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As the sun rose again, Baldur was gone. He had left the dragon behind, together with a bag of food.

His cloth was wrapped around your shoulders.

"He must have put it on when I was sleeping...", you mumbled and pulled it tighter to take a deep breath of his scent that stuck to it.

Immediately, a feeling of guilt and regret washed over you.

"Shit... I was such an idiot."

You looked up to take a glance outside, hoping to meet his eyes or see the tattoos on his back. But you were all alone.

"Hey, big boy!", slowly, you walked towards the exit to get the dragons attention. "Did your master leave without you?"

Letting out a warm breath, the dragon lowered his head to receive some pets.

Only touching the warm, touch scales was enough to make the palms of your hands bleed. But in that moment you didn't care. It didn't matter either. The feeling of pain made you feel something else than this stabbing feeling inside your chest.

Breathing got harder all of a sudden. Something got stuck inside your throat.

"What a fool I've been.", you squeezed your eyes shut to fight back a wave of annoyance for yourself. "Do you know where he went?"

The dragon let out a sound that seemed to be equal to human agreement, lowered his head and let you crawl on top. Huffing, you patted his head to tell him to rise and he obeyed the order.

The wind was warm that day, less moist and more gentle to your skin. It felt like kisses and as it stroked your cheek, you unintentionally let your hand wander to the spot where Baldur usually left his mark.

The skin felt less irritated that morning, burned less and probably also looked more normal than it usually did when bruised. But despite your body healing, there was this urge deep inside to feel him.

"What have I done?", you mumbled to yourself and lay on the dragons neck. He will never want to see me again. "Maybe I should just go home."

But you didn't have a lot of time to drown in self hate.

All of a sudden, thunder tore the sky apart.

Startled, you tore your head around to see what was going on.

Not far from the mountain that was Mimir's prison, thick, grey clouds and rain filled the sky. Bright lighting danced through those clouds to chase into the ground.

Squinting your eyes, you tried to see what was going on.

"Baldur?", you whispered, feeling a wave of worry wash over you. "Come on, boy. Where's your master? Bring me to him. Quick!"

With a pat to his neck, the dragon tilted his head and took a turn mid air.

As the dragon flew closer to the strange clouds, a shockwave suddenly hit him. Struck by surprise, he lost balance and was thrown over. His wings gave in and lost the tension that was needed to trap air.

A scream of surprise escaped you as you were torn into the depths with him. Ich wind cut your cheek. Snow and rain mixed with the electricity that was filling the area like a magnetic field.

With a loud crash, the dragon hit the ground and made the earth tremble.

Out of reflex, you tried to grasp the air. Every muscle inside your body tensed.

The impact on the icy, ground of stone was so hard that a loud crack filled the silence as you smashed down on it. The pressure made your skin crack. Blood poured out, splattering the snow. Your ones cracked.

Struck by the force, your mouth tore wide open. All the air got pressed from your lungs.

The pain chained you to the cold ground, making you twist and turn, desperately trying to breath.

A horses scream escaped your lips.

Above, the sky started to darken. More lightning chased through the clouds, that slowly turned as black as sin.

Rain started pouring down.

The touch of each raindrop felt like a blade of ice piercing your flesh.

Whimpering, you tried to move. But everything was numb.

You couldn't even feel your legs.

"Baldur...", you whispered, tears filling your eyes. "P-please... where are you..? I'm- I'm sorry... I should have..."

A cough made your aching chest tremble. It felt like every breath you took was about to shatter your lungs.

As you turned your head to the side to keep yourself from choking, a thick trail of blood poured out from between your lips.

The warm essence of life ran down your cheek, over your neck and seeped into the snow to turn the white into a cursed red. It felt like precious time was dripping from your mouth.

Your fingers twitched.

"Boy...", you called for the dragon.

Hurt, the creature raised his massive head. Pain was shimmering in those cat like eyes of his, but as he got back on all four and started walking over to you, he seemed fine.

"Are you hurt?", you asked as he bend down to take a sniff of you.

It seemed like he was about to open his huge mouth and swallow you whole. His tongue slipped out and licked over the blood, your blood, that was covering the ground all around.

Weak, you chuckled, half afraid he would really try and feast on you, but also amused over the thought to die through a dragon.

"Can... can you fly?", you asked, hoping he would understand.

His eyes shimmered. The tips of his winds twitched. A low growl escaped this huge mouth.

"You... you need to go and... find your master...", with the last bit of strength that you had, you raised your arm and touched his nose to give it a gentle squeeze.

The touch left a bloody mark, clear to see.

The dragon let out a deep breath.

As the warmth stroked over you, the feeling returned to your body for a moment. Relieved, you let out a sigh and enjoyed the fading pain.

But as the cold struck again, the suffering continued.

A scream left your lips as tears ran down your cheeks.

"P-please..!", you begged. "Go find him."

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