Special Chapter: The Kitsune Of Domremy (Collaboration)

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Third Person's POV

It's another normal day in CiRCLE Live House. Right now, you are working on the props for the band girls upcoming concert. The other crossover characters from another dimension went to mind their own business.

Suddenly, there's someone who entered through the door as it reveals a figure who looks way older than (Y/N). He was surprised seeing the person entering out of nowhere as he shouted.

(Y/N): W-Who are you?! Barging in without permission?!

Wolfgang: My name is Wolfgang Heinz. A former yakuza member from the Domremy Family.

Wolfgang: My age is 32 years old.

(Y/N): So, should I call you mister?

Marina: *gasp* Welcome back, Wolf!

Then, Marina appeared from the door of the studio as she saw Wolfgang. She gasped and was in bliss when she saw Wolf finally came back.

Wolfgang: I'm back.

(Y/N): Eh? W-What?

Marina: Ah, I almost forgot. I didn't tell you everything, (Y/N).

Marina tells him about his terrible life, then him joining the Yakuza for his girlfriend Rinko then leaving after that to return for Rinko. They were a thing since he was 21.

(Y/N): W-Wow... Rinko didn't tell me this.

Wolfgang: I see. You do know about Rinko. Are you in a relationship with her?

(Y/N): What? No! I'm not even in a relationship yet!

Marina: Oh, really?

Marina said sarcastically.

Marina: Then, what was that when I saw you being so close to Yukina?~

Wolfgang gazed at Marina concerned and he stared at you back asking you.

Wolfgang: I see. You have a thing for my friend, Yukina?

(Y/N): F-Friend? You know Rinko and Yukina?

Wolfgang: Answer my question first.

(Y/N): W-Well... I do, but I didn't ask her our for a date yet.

Wolfgang: I've heard enough. I'm satisfied. Now, I'll answer your question. Of course I do know about not only Rinko and Yukina, but also Sayo, Lisa and Ako. Besides... I'm The Father of Roselia.








Wolfgang: Yes, I am.

A loud thump can be heard as... Roselia saw Wolfgang and their eyes widened. Yukina's bag was on the ground as she saw her "father" in CiRCLE.

Yukina: N-No way... Father Wolfgang?

He then smiled to them as he greet them.

Wolfgang: I'm back, Yukina.

Out of nowhere, Ako went to run to Wolf and hug him tight.

Ako: You're back, Wolfy-senpai!

Wolf: Hey! Ako, you're a grown-up already!

He then pat her head.

Ako: Yeah!

Wolf: So, how was Roselia so far?

Yukina: We're getting better. Still aiming for Future World Fes.

Sayo: There's also times where we would fight, but then at the end of the day we would forgive each other and act like nothing happened afterwards.

Lisa: I also did learn a new cookie recipe~ Wanna try it out?

Wolfgang: I'll try that later.

After that, Wolf went to gaze at Rinko who is his wife. He smiled at her as Rinko then step forward to Wolf as she smiled while blushing.

Wolfgang: Rinko... I'm back.

Rinko hugged Wolf as she greet him back.

Rinko: Welcome back, Wolf.

Wolfgang: How are you, dearest?

She blush and buries her face to his chest.

Rinko: I'm fine, thank you. What about you, darling?

Wolfgang: Just bumped with some problems and such, but I'm fine too.

Rinko: Hehe, that's good. I mean, I don't want my husband to be worry, so I'm glad to hear that.

Wolfgang: I'm worried about you all the time.

Marina: Oh my~ Having some romantic scene, are we?~

Then, both of Wolf and Rinko start leaning their head to each other as...


...they start kissing each other romantically. Rinko wrapped her arms around him as Wolf did the same, but around her wrist. Everyone was witnessing this as they aww'd Wolf and Rinko. After that, they seperated from the lovely kiss.

Everyone: Awww~

(Y/N): Am I... supposed to be jealous about this?

Marina: I think so~ But... didn't you already have a lot of girls hooking up with you?

(Y/N): Y-You're right, Marina.

Wolfgang: Shut up. Anyway, who's in for a karaoke? My treat.

Ako: Ah! I'll go!

Sayo: I think I'll pass.

Lisa: Sayo, please. Its our old friend. Why not spend some time off practice with someone that we haven't met for a long time?

