The Punishment

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»King's P.O.V.«

It was only me and Ban at the tavern today. Everyone else was going to be in town for three days. Apparently there was some sort of competion and people had already tried to steal from the tavern so we were going to have to watch over the tavern to make sure nothing gets stolen. Why did it have to be with Ban, out of all the people why Ban, my crush. I only pretended to like Diane so that no one knew I liked Ban. "Hey king" Ban called I had to make myself sound annoyed even though I really wanted to jump in his muscled arms "What?" "Want to have a bet?" "No" I replied. Why would I want to make a bet with him it could turn out very wrong I couldn't do that. "Come on, please?" He said "No, I'm going on a walk, don't follow me" I said leaving. As I was walking I saw a strange man he had light brown hair gray eyes and normally set check bones and, a dark gray short seleve shirt with dark jeans and black combat boots with a dark black jacket. He looked at me and said "Cone here pretty little thing" I was about to call Chastieful (I think thats how you spell it) when I remembered Ban took it and hid it because I he said I rely to much on it  he also made it to where it couldn't cone to me. He lunged I grabbed a branch *cough stick cough* and swung it at him then took off flying to the Boar's Hat but I didn't get high enough the man grabbed my leg and I fell he attacked my neck kissing it and he left a hickey 'oh man what do I tell Ban, oh wait he won't care' I kicked him and flew the rest oh the way back to the Boar's Hat. When I got there I stood there  then Ban saw the hickey I was sacred his face was full of rage I flew into his chest hugging him he looked surprised I held back the tears that wanted to spill over. "What's wrong?" "N-nothing" I said trying to regain my dignity. "Oh really then why are you crying in my chest?" He asked he had his arms around my waist "because...I uh... wanted to uh...see what you would do" "sure and that's why you have a hickey if you don't tell me who did it you will need to be punished" "no one did" "fine punishment it is". He grabbed my wrist and drug me up the stairs I still remember what Elaine told him in Necropolis that she loved Helbram more he was heart broken. He threw me on the bed and locked the door he sat on the bed and grabbed me I was scared he stood me in front of him, with my back to him he pulled down my pants and said "tell me who gave you that hickey" I shook my head no trembling at what he would do. "Fine" he replied *smack* "one" he said *smack* "two" *smack* after that one I moaned "oh so you like that?" He asked I nodded I couldn't believe it I liked being spanked by Ban. *smack* I moaned loudly *smack* my knees got weak and I almost fell but he caught me by the waist, he pulled me on to his lap and whispered in my ear "did you like that?" I nodded I couldn't trust my words "well if I'm pleasuring you you sould do something for me, right? Or should I stop?" I whined when he said that I moved a bit and accidentally rubbed his crotch he groaned and threw me on the bed butt up, pants still pulled low *smack* *smack* *smack* I moaned loudly and I turned around to be met with a kiss Ban swiped his tounge over my lower lip and teasing him I rejected him access to my mouth he growled and grabbed my crotch I moaned and he stuck his tounge in my mouth he tassted bitter yet at the same time sweet, nice. I grabbed his jacket and pulled it off. He pulled me into his lap as he leaned on the mound of pillows near the edge of the bed how did they get there, ehh who cares. He grabbed my pants and pulled them off all the way then he pulled off my jacket and shirt. He smirked "oh and what's this?" He said grabbing my erection "a-aah B-b-ban" he grined and looked at me I grabbed the rim of his pants and tugged he lightly hit my hand he tskes "but Bannnnn" I whined "beg" he growled. I was nervous and whined "if you don't want to..." Ban said then I snapped "Ban put your cock in my tight ass! please, please" I said looking at him with puppy dog eyes. He looked like he was thinking and I felt tears coming he didn't want me "why are you crying?" he asked "y-you don't w-want m-me" I said about to cry. He grinned and said "I do that much to you, wow" he didn't give me time to respond he pushed me down and ripped off his pants and boxers as well as my boxers and kissed me it was hot and messy he put a finger in my hole and began moving around I whimpered "it feels weird" then he hit some thing and my back arched up and I moaned loudly "found it" ban said grinning "f-found what?" "You'll see" "wha-" he hit it again and my back arched and I moaned loudly again he then used two fingers sicissoring his fingers he soon added a third one and I was in bliss he kept hitting that place again and again I felt so close when he stoped and pulled out his fingers "huh?" I said then he slammed into me he was huge and I was in pure bliss it was amazing "I'm gonna gonna c-" "don't you dare" he snapped. I tried as hard as I could to not come he watched me and then he purred in my ear "good boy, do you want to come?" "Y-yes " I whimpered "then do it" as I came he came in me we both moaned and I held on to him as he moved us to the front of the bed and curled around me spooning me and I liked it and right before we fell asleep I said "best punishment ever" he chuckled.

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