Chapter 2-13: Got A Haircut? (BanG Dream x K-On x Male Reader)

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Third Person's POV

The episode starts at CiRCLE Live House. Poppin'Party and Hokago Tea Time just arrived at the live house in their school uniform.

Rimi: I'm hungry.

They entered the live house and greet you and Marina.

Kasumi: Marina-san? (Y/N)-kun? Huh? No one's home?

Marina: Sorry, girls.

Marina then appeared behind the counter as she show herself. The girls then got surprised because...










...her body become 3D and it's a model that looks like it was made back around the early 2000s.

Kasumi: Marina-san?

The girls were shocked seeing her as she continued her question.

Kasumi: Did you get a haircut?

Marina: Oh, you can tell? I went to the salon yesterday.

Rimi: You looked great!

Kasumi: Yeah! You're sparkling even more than usual!

Azusa: You look even gorgeous.

Marina: Oh, please, flattery won't work on me.

Yui: Eeeh? But, it's the truth though.

Marina: Oh, you...

Kasumi: Huh? Where's (Y/N)-kun?

(Y/N): I'm right here.

Then, you appeared out of nowhere leaning at the wall beside the counter as the girls were shocked once again seeing you also in 3D.

Kasumi: (Y/N)-kun?

There was a moment of silence and then Kasumi asked you.

Kasumi: Did you also got a haircut?

(Y/N): Sure I did.

Rimi: Y-You looked handsome!

Ritsu: He's always handsome. Right, Mio?

Mio: Huh? Y-Yeah, he is.

Kasumi: Rimirin's right! You're also sparkling than usual!

(Y/N): I appreciate your compliments to me, thank you.

Marina: Oh, should I put on some tea?

Saaya: Thank you! We can eat this snacks I brought too! Help yourselves, Marina-san, (Y/N)-san.

Mugi: I also bought some cake for us. Please help yourself, everyone.

Marina: Thanks! Let me go make the tea!

Then, Marina leave the girls as she went to make some tea for them to drink together.

Rimi: I wish I could go to the salon...

Mugi: Me too!

Kasumi: Hair always grew so fast.

Saaya: But no one notices if you only cut it a little.

Tae: I know, right?

(Y/N): You're right, Saaya.

Ritsu: Well, Yui did cut her hair for the school's photo and she didn't like it.

Yui: Please don't remind me of my yearly photobook!

Arisa: And if you tie it up, it's even harder for them to notice.

Mugi: I did it when I was working at a fast food restaurant and my friends still noticed me.

(Y/N): I mean, yours aren't that bad either.

Arisa: N-No need to compliment me like that!

After a while, Marina come back with a tray with a few glass of tea on her hand.

Marina: Here you go.


Right now, you, Marina and Poppin'Party was sitting around the table while having some nice tea time together.

Kasumi: Oh! That's ancient bread!

Said Kasumi as she saw Saaya's bread shaped like a snail's house.

Saaya: Ah, ya' caught us staying trendy.

Tae: It is the trend right now.

Arisa: Yeah, everything's always "ancient" these days.

Yui: Hey, hey! How much did you sold those?

Saaya: It's not that expensive anyway, so don't worry.

Marina: CiRCLE had an Ancient Civilization Fest too, you know...

Said Marina as she was eating her bread.

(Y/N): That's right.

Rimi: I'm sure your time'll come soon.

Saaya: We'll do what we can to help.

Marina: Sorry, girls. Thanks!

The scene cuts to where Poppin'Party was chatting about random things while you and Marina was just watching them.

Rimi: Oh, right. There's a new cafe by the station.

Kasumi: Really? Let's go now!

Yui: I want to go too!

Arisa: Hey, what'd we come here for?

Mio: Aren't we supposed to rehearse?

Saaya: Let's go after practice!

Tae: I wanted to have some pancakes!

Rimi: We just had some bread.

Azusa: And some cakes too! Why do you crave for pancakes now?

Marina: You girls can eat too much. I'm jealous. I wish I could eat everything I wanted.

(Y/N): A-Aren't you afraid of gaining weight?

Once you said that, Marina grabbed your ear and twisted it until you screamed out in pain.


