Chapter 2 men down

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As we where outmatch by japs troopers as one pulled out their swords as I grabbed my handgun and shot him into the face killing him as the jap troopers still come after us all. FELL BACK! FELL BACK! I yelled out as my squad ran out of the trench that we where taking cover from as I felt the buttits go by me as I said prime get shot from behind his shoulder he fell down as I ran up to prime as I was going to pick him up but a jap trooper stabbed me with his rifle knife as I shot him with my sidearm into his face killing the jap as he fell down onto the ground as I pulled out the knife out of my side of my back as I grabbed prime and put him over my shoulder as he grabbed my handgun and shot at a couple of japs troopers as I felt sick as I knew I was in trouble by losing to much blood as I fell down onto my knees as prime fell off of me too as I said I guess this is it old friend I said as prime said yeah I think so too said prime as we both saw jap troopers running to us both but one said STOP! They all stopped running at me and prime as the Lt jap said we can use them as priergers he said, the japs troopers grabbed me and prime but one got shot into his head dropping me as I looked behind myself to see rogue and kirtio and wolf and USA and Canada troopers running to us as they killed the japs troopers as rogue and kirtio helped me and prime back up to our feet. Let's get you two back to base said rogue, let's get you packed up said kirtio, yeah said wolf.

Later as me and prime was in the med bay as we where going to be fine.

Sgt mammal said a captain as he walked up to me as I tried to get up. No stay down you two need the rest said the captain, yes sir me and prime both said, well your squad and yourself are going into a mission soon said the captain. But sir we're hurt still said prime, you said we needed the rest I said. Well the commander wants you out soon by in the morning said the captain, you can't be serious sir? Said rogue as kirtio said why do we need to be sent out by ourselves? Said kirtio, yeah that's wrong said wolf. You boys are the best we have so far, so you guys are going to kill a super jap trooper before it comes into the front lines said the captain as he walked out. Just great I said, yeah I know with a super jap trooper said prime, we're so dead for sure said kirtio, yep I know we where going to die soon said wolf, guys come on we can fight against them said rogue, easy to you to say rogue, well let's just get some rest before the mission I said, yes sir said kirtio and wolf, yep said rogue. We all got into our headquarters as we wanted to sleep to wait for our next mission.

I hope you guys like this new book of mine, tell me if you want to be added into this book with me and my friends in it.

Starring in this book is...
roboknightprime Rogue_Divsion Spiritwolf76 kirito1138

Plz go follow my friends guys they make great books of their own.

So have a great day guys...


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