Chapter 2-16: Michellebot, Go! (BanG Dream x Crossover)

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Third Person's POV

The episode starts at an empty city where an earthquake happened with every steps. Then, a huge bunny can be seen walking around the city.

Kanon: It's an emergency, Kokoro-chan! Mariebot is on the loose!

Kokoro: All right! Michellebot, it's go time!

Said Kokoro while looking at her special watch. Then, the scene cuts to where Kokoro's mansion split into half as a huge robot that is Michelle flies out of there with Kokoro standing on it's head.

The Michellebot went to fly it's way to the location where Mariebot was attacking the city. They landed at the front of the bunny robot while hugging themselves.

Michellebot: Oooohhhh!

Kanon & Kaoru: Michellebot!

Mariebot: We're settling this once and for all, Michellebot!

Kokoro: You asked for it!

Mariebot: All right, then I'll make the first move!

Then, Mariebot begin moving swiftly fast from left to right and from right to left as it crashed onto each building.

Kanon: Fueeee...

Kaoru: Marie's extremely quick, like a rabbit.

Kokoro: You're good! If you've got the speed, then we've got the power! Michelle!

Michellebot: Oooohhhh!

The people from inside of the building saw Michellebot and cheered for them.

"Do it, Michelle!"

"Get 'em!"

Suddenly, Michelle went to carry the building where the people inside are cheering for them as she put it at the front of her. She then begin shaking the building rapidly up and down. After that, she put the building roughly.

???: Stop right there, you two!

Then, Zenkaiger appeared at the scene in their transformed form.

Kanon: Ah! That's Zenkaiger!

Zenkai Zyuran: We're here to stop both of you from doing more destruction at this city!

Zenkai Gaon: We'll take you down!

Zenkaiser: Guys, let's go!

Zenkai Zyuran, Zenkai Gaon: Right! Kikai Transform!

They flipped their Sentai Gears and shoot at the sky and they become a mecha.

Geartlinger: Big Bang!

Go! Go! Go Go Go!

Zenkai Zyuran!

Zenkai Gaon!

Then, Zenkaiser flipped his Sentai Gear as he shoot it at both of the mecha as a stadium appeared between them.

Zenkaiser: Zenkai Combine!


Zenkai-Oh ZyuraGaon!

Zenkaiser, Zenkai Zyuran, Zenkai Gaon: Zenkai-Oh ZyuraGaon!

Zenkaiser: Kokoro, we're here to help you stop Mariebot!

Said Zenkaiser who is controlling Zenkai-Oh ZyuraGaon from inside.

Zenkaiser: Let's go, full power non-stop!

???: Like I'm gonna let that happen.

A deep voice can be heard as it reveals Stacaesar who was standing on top of a building.

Kanon: Fueee... it's Stacaesar!

Kaoru: Ah, how fleeting. Looks like a huge trouble awaits us.

Stacaesar: Come, Battle Caesar Robo!

Then, a robot can be seen flying toward the three robots crashing them.

Kokoro: Ahhhh!!!

Mariebot: Aaahhhhh!!!

Zenkaiser: W-Whooooa!!

Zenkai Zyuran, Zenkai Gaon: Aaaaaahhh!!!

Stacaesar proceed to jump into the robot's cockpit as he begin controlling it.

Stacaesar: Now, prepare yourself.

Zenkai-Oh ZyuraGaon start attacking Battle Caesar Robo as he dodged and counterattack them by slashing his katana to their body as they gor hit and yell in pain.

Zenkai-Oh, Zenkaiser: Aaaaahhh!!!

Kanon: F-Fueeee! Zenkai-Oh is in trouble!

Mariebot: But can you keep with this?

Mariebot said as she begin hopping high to the sky.

Zenkaiser: Ah! She jumped so high!

Kokoro: Michelle, jets!

Michellebot: Oooohhhh!

Michelle begin flying up to the sky following Mariebot who were holding a tongs with a few pieces of croquettes.

Mariebot: Take this! Croquette missile!

She then threw croquettes to Michellebot.

Kokoro: Michelle! Rocket punch!

Michellebot: Oooohhhh!

Michelle then blast a rocket punch using her right hands as it destroy the croquette missile into pieces. The leftover croquette landed on the road and some of the building.

