Chapter Six |S| Linda

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"Sheep sheep's time for your's time for bed..." I chanted into the microphone "In the may wake...or in the'll be dead...".

I smiled unconsciously, dimly lit candles that circled around a pentagram only appeared blurry to me as well as my own voice. I couldn't even feel that I had a body.

"Hear me Bendy! Arise from the darkness! Arise and claim my offering! Free me! I beg you! I summon you ink demon! Show your face and take this tender sheep!" I exclaimed before I came to my senses. I could feel my body go completely cold and my vision returned.

I looked around to see Sillyvision studio in a disheveled state. I looked down at my hands in horror at the ink I was covered in. But it didn't feel like I was just covered, it felt like the ink was a part of me. Now that I was conscious, I couldn't even remember what I was doing or what happened to me.

"What...?" I said aloud.

I heard a low growl behind me as feeling cane over me like I missed a step on the stairs. I turned around as a tall, inky figure with long back claws lunged itself at me. One set of claws slit my left eye open and coloured my vision crimson red.

I tore my eyes open to find the same familiar walls of my bedroom. "Just a nightmare...". Although I felt a sharp pain across the side of my face, there wasn't a single scratch.

I looked at the clock above my closet. Ten minutes before work. I still felt uneasy, but nonetheless I got dressed and headed to work to start another day of life.

After finishing the orchestra for another Bendy episode, I stood in the elevator to go upstairs to see Susie and Wally in the break room. Once as I was at the animation level, the ink pipes bursted. I sighed, knowing I'd have to go back down to flip the pump control.

When I reached the music department, ink flooded into the elevator when it's doors opened. "Goddamnit!" I shouted as a wave of ink, up to my waist, nearly knocked me over.

As I trudged through the ink, I heard a yelp coming from the direction of the stairs. I glanced over as the stairs now looked like a black waterfall, I saw a someone get carried down the stairs by the current of ink. As they tumbled down to the music department, I saw their head pop from the ink, it was a little girl who looked about the age of six with sea green eyes and dark red hair.

I lifted her up from the ink as she coughed up ink from over my shoulder, she was covered with ink up to her neck. "Thank you mister." she said. I carried her on my shoulders as I headed to my office and flipped the switch, all the ink slowly disappeared.

When is Joey going to fix the damn ink pipes...? I thought to myself as the girl climbed off of my shoulders. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah." she replied as she looked down at her inky drenched clothes. "Alright, so where are your parents?" I asked again. "Upstairs with the people drawing the cartoons, I went to see the toy factory but that's when the black stuff flooded the stairs.". "So the animation level?". "Yes.". "I'll take you there".

Both of us went up to the animation level on the elevator. "My father works here," the girl said "He's one of those people that make cartoons.". Once we reached the animation level, Joey and Henry were arguing about the ink pipe problems.

"Father!" The girl exclaimed, darting towards Henry as he picked her up into his arms. Joey walked away to leave them be. I wanted to walk over to them but I stopped myself when a women walked over as all three of them smiled like the perfect family. The women had long silky-looking dark brown hair that fell to her waist and Henry's same black eyes, assumingely his wife "Linda".

Grey emotions washed over me at that moment, even if I expected this to happen. I feel a bit awkward just staring at them from a distance so I just hastily make way back down to the music department. Back at my office, I stared at the recorder "Ballad of Arts" on my desk.

"Aye Sam!" I hear Norman's voice behind me as I nearly jump out of my seat. "Jesus Norman! You need to stop doing that!" I exclaimed. "Well, you know me," he said, leaning against my office entrance "So how're you doin'?". "Why are you asking?" I asked "Since when do you bother talking to me?". Norman just shrugged and replied "I think y'know very well why Sam.". "Hmm?" I muttered, glancing at my desk for a brief moment then turned back around "What's that suppose to-". Norman wasn't at the doorway anymore, that projectionist...

After work, I went to the cafe in town, just like always. Instead of sitting in the usual spot where I would be with Henry, I sat far away from the cafe's large windows with my sister Lillian. "-And your boss Joey Drew has some real financial problems so that's why I moved here," she said "Anyways, are you feeling alright? You seem pretty down today and you haven't even touched your coffee yet.". I could never hide anything from lily, she always knew how I was feeling. For the past minutes I stirred my untouched cup of coffee with a spoon.

