Chapter 5

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*Chasity's P.O.V.*

"Allie, what the heck are you doing?" I said to my best friend. She had been putting makeup on my face for a while now and I can't stop her.

"Just let it happen, Chasity! I'm not used to seeing you like a guy, so stay still," She answered me.

Allie is the girly type of girl, her likes may not be as same as what I like, but we're best friends. She's been friends since kindergarten and we really are inseparable since then. We just lost contact with each other last few months since she became busy with catching her modeling dream, but I do understand her.

I already explained everything to Allie and of course, she told me how insane I am. She agreed to play pretend that she's my girlfriend in one condition; spend a day with her since she'll be going back to Italy the day after tomorrow. Of course, I agreed, not because of the favour, but because I missed the girl too. But I never thought that she'll make me into a girl this day too.

"No matter how much makeup you apply on my face, I'll still look like a guy!" I said to Allie while laughing. She gave me a smirk, this girl will not stop until I look like a girl again.

"Let's see about that," She said. She went to her clothes and picked a green and black cocktail dress. "This suits your emerald eye color. Put this on," She said excitedly to me.

"You're lucky I missed you so much," I said then giggled. I removed all my guy clothes and slip the dress on. Allie helped me to zip it up. I spun in front of her, having a smile on my face. "See, I still look like a guy," I said, I'm really not wrong when I say that, but the only problem now is because of my short hair.

"I have the right solution for that." My best friend said and she's already holding a long black wig.

I sat in front of her and she put it on and the transformation is complete. No one will know that I'm really the drummer of Fall Out Boy now. I looked at the mirror and I'm impressed with what she had done to me, I have to admit that I like it and I really feel a little more beautiful today.

"Perfect!" she said and we both giggled.

We're both in front of the mirror taking a lot of wacky pictures. Allie is wearing a blue and black cocktail dress too and we really look like were just the typical girl best friends that has no other problems, but the truth is we're not even close to that.

"So, we dressed up like this...where are we actually going?" I asked while smiling.

"To a small fashion show. I just thought that maybe you'll enjoy things like that and I want to show you what my work is now." She explained.

"That's cool! I'm honestly curious about those things too, so yeah! Why not?" I answered her excitedly.

We left the hotel and as we were walking my phone vibrated. I took it out of my purse and saw that I received a text message from Patrick.

Patrick :) : Hey, I hope you're having fun. You owe us for leaving us behind, Chase!

I read the message and I can't keep myself from smiling. A small smile appeared on my face.

Me: Pizza's on me next time. Now excuse me, I have some things to do with my girl.

I replied. I wasn't really lying there, Allie is really my girl best friend. I laughed silently when I read his reply.

Patrick :) : Take it easy, you two.

"You like him, do you?" Allie suddenly murmured with a smirk on her face. We both climbed to her car and she's already sitting on the driver's seat, but she's still looking at me. "I mean, more than a friend, more than a band member, more than your idol and more than your play pretend show. You like Patrick," She added.

"No!" I said in defense and it really came out like a lie. Allie laughed at me and began to tease me.

"You can't hide anything from me, best friend. I know all of your words, all of your expressions and almost anything about you!" she said while laughing. Allie started the engine and started driving to wherever we'll go. "But what you're doing is not really smart, Chasity. You're going to hurt yourself, " Allie suddenly became serious.

"I know, Allie. I just can't stop at this time. I mean, I made it this far and Chris is expecting something from me. Just a little bit more and I'll tell them everything," I explained to her and it's like I'm saying all this to myself too.

"What if they get angry with you for lying to them?" she asked. Allie is the girl that really have no break in asking these kind of questions. It's like when she wanted to know something, she'll ask it right away.

"What else am I going to do when they get angry? I can't just push them to forgive me. I don't know, maybe I'll just understand...besides, I'm really guilty for lying to them especially for Patrick," I said lowly.

I'm having those troubled thoughts again. It's like when I'm going to tell this lie to them, all of our memories together will be thrown away. They'd surely hate me for lying to them and it'll hurt me too. But then again, it's my fault, so I have no right to complain about these consequences.

"We're going on a serious road, let's go back to the happy one," Allie said with a smile on her face again. I gave her a smile too.

I need to stop thinking so much for now.


*Patrick's P.O.V.*

I'm feeling weird. I woke up and I immediately realized that Chase wasn't anywhere inside our hotel room and I remembered that he'll be with her girlfriend for the day. For the last past few months, we're always with him and it just feels weird that the cheerful guy is not around to wake us up and not around to make us some breakfast.

I looked at the clock and it was still around nine in the morning, the guy must have been excited to spend the day with his girlfriend. Allie is the name of his girlfriend and it's kind of amazing since that's the title of one of my tracks in Soul Punk. The girl looks nice too and it seems like she and Chase are just acting like best friends which is kind of cute. But somehow, I felt something was wrong when Chase saw her yesterday at the mall, it's like he panicked or something.

