My Arms Extended

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AN: Julia's my girl okay, I love her.

The day that her husband left for training was the day Julia became terrified. Nothing had been able to console her that day, not even her mother. She knew that he might not come back. From the way people were talking, it was probable that he wouldn't come back. And she continued to be terrified up until the moment the telegram had arrived.

She didn't even read it, not at first. She knew what it said. After all, the army didn't usually send people telegrams of congratulations, letting them know that their loved ones were still alive. They only got telegrams when something was wrong. She did read it eventually, she had to be sure of what it said, and when she did, she almost laughed at how sincere they tried to sound, even though she knew they sent every war widow the same message.

The secretary of war desires me to express his deepest regret that your husband Private Michael Trojan was killed in action.

Julia had wondered how many telegrams like that were sent out each day. How many letters they'd had to send saying things like that before their sincerity had run out. Or if they actually were sad about each one.

The months kept passing, and it got slightly easier with every one. The pain lessened, and she was able to get into a different routine, a new normal.

Then the war ended. And the soldiers returned home. But her soldier didn't. Parties were thrown, banners were waved, flags were flown, and while Julia was happy that the war was over, she couldn't help but think that all of the troops should have come home. Not even just Michael, but all of them. And nobody seemed to care about that, they were just happy that it was all over, ignoring the fact that thousands of people had died, yet still treating their loved ones as though they couldn't do anything for themselves.

One of the reasons she was so reluctant to join the band at first was because of Michael. It was hard enough for her to be around any soldiers, but Donny had known Michael. The two of them were best friends. Not to mention, she hadn't sung swing music since her husband had left. However, when she found herself singing First Steps First with six men she barely knew in public, she realized that Donny was not one to give up easily, and that he apparently was very persuasive.

In the end, joining the band was one of the best decisions she'd ever made. She'd found a band of brothers who understood each other and her, and she'd found Donny. They were like a second family to her, and she wouldn't trade them for the world.

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