new Chapter- I'm sorry baldi..

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(Y/N) P.O.V

after class I went to lunch,I sat alone but I heard playtime seat herself beside me, she turned and smiled her eyes squinting as the black goop still poured from them, "Hey playtime?" I asked her,"yes (Y/N)?" She turned to me and i layed a hand on her shoulder(p.s baldi is eavesdropping he is watching this) "I like you" I smiled at her, I didn't mean in a crush way I meant as if she was a little sister that I've wanted for so long "your like a sister to me." I told her, she looked towards me and smiled and more tears dripped from her eyes "i...I love you..too" she said and she hugged me "can I call u sis??"she mumbled into the crook of my neck "of course!" I told her and she immediately  jumped up "Yay!" She yelled "shhh! Sit down and eat" I giggled to her, she was just too cute. Me and playtime talked and ate lunch for the last 10 minutes we had afterwards, me and her walked down the hallway towards the classroom "see you again soon sis!" She skipped away down the hall doing her usual routes to make people play with her. I walked in to see no baldi, strange?? I sat down and waited but he never came and I decided to go look for him I wandered down the quiet halls and every now and then I would hear a faint 'I wanna play!' Or playtime getting told to stop running I turned to corner but still didn't hear nor see baldi but then again he said he can hear everything so he probably could hear me at this very moment. I turned the corn that led down the hallway where the principles office was and quickly ran over before I could grab hold of the doorknob I heard 2 fimiliar voices yelling and talking from inside it's sounded like....principle and...baldi?? I listened carefully.

Baldi: I want that shitty  playtime girl expelled immediately!!

Princaple: I'm afraid I can't do that,I'm sorry baldi but without her having 3 reports from people I can't expell her.

Baldi: OK 3 people!! Me,my ruler or my hand!!

Princaple: baldi! I have the right to fire you if you don't stop acting like 2 year old! Now go!

Everything was silent

I heard footsteps and chairs moving, I ran down the hallway back to class and waited, baldi walked in looking...sad?he sat down and didn't speak a word.."m-ister baldi?? I asked hiding my face slightly "yes (y/n)??..." he asked quietly his words sent a shiver up my back his voice was raspy and he looked stressed "why and princi fighting?..." I asked mumbling the words careful not to make him upset, he raised one of his eyebrows and his eye twitched " heard." He stood up "I'm sorry you had to hear that (y/n)!" He said louder "why do u want playtime gone" I asked him "i-its just..she is getting all the attention!!" He said and blushed furiously and pouted. He flopped back down in his chair and I stood up and walked to him :"what do you wa-" I cut him off my hugging him "is this what you wanted?? attention?" I asked and hugged tighter, I heard a sniffle and raised and eyebrow, I pulled back to look at him, his hands were covering his pale face that was now red and he sniffles and sobbed "mister baldi! are you ok! I asked "yes (y/n).." he pulled his hands away to show tears on his face, he wiped them away using his sleeve and smiled "I am now!" He said happily "now let's start math!" He stood up and did a weird pose like he did when I first arrived here.

"I would like that..." I told him.

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