Sayo then sighed in defeat and agreed with Lisa.

Sayo: Fine. I'll go.

Ako: Yay! Then, it's decided! We're heading to the karaoke!

(Y/N): W-What about me?

Marina: What else? Continue your job, of course.

Wolfgang: Let's go! See you later, (Y/N), Marina-san!

Marina: Have fun, guys!

Wolfgang and Roselia begin leaving CiRCLE. Then, both of you and Marina went back to your job as she assigned you to clean the studio.


Karaoke Bar...

Ako: Wolfy-senpai, please sing a song!

Wolfgang: That's... why I'm here.

Then, he put in the song as he scroll down through the album until he found the song that he wanted to sing.

Wolfgang: Please listen. Machine Gun Kiss.


After he finished singing the song, everyone clapped their hands as they cheered for Wolfgang.

Lisa: That was a good song, right?

Yukina: I cannot say "no" to that. Wolfgang did well indeed.

Sayo: Minato-san's right. Wolfgang-san.

Ako: You did well, Wolfy-senpai! Right, Rin-rin?

Rinko: Ah! Y-Yeah. You did indeed. I'm in love with your voice.

Wolfgang: Thank you, girls.

After that, Wolfgang went to sit beside Rinko and lay his head on her shoulder making Rinko blushed. The six of them had a lot of fun at the karaoke bar until it's night time. When they finished their karaoke lessions, they left and they walk their way back to CiRCLE only to be bumped by a 8 ft. tall guy wearing a hat and glasses.

Wolfgang: Egashira...

When Wolf and Egashira meet, Wolf asked the band to give him some distance.

Wolfgang: Girls, give us some distance.

Rinko: W-Why?

Wolfgang: Just do what I say if you want to be safe.

Yukina: Fine. Come on.

Then, they went to walk away from those two as the tall guy named Egashira speak up to Wolfgang.

Egashira: Hey, give me your money or else.

Wolfgang: Egashira... You're not serious about going to space, are you?

Egashira: Of course I am. I just can't afford it yet. I'd really appreciate a nice, big contribution from you.

Wolfgang: You're asking the wrong guy. I'm not giving you anything.

Egashira: Thought so. You want to do it the hard way? Fine!

Wolfgang: Girls, step aside. I'll handle him.

They prepared their fighting stance and then start fighting. Egashira tries to punch, Wolfgang, but it was interrupted by Wolfgang's punch to the gut. After that, Egashira got defeated by a single move.


After the defeat Egashira gets up, and he held his chest area with some panting.

Wolfgang took 1.890 Billion yen.

Egashira: Grr... Why can't you hand over the money when I tell you to? You're upsetting the natural order for the both of us!

Wolfgang: Or you could just give up trying to take my money and save yourself some pain.

Egashira: I'm not giving up until I save enough for a space ticket! I'll be back, so be prepared.

Egashira left after that. Then, Roselia went to come back at Wolfgang after what have they saw.

Ako: That was so cool, Wolfy-senpai!

Rinko stepped forward as she checked her husband's condition after fighting the tall guy.

Rinko: A-Are you okay, darling?

Wolfgang: I'm okay, dearest. No need to worry about me.

Wolfgang asked the girls what were they doing without him.

Wolfgang: So... what were you girls doing without me?

Yukina: As usual. Rehearsing our new song and if not, then we'll do another activities where all 5 of us agreed on.

Wolfgang: I see.

Ako: Wolfy-senpai, I also wanted to ask you a question.

Ako asked Wolf about Egashira.

Ako: Who's Egashira? Do you know him?

Wolfgang: No, but people call him Mr. Shakedown for his way of shaking money from other people by beating them down. Egashira does that to become the strongest being alive in this planet.

Sayo: Heh, he should be ashamed. Beating others who are weaker than him and took all of their money.

Wolfgang: When he met me, he exceed his limits until he defeats me.

Ako: But why does he want to go to space?

Wolfgang: I was joking about going to space until he took that seriously after going to everywhere he can go, so he'll try to shake me down for a space ticket.

Ako: I cannot believe Wolfy-senpai is that strong.

Wolfgang: Now, you will... after what have you seen between me and Egashira.

When they returned to CiRCLE, he saw his fake self and his senpai, Kiryu, which is also a fake.

