There Is a Train

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"There is a train."

Within days of meeting each other, Donny and Michael already had a plan. They were going to form a band with Michael and drums, and Donny on keys and lead vocals. They'd take the Cleveland Limited to New York, and make it big. Of course they'd need more, but Michael said he knew a few guys, and neither of them were anything less than confident that it'd all work out. That was their plan.

Donny started writing any chance he got. Sometimes he stayed up at night when inspiration struck, and when they had free time, he and Michael would practice any way they could. They were determined to leave Cleveland nearly as soon as they got there.

But then training ended, and they were shipped off to the Pacific. Their plan gradually moved to the back of their minds, and Donny's hope that they would ever even get back home began dwindling.

"There is a train. It leaves the station at a quarter after five."

Donny would be dead if it weren't for Michael. He was sure of that. Not only did he save him physically multiple times, Michael kept him grounded. He kept him from going insane.

Donny remembered one time, they were out in Bougainville, and it was too much for him. Bullets were flying, and guys from both sides were falling and not moving after they did. Donny watched as one of the soldiers next to him dropped to the ground, and he stopped. He froze, and just stood there, his brain just trying to register what was going on.


He felt a hand take a strong hold of his arm and drag him on to keep started. Donny started to run alongside him, pure fear causing adrenaline to course through his veins and keep him going. He looked at Michael, and he could see the fear in his friends eyes, but it was hidden behind determination. They risked pausing for a moment, ducking behind a thick tree.

"We're gonna get out of here, and we're gonna get to New York, remember? But, we aren't gonna make it there if you don't fight. Yeah?"

Michael stared into his fellow soldier's eyes, his gaze firm, and Donny nodded, quickly being pulled out of his daze and back into the reality of life.



They took off running once more.

"And where does it arrive?"

Donny always thought that, if one of them wasn't going to make it out, it'd be him. Michael was a better soldier, he thought more logically, and you could always trust his instincts, whereas Donny could barely hit his target with a gun.

Donny was a natural leader everywhere else, but when he was in battle, he followed Michael, because he knew that Michael knew what to do better than he did, and that they both were willing to do whatever necessary to keep themselves alive.

So, when they were in the trench, Donny fully trusted Michael when he told him to drop the grenade. He was nervous, sure - when was he not - but it was the logical solution. They had to get out of there.


He heard Michael's yell, and he dropped it, rolling out of the ditch and taking off the second he did.

Donny looked back. He saw an explosion. He didn't see Michael. He screamed.

"Get out!"

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