Chapter 3-20: Tomoe at the Arcade (BanG Dream x Crossover)

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Third Person's POV

The episode starts with Ako doing some chant while holding her drumsticks on her hands.

Ako: Taste the crash of my dark storm! Akomic Thunder!

As she yell out her attack, she swing her hands really fast. Then, the scene cuts to show an arcade screen showing Ako's overall score, 98 points.

Ako: How was that, Sis?

Tomoe saw this and giggled.

Tomoe: Good job, Ako!

Tomoe: Then, I think I'll try out that one.

She said while gazing at a taiko drum arcade with the title of the game called "Wadaiko Spirits".

Ako: You can do it, Sis!

Ako support her big sister as Tomoe was doing some warmup before starting.

Tomoe: Here we go!

She said as she begin the game and after a while, there's other people went to watch her slowly raising her score.

Ako: You're awesome, Sis! You can top the rankings like this!

Tomoe: I got this!

But then, someone else entered a ¥100 coin into the machine and it was... MASKING, Bakugo and Kamen Rider Hibiki.

MASKING: Hey, this sounds like fun.

She smiled while holding the taiko drumsticks.

Ako: King! Bakugo-san! Hibiki-san! Neptune-san! Blanc-san!

Bakugo: I'll join in as well.

Hibiki: You shouldn't underestimate me!

Blanc: *sigh* Looks like I have to join in as well, huh?

Neptune: I'll just watch you guys!

Tomoe: Heh. I'll accept your challenge!

Then, the screen showing "Tomoe vs MASKING".

Bakugo vs Hibiki vs Blanc

Tomoe, MASKING, Bakugo, Hibiki, Blanc: Ready! Fight!

The game begins. The five of them begin swinging their arms and beating the taiko drums as fast as they can to claim the champion title.

Tomoe: How's that?!

MASKING: You're good! But, can you beat this move?

MASKING stopped for a while as she make a pose while a yellow aura engulfed around her body.

Ako: What's that KING going to do?

Neptune: Could it be... that she wants to use her special move?!

Meanwhile, with Bakugo, Hibiki and Blanc, both of them seems to be doing great as well. Although they're quite behind Tomoe and MASKING.

Hibiki: You got some good skills, both of you.

Bakugo: Course I do! You got a problem with it?!

Blanc: This is just a fraction of my power!

Back to MASKING, after she collected her energy, she uses her ability by swinging really fast. Thus, the audience who were watching asked themselves. So does Tomoe who was surprised.


"What's she doing?"

"What's going on?!"

Tomoe: What?! This is...

Ako: She's moving so fast that it's like she has six arms and three heads!

Ako monologue while watching Tomoe and MASKING dueling.

Ako: This form is... Asura!

Neptune: A-Asura?!

Then, a spirit with six arms and three heads shows up behind MASKING while glowing brightly.

MASKING: This battle is mine!

She swing her taiko drums and her score increase as she went ahead of Tomoe.

Bakugo: I won't be left behind!

Hibiki: Me too!

Blanc: Don't forget me!

Both of them then use their ability as well. Bakugo with his rapid explosion, Hibiki with his increased taiko drum power, allowing him to get not one, but quadriple the points and Blanc with her basic skills.

Tomoe saw this and she was struggling.

Tomoe: Oh no! At this rate...

Ako: Sis! I'll fight alongside you!

She slide in beside her sister.

Tomoe: Ako! But, how?

But then, Ako gave her drumsticks to Tomoe.

Ako: I entrust you with my spirits.

Ako: Fly! Sis!

Ako said as both of them do a special move. Ako launches her sister to the air using her leg and with Tomoe's toes as the platform.

Tomoe: I see! With your sticks, I can throw twice as many punches!

Ako: And since I launched you, you can jump twice as high!

Tomoe, Ako: So...

Tomoe: If I spin three times as fast, that's 12 times more drumming power! Taste our powers as sisters!

She said while begin spinning her body in a very quick rate.

MASKING, Hibiki, Bakugo: What?!

Then, Tomoe uses one of her most powerful ability while swinging her arms 12 times as fast.

Tomoe: Akomic Tomoester Hurricane!

She yelled out her ability while increasing her score in a rapid rate.

MASKING couldn't believe her eyes on what she's seeing, but it doesn't mean she's giving up. She used her Asura ability to combat the unbelievable power.

Hibiki: Ongekibou Rekka!

He summoned his special attack to beat the drum even faster and with thrice the power of his previous ability.

Bakugo: Howitzer Impact!

Then, Bakugo use his Quirk to increase his score even more.

Blanc: Tanzerin Trombe!

She used her HDD Form and use her special move as well, increasing her score by multiple times more.

And then... explosion happened inside of the arcade because of how powerful their ability was in taiko drums. Lights emanates out of the arcade.

Ako: Wh-Who won?!

Then, the game screen shows that the winner of the taiko drum was...












...neither Tomoe, MASKING, Bakugo, Hibiki or Blanc because the five of them was 2nd place.

MASKING: The five of us are at second?

Tomoe: Then, who's at first?

???: Phew.

The five of them stared at the voice who let out a breath as it shows...











...Maya and Ritsu who are also holding a taiko drumsticks.

Maya: What's wrong, you guys?

Ritsu: Why there's ashes on your face?

This cause them to give a shocked reaction, seeing them out of nowhere.

Neptune, Bakugo, Hibiki, Blanc: 0_0

Then, the screen show that... Maya and Ritsu was on the 1st place of the arcade game.

Tomoe, MASKING, Hibiki, Bakugo, Blanc: No way!

Then, Maya and Ritsu give them a peace sign on both of their hands.

(The end...)

(Ending song...)

(Author's Note: That was quite an interesting episode for... a taiko drum. Also... 6 more episodes before Garupa PICO ends. See you later.)

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