Chapter 3-10: The Black La Vie En Note (BanG Dream x Crossover)

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Third Person's POV

The episode starts at CiRCLE Live House where Ako and Rinko was just about to head home as the day turns night. They spend all day to practice their new song.

Rinko: See you tomorrow, Ako-chan!

Ako: Yeah! Bye-bye!

Ako is the only one who's at the entrance as she stretch her hand and sighed.

Ako: I practiced real hard today! Huh?

She then saw a notebook at the front of her covered with a black aura.

She picked it up and begin asking herself.

Ako: Did someone dropped this?

She then opened the book and begin reading the contents. Once she begin reading, her eyes widened and was shocked.

Ako: Th-This is...

She flipped each page of the book even faster.

Ako: This is...!

She screamed out loud as the camera points to the night cloudy sky with crescent moon.

The scene then cuts to where Mashiro was making a phone call as she's quite worried.

Mashiro: I see. Thank you very much.

She said as she end the phone call and sighed.

Mashiro: Where did I lose it? If anyone were to see it, I'll be...

She said as she put both of her palm on her face.


Haneoka Girls High School...

Right now, it's recess time and the scene shows what's happening in Class 1-A. Rokka and Asuka were having a chat.

Rokka: Yeah, and then-

Ako: I-Incredible...

For Ako, she was busy reading the book that she found.

Rokka: I wonder what she's reading...

Meanwhile, with Mashiro...

She was busy looking for her notebook at the garbage.

Mashiro: Not here. It wasn't in the lost and found, and it's not in the garbage, so that means it's somewhere at town...

She then got frustrated as she put her hand on her head.

Mashiro: I need to find it soon!


Meanwhile with Ako, she was walking with Rinko back from their school as she's still reading the book.

Ako: All life is but sweet slaves to the darkness of this world. Ah, forgettable...

Rinko: Ako-chan, you really liked that book.

They stopped walking as Ako cackled a little and asked Rinko.

Ako: Want to read it?

Meanwhile with Mashiro, she's still keep searching for the notebook. She unload a trash bin and try her best to look for the notebook.

Mashiro: No, no, no! I can't find it!

She screamed as the dog behind her got startled and ran away.


CiRCLE Live House...

The scene shows Ako who were being a chunibyo as the others are looking at her being one.

Ako: Behold! Know that the purgatorial dark sword rends apart your invisibility!

She said as she lift her hand to the air.

Eve: Ooh! Bushido!

Rokka: Wh-What is it, Ako-chan?

Rinko: Isn't that's just what's in the notebook you found?

(Y/N): I don't think it's a good idea for you to take it without returning to the owner. That's stealing.

Fischl: Oh, come on. The notebook is safe with Ako, so don't worry. She'll return it later.

Ako: This is the treasure bestowed upon me by God! The ultimate sacrifice!

She continued her words as she act like she has dark powers.

Rokka: She's acting like a god herself.

Fischl: I agree.

Ako: Yes, I am, in fact, God-

Ako got interrupted as another voice can be heard and it reveal Mashiro who got some leaves on her hair while pointing at the notebook Ako's holding.

Mashiro: Th-That's mine...

She then went to Ako as she went to take the book.

Mashiro: You picked it up for me? Thank you. Would you mind giving it back?

Mashiro took the notebook from Ako forcefully, but Ako took it back from her.

Ako: No! How do we know it's really yours?! The notebook has recognized me as the dark bard!

Suddenly, a certain bard who was drinking some dandelion wine heard Ako's conversation as he got shocked and spew out the wine in his mouth.

Venti: Wait, what?!

Mashiro: No, that's obviously my notebook...

Ako: Then, recite a verse from "The Black La Vie En Rose"!

Ako said angrily.

Mashiro: N-Now?! Here?!

Without wasting any more time, Mashiro begin reciting the verse.

Mashiro: Resonating at the gravity gnawing in my heart...

Ako: Huh? I can't hear you.

Mashiro: A maze of affection, a love labyrinth, a grimoire for you and me

Ako was quite surprised by Mashiro reciting the words as she looked at the notebook and Mashiro back and forth.

Mashiro continued her recital as dark aura engulfed around her body.

Mashiro: The wings sprouting from my back accompanying the abyssal darkness...

She opened her eyes as a symbol appeared on her pupils sparked once and she chant the word.

Mashiro: Bloody la vie en rose!

She said as a bouquet of roses grows behind her back with it's thorns approached Ako as she screamed in fear.

Once Mashiro finished her verse recital, everyone else was in shock as they have seen everything. Mashiro... is secretly a chunibyo as well.

They were shocked by Mashiro as she come back to her senses and surprised. She tried to convince them that this is all a mistake.

(Y/N), Fischl, Venti: 0_0

Mashiro: N-No, it's not like that... I mean, it is like that, but umm...

Ako approached Mashiro emotionless and then...










...she was really happy afterwards.

Ako: GOD! Your notebook!

Fischl: Please take it!

Both of Ako and Fischl then bowed down at the front of Mashiro as if she's a god.

Mashiro blushed from what Ako and Fischl's doing.

Mashiro: No...

Her eyes went spiralling out of control because of how embarrassed she was.

Mashiro: No!

She screamed out loud as the camera shows the blue sky as the episode ends.

(The end...)

(Ending song...)

(Post-credit scene...)

Right now, Mashiro was at the park as she got her book back. She's still quite embarrassed from what happened.

(Y/N): Ah, it's Mashiro-chan.

She heard a voice calling her and it was you.

Mashiro: (Y/N)-san...

(Y/N): Can I sit beside you?

She only nodded as you sat beside her. The moment was quite awkward, but then you speak up.

(Y/N): That was totally awesome of you. I'd never thought that someone who's a shy person like you is actually a chunibyo.

Mashiro: I-It was supposed to be a secret, but... Ako found the notebook and my secret has been revealed.

She said as she cupped her face out of embarrassment again.

Mashiro: Ahh, it's so embarrassing for me.

You tried to help her feel better by saying something.

(Y/N): Mashiro-chan, remember this. It's okay if you want to be yourself.

Mashiro: Really?

(Y/N): Yeah! As long as it doesn't bring trouble to other people, be yourself. I believe in you.

Mashiro: (Y/N)-san... thank you.

She smiled as she hugged you with her face buried on your chest. You blushed from this as you hugged her back.

Mashiro: You know, sometimes I would consider you as my big brother.

(Y/N): Huh, really?

Mashiro: Yeah. You do know how to make people happy by confronting them.

(Y/N): Well, not all of the time.

Mashiro: I know, but still... you're just the best.

(Y/N): Thank you, Mashiro.

Mashiro: You're welcome, (Y/N)-san.

Both of you continue hugging as Ako, Rinko, Rokka, Fischl and Venti was secretly staring at both of you while smirking.

(The end...)

(Author's Note: Finally, the episode that was in the intro is finally done. Hope you enjoy and see you later for some more.)

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