Holiday begins!!!

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Rahul walked through the relatively less occupied premises of Vir Saveraker airport, trying to blend as much as possible in the environment around him. It won't do if some fan or someone recognizes him and brought his secret holiday plan to the attention of the world. Well, technically it was Virat's secret holiday plan but again Virat's ideas always involved them in some way or other. Virat had planned everything about this holiday, from their stays to the trip and everything and as much as he loved and trusted his Virat, sometimes, blindly too, he didn't trust Virat's plans on equal caliber. Most of the times, Virat's plans tended to end in disasters. Rahul just hoped this wasn't one of those plans.

Virat had sounded so excited while talking about this trip. Well, from the last two weeks all Virat had talked about was this trip and Rahul was really-really very excited to be a part of this trip. He had been dreaming about this for quite sometime too. Well, he would blame his expectations and dreams on his Virat bhai. Virat bhai had been talking so excitedly about this tour that Rahul couldn't help but be excited too. Over-excited, will be the right word and he'll hate it if this trip ended in a disaster.

Sighing softly.

Rahul made his way out of the airport keeping his head low, trying not to bring any attention to himself. He didn't want some fan or someone to recognize him and scream his name alerting every media person nearby and ruining their trip before it even begin. He didn't want to ruin this trip at all.

A relaxing trip with his brothers, his favorite people in the whole wide world was not something he wanted to ruin. Even though not all his brothers could join this trip. They were just six of them but Virat actually had planned for all of them. Mahi bhai, Jinks Bhaiya, Jaddu bhaiya, Kulcha couldn't join this trip because of prior commitments or some reason or other. Rahul surely will miss their presence around him. It would have been so fun with all of them here.

He knows they spent most of the time on tours together, visit places together and do stuff together. They almost live together most of the year and a tour with them shouldn't be this exciting right? But they do that on national duty with pressure to do well in the game hanging on their necks and this was their first relaxing off-duty tour and Rahul would have been really happy if all of them were here.

But alas, not all wishes come true, do they?

And so they have to make do.

But they had their reasons to not come right but if you asked about it to Harry i.e Hardik Pandya, the one and only Kungfu Pandya of their team. He'll like to tell anyone who'll listen that the player's who didn't join them had chickened out. What and who they had chickened out of no one knows or could tell you about, besides, one Hardik Pandya of course.

Rahul ran his gaze around nearing the parking lot. Virat had told him that Harry will be waiting for him here. After all, his and Harry's flight landing times were almost coinciding. Rahul didn't get why Harry didn't ferry a ride in Ro's flight but he didn't. Rahul had thought it'll take sometime to spot Harry, well, with Virat telling all of them to be inconspicuous and blending in. Rahul really thought it'll take time to spot Harry. He shouldn't have worried at all.

For he could clearly see Harry even though a distance of 50 yards. His langur of a best friend was standing out like a neon board against black backdrop, dressed in red and white floral Hawaiian shirt, Bermuda shorts, a Hawaiian hat on his head and a Hawaiian garland around his neck. He was leaning against a signboard sitting on his suitcase, lost in his phone. Did someone forget to tell Harry that they were visiting Andaman and Nicobar Islands not Hawaii? Did Virat even tell Harry to be inconspicuous? Did his bestie even knew the meaning of inconspicuous?

Rahul didn't know. The only thing he knew at that moment was his heart's ultimate desire to yell "yeh ladka humare sath nhi hai bhai," God, from the core of his heart came the desire to disown his bestie. How did he end up becoming friends with such creatures? He should just sneak in and sit inside the car with Vi. But the caring bestie part of him, forced him to march towards Harry.

"Inconspicuous!" Rahul stated as a way of greeting looking at Harry's attire dubiously. He really felt like disowning Harry.

"I'm blending in, ain't I?" Hardik asked Rahul with raised brows in his usual cheeky manner, while throwing his patented Hardik Pandya smile at his bestie.

Rahul just face palmed and started dragging Hardik, Hardik's luggage and his luggage inside the parking place totally ignoring Hardik's protests. Hardik was looking like red light and it won't end up good if the media's bull eyes got attracted by Harry. Rahul wasn't letting anything ruin this for him.

"Hey, No hug, No thank you, No gratefulness, I waited for you, you ungrateful prat," Harry complained letting Rahul drag him like a petulant child. He needed to be appreciated after all, he had waited for his ungrateful bestie for whole 10 minutes. Do you know how precious his ten minutes are? He needed to be thanked properly.

"Virat asked you too," Rahul retorted in a duh tone, spotting their car, Virat had already sent him number and pictures.

"Well, do you really think bossman can make me wait for you? You ungrateful part," Harry grumbled rolling his eyes, muttering about ungrateful sour souls, not knowing the value of their besites and their precious time.

Rahul just shot Harry a really look. Stopping beside the car and loading their luggage and themselves in their vehicle which really was a luxury minivan. Rahul and Hardik were loaded in the back beside Bhuvi who seemed to have been reading a book before Hardik made his entry.