The girls laughed at you as you rubbed your ear to relief the pain.

(Y/N): But anyway, I was wishing the same like Marina-san. I also have a lot of things that I wanted to do.

Saaya: What? But you looked amazing, Marina-san, (Y/N)-kun.

Mugi: Both of you are also always nice to us.

Marina: O-Oh, please.

Tae: Yeah, you do.

Then, the camera shows you and Marina T-posing as they were complimenting both of you.

Arisa: You're like a model.

Saaya: Like in a different dimension?

Tae: Y-You're exaggerating.

Ritsu: Even though you're just taking care of this live house, we still enjoy your company!

Yui: Ricchan's right!


After a while of chatting and having fun, it's finally time for Poppin'Party and Hokago Tea Time to start practicing. The time on Rimi's phone is 18:00 which means it's 6:00 p.m.

Rimi: Oh, look at the time!

Arisa: Oh, we dawdled too much.

Saaya: Should we start practice then?

Marina: Have fun, girls!

Tae: Thanks!

Azusa: Thank you so much for spending time with us, Marina-san, (Y/N)-kun.

Marina: It's fine.

(Y/N): We enjoyed it. Now, good luck!

Azusa smiled as she went join the others.

Marina: Now, then, should I get to cleaning?

(Y/N): Just leave it to me.

The scene cuts to Roselia who just arrived at CiRCLE.

Roselia: Good afternoon.

They were shocked seeing both of you and Marina who were being 3D.

Roselia: Marina-san?

There was a moment of silence until Lisa asked Marina.

Lisa: Did you get a haircut?

Marina: Oh, you can tell?

Ako: Huh? Where's (Y/N)-san?

(Y/N): I'm right here.

Roselia: (Y/N)-san?

There was another moment of silence as Yukina told you something.

Yukina: You looked handsome.

(Y/N): I appreciate your compliment, Yukina. Thank you.

(The end...)

(Ending song...)

(Post-credit scene...)

Right now, you're at Marina's house for the time being before you have enough money to buy your own house. You're at your room while hugging your knees. Suddenly, you heard someone knocking the door.

Marina: (Y/N)-kun, it's me, Marina. Can I come in?

(Y/N): Y-Yes.

She opened the door as she smiled at you and sit beside you. Right now, she was wearing her nightwear and start her conversation with you.

Marina: Hey there. Why are you hugging your knees?

(Y/N): Haha, sorry. I was just reminiscing.

Marina: About what?

(Y/N): The memories we created together with the others. I can't help, but to admit that it's really good. At least I have friends now.

Marina: That's good to know.

There was a moment of silence until Marina decided to ask you an important question.

Marina: (Y/N)-kun, can I ask you something?

(Y/N): What is it? Ask me anything and I'll try to answer it.

It took Marina a moment to ask you since she was hesitant about it. Then, she finally speak up.

Marina: Do you think... I'm a good guardian for you?

(Y/N): Huh? Why are you asking me this?

Marina: Well... I'm just curious since... I'm the only one who know you very well.

(Y/N): What are you talking about? Of course you are.

Marina: Oh really?

(Y/N): I'm serious about this. Thanks to you offering me to work with you at the live house, I finally got my own friends unlike before. I became happier knowing that I get to meet and see those band girls more often thanks to you.

Marina: Is that so? Hehe, thank you, (Y/N)-kun.

(Y/N): No, I'm the one who were supposed to thank you.

Marina: You're welcome~ Come here, give your guardian a hug.

Without hesitation, you went to hug her as Marina wrapped her arms around you. The moment lasted for a while before Marina went to leave you and was about to head back to her room.

Marina: Good night, (Y/N)-kun. Sleep well, okay?

(Y/N): Good night, Marina-san. You too.

She turned off the switch at your room as she closed the door. You went to lay down on your bed and before you closed your eyes, you monologue about Marina.

(Y/N): I'll be sure to protect Marina-san no matter what! I love her as my stepmother even though she's not married yet!

(Author's Note: Well, I did try creating a wholesome moments between you and Marina as a family together. Hope that I succeed. Anyway, I'll see you later.)

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