Intense Nightmares (JK)

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Jungkook was sleeping with his back to you when he was woken up by muffled sobbing. He blinked groggily and looked at you over his shoulder, you were asleep. You were shaking and whimpering now, he turned on his other side and reached out with his hand to caress your cheek - are you okay, jagi? - he said as he noticed your cheek was wet from the tears. He frowned and instinctively sat up and started shaking your shoulder to wake you up, not being 100% sure what else to do.

You blinked and inhaled deeply, letting out another sob when you exhaled. Kook leaned over and scooped you up so that you were sitting on his lap. He kissed your forehead as you snugged into the crook of his neck and wrapped your arms tightly around it. He held you close while he brushed his fingers on the small of your back, your curled position exposing the skin under your top. Your body hair was standing on end. It's okay, I'm here, I'm here - he repeated with a slight urgency in his voice as he saw you were not crying any less. You grabbed onto the hair at the back of his neck and tightened your hold at the sound of his voice.

He kissed your forehead over and over again as he tried to catch all of your tears with his thumb, holding your chin up to try and get you to look at him. Jagi, it was a nightmare, it was not real - he insisted - will you look at me - he pleaded. You hid your face back in his neck, not being able to shake the horrible feelings from your nightmare.

Jungkook started humming as he held you tighter, he started singing the first lullaby that he could remember the words for. His voice almost a whisper, but loud and clear as his lips brushed against your ear, the warmth of his breath soothing you. You tried to focus on his velvety voice, on the melody, trying to let go of the thoughts racing through your head and steadying the beats of your heart which was pumping hard in your chest.

He felt your agitated breathing slow down and kept singing after planting another kiss on the skin below your ear. You both were rocking back and forth gently now, he wanted you to calm down as soon as possible. He felt so helpless seeing you in this much distress. Kook-kie - you stuttered in between sobs, he pouted and looked down at your face, your eyes still shut tight. He didn't stop singing for a second and didn't take his eyes off your face. Jungkook kissed your wet lips delicately and laid his forehead against yours, nuzzling your nose.

Open your eyes, please, then the images will go away - he came up with and felt slightly more confident. You opened your eyes difficultly, they were puffy and your sight was blurry, but you immediately met eyes with Jungkook. There, hi there - he cooed looking at your red eyes glistening with tears as he brushed the hair off your face. He resumed his singing as he looked in your eyes and smiled softly, somewhat relieved that there was some progress at least.

He laid you down with him on the bed without releasing you from his embrace and started stroking your hair gently, at the same pace of his words. Your expression had softened, he grinned and let out an airy sigh. You smiled weakly at that and he immediately kissed you, a little too clumsily in comparison to his careful moves up until that moment. You scared me, for real - he said flustered - but you're awake now, I didn't know you had such bad dreams. His knitted eyebrows expressing concern. It's not often, I wasn't expecting it either. I'm sorry - you said sniffing. He placed his lips on your forehead and rested them there as he closed his eyes and focused on your breathing and stroking the hair tangled in his hand.

He grabbed your hand and pulled you up into a sitting position as he intended to get out of bed. We can't stay in bed, let's make some breakfast, start the day right - he said brightly to get you in the right mindset. We can figure out our plans for the day, do something fun to get your mind off things, come on - he said as he tugged from your arm determined to put an end to this. You slipped your feet into some slippers and barely got to grab your sweatshirt as Jungkook pulled you out of the bed and onto your feet, leading you out of the room.


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