In his excitement, Hardik almost jumped on Bhuvi strangling and straddling, the poor gentle soul in his bone crushing, air cutting hug. After letting Bhuvi go, the still excited and totally jumpin-jupang Harry jumped on Rohirat, almost falling over Jassi in the process. Jassi, who, was peacefully sitting between Rohirat with his head resting on his Vi bhaiya's shoulder and hand wrapped around Rohit's shoulder. Harry strangled the three of them in his bone crushing and air cutting hugs.

Once, Harry was done Rahul embraced all of them as best as he could in a car. He was as excited as Harry they were meeting each other after two weeks, after all. He had missed the crazy, full of energy and maddening environment synonymous to his brothers. Once, they all had properly settled with their hugging and unexpectedly jumping on each other sessions done. The driver started the car. The poor soul totally unaware of what he would be subjected to throughout the journey.

"Rahuliyaaa, how was your journey?" Virat chirped eagerly turning slightly in his seat, so he, could see what the three in the back of the car were doing. Rahul closed his eyes and scrunched his face in total desapair hearinng that obnoxious nickname. What had he done to suffer through this nickname? Why god why? He wanted to scream.

"Firstly, It's Rahul, Veeerat, Rahul naam toh suna hoga Rahul, not Rahuliya and secondly, it was fine," Rahul admitted in a long suffering tone, wavering between being cross and pleased with his brother's concern.

"Naah, that's very common Hul," Virat shrugged making a face," You're moi Rahuliya, Rahuliyaaa, Rahuliyaaa, baby," Virat sang euprophically looking at Rahul, a beaming smile on his face.

Rahul just hid his face in his hand. God, why does he need to suffer thorugh this nicknames? He so wants to be cross whenever someone address him as Rahuliyaa but he can't. He absolutely can't becuase of the person who has given him this nickname, his Virat bhaiyaa. He can't really be annoyed or cross while hearing that name. It's kinda unawantedly fond baggage he had to carry and he dreads the day, the stump mike records Virat adressing him as Rahuliyaaa.

God, it'll be so embarassing.

"Bossman, Rohitaaaaa, this is so unfair," Harry yelped indigantly beside Rahul and for the first time in his entire life, Rahul was thankful for his besties intrevention.

"What's unfair?" Virat and Rohit asked in total sync and then looked at each other totally surprised. Harry though relished in the fact that the attention was back on him.

"You didn't ask how my journey was? I waited for this ungrateful soul because you asked me too, now, you're not even asking how my journey was? This is sooooo unfair guys. Don't you love me??" Harry wailed overdramatically looking ath both of his brothers with a feigned heartbroken expression.

"Areey, overgrown kiddo, how was your journey? Please enlighten us on your journey," Rohirat again spoke in perfect sync and then glanced at each other mumbling copycat though Harry wasn't at all bothered by their sarcastic tones.

He launched in exaggeratedly narrating his journey. The kid passenger beside him and the woes of listening to nursery rhymes throughout the journey. And yes, none of them beileved him when he said he didn't use his noise cancellation headphones because he didn't wanted to be rude to the kid. All of them were sure, Harry had the time of his life aruguing with a kid through out the flight. Poor kid, no matter how many times Harry wailed about the woeful nursery rhymes.

"do you even remember the nursery rhymes?" Bhuvi asked Harry, hearing him complain about the rhymes for the hunderedth time. In answer to Bhuvi's question, Harry started singing "Ba Ba Blacksheep,"

This somehow led to a nursery rhymes competition between the boys. They sang almost every rhyme they remember from Johny, Johny to Machli jal ki rani hai in their own tunes and rendition. It somehow ended with all of them singing "Lakdi ki Kathi," with all of them enacting the song. They went as far as to ruffle Harry's hair and acting like they were doing his hajamat when the line "Ghora pahucha chowk mein, Chowk mein tha nayi, ghore ji ki nayi ne hajamat jo banayi," cackling madly the whole time.

Their poor driver pondering why it seemed like he had picked up some nursery kids? Who acts like this anyway? The driver couldn't have been more happy to see the bunglow in the sight and he couldn't have escape any faster than he did leaving the boys in their booked bunglow.

Getting their luggauges, the boys eyed the bungalow and surrounding area with an appreceating look. The bungalow was sea facing and well maintained. It was seculded but the sightseeing sights were near too. It was an amazing people.

"RACE YOU," Virat yelled already sprinting towards the house with his luggauge in toe. "The first one in to claim the room of his choice," Virat's laughter echoed behind him as the guys rushed to beat him and lay claim on the room of their choice.

Laughter, doors opening and banging close, yells, curses and more laughter echoed around the area with choruses of ;

"that's mine,"










The laughs and madeness surrounded the house as the excited boys settled in the house. Eager and totally hyped up about their relaxing holiday. Totally unaware, that this holiday was going to change the course of their life. They were totally unaware of how memorable this trip exactly was going to be for them.

A trip they won't ever forget.

~To Be Continued~

This is an AU story. AU means alternate Universe. So, their might be occurences and things and incidences that are changed or imagined.

So, what do you think guys?

How is the update?

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