Chapter 2-05: Pastel*Desert (BanG Dream x Male Reader)

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Third Person's POV

The episode starts at the hot desert. Maya was walking while bringing along a stick. She's sweating a lot considering that Pastel*Palettes was at the hot desert with the heat from the scorching sun.

She then gazed behind her as she was shocked seeing Aya laying down from the heat. Maya went to her as she tried to wake Aya up.

Maya: Aya-san! Get a hold of yourself! You can't collapse now, not here!

Aya: Maya-chan, I'm finished.

Maya: No! Get a hold of yourself!

Said Maya as she shake Aya's body to wake her up. Look, CiRCLE's right over there!

Maya pointed at CiRCLE Live House and Chisato, Hina and Eve can be seen moving way ahead from those two.

(Y/N): What is even happening? Why does there's desert around CiRCLE?

You then appeared beside Maya who were also walking to CiRCLE.

Maya: (Y/N)-san!

(Y/N): Oh hey Maya.

You gazed at Aya who were getting weaker from the hot weather.

(Y/N): Oh no. Feels bad for Aya...

Maya: D-Do you have a water bottle with you?

(Y/N): Sorry, but I don't bring it along with me.

You then walk away from those two.

Aya: A-Always vibrant with shining...

Said Aya as her outfit changed to her idol costume.

Maya: Aya-san! Aya-san!

Chisato: Maya-chan, let's take a short break here.

Maya: Chisato-san...

The scene shows Eve and Hina setting up a mattress and with an umbrella on the mattress.

Maya: Eeeeeeeh?!

Eve: There is an elegance to tea outdoors.

Maya: Eve-san?!

Said Eve while wearing a kimono robe and mixing a Japanese green tea.

Hina: Come on, Maya-chan. Have a seat.

Right now, Aya was laying down on top of Chisato's lap as Eve just finished mixing the tea. She then offered Maya the green tea.

Maya: Th-Thank you for the tea.

Said Maya as she took the cup of green tea from Eve's hand and begin drinking it.

Maya: It's hot! Drinking hot tea in a place like this will kill you!

Maya cupped her hands on her mouth to relief the pain from the hot tea.

Eve: Please have some, Aya-san.

Hina: It's some good tea!

Eve: You too, (Y/N)-san. Have some.

(Y/N): Thanks, Eve.

You then drink the green tea slowly knowing that it's hot and it'll burn your mouth if you drink it way too fast.

(Y/N): Now, that's some good tea. I can feel that my energy is coming back.

Maya: Eeeeeeeeehhhh?! Okay, fine!You guys wait here! I'll go call for help!

Chisato: No, it's too dangerous!

Eve: Bushido!

(Y/N): Besides, I don't think there's no one else around here except us.

Eve: I'll get back as soon as I can!


The scene shows once again Maya who were walking under the hot scorching sun. She walked tiredly as she was struggling to find for help. After a while walking...

Maya: I still haven't reach CiRCLE...

She then fell down to the hot sand ground because it's too much heat for her to handle.

Maya: I'm finished. It's too hot. I'm parched.

She pull out an item out of her skirt's pocket and it's her microphone shaped water bottle. She opened the cap as she pour out some water out of the bottle, but only a droplet of water pour out from the bottle. She dropped the bottle to the ground almost giving up on finding water.

Maya: Is that an oasis which I see before me?!

She then get up as she saw a huge oasis at the front of her.

Maya: Water!

However, she fell down to the sand instead. It turns out that the oasis was just a mirage.

Maya: Ow. Only a mirage?

She turned her head around and suddenly, she saw a drum set at the desert out of nowhere.

Maya: A drum set?! Drums!

She went to jump to the drum as she got fooled by the mirage once again and fell down to the sand.

Chisato, Hina, (Y/N) & Eve: Maya-chan!

Then, she gazed at the voice calling her from behind as she was surprised seeing you guys again.

Maya: What? I've come back?!

She then fainted because her effort to seek for help is futile.

(Y/N): Oh no! Maya!

You, Hina and Chisato went to Maya.

Chisato: It's so hot! What's going on?! Maya-chan!

Hina: Maya-chan, what's wrong?!

Eve: Maya-san, please get a hold of yourself!

Maya: U-Um... water...

Aya: Okay! Water!

Said Aya as she just woke up from her rest.

(Y/N): You surprised me!

Aya: Sorry.

Hina: Maya-chan!

Said Hina while using a wooden spoon to throw some water to Maya.

Hina: Maya-chan!

Then, more water begin flowing on Maya's face like a fountain.

