My Husband

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AN: I finally figured out how to write a modern Bandstand AU and I am absolutely obsessed with it

Julia had gotten a job at Halle Brothers Department Store shortly before Michael had been deployed, and when she'd been hired, they had assured her that she wouldn't have to work on any major holidays. They said they could arrange her shifts in a way that prevented that.

So, when she got a call on Christmas Eve saying that they were short staffed and needed her to come in to work early on Christmas morning, she wasn't too happy about it. Not only did it mean working on one of her favorite holidays, but it meant leaving her mother alone all day, which she always felt bad about, no matter how much June Adams assured her it was perfectly alright.

"I'll be fine, Julia. Instead of the typical 'Christmas Morning' celebration, we can just celebrate 'Christmas Night' instead. We've never exactly been typical ourselves, anyway."

"I wanted to spend the day with you. The whole day."

"Well, I'll tell you what. I can come in and browse around the cosmetics section all day, and you can pretend to sell me all your products."

That made Julia laugh despite herself, but she quickly grew serious. "It's the first Christmas without Michael since the wedding."

Her mother's teasing smile faded slightly. "I know. But, if anyone can get through it, it's the two of us. We shouldn't be spending the whole day missing him, anyway - what would he say if he saw you moping around on Christmas Day?"

Julia let a small smile onto her face as she thought about that. "He'd tell me that he's not going to all the trouble he is fighting in Afghanistan just for me to be depressed about him all the time. And that he's going to be back before I know it."

"That's exactly right."

"He always says he'll be back before I know it." She sighed. "He's not back yet. I miss him, Mom."

"I know. But he will come home, Julia, I can feel it." June pulled her daughter in for a hug. "Now get some rest, you don't want to be late in the morning. And don't forget to steal a lipstick or two for me before you come home."


Julia had always been somewhat of a morning person, but she wasn't exactly thrilled to be getting up at 7 AM on Christmas morning to sell makeup to men who needed very last minute gifts for their wives and sad middle-aged women who had nothing better to do. That wasn't really her definition of fun. But, she was getting paid for it, so she couldn't risk being late.

There were only two other girls working in the cosmetics section when she got there, and one customer so far, a middle-aged woman, as Julia had predicted. Based on the expressions on the other two employees faces, she'd been there a while and hadn't bought anything yet. The other two girls hadn't been working as long, and it showed - Julia knew that this woman would be here all morning, at least.

Christmas music played softly in the background as Julia slipped in the back, shedding her coat and setting down her purse before heading back out to the counters. It was going to be a very long morning.

By the time she'd been there for three hours, she'd seen two customers, both of which where in a rush to get their purchases wrapped and ready for delivery. She suspected the holidays were always like this, with the night before being hectic and crowded, and the entire store being practically desolate by the time morning came around. It was so dull that Julia was contemplating hiding in the back and working on some poetry - she doubted anyone would notice her absence if she did.

Deciding not to risk that, for fear of getting punished in some way (her manager could have a quick temper, and getting fired on Christmas was not the best way to celebrate), she opted for making sure that all the displays were organized correctly. She was idly rearranging some eyeshadow palette's, moving them back and forth and not paying attention to any in particular, when heard another customer approach her. She mentally prepared herself to turn around and greet them, but before she could, they spoke up.

"Excuse me?"

Julia froze when they spoke. She thought she must be hallucinating, but that had never happened to her before so she didn't think that was very plausible. But she didn't know how she could be hearing what she thought she was hearing.

She turned around and her hands flew up to her mouth as she stared at him. He grinned at her, and her vision went a little blurry due to the tears that were quickly forming in her eyes.

"Have you seen my wife?" He continued. "Her name is Julia Trojan, and she's the best cosmetics saleswoman in the midwest."

She grinned slowly, as though her brain refused to process what was happening at a normal speed.


"Hey, Jules."

She broke out of her state of shock and flung herself into his arms, burying her face in his shoulder. "Michael." She repeated.

He wrapped his arms around her, something he hadn't done since the day he'd left, and she was reminded of why it was the best feeling in the world. It was her home.

The two of them held each other for a minute before pulling away only slightly to look at one another. Staring at his face, Julia determined that he was in fact still her Michael, though there seemed to be a bit more pain in his eyes than there was before.

"You're here." She whispered, a grin still stuck on her face.

"I'm here." He nodded, brushing a stray piece of hair out of her face. "I can only stay through to the end of the week, but - "

"But you're here." She finished for him. "Michael..." Her voice broke and she trailed off.

"God, I love you Julia." He murmured, and pulled her back in for another hug, tighter this time.

She wrapped her arms around her neck, and one hand reached up to tangle itself in his hair. "I love you, too."

It felt as if they shouldn't let go of each other or they would disappear, but that wouldn't happen. It was real, and Michael was home.

After Julia had pulled herself together, she slowly broke away from his embrace with a smile. "Am I going to be one of those viral videos on the internet that makes other people cry now?"

Michael laughed, a sound she hadn't heard in ages and missed dearly. "No cameras here. Just me and you."

"I missed you." She admitted, willing herself not to start crying again.

"I've missed you too." Now his voice was the one that broke. "I've missed you so much Julia, you have no idea."

"You'll come home for good soon?"

He let out a breath and nodded, fiddling with the wedding band on his finger and glancing at the one on her own hand. "Before you know it."

For the first time since she'd first heard him say it, that made Julia smile. She brought her fingers up to frame his face, and pulled him in for a gentle kiss.

"Merry Christmas, Michael." She whispered it in his ear, and he grinned.

"Merry Christmas, Julia."

For the first time since he'd left, they were both home. And while that wasn't a feeling either of them could describe, it was the most wonderful feeling in the world.

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