Strengths and Weaknesses

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Every dancer has their strengths and weaknesses and today I though I should go over what could be a strength/weakness of your and give you tips and pointers on improvements.

Turns are something that you either have or you don't have. Like there are some times when I can turn extremely well. Other times, I just can't turn. For turns you need three main things, a good preparation,(good plié pulled up in the core and have your arm property set up. During the turn you have to pull up and keep everything stable. Then you have to have a good landing, I would give suggestions on this, but I'm still working on my own landing. The only suggestion I can give you is a good way to land without falling is pulling up in your inside muscles. I can turn pretty well so if you have questions, feel free to ask.

Jumps are one of the things personally I can't do well sadly. So I'm always getting corrections on them that I will pass onto you. Get a good plié. Use your inside muscles to get yourself some air. When you do beats or battu's make sure not to beat with your feet but with your calves.

Flexibility is something I really need to work on but I have improved in. Every dancer knows what they need to work on and as far as flexibility goes, you know what stretches you should work on. So just work on it and stop slacking! Now if you'll excuse me, I better go stretch...later....

Turnout ugh..... Just be aware of it and you have to be constantly working on it. When you look in the mirror, work on it.

Facial expressions yay, this is one that I have down pretty well. Make yourself a character for whatever dance you are doing. If it's a flirty dance, pretend that the guy you like is in the audience. When all else fails, just smile and look pretty. This can hide the fact that your foot is sickled and you are messing up. So just smile.😄

Arms hold then steady. Different teacher will want different things. So listen to them and alter your arms as needed. Remember that your arms are very expressive and to keep some tension in them. Just do me a favor and don't have Lego guy hands or sandwich hands.

Picking up combinations is not easy. So what I suggest is for you to pay attention when your teacher is telling the combination. Mark it as well and don't just stand there. Focus. Ask questions as needed.

Do you have something that you are struggling with? Let me know what that is, I would love to help you. So comment and let me know!
Anyways, have a great day and just keep dancing! ~Mia

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