I grabbed my phone and decided to text the guy.

Me: Hey, I hope you're having fun. You owe us for leaving us behind, Chase!

Chase: Pizza's on me next time. Now excuse me, I have some things to do with my girl.

Me: Take it easy you two.

We exchanged messages and I admit that I'm happy for them, but suddenly I feel weird. We had some plans for today, but it got cancelled because he and Allie met.

'Am I jealous?
Okay, what the hell, Stump?!'

I just playfully shook my head no and chuckled silently. I became so close with this guy that I'm beginning to feel incomplete without him. And holy smokes, that sounds so dramatic right now!


Luckily, I have found some extra work to do today. I left Pete, Andy, and Joe behind at the hotel since they don't want to come with me. I just got invited to perform a song at a small fashion show near the area and since I'm not doing anything I accepted the invitation. I drove to the place it I never expected it to be a beautiful place. I thought it was just a simple small event, but I was wrong.

I walked to the backstage to find the stage manager that called me. A lot of girls are already preparing at the backstage and I can say that they are all beautiful, but then again, not my type. I was just looking for a simple and humble girl and so far the closest one to my ideal girl is...Chase, and then again, he's not even a girl.

I continued to walk around and I suddenly got distracted with the colourful dresses the girls are wearing that I'm not looking at my way anymore then I suddenly bump into someone.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry!" I said and I looked at her.

The girl is shorter than I am and she's wearing a cute green and black dress that suits her. She suddenly looked at me and then I saw her blushed.

"Patrick, what are you doing here?!" she suddenly asked. Her voice is soft and sweet. I was just curious why she's so shocked to see me, maybe she's a fan or something. "I mean, Mr. Stump," She said.

"Hi. I'll be performing later on. Sorry for bumping into you, I just got distracted since there are a lot of colors around," I explained to her politely. The girl is still blushing and she's staring at me nervously. "Can you point me to where I could find the stage manager?" I asked. The girl pointed towards the room at the end of the hall.

"She's in there," She said. I got a glimpse of her eyes and it was emerald green, same as Chase's and the girl really have some features alike to him.

"What's your name?" I asked her with a smile. Finally, she smiled back at me.

"I-I'm Chasity." She answered.

"What a pretty name, it suits you. Well, I'm Patrick Stump and it seems like you already know me, l" I asked. The girl laughed at me and nodded.

"I'm a big fan. Well, I should go. Good luck for your performance, Mr. Stump." She said to me sweetly.

"Please, just call me Patrick. See you around, Chasity," I said. She walked away and I noticed that she's really not like the other girls. She's shy and the way she walks says that she's really not that comfortable with what she's wearing, for all I know she just has been dragged towards this event. I really want to talk to her more.

I proceeded to the room where she pointed and I found the stage manager there. My things are all set up and I just have to wait for a few more minutes before I could perform. I changed my clothes, I will be singing a song from my Soul Punk record and I decided to wear a black and grey tuxedo and I chose my bow tie to be grey. I also told the light directors to give out some emerald green lighting. I can't really forget Chasity's eye color, the girl really got my attention.

After a few more minutes of waiting, I was called on the stage and the audience cheered for me.

"Thank you for inviting me to perform here, it's really a pleasure for me and all the girl are really beautiful as always. I'm really honoured to perform here. So this song is dedicated for all the girls out there, and especially to the girl I bumped into earlier." I said, I was trying to search for her in the crowd or somewhere, but I can't seem to see her. "You can be your own SPOTLIGHT everyone."

I said and the music started and the girls started to walk on the stage too.

"Every word's a new regret if you say it right, right
Every wound can be forgotten in the right light
Oh nostalgia, I don't need you anymore
'Cause the salad days are over and the meat is at my door

They might try to tell you how you can live your life
But don't, don't forget it's your right
To do whatever you like, you like, you like, you like

'Cause they might try to tell you how you can live your life
But don't, don't forget it's your right
To do whatever you like, you like" I sang passionately as always and my eyes are around the place. I wanted to see her again, but it seems like she's not here anymore and I honestly got disappointed. But then when the green lights turned on before the chorus. I suddenly saw her and fixed my eyes on her.

"Cause you could be your own spotlight (a-yo, a-yo)
You could be your own spotlight (a-yo, a-yo)
You could be your own spotlight
You could be the star, you could shine so bright (a-yo, a-yo)
You could be your own spotlight" I sang as I look at her.

I was smiling while singing too and I suddenly saw her gave me a smile...a smile that's somehow too familiar for me.

{Thank you for reading! :) I hope you enjoy, don't forget to vote and comment! I love you guys :*}

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