guessed.

"Is something wrong, Anakin?" You asked quietly while Obi-Wan and Ahsoka entered the ship.

"Father is dying," Anakin admitted, "He wanted me to take his place. He said that if I left there'd be consequences."

"He's an immortal being meant to maintain balance, Anakin. If he's dying that means the Force is no longer balanced. Staying here wouldn't fix that, not truly. What we can do is return balance to the Force."

"Seems more simple than the way he explained it."

"Perhaps, but we won't know unless we try, will we? Now come on, I'm ready to leave this wretched place. You need rest, I can feel your exhaustion."

You settled Anakin down in one of the bunks and took the co-pilot's seat next to Obi-Wan. The ship seemed to be in working order, and although takeoff was a bit bumpy the two of you still managed it just fine. If Anakin was flying the ship would have crashed already so you were thankful he was already sleeping in the back.

"As soon as we get back we'll need to visit with the mind healers," you told Obi-Wan, "I think this trip has been especially difficult and troubling."

"Yes, as much as I dislike mind healer appointments I'm inclined to agree," Obi-Wan sighed, "All systems are operations and there are no issues with gravitational pull. We should be able to leave the way we came."

"Which is through a mysterious bright light," you reminded with a chuckle.

Takeoff was smooth and the ship showed no problems. You were extremely relieved to see that, as it meant all of you were actually going to be able to leave. However, it wasn't far into the takeoff sequence when Anakin suddenly snapped away from the bunk.

"Were you having a nightmare?" Ahsoka asked in concern.

"Something like that," Anakin answered vaguely, obviously disturbed.

Sensing that Anakin didn't want to talk about it, Obi-Wan offered a distraction instead, "Well if you'd like something to do you can help up here."

"Sure, give me a second."

Rather than calmly sitting behind you or Obi-Wan so all of you could talk and take your mind off things, Anakin burst into the bridge with sheer panic on his face.

"The son took Ahsoka."

"What? Anakin you were right behind us and we didn't notice anything," you stood and walked back to the bunks. Ahsoka was nowhere to be seen, "Nersh."

You were getting quite tired of the Son and his plans. You had thought your little talk with him would have prevented him from doing anything drastic such as this, but you were clearly wrong. More severe action would have to be taken in order to get Ahsoka back and get out of this weird universal pocket.

When you got back to the bridge Anakin was flying. It raised concerns for your ship but you were much more worried about Ahsoka. Anakin dove through the mist and quickly located Son in his winged form, who had Ahsoka in his claws.

The son was smaller but Anakin was clearly better at flight even in a ship. However, despite this, Son still had the advantage of knowing the planet. When Son suddenly dove to the right, it was too late for the rest of you to notice the glowing tower you were about to run right into.

"Look out!" Obi-Wan yelled.

Anakin turned the ship sharply to the side and sent it spiraling to the ground in a crash landing. Groaning at the force of the impact, you unbuckled yourself from your seat and slowly stood.

"Nice flying as always, Anakin," you complimented sarcastically as the three of you vacated the ship, "Any sign of him?"

"No. But I think it's obvious where he's taken her," Obi-Wan pointed at the tower.

"We need to hurry," Anakin took a step forward.

Obi-Wan held out hi sarm to stop Anakin from going any further, "Anakin, this wasn't a mistake. He brought us here for a reason. Any conflict here could have dramatic repercussions for the universe at large. We will get Ahsoka back but we must think this through."

"I don't care about thinking it through. He's too powerful for Ahsoka. I won't leave her alone."

"Anakin, we are in the middle of something we can't begin to comprehend. It'd be better to consult with Father or Daughter before we confront him."

"There's no time."

"This is what he wants, to divide us."

"It's my fault he took her!"

"Then you must know she is no good to him dead. She is bait, and she is stronger than any of us give her credit for. She will survive Anakin, and to ensure she continues surviving we must think this through. Trust me, vauteh, please." It took Anakin a long moment to think it over but he eventually reluctantly agreed, which was all you could ask for, "This planet makes your abilities stronger. You can take us to the father, I know it."

Nodding, Anakin closed his eyes and concentrated deeply. The world shifted around you and when you looked up, you saw the temple that Father resided in. Anakin teleported you across the planet with a simple thought.

The three of you were greeted by the sight of a lightly smoking Father when you made it up the endless stairs to the temple. Son stood at the entrance, lightning sparking at his fingertips.

"I hate you!"

"Father!" Daughter hurried down the steps and pulled her father into her arms, motioning with her head for the three of you to follow her back into the temple. She laid her father down at the center of an altar, her hands glowing with Life Force as she looked him over, "We will leave him to rest."

"We must talk to him," Anakin insisted.

"Not until he's stronger."

"Daughter, Son is losing himself to the Dark Side. It is throwing off the balance of the universe, and he is unable to get out."