Chisato: Hina-chan, you're going to drown her!

Then, the scene shows Pastel*Palettes in a room while Hina was pouring a lot of water in a kettle to Maya's face.

Maya: Huh? Where am I?

Maya then wake up after a while of her fainting.

Eve: Our agency's studio.

Chisato: Maya-chan, we found you on the floor.

Maya: On the floor?

The scene shows that the ventilator machine producing hot air from inside, which explains as to why Maya was sweating a lot and thinking that she's on a hot desert.

Maya: Where's Aya-san?

Aya: Wh-What about me?

She then gazed at Aya as she went to jump and hug her.

Maya: You're alive! Thank goodness!

Aya: Um... what kind of dream did you have?

It turns out that them getting stuck on a hot scorching desert is actually a dream.

Maya: W-Where's (Y/N)-san?

Then, Chisato does the menacing stare to Maya when she mentioned you.

Chisato: Why are you asking about him?~ My dear husband, hmm Maya-chan?~

Maya: A-aaaah... Ch-Chisato-san... I didn't mean to--

Aya: Chisato-chan, that's enough.

Chisato: Hmph, fine.

Hina: What about (Y/N)? Hehe, you must have a crush on him, right?

Maya: C-Crush?

Aya: Maya-chan... we get it. To be honest, I also do kind of taking a liking on (Y/N).

Hina: (Y/N) is so cute though.

Eve: You're right, Hina-san. Not to mention that he's a nice guy too!

Maya: W-Well... I think (Y/N)-san is just cool.

Aya: Girls... how about we share (Y/N)? All of us loved him, so there's nothing wrong about us sharing him.

Eve: That's what I was thinking. By sharing him, no one gets hurt to not be able to date him.

Hina: I agree with you, Aya-chan!

Chisato: Eh?! B-But--

Aya: Chisato-chan... please...

Aya, Hina, Eve and Maya gazed at Chisato who aren't agreeing with them to share you. But then, Aya managed to convince Chisato as she finally agreed.

Chisato: Fine, we'll share him. But... I want equal treatment like the you girls, got it?

Aya: Ask (Y/N) about it. We can't guarantee you that.

Chisato: Fair enough.

Aya: Now, come on. Let's continue.

Then, the girls went back to their song  practice.


CIRCLE Live House

Right now, you're at the live house who just finished cleaning the stage downstairs. But then, you sneezed.

(Y/N): Achoo!

Marina saw you sneezed as she asked you.

Marina: What's wrong, (Y/N)? Are you sick?

(Y/N): N-No, I feel like someone was talking about me behind me.

(The end...)

(Ending song...)

(Post-credit scene...)

Right now, you were eating some ice cream cones that you bought from the convenience store. It's quite a hot weather for the day, so you might as well cool yourself down with something cold.

(Y/N): Ahhhh, it's so hot today... Hmm?

You saw Maya who just got back from her band rehearsal. You went to her as she saw you and greeted you.

Maya: (Y-Y/N)-san...

(Y/N): Hey there, Maya. Wait... why are you crying?

She then went to hug you as her tears stained your shirt.

(Y/N): H-Hey! What's wrong with you?! Stop it! People will see us here! It's embarrassing!

Maya: Thank goodness you're fine! I thought that you're already finished from the hot scorching sun!

As Maya said that, other people stared at you

(Y/N): Ahhhh... I'm sorry, everyone. My friend just worried about me too much.


Both of you are at the park right now as you were enjoying the ice cream you bought.

(Y/N): Want some?

You offered her another one of your ice cream as she took it and begin eating them.

Maya: Th-Thank you...

(Y/N): Anytime.

Then, Maya begin reminiscing of what have Pastel*Palettes said about (Y/N).


Hina: Hehe, you must have a crush on him, right?  (Y/N) is so cute though.

Eve: You're right, Hina-san. Not to mention that he's a nice guy too!

Aya: How about we share (Y/N)? All of us loved him, so there's nothing wrong about us sharing him.

Flashback ends...

Maya: M-Maybe I do have a crush on (Y/N)-san. But... do I even deserve to be with him? He's probably have a girlfriend.

Maya was monologuing about you.

(Y/N): Is there's something wrong?

You looked at her as she panicked a bit.

Maya: A-Ah.... nothing!

(Y/N): Hmm... is that so? Whatever.

You and Maya continue eating your ice cream cones while Maya is blushing when she's with you.

(Author's Note: Oh ho ho. A harem route with band girls, huh? Interesting. Anyway... see you later.)

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