Robin Goodfellow

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So with finals and having a ton of projects due I have had a hard time being able to update. As I was doing some schoolwork I came across something that I had written a while back, so if it's not up to my usual writing standards.  Anyways, here we go!

I have been in love with ballet since age five and my favorite ballet is A Midsummer's Night Dream. So when I heard that we where going to perform it again, I hoped for the more challenging role of a butterfly fairy. The role that I dreamed of having however, was Puck. In my ballet company, Puck is always played by a girl because we don't have enough guys. I did my very best to learn the role of the butterfly fairy. Unfortunately, my ballet teacher said pointe work wasn't strong enough.

I was very frustrated. It was hard having a role that I wanted denied especially because I had worked so hard. Then, my ballet teacher told me told me to understudy Puck. I was so excited. I didn't care if I got the role. All I cared was that I could learn it and enjoy practicing it.

A couple of weeks later, we had a really long rehearsal that had started at 8:30 in the morning on a Saturday. Two girls left in the middle of a rehearsal without giving an explanation. My ballet teacher then got very mad and started lecturing us on not missing rehearsal and being on time. It was really weird and unusual because my teacher never lectures us. Towards the end, she said something about me rarely missing rehearsals and that I had the role of Puck. I was so excited and I couldn't believe that I had the role. I felt like my hard work had finally paid off.

On top of all that, I got night shows which means that I would get more shows. Typically, the night shows go to the stronger dancers so I was very excited.

The only downside to having Puck was having to go to almost all of the rehearsals. Being in almost every scene was very tiring. Playing as Puck requires a lot of energy still, I did survive.

I loved Puck's costume. It consists of, the green leotard, tights, and skirt. They are all different shades of green. One of my good friends did a really neat braid for my hair. My friend's mom also painted vines on my face and arm. I brushed green eyeshadow all over my face to give myself a forest like look.

When the first show came around, I was so nervous. I had a hard time sleeping the night before. When I got onto the stage, my nerves faded. Those three shows where the best shows I had ever danced. 

 There will never be another role like Puck.           

So, as always, have a great day and just keep dancing! ~Mia

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