"He must have his reasons," Daughter dismissed.

"I've spoken to him, Daughter," you admitted, drawing everyone's attention, "He does not wish this. The balance in the broader universe is changing, and as such the pull has become too strong for him to resist. You must help us pull him back."

Standing, Daughter looked conflicted for a few moments before coming to a decision, "Come with me."

Daughter led the three of you deep out of the temple and deep into the forest. There she led the way through a well-hidden cave. At the bottom of a large chasm was a sword protected by fire. Daughter followed all of you down the steps leading to the altar, but stopped before she actually touched the floor.

"I can go no further. When you reach the altar, it will give you what you need."

"I don't understand. He who wields the blade will be able to control my brother. You will be able to draw him back from the Dark Side."

Anakin's eyes glowed in the light of the fire, and he took slow steps toward the altar. You and Obi-Wan followed cautiously behind. It was clearly pulling Anakin in, and while you felt the pull slightly- it was clear which of you the blade was calling for.

The blade formed as soon as Anakin got his hand on the handle. He carefully ran his hand over the edge of the blade, a small smile on his face. He seemed... content, at peace.

"Anakin," Obi-Wan spoke quietly to pull him from his trance, "We must hurry."

Closing his eyes, Anakin once again shifted all of you to the entrance of Son's temple- only this time, Daughter had come along. The three of you made it through the entrance without much difficulty, and were easily able to track Ahsoka through the bond. She was strangely muffled, as if she wanted you to know her location but nothing else.

"You love me, don't you?" Ahsoka was faced away from all of you, and the sight of her struck you with an acute sense of wrongness. Based on the way Obi-Wan and Anakin tensed up they also felt it.

"Then you shall join the Son, as I have. He has shown me the way," Ahsoka turned around, and you felt sick at the sight of sith gold eyes. You always wished that none of your children would have to face the reality of the Dark Side, and you had failed, "He only wishes to save the galaxy."

Obi-Wan, who had experience with pulling you back from darker episodes, stepped forward and spoke with a desperate tone in his voice, "You must fight this Ahsoka. You are stronger than the Dark Side."

Ahsoka ignored him entirely, "If you do not join him he will kill me."

"I won't let him!" Anakin exclaimed.

Ahsoka ignited her saber, "You may not have a choice."

"Go find the Son," Obi-Wan lit his saber and blocked the first strike. He was the best match for Ahsoka as she trained in Djem So just like Anakin, who was powerful but expended large amounts of energy. Soresu, Obi-Wan's form, was based around stamina, "Go!"

"She'll be okay, right?" Anakin asked as the two of you sprinted away from Ahsoka to track down the Son, Daughter close behind.

"Of course she will," you struggled to keep your uncertainty from your voice, "She has to be."

Son, same as every tyrant you'd ever faced, had a throne room in which he was looking out the window next to the throne.

"Sister! What a pleasant surprise. And you brought friends," Son greeted without turning around.

"What have you done, Brother?"

"Done? I have done what is right. Or what is wrong, depending on your point of view."

"Our father is dying. Did you do it?"

"He is just so selfish and was taking too long to die, so I decided to move things along," Son growled with no remorse, "Now, why are you here?"

"I won't let you leave this planet."

"You are not strong enough to keep me here."

Daughter straightened her spine and motioned to Anakin, "Not alone, but that is why he is here."

Son's gaze shifted to Anakin and he scowled, "You were meant to stay behind. But it doesn't matter. The Dark Side feeds her and your other associate shall die quickly."



"Stay strong, Anakin. Remember that you controlled them once," you whispered before sprinting from the room to meet up with Obi-Wan and Ahsoka.

Obi-Wan was struggling much more against Ahsoka than he should have been considering his skill and experience. The Son was correct, the Dark Side was fueling Ahsoka and making her stronger.

"Two Jedi," Ahsoka grinned maliciously and lit her other saber, "Finally a challenge."

"I need you to pin her down. If I can get into her mind I might be able to absorb the darkness the Son placed inside her," you called to Obi-Wan as she flipped around the two of you.

Turning his saber off, Obi-Wan reached out for the Force and pushed it down on Ahsoka. She struggled under the strength of the Force push and fell to her knees. Taking your chance, you ran to her and kicked her sabers out of her hands to avoid her lashing out and harming you.

"I will save you, Ahsoka," you rested your hands on her head and closed your eyes.

The darkness was thick and strong - as it came from the true being of Darkness itself. However, because Ahsoka didn't accept it willingly it had not truly attached itself to her. Darkness wanted to spread more than anything else, so when you reached out it eagerly reached back. Only you didn't allow it to simply infect you and remain within Ahsoka. You grabbed hold and pulled.

The darkness struggled, and at the back of your mind you could hear Ahsoka screaming in pain. But you had to keep going to free her, so you did. The darkness struggled and lashed against your pull, but you refused to let go.

