the baldi I never knew

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So I deleted a few chapter because I'm gonna redo alot so I hope you guys still like the story, also I changed your age,your about 12 or 13.
(Y/N) P.O.V

So I walked to class as baldi then sat at his desk as I was at the door staring at him until I walked to my desk and and started my math



does he expect me to know the last one because all it is is a bunch of letters over eachother and bunched up so I answered 0 and guess what?? I got it...WRONG perfect,stupid math. I got mad and crossed my arms "(Y/N) are you done" baldi asked "yee" I answered flustered because he was looking me straight the eyes with his serious face that I found cute "could you bring it over to me" he asked as I stood up and brought the you can think pad over to him and he looked at it as I stood beside him he gasped "do you see what I see??" He asked as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to his side so I could see as my face squished against his face "a wrong answer!" He said as he frowned and slightly shoved me away from his side as he spoke and pulled out a ruler "run.." he said in a deep demon-like voice. I slowly backed away not wanting to know what he would do if I stayed so I ran down the hallway as fast as I could and ran in someone who said "20 minutes detenion for youuu" he said as I realised it was the principle he grabbed me and pulled me to detention "no! Wait" I said in fear as he walked the way baldi was coming luckily the principle teleported to detention and I had to wait "when will you lear-" he was cut off by me yelling "NEVER!"  I said as he then left the room and locked it behind him "stupid" I said as I glared at him through the window I heard baldis ruler sound from afar,soon the time was up and I ran out of detention I ran into baldi and shoved him as hard as I could "no no no no!" I said as I ran and baldi fell only for me to be tripped by someone grabbing my leg and pulling me off balance.

I don't know if I'll continue this story.its carp and I'm stupid

I guess tell me if you want me to continue

I know I ask you that alot but seriously

You guys are probably the only ones that can make me wanna continue

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