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"How do you feel?", Baldur asked in a soft voice as you returned to his side.

He sounded concerned, despite his inability to feel anything, which probably also included compassion.

With an empty gaze, you looked up to the dragon and patted his nose as he lowered his head to let you climb on top.

"Does it matter?", you asked and met his eyes.

But this time it felt different to look at him.

His gaze darkened as he shook his head.

"At some point, nothing matters anymore. But you're far from reaching it, little butterfly."

As the nickname reached your ears, a shiver crawled down your spine. It made you feel sick and warm at the same time.

"My whole life is a lie...", you mumbled. "My father is a god. My mother lied to me. And yet... I will never be able to get rid of this."

You raised your shaking hand. Deep, dark spots of red covered the bandages.

For a moment, Baldur eyed your fingers. Then he reached out and gave them a gentle squeeze.

"Every power can be controlled.", he said and pressed a kiss to the palm of your hand. "We'll find a way."

"We?", you let out an amused huff. "This is nothing that concerns you."

"Neither does my curse concern you. And yet here you are. Loyalty is a valuable thing and I appreciate it. As soon as my curse is gone, I'll repay you for humouring me."

A bitter laugh escaped you.

Was that all?

Was that still the reason why he kept you by his side?

After everything, you were still his little pet and nothing more?

He noticed the change in your expression, but didn't respond to it. He knew how it felt to realise something terrible. He didn't want to mess with your feelings in that moment.

Time would ease the confusion.

And he was willing to wait as long as needed if it meant that he would be able to feel your kindness and affection for just a bit longer.

One last glance up to you before he turned away and signalised his two nephews to follow him.

A laugh escaped Mimir as he spotted them. In a cocky manner, he raised his chin to meet Baldur eye to eye.

"Long time no see, son of Freya.", he said, purely with the intention to anger the man.

With a low growl, Baldur pulled a face, but restrained himself.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?", he asked back and tapped the bark that kept his body trapped.

"Oh, I have to enjoy something. After all, your father is so friendly to ruin my days, every day of the year and every year till eternity."

"If you would've kept your mouth shut, you wouldn't be here now."

"Oh, don't think that way, lad. Your father is a man with many moods. If I would've told him what he wanted to hear, maybe he would have let me go. Probably not. Either way, it doesn't amuse me to see you. But meeting your little company was... a surprise indeed."

Taking a sharp breath in, Baldur's gifted him a warning glance.

"Don't mention (Y/N).", he hissed. "I'm here because of someone else."

"I know.", Mimir rolled his eye. "I know everything."

"And you're as ignorant as someone who does!", Modi growled.

Magni wanted to say something as well, but Baldur kept him calm with a gesture. If both brothers would start talking it was only a matter of time until they wished to fight something. Keeping them silent was the best way to prevent a Diana ist er from happening.

At least as long as Mimir knew what Baldur wanted to know, his nephews had to be silenced.

But Mimir had a bug mouth, as always, which made the matter a bit more complicated than it had to be.

"Must be important if the sons of Thor deign to grace me with their presence.", the old man mocked. "Tell me... you two still tripping over yourself to impress daddy?"

Modi stiffened while Magni wanted to reach for his weapon.

Baldur gave each of them a gentle slap to the back of their heads.

His eyes locked with the golden one of Mimir.

"The tattooed man.", he said and spread his arms. "Tracks show he now trawls with a child. Where would they go next?"

Mimir pulled a face.

"Why would I know that?", he asked, as if the question was the most stupid he had ever heard.

"You're the smartest man alive, aren't you?", Magni asked and raised a finger in a threatening manner.

"Smarter than all the dead ones too.", Mimir laughed at his own joke.

Baldur shrugged.

"You help me, I help you.", he offered. "Tell me where they are and I'll talk to Odin."

"Your father won't let me go, Baldur. And he won't let you kill me. You have nothing to offer me. So, take your questions, take your threats, take these two worthless wankers and piss off!", while he let his rage pour out of his words, Mimir spit onto Baldur.

It didn't directly reach him, but was close enough to see it as a challenge, an insult.

Slowly, Baldur let his gaze wander down to the drop of spit that was laying in the snow, nit far from his bare feet, and glanced up at Mimir again. Usually, he would have liked to fight this old bastard.

But he didn't wish to show how much violence ran through his veins so close to you. His powers might get out of control. And hurting you was the last thing he wished to do.

Pressing his lips into a thin line, he shook his head and turned around to leave again.

He was smart enough to know that this was useless. He would find another way.

Magni followed him. But Modi was left behind.

"When no one's looking, we'll be back for your other eye.", Modi threatened in a low voice and grinned. "Don't you forget... we're everywhere."

The grin made him look so evil, that Baldur remembered why he hated to ask his family for help in any kind of way. In the end, those morons only wished for evil and violence upon anyone who was considered below them.

"We really are, aren't we?", Magni sighed.

Baldur pulled a face.

"Oh, shut up you idiots.", he hissed. "Let's go."

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