Eventually you had pulled all of it into your own mind, freeing Ahsoka of its hold and instead subjecting yourself to it. You let out a low groan and dropped down to your knees. Ahsoka was calling your name, but it sounded too distant to respond to.

How interesting. The sacrifices you are willing to make are admirable, but in vain. Your mind is mine now.

"No," you hissed out. The dark was not intoxicating as it had been so many times before. It was forceful and all consuming. The power of it nearly canceled out your determination to fight it off.

"Step away, Son. Release them!"

"I am stronger than you Chosen One, join me or they die!" Son and Anakin were battling now, for your life and in order to be allowed to leave this planet. You tried to find Obi-Wan and Ahsoka but your mind wouldn't stray from the fight. Son wanted you to watch Anakin fail.

Sucking in a deep breath, you pushed yourself to your feet. You resisted the dark side every day. You could do this. This was only an influence from the true embodiment of darkness. It was fine. You were fine and definitely not losing.

I am not simply the Dark Side. I am the darkness in the shadows. I am your suppressed hatred and rage.

"You will listen to me!"

Anakin was holding the sword against Son's throat. Father was here now as well. You weren't sure when he had arrived. The Son met your gaze, and the darkness became all consuming. You drew your saber. The Daughter and Father had to be eliminated. They were holding your family back. The Son had to be released to save the galaxy.

"Don't do this (Y/n)," Obi-Wan stepped in front of you with his own saber drawn, "I know you can fight the Dark Side."

"The Sith have risen again and you're too blind to see it. We all are!"

Anakin raised the sword and swung it down toward the Son. If he were to kill the Darkness the galaxy would have no chance of returning to balance once again. The Light would overtake all, only creating more shadow and room for the Dark Side to grow smarter and stronger. This was not the way.

Sliding past Obi-Wan, you held out your saber and stopped the sword from meeting its mark. Son laughed as if you had done exactly what he wanted, but his voice in your mind was a whisper in comparison to the roaring of the Cosmic Force. Above all else- above your family, the Council, the Light or Dark, you followed the Will of the Force.

It was momentarily shielding "This is not the way," you told Anakin.

Anakin pulled the sword back and glared down at the Son, "You are blind to the Sith too, you're just a pawn in their game."

"I am no mere pawn!"

"Then prove it."

Energy sparked between the Son and Anakin as the two stared each other down. They were mentally fighting to see who would come out victorious. When you felt the darkness clouding your mind dissipate, you knew Anakin had been successful. Great power left your body, and you suddenly felt completely exhausted with a large migraine- much worse than the ones you generally received after Dark Side usage. But you were aware things could be much worse.

"I will not be able to control the Dark Side for long. I have Fallen," the Son warned, unapologetic in the face of his mistakes and violence.

"We will leave and never return, and we will kill the Sith to restore balance," Anakin assured, holding the sword out to Father and bowing deeply, "Both of your children shall live so long as we are allowed to leave."

Father took the sword and bowed his head, his beard swaying with the motion, "This is not how I foresaw this path. Much has changed, for the better. For now, balance has been returned to this world. You are the chosen one."

Helping Ahsoka to stand, you supported her as she struggled with the aftereffects of Dark Side use. You yourself were completely exhausted and had a splitting headache, but you were much more used to it. Even if this darkness had been much harder to fight off and much more painful to experience.

"Your heart is conflicted. Beware."

Father left you with that warning before motioning for his children to follow him. The Daughter seemed tired, and slightly sad, but when the Son scowled deeply and limped to meet his family she seemed to brighten up. You were unsure of the true nature of the fight that occurred while the darkness was attempting to take over your mind, but you were certain it was brutal and difficult for all parties.

"Our ship will likely need repairs. The longer we stay here the more danger we are in," Obi-Wan stated, taking Ahsoka from you when he noticed you struggling to support her further. Your energy was quickly waning.

"I'll work on them. We don't need the ship to be perfect, we just need to get out of here."

When you got back to the ship you laid down on the bunk across from Ahsoka, your exhaustion and pain became too much to handle.

"Don't leave the ship, and protect each other," you ordered your boys.

"It's over." Anakin said it with such a tone of finality that you were inclined to believe him. The Son was neutralized and all of you were going to actually be able to leave the planet now. If Son attempted anything again then he would have to escape Father and Daughter before reaching you.

Obi-Wan stopped by your bunk and pressed a kiss against your temple before he went to assist Anakin, "I had such a terrible feeling about this before you convinced Anakin to come with us to get the sword. You work miracles, darling."

This certainly didn't feel like a miracle, but you would accept the compliment all the same. Closing your eyes, you decided to save truly processing what happened here for another day. All of you were safe. This journey had ended much better than it could have, and you were going home.

You tried not to think of Abeloth, and the similarities you knew deep down that you shared. You would not share her fate.

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