I Don't Blame You For Being You (Pete Wentz x Ryan Ross)

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Tw: mentions of murder, murder threats

Third Person POV

Something was wrong with Pete. Wait, that sounds wrong, something's up with Pete. That's better, now, as I was saying, something's up with Pete. He hasn't been acting like himself since we went to that haunted house a couple months ago and got separated by accident because the house was a maze. He's been staying out late at night and always comes home at early hours in the morning. I'm concerned for him, but I'm going to wait for him to tell me when he feels comfortable.

Ryan wrote in his journal until he heard the front door open. The younger boy immediately put his journal back in it's secret safe spot and turned on the TV, which, coincidentally had turned on the news as his boyfriend had walked into the room.

"Hey Ry! Whatcha doing up at," The shorter boy looked at the clock, "5 a.m.?"

Ryan looked up, thinking that he should ask Pete why he had just come home at 5 a.m., but instead said, "8m watching the news."

As if it were on cue, the TV said, "And the killer has struck again. Another victim, found dead in a motel, where they were currently living, all the blood sucked out of them--"

Pete tensed as the TV all of a sudden turned off as the power went out.

Pete immediately rushed over to Ryan, wrapping his arms around him protectively as he listened to footsteps slowly approach the bedroom door.

Then, as Pete expected, a duo of vampire hunters barged in with their weapons, ready to hunt Pete down.

"You think you could run away from us?" The tall one asked with a smirk on his face as he motioned for one of his colleagues to point a gun at Ryan.

"Hand yourself over or we'll kill him, you no good monster." The man said.

Pete rushed towards the first guy using his super speed, and pinned him against the wall by the neck, the man clawing his hands at Pete's hands as the aforementioned vampire suffocated him until his face became blue.

There was then a shout of fright and surprise as Ryan was dragged out of the bed with a knife pressed against his throat.

Pete turned to see his boyfriend, who looked terrified beyond belief, with a knife against his throat.

"Pete." He said, frightened for both his and his boyfriend's lives.

"Let. Him. Go." Pete glared at the man behind Ryan.

The man pressed the knife harder against Ryan's neck as the younger boy squeaked in fear and pain.

"No." Was all the hunter said.

Pete then used his super speed to rush over to the other hunter, ripped the knife out of his hand, lightly shoved Ryan out of harm's way, and bashed the hunter's head in the wall until he died.

Pete then turned to Ryan, whose eyes were as wide as saucers, and if his face were a barcode, it would read fear.

The vampire immediately felt bad, and began to ramble.

"Ryan, I, I just, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I'm a vampire, I'm sorry this happened, if you don't want to he with me anymore, I understand, I'm a freak and I--"

It was in that time that Ryan's fear had washed away and he ran up to his boyfriend, took his face in his hands, and kissed him, interrupting Pete's rambling. It was a short, sweet, kiss, and after it had happened, Ryan leaned his forehead against Pete's.

"Y-you're not scared? You don't want to leave me?" The older boy asked, confused.

Ryan smiled, "Of course not silly, after all, I don't blame you for being you."
word count (story): 614 words

Anyways, thank you for reading this and I hope you like it! And remember, if you have any requests, leave them in the comments. Thank you! :)

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