Kanon: They had bacon inside!

Twokaiser: Yohohoi!

Crocodai-Oh can be seen flying through the thunderstorm.

Twokaiser: Yo, Zenkaiser!

Zenkaiser: Zox! Let's combine!

Twokaiser: Okay!

Zenkaiser, Twokaiser: Come, Zenkaiju Gear!

Then, an item named Zenkaiju Gear went to jump together as they landed on both Zenkaiser and Twokaiser's hands. They then modify the item a little and put it on their changing gear.

Zenkaiser: Super Change Zenkai!

Twokaiser: Super Change Twokai.

Kaiju... Kaiju...

They fired their gear after spinning the lever a few times and the Zenkaiju Gear was being put on their body as their armor.

Ba! Ba! Ba! Bang!

Steady She Goes!

Super Zenkai!

It's A Super Twokai Revolution!

They pulled the Zenkaiju's jaw up and down as they become big.

Big Bang!

Zenkaiser, Twokaiser: Chou Zenkai Gattai!

Then, both Zenkaiser and Twokaiser begin combining in their Mecha form. And thus, their Mecha combination as one is complete!

Zenkaiser, Twokaiser: Zenkaiju-Oh, complete!

Kaoru: Fleeting. Now, they've become Zenkaiju-Oh. How will the situation change?

Stacaesar: Heh, don't put your hopes too high.

Stacaesar begin attacking the Zenkaiju-Oh with using his sword attack. Zenkaiju-Oh dodged it as they used their claws to land a hit on Battle Caesar Robo's body.

Stacaesar: Aaaaahhh!!!

Both of Michellebot and Mariebot landed as Kokoro complimented her opponent.

Kokoro: You're good!

Kaoru: Kokoro! Goka Gokai Mecha!

Kokoro: All right!

Zenkai Zyuran: What the heck is that you're talking?

Zenkai Gaon: Probably some summoning?

Kokoro pushed a red button on her special watch as Michellebot reacted.

Michellebot: Oooohhhh!

Then, Michelle lay down on the road as a slide pulls out of her mouth. Then, small robots start moving out of Michelle.

Goka Gokai Mecha: Play with me!

Mariebot then stepped on some of the Goka Gokai Mecha destroying them instantly.

Mariebot: Ah, sorry.

Zenkai Gaon: What's the point of you putting down those pesky robot?! They got destroyed instantly like that!

Kanon was being really anxious seeing this while Kaoru is still with her flamboyant self.

Kaoru: How fleeting.

Kokoro: We'll never settle things at this rate.

Mariebot: It's about time we finish this!

Zenkaiser: Zox! Let's finish them!

Twokaiser: I've been waiting for you to say that!

Kokoro: Let's do this, Michelle!

The Zenkaiju-Oh, Mariebot, Michellebot and Battle Caesar Robo start loading their finishing attack as once they're fully charged, they say the finished words together.

Stacaesar: Caesar Dark Sword, Bamboo Splitter!

Zenkaiser, Twokaiser: Kaiju Max Blaster!

Michellebot: Oooohhhh!

Michellebot start loading her beam cannon from her chest as Mariebot begin loading her beam from her hands.

Mariebot: Fresh fried...

Kanon: Stop, you guys! Is there even a reason to fight?

Once Kanon said that, all of the mechas stopped loading their weapons as they stared at Kanon. After that, they agreed with what she just said as they admit that it's easier for them to just make peace together.

Michellebot, Mariebot & Kokoro: You're right!

Kokoro: Okay, everyone! All together now!

Then, they did their catchphrase together as the band of Hello Happy World.

Michellebot: Happy!

Mariebot: Lucky!

Kanon, Kaoru:

Hello Happy World: Yay!

Said Hello Happy World as Michellebot and Mariebot clapped their hands together and an explosion occurs behind them as they were all happy.

Zenkaiger: And it's all okay!

Twokaiser, Stacaesar: What's the point of all these fight then?!

Said Twokaiser and Stacaesar shocked by the battle ending just like nothing happened as they have a happe ending.

(The end...)

(Ending song...)

(Author's Note: I don't think this chapter need a post-credit scene. So, see you in the next chapter.)

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