Expressions of Love

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Julia didn't exactly love her job at the department store - selling makeup to older women who always seemed sure that Julia never had a a clue what she was talking about. It wasn't exactly her idea of a dream job, but she got payed for it, which was definitely an upside.

Michael of course,  knew that she wasn't thrilled about going to work every day, and he often offered to let her quit.

"I can find a full time job, Jules, it's no big deal."

She shook her head. "You have a job, you're a drummer. You'll find a steady gig, a band to be a part of. I can wait 'til then."

"I don't mind - "

"I know. But I do. I want you to get what you want." She paused, smiling. "As long as you make me your lead singer when you get famous."

He grinned. "If I get famous, it'll be because I have you as my lead singer."

Julia laughed. "I'm hardly as good as all that."

"I beg to differ." He pulled her in and kissed her. "I think you're very good."

"At what? Singing or kissing?"


The next day, Julia got up before Michael, as per their usual routine, and began the seemingly very long process of getting ready for work. Michael didn't have to get up until after she left - he had rehearsal for a gig with some saxophone player he knew - so she tried to be as quiet as she could.

When she had gotten fully dressed she went into the kitchen to make some toast for breakfast, but paused, seeing a note on the table.

You're beautiful, I love you, and you can tell all those old ladies I said so.


Julia grinned as she read it once, and then again. He must have written this before bed the night before. She picked the note up and slipped it into her dress, knowing she'd need that reminder, and her smile widened at the realization that her husband knew she needed it, too.


Michael wasn't home when she returned from work, but that wasn't unusual. He tended to get back right after most people had dinner, so their home life was a little unconventional, but they wouldn't have it any other way. Julia slipped her sweater off and carried it into the bedroom, stopping short when she saw a familiar piece of paper sitting on the bed.

I love and appreciate you. Even if no one at the store does, I do. You can always come home to me, and I'll always come home to you. No matter what, I love you. I'll see you so soon.


Julia found it very difficult not to cry at that one. She didn't have a clue what she did to deserve being married to a man as amazing as Michael, but she was so glad that it happened. He was, without a doubt, the best man she knew.

She pulled out the note from earlier that morning, placing it next to the new one. An idea struck her, and she headed over to their closet, pulling an old empty hatbox from the top shelf. She opened the box and carefully placed the two notes inside of it. There was no doubt in her mind that she would keep them forever.


Michael continued leaving her notes, and throughout the months, the hatbox slowly began to fill up with compliments, jokes, and reminders of his love for her. They never talked about the notes to each other, only because it never came up, but they didn't have to. Michael knew she was getting them, and every once in a while she would reference one of the notes from that day, just so he'd know she appreciated them.

What she hadn't really registered, though, was that after Michael enlisted, there were no more notes. She hadn't thought about missing them until she got up for work the day after he left, to find an empty space next to her pillow and no piece of paper on the nightstand, dresser, bathroom sink, or kitchen table. That made the situation even more real in her mind than it already had been. Now she would have to wait for a letter from him, which could take months.

She was so glad that she'd thought to keep all of the notes. She looked through them often - especially after she'd found at that he wasn't going to come home. He wasn't here, but she still had his love in the form of small pieces of paper in her closet. Any time the pain got to be too much, she would read them.

"I love you every minute of every day." "You're the most beautiful girl in the world." "Take a deep breath, and remember how amazing you really are." "You are my best friend and the love of my life."  "I am madly in love with you and always will be."

Michael hadn't had any idea how much those notes would mean to her - he was just trying to brighten her day a little. And that's what he did. But looking back at those notes also sometimes made life more bearable for Julia after he was gone. It was a way for her to hold him close, even when he wasn't there. And that was a priceless gift.

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