Spoons/ballet shoes

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  At my old studio there was a game that I started and got pretty popular backstage.  I have brought it to my new studio and it's been a hit.  It's called spoons.  For those of you who don't know how to play, I will explain it real quick.  Everyone starts off with four cards and in the middle you put in spoons, one less then the number of people you have.  The person next to the stack of the cards picks up the first card and either keeps it and gives the person on the left another card they have or they just pass it down.  Then first objective is to get four of a kind, four aces, four fours, etc.  Then if you have four of a kind you grab a spoon.  If you don't have four of a kind and notice someone else grabbing a spoon or notice a spoon is missing you can grab one.  Then it will end up, some way somehow that one person doesn't have a spoon and they're out.  Except in ballet because you never have spoons backstage.  What you do have is ballet shoes.  So we use ballet shoes and the cards start flying like crazy.  Reese squeals to slow down.  Cece declares she has good cards again.  Regal keeps quiet and I keep an eye on her.  Vi giggles which worries me.  Tori takes cards and passes them face side up.  Then the rush starts.  Someone takes the first shoe and the chaos starts.  Before you know it, the ballet shoes are gone, someone is out and we're starting the next round.
Anyways hope you enjoyed looking into what we do backstage when we are bored waiting for our call.  Have a great day and just keep dancing!!~Mia

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