"It's nothing..." I lied. "You can tell me anything Sam, I've known you long enough to know how you're feeling." Lily said. "It's almost like you can see inside my head." I joked as I looked over crowds of people sitting at tables Lilian followed my gaze. On the other side of the cafe, I saw Henry sitting in our usual spot. He kept glancing out the window as his wife and child sat with him. Henry then scanned around the cafe, probably looking for me, I ducked my head and blocked my face with my arm.

"Does this involve that "Henry" guy?" Lillian asked, I nodded in response "Well that lady could be anyone! I'll go spy on them to find out-". "No! Wait! Just leave them alone!" I exclaimed "Let's not ruin anything for him.". "Alright Sam." Lily replied.

The next day, I practiced that song on the piano during break instead of chatting with Wally and Susie. I wonder what I should say to Henry last night if he asks? Maybe I should just tell him that I wasn't feeling well. As I played the last verse, I heard clapping behind me and I turned around. "Norman, I told you to sto-" I cut myself off when I saw that it wasn't Norman creeping up on me, it was the little girl from yesterday.

"Hello mister," she greeted, looking up at me "The sign outside says that you're Sammy Lawrence, my dad talks about you all the time.". "Your father is Henry Stein, right?" I asked. "Yes, my name is Linda Stein," she replied "Nice to meet you.". So Linda is the daughter. She kinda has Henry's polite mannerisms and somewhat blunt personality. "Does Henry know your here?" I asked. "Erm...they'll come around..." Linda said as she sat on the chair near my desk "But enough about me, what about you?".

She's almost like an adult for someone who's age six. "So are you in any relationships?". Well, almost. "". "So you're not married?". "No...?". "And you don't have a fiancé?". "No?". "Not engaged in the slightest?". "No, what's with all the questions?". "I'm a kid, it's my job, y'know,".

"Actually, i came to thank you for saving me yesterday but I couldn't find you," Linda continued "So I already told you how my dad talks about you a lot, right? It's like he's seriously attached to you, you two must have some sort of connection..."


My dad took us to a nice cafe in this city, we sat at a table near the large windows. He stayed at the table for us while me and Marjolane went to order some pastries. When we came back, dad kept looking out the window and glancing around the cafe.

"Hey! We're back!" I called out. "Oh, hey!" he replied. "Are you looking for someone?" I asked. "Your looking for that Sammy guy, right?" Marjolane suggested "He's probably with his sister that you talked about. Besides, all you've ever talked about is Sammy like he's your hero or something.".

"I know," dad laughed nervously while scratching the back of his head "He's always looking tired but he still works hard, he's had a lot of troubles in his childhood but he doesn't let his past get to him anymore, he seems cold towards people but they don't ever get to see the nice side to him-oh, I'm rambling again, I'm sorry.".

"I want to know what else has been going on while you were here," Marjolane changed the subject "Have you found yourself a partner yet? I always wonder if you'd ever find one". "A partner? Not this again..." he sighed. "Jeepers auntie, can't you let him find one on his own?" I added. She continued rambling about finding love and so on as me and my dad could only listen to her rambling.

"Well I'm not worth that much to talk about" I implied. "That's very modest of you, but I'd have to disagree with you there" Linda replied "You live in a pretty nice town, y'know". "You don't live around here?" I asked. "My father's sticking around here because of his job, I was left at his home in another city with my aunt Marjolane" she explained "I haven't seen him in awhile, so we came to visit him for a week". "Right" I said, still sitting on the piano bench "You and your aunt Marjolane came to vis-", and then it struck me, "Aunt Marjolane?".

"Yeah, I don't actually have a mother" Linda replied "My dad adopted me, I'm very thankful that he did, I wouldn't know where I'd be now". "Your very fortunate to be chosen, not everyone is lucky" I said, thinking back to my childhood "Some people aren't as kind as your father". "My dad said you had a rough childhood, I understand that, sometimes I wonder if my birth parents couldn't keep me or if they threw me away" she replied "Sometimes the world can be cold, but we need to look on the bright side and the people who love us". How mature.

"Linda!" Marjolane exclaimed, her voice was heard down the hall "Linda! Where are you?!". "Coming auntie!" Linda yelled back, giving me a smile and a wave by my office doorway before running down the hall.

"People who love us...".

A. N: Chapter six is FINALLY done! I'm sorry it took awhile, I was a bit busy.

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