Kiryu?: You puny punk... You got any idea who I am?

Wolfgang?: Pal, you're facing one of the most dangerous yakuza members here.

Wolfgang steps in and the fakers saw him.

Wolfgang: If you spend the time, you pay them.

Wolfgang?: Huh? You're that ***hole from before. The hell do you want?

The faker looks at Marina, then he looks at Wolfgang.

Wolfgang?: Ohhh, I get it! You're this b****'s bouncer, huh?

Wolfgang?: My buddy here? This is the dragon of dojima! Kazuma Kiryu! And I am the kitsune of domremy! Wolfgang Heinz!

Wolfgang: ...Huh?

Wolfgang?: S****in' yourself huh? Course you are. Ain't a clean pair of undies in town with the Dragon and the Kitsune around.

Wolfgang inspects his fake, then he walks to Fake Kiryu, then he bows down.

Wolfgang: Kiryu san... Let's settle this peacefully.

Wolfgang looks at Fake Kiryu.

Kiryu?: Don't make me laugh. I'm not in the mood for jokes.

Wolfgang?: Hah! You ain't gettin' off that easily.

Wolfgang: Looks like I have no choice, then.

Wolfgang slowly walks to the Fake Kiryu while he backs of slowly. After for a while, Fake Kiryu punched him in the face but it didn't hurt and it stopped Wolfgang, so Wolfgang puts away the fist on his face.

Kiryu?: You little... You're really starting to piss me off!

He says with a shaky tone but Wolfgang remains unfazed.

Kiryu?: You're gonna pay for this in hell!

Before Wolfgang takes a move, both the fakers are in for a punch, Wolfgang dodged Fake Wolfgang's punch, then he elbowed his back to push him on the Fake Kiryu's punch which it hurts him, then he kicked Fake Wolfgang's left foot, then it hits Fake Kiryu's nutsack which it caused him to scream in pain, he then knock Fake Kiryu's head causing him to fall down.


Wolfgang brutally beats them down until they were defeated. After their fight, the fakers sat down with their head looking down.

Kiryu?: Hrgh...

Marina: Thanks for the help, Wolfy, I guess they didn't call you the kitsune of domremy for nothing.

The fakers look at Wolfgang in shock.

Wolfgang?: Wait... What? You're the real Wolfgang Heinz!?

Wolfgang looks at the fakers.

Wolfgang: Wanna try me again to find out?

The fakers kneeled in forgiveness.

Wolfgang?: No, please! No more! We believe you!

Wolfgang: Then drop my name, drop my look, and stop imitating both me, and Kiryu-senpai.

Wolfgang?: Y-Yes, sir. We will, sir.

Wolfgang and the band went inside the live house, and he saw both (Y/N) and Tomoe inside.


Marina looks at the fakers who damaged her property.

Marina: And don't forget the bill since you guys destroyed my instruments. That'll be around 160k yen.

The fakers looked at each other, then they look down in despair...

Back to Wolfgang...

Wolfgang: Tomoe, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Oh hey. Did you have fun with Roselia?

Wolfgang: Yeah, they already went home. But, what's not fun is that I got involved in a street fight, but luckily I won and took all of the money from the opponent.

Tomoe: Heh, as expected of the Former Patriarch of the Domremy Family.

Wolfgang: Don't worry, the others aren't hurt.

Tomoe: Why should I? I always trusted you ever since your incident with coma.

Wolfgang: Thank you, Tomoe.

Tomoe: No problem.

Wolfgang: I'll be leaving now. Goodbye, Rinko my dearest.

Rinko: Goodbye, Wolf my darling.

Wolfgang gave Rinko a goodbye kiss, then he leaves to go back to his home. Which its near the Yamabuki bakery. As the special chapter was about to end... (Y/N) asked a question that's been in his mind since this afternoon when Wolfgang visited CiRCLE.

(Y/N): Wait... Wolfgang had a coma before? What happened?

(The end... or is it?)

(Ending song...)


(Author's Note: Hey guys. I hope that you enjoyed the special chapter for this book. Shout-out to HoshidanWolf who helped me to make this chapter by suggesting his idea.

Well, if you wanted to also have your own appearance in BanG Dream Girls Band Party Garupa Pico Ohmori, then I'll announce later when you can message me to discuss about it. With that being said, see you later.)

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