Chapter Nine |S| Despair

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*you guys are very understanding and patient, thank you for that ;-;*

Things haven't been going good ever since that day. The day when Shawn brought whiskey, we were celebrating, and then suddenly it's like the whole world turned upside down. Ever since that day of hope, Sillyvision has been painfully and slowly spiraling down into despair. And all of us are on the brink of giving into that despair.

Joey apparently dumped Susie and at the same time took away her role of Alice Angel, then fired her. Susie's been heartbroken for a while, she's been completely replaced by a new lady named Allison Pendle.

I feel like everyone here has just been greyer, the cartoons aren't coming in on time anymore and Joey is still dealing with financial problems. Lillian told me that if Joey doesn't start paying up, Sillyvision will come to its end. We have been given one week to gain some money to save the studio, that's what Lillian said, she can't do anything further for us.

Speaking of Joey, he's not even concerned in the slightest. All he talks about is some god-worshipping shit that has nothing to do with our problems. I'm pretty sure he's past the brink of insanity at this point. I don't even see him around the studio, he just stays in his office and doesn't come out.

Henry and Joey are now fully on bad terms with each other, permanently this time. I asked if it'd be better to quit, but he just says "Someone has to make this happen.". At least when I'm with him, it reminds me not to give up. Just having him around makes me happy. Just knowing he's here with me gives me hope.

Along with not enough money to fix out the financial situation, there's not enough money to pay everyone ei
ther. That makes everyone pissed off. Despite the tiring duty of writing quick songs and my batshit crazy boss, this is the only job I have and most likely the only job I'll pursue my music career. I don't know of any other place that'll take me in, I can't lose this job! I can't!

At least Henry has plenty of doors open if he quits. There are plenty of animation company's that will take him in, that's good at least. Henry will be okay, it'll probably be better and easier for him to quit Sillyvision. He could move back to the city with Marjolane and Linda...and I'd have to stay in this wretched dump, since I don't want to leave Lillian. I'd never see my lover again, never...

"Oh, don't be silly." Henry's voice said from behind as I nearly jumped out of my seat, startled. "H-Henry!" I exclaimed, wait, did I say all of that out loud? "D-did I say that out loud?" I asked, my cheeks turning pink. "No, I can read your mind." he replied casually. My eyes widened, "Really!?". Henry giggled playfully and answered "Just teasing.", giving a warm smile with pink dusted cheeks. "Oh," I chuckled "I was about to wonder what Joey did to you.", both of us laughed. He sat down on the piano bench beside me.

"Hey Henry," I said, noticing the dark circles under his eyes "Have you been sleeping well?". "Uh-yeah," he responded "Joey's just been extending my work hours but I try to get as much rest as possible.". I wrapped my arms around his waist, also noticing how skinny he had gotten. "Have you been eating well too?" I asked. "Uh...". "What did have today?". "Well...Just a cup of coffee.".

Henry gave a nervous smile while I gave a more concerned looking. "I'm doing fine though," he insisted "Don't worry about me.". I sighed, moving a hand up to his head, bringing it closer to mine. "No, you're not fine, and I will never stop worrying about you." I stated "You're really important to me, you have so many open doors for animators, if you were to quit there'd be many opportunities left for you. I won't let your life go to waste.".

"If I were to quit?" Henry repeated some of my words "Is there something on your mind?". "Yeah," I replied "I can tell you later. If your not busy during the evening, we can go for diner at the cafe. That is if you're not busy with Linda or Marjolane, I want to make sure you eat. Lillian is working some pretty long work hours today.".

He smiled again and answered "Linda is having a sleepover with a friend at my house. Marjolane is looking after the two, so I'm free. How about we have diner together at your house? Just for a change, if you don't mind.". "I don't mind." I replied, smiling back.

"Oh, that reminds me, Joey's letting us go home for the rest of the week." Henry said. "But don't we only have that one week to save the studio?" I asked. "Yeah, Joey didn't give us a reason, said something like 'The gods do not want you here this week, and soon they will not want you working here either.'.". I didn't question about Joey anymore, as puzzled as I was.

"Well, I'll see you later." Henry said, giving me a kiss on the lips before leaving. I sighed, not looking forward to whatever gibberish Joey wanted to say and made my way to his office. At least the pipes didn't burst on the way.

I've never been to his office much ever since I was first hired and two days ago.

I opened the door to Joey's office and just stood at the doorway for a brief moment. The lights were off as papers with ink painted pentagrams littered the walls with lit black candles here and there. Not very surprise though, they were there two days ago. I saw the books of necromancy sitting on the shelves, but they were there for a long time, which I thought they were for research for our cartoon character Bendy, but now I realize, as I saw the magic summoning circle thing drawn on the floor, they had a different purpose.

Joey stood in front of the circle, in the place where his desk once was. His desk was at the far side of the room, papers and pens trailing off the desk and to its original spot, looking like he had shoved it aside with no hesitation. He turned around to face me, as the knife in his hands glowed from the reflected candle light. He smiled casually, and his eyes had an empty look in them.

"Hi, uh..." I hesitantly said "...You wanted to see me?". "Yes." he replied monotonous tone.". I noticing the blood on the knife and the cuts on his left wrist, the blood made a low dripping noise on the floor. "Um," I muttered, trying to think of something too say "Is there a problem?". Like I'd ever be concerned for my boss, but I was in the situation put in front of me. "Problem?" Joey repeated, glancing down at the knife.

There was a brief moment of awkward silence before he replied, "Death. Death is my problem.". I just stood at the doorway as he continued. "Death makes you live through life

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