Chapter 16: CiRCLE's Collapse (BanG Dream x Crossover)

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Third Person's POV

The episode starts at CiRCLE Live House where the girls were gathering up with Sayo at the front of them. They were having a fun chat together until Sayo tells them about what happened.

Sayo: I think you've all forgotten, but...

Mio: But what?

Sayo: CiRCLE is going to close down at the end of the year.

All of the girls and the boys let out a huge "Eeeeeeeeehhhh?!" after Sayo reminds them.

Kasumi: I forgot!

Misaki: Now that you mentioned it, there was some talk about that.

Aya: What we have been doing for the past 5 weeks?!

Ritsu: No! Anything, but the live house!

Xinyan: How are we going to practice new songs at this point?!

Sayo: We don't have much time left.

Ako: No way, this place can't shut down!

Said Ako as she was stomping on the floor loudly.

Rinko: Ako-chan...

Meanwhile, you and Marina were working at the stage under the live house. Then, sands fell on Marina's head while she was cleaning.

(Y/N): Marina-san, what's wrong?

She shaked her head as you continue doing your job.

Hagumi: What was the problem again?

Tsugumi: I think she said that the building is on the verge of collapse.

Lisa: Apparently, it's because we go overboard with our concert.

Bakugo: Our band didn't go overboard! We play just like the usual!

Hu Tao: If anyone's dead from the collapse, tell me. I'm an expert at those.

Ran: You say that, but this place doesn't look that damaged...

Ran then knocked the wall lightly a few times and little did she know that it causes the part of the wall at the stage to crack and collapsed at a triangular shape.

(Y/N) & Marina: Heave and ho and... haaah!!

Rimi: I don't want to lose this place!

Moca: I feel the same...

Jiro: If CiRCLE collapsed because of us,  then how are we going to entertain people with our songs?

Xinyan: That's what I thought!

Kaoru: This is worrisome.

Tomoe: Isn't there's something we can do?

Said Tomoe as she punched at a wall causing a huge crack to appear at the stage.

(Y/N): Be careful!

Marina: I know! You too!

Then, Kasumi come up with an idea.

Kasumi: Then, in that case... If we hyped up CiRCLE, and lots of people come... Then, they can rebuild, right?

Kokoro: Yeah, yeah!

Midoriya: You sure do have some good idea, Kasumi-san!

A big brain idea, you could say.

Arisa: That's too idealistic...

Kanon: Let's give it a shot!

Maya: I think it's worth trying!

Childe: Yeah! We could help (Y/N) and Marina out!

Bakugo: Idiot! You think by bringing other people to CiRCLE and get hype up, will rebuild the place by itself, huh?!

Yui: It's worth a try, you know? Rather than letting Marina-san and (Y/N)-kun to work all by themselves.

Jiro: She's right, you know?

Xinyan: If you're not agreeing with them, I'll teach you a lesson!

Bakugo: Tch, fine!

Maya then punched both of her hands on the table as the lights at the stage collapsed causing you to get hit by it at the head.

Marina: You okay, (Y/N)?!

(Y/N): 'Tis but a scratch! I'm fine! A man must... stay strong!

You lift the stage lights off your hand as you were being dizzy after you lift them.

Meanwhile with the girls...

Arisa: But, what specifically should we do?

Yukina: Whatever we can do... That means music, right?

Jiro & Lisa: That's right!

Eve: It sure is!

Himari: Let's have another big concert with everyone, like before!

Hina then got seriously hyped up from their conversation.

Hina: I'm feeling boppin'!

She then thrust both of her arms to the front and back a few times as it cause a quick earthquake at the live house. As a result... more of the lights on the stage fell down as one of them hit your head again hard causing a bleeding on your head.

Marina: Oh no! (Y/N)!!! Your head's bleeding!!

(Y/N): I'm... fine...

Back to the girls and the boys, they were really excited to help Marina and you to rebuild CiRCLE.

Kasumi: Let's hold the greatest concert ever!

Lisa, Tsugumi, Hagumi & Aya: Yay!

They then jumped together as they landed on the floor causing a loud stomp. As a result... the ceiling collapsed down on top of you and Marina.

(Y/N): Marina-san!

You went to carry the ceiling, but it was way too heavy for you. Not to mention that your consciousness is fading from too much losing blood from your head.

(Y/N): I can't hold it much longer--gaaah!

Then, the ceiling squished both of you as Marina screamed.

Marina: (Y/NNNNNNN)!!!Aaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!

Both of you and Marina got trapped between the concrete pieces as the girls and the boys heard the scream from the stage.

Tae: Hey, does anyone else heard that strange voice?

As Tae asked that question, everyone was curious of where the voice come from. Then, they went down the stage only to find... you and Marina trapped between the piece of the concrete from the ceiling.

Everyone: Marina-san! (Y/N)-kun!!

(The end...)

(Ending song...)

(Post-credit scene...)

Once you opened your eyes, you were at the hospital.

(Y/N): Oh yeah. That happened...

You looked at your leg only to find that Kasumi was sleeping on your leg.

(Y/N): Hey, wake up.

She opened her eyes as she looked at you and begin tearing up.

Kasumi: (Y/N)-kun...

Kasumi then hugged you as her tears stained the hospital shirt.

(Y/N): H-Hey! I just woke up! Calm yourself down!

Then, someone else entered the room and it was Yukina bringing a tray of food consists of a bowl of rice, a bottle of full-cream milk and a baked fish.

(Y/N): Yukina...

Yukina: (Y/N)-san...

(Y/N): Where's Marina?

Yukina gazed her eyes to the other patients bed and there she is. Laying down while sleeping.

(Y/N): Thank goodness, she's fine.

Yukina: Please, you should worry about yourself.

Kasumi: We're sorry for all of the damages!

(Y/N): I-It's fine. Besides, we tried our best, but we can't do it.

Kasumi: We'll help you out!

(Y/N): Is that so? Well then, thank you.

Yukina: We love CiRCLE, so we will try our best to rebuild it with you and Marina-san.

(Y/N): I appreciate your help, you two.

You went to pat their head as Kasumi and Yukina blushed.

(Y/N): Oh, you brought food for me? Thank you.

However, as you were about to grab the bowl of rice and chopsticks, Yukina took it away from your hands.

Yukina: No, we'll feed you, okay?

(Y/N): B-But-

Kasumi: No buts! Yukina-senpai is trying to be nice to you!

(Y/N): Ahaha! Then, fine. Go ahead and feed me.

Yukina smiled when you told her to feed you.

Yukina: If you insist. Here, say "ahh"~

You opened your mouth and she slowly feed you the rice with the fish. For Marina, she woke up from her sleep as she looked at you eating while she's just smiling.

Marina: (Y/N)... is growing up... He's finally about to get his own harem.

(Author's Note: Oh boy. Looks like CiRCLE is in danger of the verge to collapse. What can you guys do? We'll see about that later. For now, I'll leave you as I create some more chapter.)

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